Wisdom Series 8 – Christof Melchizedek


ARE YOU READY TO CLEAR OLD PATTERNS AND PROGRAMS HOLDING YOU BACK FROM ACHIEVING YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL?The reason why you are not yet at the level you know you can reach is held and stored in your energetic anatomy and DNA template. To achieve the highest realization of your vision, you need your subconscious mind and energetic bodies to be in alignment with your conscious thoughts. As well as having the knowledge of how to Manifest by controlling your personal energy signature.There is a complex interplay of beliefs across Experiential, Ancestral, Past Life and Soul Level that all need systematically clearing alongside other various Energetic and Spiritual Malware that clogs up your personal Energy Signature that prevents you from reaching the highest level of your potential.Also, there can be Karma where past choices that have been in opposition the way this universe operates. This can be held across this lifetime, quantum lifetimes, ancestral Karma, and Soul Level Karma.This Karma creates twisted patterns in the Nadi system broadcasting a signal to keep attracting the equal and opposite energy into your life until the lesson has been learned of the Karma is cleared.These ‘hidden’ aspects of blockages in your consciousness can trap you from hitting the level you know you can reach. The way your bio-energy field, consciousness and DNA operate and work together creates and shapes your reality.The absolute key to changing your current timeline to a higher more impactful expression is to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness.The Ultimate Clearing Protocol is a series of energy transmissions that are designed to clear your multi-dimensional anatomy of any discordances preventing you from actualising your highest vision.It is a combination of access to specific quantum encoded recordings that contain all the energy clearings and activations designed to get you energetically as clean as possible. The clearing protocols have been ones that I have noticed I have been using time and again with clients to help them shift states.You can watch, listen and receive any time as they contain their full power beyond the lens of time.I have packaged these together in a process and journey for you so you can keep raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness through the clearing journey and come back to them time and again as needed.WHAT THIS WILL DO FOR YOUR LIFE:The Ultimate Clearing Protocol will help you do clear deep rooted subconscious programming you inherited from your upbringing and conditioning95% of your life results come from the programs held in your subconscious mind, this protocol systematically moves through all the various levels and layers I have found come up when working with clients over the last 25 years.You will rewire your programming related to RELATIONSHIPS, MONEY AND FINANCES, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, PARENTING, CAREER. LIFE VISION, PERSONAL CHARACTER, by systematically working through the corresponding chakras that influence these elements in your life.This protocol will help you align your subconscious programming to your conscious mind desires and create a vibrational match to allow you to attract what you want in your life effortlessly.You will progressively each week focus upon a different layer of your conditioning and the associated programming and energetic defences you have acquired through your upbringing.The first thing you will notice is that you will become less irritated from previously triggering stimuli. Your relationships will enter greater harmony, as the mirror reflections in your life will not activate deeply held wounds you have protecting all your life. These wounds will be systematically cleared as you move through the 12 week healing protocol.You will begin to learn how to reverse engineer your wounds by consciously moving through the constellation that forms the Imprinted Program:EMOTIONS – THOUGHTS – BELIEFS – UNMET NEED – WOUNDYou will also move past deeply held ancestral patterns held in your family for generations, and move out of your cycle of your family karma cycle, so you can move past your parents ceilings of life.More harmony in relationshipsIncreased access to the frequency of abundanceImproved Vision For your LifeBetter Health and VitalityGreater self esteem and self conceptGet Wisdom Series 8 – Christof Melchizedek, Only Price $67THE FULL CLEARING PROTOCOL:① HARA HEALING – REPAIR SPLITS IN HARA LINEActivate meridians and circuitry system② 1ST ENERGY CENTRE – ROOT CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to safety, survival, security, feel safe in uncertaintyRestructure the first chakra, connect cords into earth chakra, get grounded and rootedRelease all poverty, victim and un-deservingness consciousness, Release all money malware programming (limiting beliefs regarding money)Restructure the first level of bio-energy – and the etheric body③2ND ENERGY CENTRE SACRAL CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to sexuality, relationships with parents, siblings, partners, childrenRestructure the second chakra, remove all tangled cords of past relationships embedded into the second chakra, and bring into 100% flowClean emotional bodyClear auric field of attachments, entities, discarnate demonsClear highest priority addictionsClear Victim – Victimizer programmingClear the second level of bio-energy field – emotional body④ 3RD ENERGY CENTRE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to personal power, self esteem, self-concept, need for approval, patriarchal imprintingRestructure the third chakra and bring into 100% flowBalance will and emotional centres and move into the flowClear auric field of attachments, entities, discarnate demonsRestructure the third level of bio-energy field – mental body⑤ 4TH ENERGY CENTRE HEART CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to emotional neediness, love is outside you, not worthy or deserving of love, codependence programsRestructure 4th chakra, remove all tangled cords of past relationships embedded into 4th chakra, and bring into 100% flowExpectations – Disappoint – Blame complexRemove shielding and chest plates covering the heartActivate 9 pairs of internal chakras inside the heartRemove shielding and chest plates covering the heartActivate the high heart chakra (8th chakra)Clear fourth level of bio-energy field – astral body⑥ 5TH ENERGY CENTRE THROAT CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to emotional neediness, love is outside you, not worthy or deserving of love, codependence programsRestructure 5th chakra, remove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowActivate causal body, connect to spirit guides, initiate soul absorption and monadic integration for those that are readySpiritual surgery with healing guidesRestructure the fifth level of bio-energy field – causal body⑦ 6TH ENERGY CENTRE THIRD EYE CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to manifesting the vision, blockages to goals and dreams, false ceilingsRestructure 6th chakra, remove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowBrain balance between left and right hemispheresHeart and Mind fields balance and mergeAngelic healing infusionClear six level of bio-energy field – the celestial body⑧ 7TH ENERGY CENTRE CROWN CHAKRACleanse imprinted programs relating to connection to SourceFalse God ideologies beliefs, Christ saviour model of redemption, Armageddon software, false power energeticsRestructure 7th chakra, remove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowRemove any false light matricesRestructure the seventh level of bio-energy field – spirit body⑨ KARMACLEARING ANCESTRAL TEMPLATES CLEAN UPClean highest priority ancestral karma paternal lineClean highest priority ancestral karma maternal line⑩ KARMACLEARING QUANTUM LIFE CLEAN UPClean highest priority past/quantum life karma⑪ SOUL LEVEL CLEARINGClean unnecessary soul contracts, healing, protection, soul matesClear negative unjustified KarmaSource of consequences of all choices not in alignment with the soul missionSoul level fears and imprintsGalactic life trauma and memoriesMemory distortions⑫ UNNATURAL SEAL REMOVALRemove unnatural seals locking DNA7 J – SealsCrucifixion ImplantsTemplar SealsMetatronic ImplantsZeta SealsAlien / Inorganic implantsCrown of ThornsTower of Babel SealsWHAT’S INCLUDED:INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE:12 SERIES OF ENERGY TRANSMISSIONHara Healing – repair splits in hara line1st Energy Centre – Root chakra2nd Energy Centre Sacral Chakra3rd Energy Centre Solar Plexus Chakra4th Energy Centre Heart Chakra5th Energy Centre Throat Chakra6th Energy Centre Third Eye Chakra7th Energy Centre Crown ChakraKarmaClearing Ancestral Templates Clean UpKarmaClearing Quantum Life Clean UpSoul Level ClearingUnnatural Seal RemovalGet Wisdom Series 8 – Christof Melchizedek, Only Price $67Tag: Wisdom Series 8 – Christof Melchizedek Review. 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