The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan


WHO ELSE WANTS TO GET IN THE BEST SHAPE OF THEIR LIFE WHILE LEARNING ONE OF THE COOLEST MARTIAL ARTS IN THE WORLD?Gain the fantastic fitness level, confidence, power, security and respect that comes from practicing the fantastic martial art of Muay Thai: the martial art that is rapidly becoming recognized as one of the best fighting systems around!ARE YOU AS “BUFF AND TUFF” AS YOU’D LIKE TO BE? Thousands of people like you would LOVE to be BOTH FIT and ABLE TO HANDLE THEMSELVES IN A REAL LIFE SELF DEFENSE SITUATION, but…they haven’t the foggiest idea about how to get startedFitness and personal power – If this is what you’re looking for, we have something that will do the trick:WHY NOT TOUGHEN UP AND GET IN FANTASTIC SHAPE AT THE SAME TIME? Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan is the owner and chief instructor at Bam Bam Martial Arts in Houston, TX.Scott is a professional Muay Thai instructor, a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and has taught thousands of people the wonderful art of Muay Thai.Scott has been training and teaching Muay Thai since 1986 and have spent over 25 years TRAINING, COLLECTING, and COMPILING some of the best Muay Thai boxing drills and techniques he could find so that he could turn around and help others achieve something never before possible. Scott has taught literally hundreds if not thousands of students exactly the best ways to develop powerful punches, thundering kicks, gut wrenching knees and wicked elbows – all while getting in the best shape of their lives.Get The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan, Only Price $47“MUAY THAI TECHNIQUES ARE SO POWERFUL THAT PROFESSIONAL MIXED MARTIAL ARTS FIGHTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE SCRAMBLING TO MASTER THEM.”Professional fighters train in Muay Thai for one reason – IT WORKS! The fact is that if you don’t know these techniques, your fighting ability not up to snuff and there is a serious, gaping hole in your ability to handle yourself. If you are serious about your fighting ability, YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS ART. What most people may not also realize is that Muay Thai training is also one of the best workouts you can do. Period.HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THE FANTASTIC FITNESS LEVEL, CONFIDENCE, POWER, SECURITY AND RESPECT THAT COMES FROM PRACTICING THE FANTASTIC MARTIAL ART OF MUAY THAI – THE MARTIAL ART THAT IS RAPIDLY BECOMING RECOGNIZED AS ONE OF THE BEST FIGHTING SYSTEMS AROUND?And here’s how Scott can help you:THE EASIEST, MOST COMPLETE, AND PRACTICAL WAY TO LEARN MUAY THAI IS RIGHT HERE…Now you CAN learn, STEP-BY-STEP, the ENTIRE art of Muay Thai all in the comfort of your own home, and get in fantastic shape in the process.You can turn your own backyard, garage, or living room into your own personal Muay Thai gym , because now Scott is gathering all of those years of blood, sweat and tears and is cramming it all into this awesome DVD home study course. This course will literally blow you away with the amount of information it contains.Scott has packed in A TON OF INSTRUCTION here that will show you step by step exactly what you need to do to develop a stonewall defense, tremendous punches, crippling kicks and other cool stuff that will give you power, confidence, and respect from others.PROGRAM BENEFITS:Learn Excellent SELF DEFENSE SkillsGet in FANTASTIC CARDIO SHAPEBecome More Flexible, Coordinated, and DisciplinedBecome LEANER and Gain More MUSCLE MASSBecome HEALTHIER and Gain A MORE YOUTHFUL APPEARANCEEARN THE RESPECT of others who know about your skillsGain MORE SELF CONFIDENCEYou will feel much better about your new, leaner, tougher, and more attractive self! The techniques in THE COMPLETE MUAY THAI HOME STUDY Course are presented in a way that makes them as SIMPLE and as EASY TO LEARN as possible.“THIS IS A COURSE IN REAL MUAY THAI. NOT SOME CHEAP “CARDIO KICKBOXING” DANCE IMITATION”!Muay Thai Training Has The Power To Change Your Life! Through the power of Muay Thai training, you will learn how to overcome your fears, smash through the barriers that are holding you back, and take charge of your life. Are you happy with your current workout routine?All in all, you won’t find a workout that is as comprehensive and effective as Muay Thai. These workouts are fun and never boring. Man or woman – experienced or beginner – it doesn’t matter. You will love the results. There’s just something EMPOWERING about knowing you have the ability to protect yourself if the need arises.This is the only comprehensive Muay Thai Home Study Course on the market. There is truly nothing else like it in the world.When compared to all the other Muay Thai DVDs on the market, we honestly feel there simply is nothing else like this course. This is the most thorough, complete, and comprehensive Muay Thai Home Study course in the world.It’s like getting your own your own Muay Thai gym “in a box” dropped off on your front porch! Just stop and think about all the very cool benefits that you will get from training with this course…Get The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan, Only Price $47BEGIN LEARNING RIGHT AWAY, NO NEED TO JOIN A GYMGyms and schools are great, and they have their own advantages – but convenience, along with saving gas, money, and time are the advantages of training at home.Training at home means more time with the family!And best of all – you can TRAIN WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU WANT.In fact, having The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course is the closest thing to having your own Muay Thai gym with you everywhere you go. You can really see your fighting skills transform by learning from this ultra comprehensive Muay Thai course! THE COMPLETE MUAY THAI HOME STUDY COURSE IS A FIVE VOLUME DVD SET!THIS COURSE TAKES YOU BY THE HAND AND EXPLAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!HERE’S WHAT YOU GET:A QUICK SUMMARY OF WHAT IS CONTAINED ON EACH DVDDISK 1: MUAY THAI FUNDAMENTALSFoundational stuff! This volume teaches you the correct way to execute all of the basic techniques used in the later volumes. In this volume, you’ll learn How to correctly throw fast and powerful punchesWhere to keep your hands for maximum safetyHow to launch the skull rattling elbows, powerful knee strikes and bone crushing Thai kicks that have made Muay Thai famous!DISK 2: THE MUAY THAI CLINCH The clinch is perhaps the most effective element of Muay Thai.In this volume, you’ll learn how to control your opponent in a clinch and keep him from hurting you while you remain entirely free to come back with your own barrage of elbows and knees! Numerous ways to grip and control your opponent, and the basics of Head Control Theory.Anti-Clinch tactics like “Amercian Style”, “Thai Snake”, “Scoop and Slam”, “Elbow Sandwich”, Neck grab prevention and counters, and more..DISK 3: ATTACK & DEFENSE TRAINING This is where a lot of the cool tricks and set-ups are found.Stuff like: How to use defensive moves like slips, bob and weaves, shoulder stops and “rock backs” Six different ways you can set up a powerful and crippling thigh kick so that your opponent won’t even see this crippling blow coming. (including what one renowned trainer called “the baddest move in kickboxing”!)​​​How you can employ “defensive” moves like “snap the twig” that actually damage your opponent’s attacking limb. Learn basic Jab Interception techniques, Killer Elbow Knee Combinations, Elbow Defenses, and a whole lot more!DISK 4: THAI PAD DRILLS Improve your technique and challenge your body by training on the Thai pads. The Thai pads are the “meat and potatoes” of Muay Thai training.This is where you will be honing your body into a weapon with fun drills that will leave you sweaty, exhausted, and on the road to having incredible stamina.Over 25 fun, effective, and intense Thai pad drills involving offensive and defensive combinations guaranteed to get you into great shape!DISK 5: HEAVY BAG & MITT TRAININGBuild technique, stamina and coordination from this carefully selected list of heavy bag drills. Learn other excellent drills that don’t require any equipment at all to develop your speed, footwork, and coordination.“YOU WON’T BELIEVE HOW GOOD YOU WILL FEEL AFTER BECOMING SKILLED IN MUAY THAI”Instead of being disappointed in how you look, you’ll be getting out of the shower and thinking “Man, I’ve never looked and felt this good before!”Instead of being intimidated and feeling pushed around, you’ll be CONFIDENT and SECURE in your ability to handle yourself.So you might be wondering – how much is this course?The total amount for this 5 DVD set is currently at an embarrassingly low amount. After all, your’e getting Scott’s hard-won knowledge from over the past 25 years.Scott paid a high cost, both physically and financially, to acquire these drills and techniques. It’s really no exaggeration to state that Scott has spent thousands of dollars as well as thousands hours to learn and develop these moves.So here’s the deal: You can get this whole course for a ridiculously low $77 – that’s over 50% off when you enter the coupon code below..This course gives you a LIFETIME’S worth of training for a rate CHEAPER THAN ONE MONTH OF TRAINING at a local school!With this course you’ll be getting a lifetime of martial arts training in Muay Thai at a heckuva lot cheaper rate than you would training for just a short time at a martial arts school in your area.And if that’s not enough… Get The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan, Only Price $47Tag: The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan Review. The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan download. The Complete Muay Thai Home Study Course DVD Video: Advanced Training – Kru Scott “Bam Bam” Sullivan discount.