Living a Beautiful Life – Julie Renee


Day One: Nature and Becoming a Natural BeautyCongratulations on making the blissful choice of activating your Radiant Beauty from the inside out! By choosing to explore the calming and results filled practice of aligning your insides with the person you show to others, you are making the conscious choice to be among the most extraordinary pure beauties on the planet! Over the course of the next 2 weeks you will receive 5 Super Simple Strategies to access your inner beauty.Did you ever notice that when you walk in the forest, or spend a lazy day on the beach how amazing you look? There are some really good reasons why that is so! Today’s tip is on the blissful and beautiful benefits of getting active in nature.Day Two: Your Beautiful Life in BalanceCongratulations on making the blissful choice of activating your Radiant Beauty from the inside out! What is more attractive than a beautiful woman who has her life in balance? When all aspects of your life come together and sync up you are in the flow, the Vortex. It is from here you create all the wonders and magic as you become the living magnet for the goodness of the universe to shower radiant abundance to you.Understanding and incorporating the Balance Wheel in your active life (from our 12 Weeks to Life in Balance program), is a key component to setting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies in alignment for a happy, balance and blissful demeanor. In today’s video you will be introduced to the balance wheel and given 3 steps towards bringing more balance, joy and happiness into your life.Day Three: Your Beautiful Life in RestCongratulations on making the blissful choice of activating your Radiant Beauty from the inside out!Are you beautiful when you are overwhelmed and exhausted? Truth be told we may be able to fake a few people out by wearing make-up and pretty clothes, but one sure fire way to lose your natural beauty is to run yourself ragged.Burn the candle at both ends for too long and you can say bye-bye to natural beauty. In today’s video we will find out why being over stressed affects your out appearance and reveal 3 fast and easy ways to create the magic of rest in your body and restore you to the look feel and energy of a blissful yogini. Watch and feel the magic!Day Four: Your Beautiful Life in MovementCongratulations on making the blissful choice of activating your Radiant Beauty from the inside out!When it comes to the care and attention towards your body, are you a mover and a shaker or a bowl of tapioca pudding? Are you the unstoppable energizer bunny who can’t get enough of fun movement and exercise or the sluggish couch potato spouting roots from your lazy ways? My guess is you are somewhere in between, and we all have been at some point in our life on both ends of the momentum journey. Keeping up some fun activities that enhance the happy endorphins can rock and roll you into the body and vitality you’ve been longing for and gets some good chemistry flowing for creating a youthful vibrate life.Day Five: Nourishing and Flourishing in Your Beautiful LifeCongratulations on making the blissful choice of activating your Radiant Beauty from the inside out!When it comes to the care and attention towards your body, are you a mover and a shaker or a bowl of tapioca pudding? Are you the unstoppable energizer bunny who can’t get enough of fun movement and exercise or the sluggish couch potato spouting roots from your lazy ways? My guess is you are somewhere in between, and we all have been at some point in our life on both ends of the momentum journey. Keeping up some fun activities that enhance the happy endorphins can rock and roll you into the body and vitality you’ve been longing for and gets some good chemistry flowing for creating a youthful vibrate life.Get Living a Beautiful Life – Julie Renee, Only Price $31Tag: Living a Beautiful Life – Julie Renee Review. Living a Beautiful Life – Julie Renee download. Living a Beautiful Life – Julie Renee discount.