Kat’s Million Dollar Templates – Katrina Ruth


Whoooottt!I am BUZZING like a chipmunk on a HELLA lot of caffeine right now; I can’t believe I never before thought to bring this one back for you! When I first launched MDT in 2017 it was EASILY the most successful program I’d created in ages – so much so that we did something we never do, and re-opened the doors mid-running of the live program!!At the time, when I wrapped it up, I knew I’d have to let people at this gold again at some point. And then, well, I think I kinda forgot ? … busy creatin’, I guess!But anyway, that’s why I’m so stoked to bring this back for you! And when you read below what’s included, your jaw will be on the floor and you’ll probably wanna refresh a few times to check that you’re actually seeing it right. Yes, it really is this good, and there really is THAT much stuff included!Also, not only am I bringing back the OG #MillionDollarTemplates, I’m adding NEW deep dives and Q&As with me AND my team. #what?!And just check out the pre-work!!There’s more, too! But I’ll have to keep some of that on the down low for now ?Here’s a taste of what you get:Everything listed below on this pageALL original content, yours to keep for lifeThe ins and outs of the BEST strategy program I’ve ever done (with a hella lot of mindset in there too!)​Plus TWO bonus audios, previously only ever shared with high level private clients – one on calling in soulmate clients, and another on my advanced manifestation process!All of this PLUS –Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – as we BLAST through Million Dollar Templates together and I show you EVERYTHING in my ‘Make Your Millions Manual’ – the essential foundation you NEED to monetize the fuccccckk out of your art & madness now!What if I were to tell you that I actually have a system, a structure, a process and a particular WAY of doing things for every –single –thing –Which I or my team do or HAVE done in my biz to turn it into a motherfucking EMPIRE of chaos and madness where all I do each day is wake up, be ME, and do my ART?Wait, don’t answer that! I was GOING to ask you if you’d WANT such a plan, a system, a structure, a process, the WAY (to what? to ALLLLLLLL the things!), but I know, I know, I KNOW!!!We better get this out of the way straight up before I go any further, right?I am ALL about that fuck the system fuck your planning fuck ANYTHING that tells me how to DO something way of life.Rules? Systems? Structure? PROCEDURE?NOT ON YOUR FUCKING LIFE, and I’m PRETTY damn certain I’ve actively and specifically used the words fuck TEMPLATES, and DEFINITELY made a ton of fun of people who use ’em.But …Well.(eek!!)I kind of have a CONFESSION to make around this whole thing. And I want to thank you in advance for GETTING where I’m coming from here!! You see I realised, actually just a few days ago I stopped nearly dead in the middle of a Muay Thai sparring round with my trainer, and it HIT me –Of COURSE I have systems, ways of doing things, processes, and even motherfucking PROCEDURE, bitch! It’s been getting developed since the START, since I first began blogging and trying my hand at this whole online gig back in 2006, and LONG before I made my millions.In fact without all of this up-till-now-only-in-my-head TEMPLATING shiz niz, I wouldn’t even HAVE a multi million dollar business!Side note: stopping dead, no matter how fabulous the aha, is NOT a smart move whilst in the middle of sparring! I didn’t end up just hit by the idea!!But even though I pushed the thought aside, as I kept dancing (sooooo rhythmically haha) around the ring I couldn’t put it aside.Truth is, if I wasn’t so excited and jaw to the floor about sharing my SECRET TEMPLATES with you I would have been OUTRAGED at myself for not having realised this sooner.How with every breath I’ve taken, with every move I’ve maken (okayyyy … it works, okay!) … with every STEP forward as I’ve learned –And investigated –And fine-tuned –And FALLEN –And FAILED –And picked myself the fuck back UP again all these years –And of course continually taken freaking ACTION and IMPLEMENTED –I’ve been developing the foundation of a business which is now a fully-fledged international company and BRAND. And I guess that lately a number of things have taken place IN that company … my company … OUR company … which have helped me to realise that there is a helluva lot more method to my madness than what I think I like to admit, but the reason this hit me so square in the jaw, practically literally?I’m still pretty new to sparring like this. Like … actually fucking meaning it. Or, trying to! And here is what I notice, as I prepare to lock in my first fight:I get scaredI find myself often frozen, stuck, second guessing myselfI want to know which next move I should DOI want him to TELL meI notice I keep waiting REACTIVELY for the next hit rather than PROACTIVELY taking actionAnd as much as I seek to somehow just BE at that place where I can dance and move and know, intuitively, what I should do and it just FLOWS and WORKS, the truth is?I’m still learning.I don’t have the STRATEGIES, the technique fully locked in yet. I’m like a baby deer learning to walk. And sometimes I manage to take a few steps, and I feel that euphoric rush which comes from tapping in to INNATE movement.And most of the time, still? I’m over-thinking like a motherfucker!!And the thing is … as I get ever-better at stepping IN to that flow and just letting it rule and guide me, I have to also acknowledge:That process is becoming DOABLE for me BECAUSE I have a fucking foundation.Of countless hours now, LEARNING.Learning technique.Doing drills.Following a process.Being corrected.Having little things made clear to me.Connecting KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE with INTUITIVE GUIDANCE.And when those magical moments happen where it’s just WORKING and I don’t have to THINK and my body my heart my soul just KNOWS, I have a deep sense of gratitude and respect for having learned the fucking SYSTEM, so that I can then IGNORE it and just follow inner command whilst also unarguably DRAWING on it.I don’t think I need to draw the comparison here, do I?In my business I talk all the time about how I just ‘get up’, do ‘whatever the fuck I want’, ‘screw the rules!’; I get to just wake up, make shit up and throw it at the internet and I don’t HAVE a system!But the truth is that THAT isn’t the truth.I have a system which is pretty fucking unique and separate to what is commonly taught in internet marketing.It’s a system fully BASED on me getting to just wake up and do whatever the fuck I want.It’s based FULLY on inner guidance and flow.And it’s also a product of all that I have learned, known, unlearned, fine-tuned and APPLIED.In fact, I’m even using one of my own systems right now in the way I write this sales page!But before we go any further, LET ME PERFECTLY FUCKING CLEAR:If you think I’m about to tell you some bullshit way to not have to TUNE in, or give you some magical fucking templates that do the work for you, THINK AGAIN!!Everything I have EVER said about being guided only from within is 100% true. In fact, this is not ONLY true in my business and how I show up here, but in every part of my LIFE!I choose my food via inner asking and guidance.I decide what to do in the gym by listening in.I parent intuitively.I make choices around where to spend my money based on gut feel.I hire and indeed make EVERY business decision for myself and staff via what the inner me says; I also guide my team to do the same … anytime somebody is not sure of them I ask them for their gut feel, and we go from that.EVERYTHING comes from within. I even matched the guy I just went on a date with (KILLER DATE) on Tinder via tuning in, asking for what I wanted, then manifesting the fuck out of the swiping game. #intentionaltindering baby; wait for the course to be released.I am able to know INSTANTLY, in ALL areas, what to do and also how to do it and THEN I DO IT!And I wanna see you getting to have the same level of ownership and action-taking from flow and strength!So when I had the download to unleash these TEMPLATES for you, frankly I was FUCKING HORRIFIED AT MYSELF for a moment! Not to mention a little NERVOUS, giving what a bizarre concept it would be; based on all of the above and what I STAND for!!Do you want to know why I knew I HAD to?It’s simple gorgeous:I have the level of confidence and ability to believe in myself that I do now, because of allllll the years of learning and action-taking and because of what I just naturally, blow by blow and mostly without even NOTICING have learned and also SYSTEMISEDThe way I work now …I take RAPID action from the gut. I ALWAYS know the right move to make. I am tuned the fuck IN. I bring ideas to life with TOTAL ease and flow and just like THAT. I am able to ride even the swellest of waves with balance. I am GROUNDED, in ALIGNMENT, know where I need to BE in myself and I am able to mostly always REMAIN there and also INSTANTLY shift myself back there should I on occasion be thrown or knocked off balance.It’s VERY difficult to sway me.I know who I am.I know what I stand for.I know how to show up and BE me, regardless of what anybody has to say about it.And?I know how to monetize the FUCK out of ALL of dat baby.LIKE a motherfucker ?So my perception and my REALITY is … I just flow, I just float, I just DANCE and FLY, and everything just WORKS and I ALWAYS know the path forward.And my BACKGROUND is … I LEARNED that shit, I CREATED most of the ways of doing things which I and my team use ’cause God knows the normal approach was GOD FUCKING AWFUL when I did try it … hence the whole fuck the system thing … so basically I just invented a NEW WAY OF DOING BIZ-NIZ.For BADASS creators.Who want it all.Want it now.And want to monetize their art and madness the way they were BORN to.So I guess what I’m saying is …Thank you for waiting patiently for me to get to realise that I actually do have all this awesome stuff I can break down and SHARE with you!And just like I did over the years –You can take what you want.Leave what doesn’t work for you.But I’m pretty damn certain that being as how EVERY SINGLE PROCESS I OR MY TEAM HAVE is based on BEING that chaotic crazy creator and putting shit in place to allow MAXIMUM space and flow for that …I think it’s going to work SUPREMELY well for you!In fact if you see yourself REMOTELY in me and you just.want.to be able to wake up and do what you WANT all day, AND see the $$ and other results flowing in on REPEAT …Then you are going to love love LOVE what I’m about to bring for you!You ready gorgeous? Let’s do this!!Introducing Kat’s Million Dollar Templates! Ready to go ALL the way to monetize your art and madness with Million Dollar Templates?So here’s how it’s going down, how it will work, what I have for you and what you get to GIT!!{{{ I’m SO damn excited. Just by the way. This is going to save you SO.MUCH.TIME! }}}– The Templates; a Mouth-Watering Taste! –How this will work is simple:I have SO much stuff to break down and share with you, so much I’m almost OVERFLOWING with it! So I wrote up my list and worked out my SECRET PLAN, and then I realised:Fuck THAT shit!! There is no freaking way in HELL I can determine allll the goodness in advance! There will DEFINITELY be new things come up along the way as I roll this shiz-niz out, and PROBABLY stuff you might even suggest for me!So I’m a’gonna do something COMPLETELY new, COMPLETELY unheard of, it will shake the whole INDUSTRY!! Or at least your world ?First up, that taste I promised you! –Kat’s Million Dollar Templates; a Sample!In no particular order, here’s what I’ve got for you … and just WAIT till you hear how you’re actually gonna get to receive it!!1) How to Blog Unfiltered and From the Heart, So Your Soulmate Clients Sit Up and Listen2) The Message Into Sale Template: Adding an EFFECTIVE Sales Call to Action to Any Message3) Daily Process and Practice for Building Your Tribe4) Daily Process and Practice for Selling and Increasing Current Sales Conversions5) Rapid List Growth 1016) Daily Money Tracking Practice to Hit Your Income Goals with Ease7) Daily Intention Setting Practice to Receive Your EVERY Goal with Ease8) Hiring Template: How to Get the PERFECT Staff Member or Team Person / VA Every Time, in One Go!9) This is How I Manifest: The Breakdown!10) This is How I Journal: A How To!11) Identifying Fear and Limiting Beliefs, and Releasing Them: A How To!12) Ideas Creation Sheet: How to Let ’em FLOOOOOOOWWWWW, and Know Which Ones Are Hot!13) Message Clarity Template: How to Define YOURS and Also How to COMMUNICATE It!14) Daily Activities Process for a Multi 7-Figure Plus Biz15) Zone of Genius Template: Identifying Where to Spend Your Time for Maximum Revenue Now!16) Productivity Process: Exactly How I Get It All DONE Each Day!17) How and WHAT To Delegate When You Find That Awesome Hire!18) Moving Past Upper Limit Blocks Template: How to Self-Coach and Fly Forward When You’re Playing Small19) ‘The Guiding Questions’ Template: My Favourite Personal Questions to Tune In to Multiple Times Each Day In Order to Stay in Alignment and Always Know the Correct Move!20) How to Ask For and Get ANYTHING Journaling Template21) Branding Template! Identifying What You Stand FOR and AGAINST, and Creating Your Cult Online!22) Being a God Damn LEADER Template: The Mindset and the HOW of Being Seen at That Level, Now23) Knowing Your Next Move Template: How You Can Tune In and Receive the Answer to What’s Next For You, then Know How to ACT On It!24) Soulmate Entrepreneur BFF Template!! My favourite!25) First Class Bitch-ifying Your Life Template: Identify and Action EVERY Are You Need to Uplevel Now26) Conflict Res Template: Dealing With Curveballs, Haters, Uncertainty Like the Badass You Are!27) What to SELL Template28) How to SELL It Template (oooh this is good … I’m gonna show you EXACTLY how to launch from flow, and BOY does it WORK!)29) When It’s Not WORKING Template: Knowing the Answer and the Fix, Now and ALWAYS!30) Rapid Cashflow Generation Template. Yay!!Man oh man!! How GOOD is this? My hands are tired just from typing all of that … AND … I know this might almost slightly SCARE you, but wanna know a secret?I’M JUST GETTIN’ WARMED UP THERE!!See, like I mentioned above, I’m PRETTY fucking, no FULLY certain that once you and I get started with all of this the ideas are just.going.to.keep.COMING!From me.And also from YOU.So that’s why I’ve done something I’ve NEVER done before and I don’t think ANYBODY has! I’ve taken it to the forum to get the download on what my #milliondollarbadasses would most love to know from me, then used this to create 10 Brand New Bonus Templates to finish off this program with a BANG!Check out the BONUS Templates!!31) How to Design a Killer Optin32) How to Write a Great Sales Page that Sells!33) Selling Evergreen: What to Do With Products Once They’ve Already Run Live34) High-End Sales, Closing, Pricing and FB Messenger Closing + Coaching!35) Membership Site Launching + Monetization36) How to Design Your Online Course or Product37) Content Re-Purposing and Leveraging, and How My Team Do It + How to Post on Social, for Different Platforms38) Knowing What to Post on Social Media39) Exactly What I Would Do if Starting From Scratch40) How to Channel and Be Intuitively GuidedNow let me tell you THIS badass news. You’re going to fall off your seat ?How The Templates Work! CRAZZZZZZZINESSSSS!!Okay, so at first I was just going to GIVE you these templates and let you IMPLEMENT them.PDFsNicely laid out (by my team, not me, are you kidding me; I be the CONTENT Queen not the layout or design Queen!)Exactly what to doAnd exactly how to do itIn fact, we had a FULL team MEETING about just that this morning. Serious stuff! This is how this launch is going DOWN. We’ve been planning it for an ENTIRE DAY AND A HALF!And the plan was … I now get on this PLANE … where I’m sat right now (1A thank you gorgeous; ALWAYS) … and I do my thang and I unleash this page of BADASSERY for you.So …I got on the plane.I sat my ass down in the chair.Wrote a quick extra blog for the day about a teenage boy I felt called to share a moment of YOU’RE NOT NORMAL GO OWN THAT SHIT inspo with in the lounge.Checked my FB notifications like a frenzied junkie until I lost wifi.Ate my little bowls of nuts and olives like a good girl. Well, ate the nuts and olives, not the bowls.Drank half a glass of champagne, then thought better of it since I’d been fasting all day. Why do I still feel the urge to frantically consume anything offered for ‘free’?! lol.Then?(Just so you know … I’m getting to the point quite shortly. When it’s ready to come out!)Anyway, THEN, no I did NOT begin the sales page. Fuck that! I’ve been up since 4, was up till midnight last night clearing things and planning (strategy!! ha!!) for my team and me for today. Did morning HIIT sprint training, million dollar client calls from the back of my limo trip to airport, got my BLOG writing and team workflow call on in the lounge (where we talked about THIS), etc etc and I decided to HUMAN AF for a minute before I wrote this!So I watched a MOVIE. “Why Him”. Which unless I’m maybe tireder (it’s a word, okay!) than I thought was the FUNNIEST FUCKING MOVIE I HAVE WATCHED SINCE DAD TOOK US KIDS TO SEE LIAR LIAR BACK IN THE DAY.I was shaking so much in my seat I nearly peed my pants for 90-minutes straight.PLUS it has that hot evil guy from Spiderman in it; the friend.ANYWAY.THEN I SAT DOWN TO DO IMPORTANT SALES PAGE STUFF.Thinking I was gonna write up this whole ‘get my million $$ template PDFs’ thing’Which brings us roughly to HERE, in which I sit here listening to a little Keisha (BLOW), a little Ice Cube (put your BACK in to it baby) and of COURSE some Original Prankster (HOW COULD I NOT?!).In which after taking a few deep breaths, flexing my fingers multiple times like I was about to write lyrical prose (I AM), and then consulting the heavens aka the ceiling of Virgin Australia … same thing?? … briefly for the download, the message proceeded to do WHATEVER THE FUCK IT WANTED TO AND HERE I AM.And here you are.And here is where I’d like to invite you to BUY THE GOD DAMN TEMPLATES, ’cause I almost feel like I could get side-tracked with another 20 blow-by-blows of what I’ve been doing all day, like how I had to just take a bathroom break and wash my armpits in there before coming back.I like to stay fresh on planes ?Sooooooo … before I SELLLLLL …Just one teeny-tiny thing.OMFG SHE MUST BE CRAZY!!Ok. We’re on to Jimmy and he wants you to LAY DOWN YOUR GUNS. Pinot is down to the last few drops, I’ve been typing like a mofo for an hour on this thing I’m ONLY AT 3314 words it’s time to BRING THIS BABY HOME FOR YOU SO I CAN HAVE MY FLIGHT NAP. I got PROCESSES for flying, okay?!I’m NOT just giving you the templates.I’m NOT just giving you the fancy as fuck layout and graphics.I’m NOT even just giving you a HOW-THE-FUCK-HOW-TO USE IT ALL?I’m going to roll these templates out for you via a video training.30 days.Of KILLER learning, action taking and GROWTH.You and me, and ALL the other badasses who’ll be joining us!Every.Single.One.Of.The.Above.Templates explained and expanded upon for you.And so much more besides that I can’t even begin to tell you, or this sales page is gonna get out of control long!!Honestly … if you never do another program AGAIN of mine then DO. THIS. PROGRAM. PLUS: all of this new content for 2018!You get:Everything listed below on this pageALL original content, yours to keep for lifeThe ins and outs of the BEST strategy program I’ve ever done (with a hella lot of mindset in there too!)​Plus TWO bonus audios, previously only ever shared with high level private clients – one on calling in soulmate clients, and another on my advanced manifestation process!AND –Daily.Freaking.Content – YES, every day for 30 days – as we BLAST through Million Dollar Templates together and I show you EVERYTHING in my ‘Make Your Millions Manual’ – the essential foundation you NEED to monetize the fuccccckk out of your art & madness now! Ready to go ALL the way to monetize your art and madness with Million Dollar Templates?Okay, so I feel like this is now maybe starting to get SLIGHTLY ridiculous, but I did promise you something NEXT LEVEL crazy, and that is because (duh!) I got the DOWNLOAD to DO so.AND HERE IT ISNot ONLY are you getting each and every one of the 30 KILLER templates I listed above, plus a breakdown of what each is and how to USE, but I’ve done 10 WHOLE ADDITIONAL TEMPLATES based on the download received by my #milliondollarbadass group! I took it to the forum once we’d begun and got the download on what the group would love to know from me, and then by group consensus I’ve made the top 10 which are most asked for!#OMG #YAY #AWESOME!!I KNOW.Thank you! ?Oh, and also? Anything ELSE you wanna know? You can of course ASK, ’cause YEP, we’re going to having OODLES of Q&A time in there!!HOW GOOD IS THIS WHOLE THING?! I’m super pumped ?Here’s a refresher of the 30; I know I’ve been going on and on and you’ve probably already forgotten them … if you even actually read ’em all ?1) How to Blog Unfiltered and From the Heart, So Your Soulmate Clients Sit Up and Listen2) The Message Into Sale Template: Adding an EFFECTIVE Sales Call to Action to Any Message3) Daily Process and Practice for Building Your Tribe4) Daily Process and Practice for Selling and Increasing Current Sales Conversions5) Rapid List Growth 1016) Daily Money Tracking Practice to Hit Your Income Goals with Ease7) Daily Intention Setting Practice to Receive Your EVERY Goal with Ease8) Hiring Template: How to Get the PERFECT Staff Member or Team Person / VA Every Time, in One Go!9) This is How I Manifest: The Breakdown!10) This is How I Journal: A How To!11) Identifying Fear and Limiting Beliefs, and Releasing Them: A How To!12) Ideas Creation Sheet: How to Let ’em FLOOOOOOOWWWWW, and Know Which Ones Are Hot!13) Message Clarity Template: How to Define YOURS and Also How to COMMUNICATE It!14) Daily Activities Process for a Multi 7-Figure Plus Biz15) Zone of Genius Template: Identifying Where to Spend Your Time for Maximum Revenue Now!16) Productivity Process: Exactly How I Get It All DONE Each Day!17) How and WHAT To Delegate When You Find That Awesome Hire!18) Moving Past Upper Limit Blocks Template: How to Self-Coach and Fly Forward When You’re Playing Small19) ‘The Guiding Questions’ Template: My Favourite Personal Questions to Tune In to Multiple Times Each Day In Order to Stay in Alignment and Always Know the Correct Move!20) How to Ask For and Get ANYTHING Journaling Template21) Branding Template! Identifying What You Stand FOR and AGAINST, and Creating Your Cult Online!22) Being a God Damn LEADER Template: The Mindset and the HOW of Being Seen at That Level, Now23) Knowing Your Next Move Template: How You Can Tune In and Receive the Answer to What’s Next For You, then Know How to ACT On It!24) Soulmate Entrepreneur BFF Template!! My favourite!25) First Class Bitch-ifying Your Life Template: Identify and Action EVERY Are You Need to Uplevel Now26) Conflict Res Template: Dealing With Curveballs, Haters, Uncertainty Like the Badass You Are!27) What to SELL Template28) How to SELL It Template (oooh this is good … I’m gonna show you EXACTLY how to launch from flow, and BOY does it WORK!)29) When It’s Not WORKING Template: Knowing the Answer and the Fix, Now and ALWAYS!30) Rapid Cashflow Generation Template. Yay!!And here’s a refresher of the Bonus 1031) How to Design a Killer Optin32) How to Write a Great Sales Page that Sells!33) Selling Evergreen: What to Do With Products Once They’ve Already Run Live34) High-End Sales, Closing, Pricing and FB Messenger Closing + Coaching!35) Membership Site Launching + Monetization36) How to Design Your Online Course or Product37) Content Re-Purposing and Leveraging, and How My Team Do It + How to Post on Social, for Different Platforms38) Knowing What to Post on Social Media39) Exactly What I Would Do if Starting From Scratch40) How to Channel and Be Intuitively GuidedGet Kat’s Million Dollar Templates – Katrina Ruth, Only Price $87Tag: Kat’s Million Dollar Templates – Katrina Ruth Review. Kat’s Million Dollar Templates – Katrina Ruth download. Kat’s Million Dollar Templates – Katrina Ruth discount.million dollar cake million dollar cars million dollar cookies