On-Demand Meditation Level 1 Course – Gregor Maehle


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: https://archive.is/JgGOaTotal sizes: 13.8 GB – include: Buy now $69 $299, On-Demand Meditation Level 1 Course – Gregor Maehle Course.Course DetailsOnline CourseOn-Demand. All lessons available permanently and indefinitely.LevelMeditation Level 1 CourseTotal Hours~14 Hours~14 Lesson CourseCourse OverviewThis is our foundational meditation course, consisting of 14 lessons with each lesson approximately 60 minutes long. During the LIVE version, questions can be asked. The recorded version is available immediately after each LIVE session is completed. All other meditation courses are built on this course and participation in our Level 2 and 3 courses is dependent on either completing this online course or one of our in-person teacher trainings events.Yogic MeditationDifferent to Vedantic or Buddhist meditation, yogic meditation contains the same structural elements as yogic postures and breathing and was designed to form together with those an integrated whole. Meditation is the method of bringing your mind into a receptive state
 so that you can receive higher knowledge that is already there. Yogic meditation is a collection of scientific methods to bring about such awareness. To accelerate spiritual evolution yogic meditation employs many means amongst which the prime ones are mantra, mudra, bandha, chakra-visualization and Kundalini-raising techniques. The yogic chakras are representations of evolutionary brain circuitry with the lower three chakras representing our reptilian, mammalian and primate ancestry respectively. By understanding the chakras and skillfully meditating on them yoga offers the opportunity to activate higher brain centres and propel the evolution not only of the individual but of society as a whole. Kundalini-raising techniques consist of a combination of all other yogic means to raise the life force (prana) to a level where meditation is easy and spiritual insight becomes spontaneous.PrerequisitesCapacity to sit comfortably in a meditation posturePreferably empty stomach, i.e. practice before food and not after foodContraindicationsNoneCourse Syllabus1. Yogic Meditation and KundaliniPurpose of Meditation as lifting Kundalini back up to Ajna chakraWhy Patanjali does not mention Kundalini?What is Kundalini?Aurobindo’s meditation2. Right Posture and Purification of Central ChannelFive right postures for meditation and underlying principlesImportance of purifying central nadi according to KrishnamacharyaSoham meditation3.Importance of Chosing Sattvic Meditation ObjectsPotential dangers of meditationImportance of sattvic vs tamasic and rajasic objectsNecessity of alternate nostril breathing to support meditationWhy awareness as the subject is intially not suitable as objectKrishna’s Gita Meditation4. Necessity to Turn Apana AroundApana as main obstacle to lift KundaliniMitahara – what is yogic dietPeristalsis and fastingDvadashanta Mediation from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra5. Converting Pitta into AgniNauli and the ignition of intelligenceBhavana and Sankalpa6-stage breath waves for Shavasana and Kundalini-raising6. Pratyahara as Arresting Luner Prana in CraniumAmrita siddhi and the sensesGoraksha Shatakas interpretationExtending inversions cautiouslyVisualizing 6 spheres of light strung on the agni nadi7. Thought and Breath Move TogetherMeditation needs at least respiratory, visual and audio componentsNecessity of feedback mechanism to slow down breathInvolve as many senses as possibleVisualize chakras as lotus flowers facing upwards to the sun of consciousness8. Chakras as Evolutionary Brain CircuitryYajnavalkya’s approach to pratyaharaOrigin of the bija mantrasMuladhara chakra and linking the bija akshara LAM9. Svadhishthana ChakraFunction and purposeLinking the bija akshara VAM to its location10. Manipura ChakraFunction and purposeLinking the bija akshara RAM to its location11. Anahata ChakraFunction and purposeLinking the bija akshara YAM to its location12. Vishuddha ChakraFunction and purposeLinking the bija akshara HAM to its location13. Ajna ChakraFunction and purposeLinking the bija akshara OM to its location14. Why not meditate only on one chakra at a time?Right time to meditate and how longChakra coloursIntegrating with other mediyations such as vipassana.Increasing number of bija-akshara per chakra