Cast Drawing – David Jamieson


Suggested Items:This course guides you through a procedure for drawing a plaster cast. As such, you’ll need some drawing materials if you’re going to complete the course work.Specific materials recommendations are available in the course if you prefer to secure these items on your own, but for your convenience we also offer these items for sale.Since cast drawing is really about working “from life”, it is recommended that students acquire their own cast to draw from during the course. The cast used in this course costs about $45 (US).We have 2 suppliers for this cast to help keep shipping costs to a minimum. Students in North America might consider purchasing the cast from Giust Gallery in Massachusetts. Students in Europe, Asia and Australia might consider purchasing from closer to home via Felice Calchiin Rome.For those students unable to procure their own cast, an HDR photo reference and a 3D digital view of the cast are provided as an alternative.COURSE CONTENTModule 11.1 – Cast Drawing – Introduction1.2 – Cast Drawing Materials1.3 – Getting Ready to DrawModule 22.1 – Blocking-in, Part 12.2 – Blocking-In, Part 2Critique #12.3 – Lining-InCritique #2Module 33.1 – Value Study, Part 13.2 – Value Study, Part 23.3 – Beginning to Model the Cast3.4 – Developing the Shadows3.5 – Beginning Light Side Development3.6 – Organizing Light Masses3.7 – Modeling the Brow & Eye, Part 13.8 – Modeling the Brow & Eye, Part 23.9 – Modeling the Brow & Eye, Part 3Critique #33.10 – Pushing the Darkest Darks3.11 – Revisiting the Shadow3.12 – Boosting the Lights3.13 – General Refinement3.14 – Edges3.15 – Restating the Cast Shadow3.16 – Developing the Background3.17 – Finishing3.18 – ConclusionCritique #4Get Cast Drawing – David Jamieson, Only Price $39Tag: Cast Drawing – David Jamieson Review. Cast Drawing – David Jamieson download. Cast Drawing – David Jamieson discount.cast drawing ideas, cast drawing reference, cast drawing course, cast drawing book, cast drawing setup