Start a 6-Figure Residential Cleaning Business – Jhanilka & Anthony Hartzog


Start a 6-Figure Residential Cleaning Business – Jhanilka & Anthony HartzogGOING C.L.E.A.N. CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFEWe used to struggle with paying off our debt and saving for vacations. It felt like we were constantly trying to catch up on life because of our lack of financial freedom. We knew it was time for a change.It all started in January of 2017. Jhanilka’s new year’s resolution was to decrease debt and travel more, all in one year.Anthony became obsessed with pursuing financial freedom. He started reading books, listening to podcasts, and watching documentaries all day everyday. That was only the beginning of our journey.In November of that same year, we started our cleaning company Maids 2 Match in Dallas, TX.We went from working on a number of different side hustles that went nowhere… to building our cleaning business and paying off more than $114K of our debt.The best part? We don’t even clean the homes ourselves. We have an amazing team of contractors that we delegate these jobs out to.Sound too good to be true? Trust in the Hartzog Hustle! We don’t clean homes, we don’t have employees, we don’t own cleaning equipment. Yet, we’ve generated 7 figures from our very own cleaning business.It’s taken us four-and-a-half years to make that million, but our students are reaching six figures in less than two years of work! We’ve perfected our business model to ensure you get the results you want, FAST.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF…You have debt and want to pay it all off for good​You want passive income that lets you focus on familyYou want financial freedom​You want to own a successful businessTHIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF…You want to stay in your current job and avoid exploring new streams of revenueYou want to earn way under your potential salaryYou hate having a healthy work-lifestyle balance​You don’t want to be your own bossEXPLORE OUR C.L.E.A.N. CURRICULUMOur program will help you start your residential cleaning business from scratch. Learn the A-Z of C.L.E.A.N.Clarity On OwnershipLearn what ownership entails and gain clarity on why it’s beneficial for your financial freedom.Legalizing Your BusinessWe’ll walk you through legalizing your business and organising relevant information for government purposes.Establishing Your BrandDefine a clear identity for your brand’s online presence, gain credibility, and build your platforms.Acquiring ContractorsLearn how to find and manage your contractors and determine who will be a good fit for your business. We’ll also give you tips on how to see red-flags in potential cleaners.Nurturing Relationships & Acquiring Customers Identify your ideal clients and learn how to retain them. Create effective strategies for promoting your business and nurturing your clients.Are you interested in? Start a 6-Figure Residential Cleaning Business – Jhanilka & Anthony Hartzog Download, figure residential cleaning business, figure residential cleaning business agreement, figure residential cleaning business application, figure residential cleaning business agreement template, figure residential cleaning business account.