Social Anxiety Program – Till Boadella


For people with persistent and treatment resistant social anxiety:Who Else Would Like To Test My Social Anxiety Program FREE For 7 Days?Subject: Claim Your Free Test AccountDear Friend,As a way of putting my best foot forward I’d like to offer you a free test account for my social anxiety program. Here’s why: Assuming you enjoy the first week you’ll probably want to continue with the program long-term. If this is the case, I’m happy to accept you in my ‘Free Of Inhibitions’ program which is specifically built for people with persistent, treatment resistant social anxiety.You can cancel anytime within seven days.Daily Video Lessons & ExercisesDay 1What Maintains Social AnxietyDay 2Volume Knob Vs. Light SwitchDay 3Post-Event RuminationDay 4General RuminationDay 5Positive Self-Talk BackfiresDay 6Meet Paula and JeanineDay 7Expectations Moving ForwardDay 8Ignoring Your SymptomsDay 9The Pebble In Your ShoeDay 10″What If” And “Why” ThinkingDay 11Don’t Respond To Your UrgesDay 12Less Is MoreDay 13Rollercoaster RideDay 14Expectations Moving ForwardDay 15Detached MindfulnessDay 16The Pure SpikeDay 17Horror MoviesDay 18The Benign Nature Of FearDay 19Shifting GearsDay 20Thought SuppressionDay 21Expectations Moving ForwardDay 22External Threat MonitoringDay 23Flexible AttentionDay 24Ban Threat MonitoringDay 25Purposeless ExternalizingDay 26Don’t Monitor Your ProgressDay 27Anti-Coping MechanismDay 28Understanding Brain ChemistryDay 29Behavioral DetachmentDay 30Why Exposures BackfireDay 31What Would You Do If?Day 32Social Anxiety Is NormalDay 33Effortless Social ConfidenceDay 34Social Anxiety Is Not YouDay 35Why Meditation BackfiresDay 36Personalized BlueprintDay 37Relapse PreventionDay 38Embrace The Ups And DownsDay 39Your Attention In The FutureDay 40Spontaneous InteractionsDay 41Process RuminationDay 42The Next Nine MonthsGet Instant Access To 4 Free Bonuses Worth $2,842 FREE BONUS #1Social Anxiety WorksheetsValue: $97FREE BONUS #2Listen Away AnxietyMP3 RecordingValue: $17FREE BONUS #3Private Support Forum And CommunityValue: $2,728FREE BONUS #4Lifelong And Unlimited Program AccessValue: PricelessWhen you claim your free week in my social anxiety program you also get these four free bonuses as a welcome gift. The worksheets, MP3 recording and forum will support you on your journey to overcoming social anxiety.How Brenda Overcame Social AnxietySuccess Stories From Real PeopleWhen I started the social anxiety program, I was experiencing feelings of panic in large social situations and sometimes even just meeting a new friend for coffee. I would feel dizzy, short of breath and my mind would go blank. Thanks to the program I now feel at ease and can express myself more easily around new people. Till is a great coach – he taught me what was maintaining my social anxiety disorder and helped me to break free of unhelpful thinking patterns.Sally, USAThe program definitely was helpful. I learned things that I’d never heard before despite having researched social anxiety and (how to overcome it) for years. I had no idea that overanalyzing social encounters and replaying past social situations in my head and fantasizing about social situations were maintaining my SA.  It also made a lot of sense – persistent worry and rumination clearly aren’t going to help in any way (but you never really think that at the time, it just seems so automatic and natural). Everything was explained very clearly and informatively. I definitely appreciate being more enlightened on what it is that maintains SA.Michelle, USAJust wanted to thank you for everything man, my anxiety is pretty much gone. I feel like a normal person finally lol. I went through hell for 3 months to get to this point, and I thought about quitting so many times, but your method was the only thing that made sense to me. It’s like something just kept telling me to keep going, it will all work itself out. After 3 months, man I feel normal, I will say what really was the turning point, was applying your method but I basically also stopped basing my self worth on things outside of me. I now base my self worth on things I can control like how appreciate I am, how I treat myself, and living by my own terms. I’m much nicer to myself, self compassion was something I was lacking, and I feel like your program aids in that realm of stop being so tough on yourself. My anxiety has reduced, and I know it will keep reducing and I’ll be more confident and confident. Thank you for every thing god bless! Jamal, USAI appreciate your concern for everyone else who suffers from social anxiety.Realising the three main factors has helped me a lot and i’m starting to learn to control the factors. This has made me lose a lot of anxiety and for that I owe you so much. Keep doing what you are doing because you really are helping people.Joshua, ScottlandWhat I really liked about Till’s program was that I finally had someone who also understands what I was talking about and, someone who went trough the same thing. I made some really good progress, for example: when I started out I could not even talk to someone in the supermarket. By now thats almost second nature without thinking about it. I think where it comes down to for me is that it is a very simple concept (not very easy) and I am more and more in control of it. So for someone suffering from social anxiety i would really recommend it.Walter, NetherlandsMy thoughts so far have actually been quite positive. It seems very structured, intentional and well thought out. Even the first session has opened my eyes to the control element of worrying. I have downloaded the 8 sounds and will do this twice a day. I have had very positive first impressions I must say. I am starting to believe with commitment, maybe this can facilitate a change within myself.Joshua, USAI’ve been suffering from social anxiety for over 4 years and I realized that I even had it 2 years later. After that, I tried countless methods trying to get rid of it and I was near losing hope. I kept researching for hours on youtube until I saw your ad. I was skeptical at first because nothing had worked for me before. I tried breaking the “vicious cycle” and it finally worked! I couldn’t believe it. I’m finally normal again. It’s crazy that this method is not out there. If I hadn’t clicked on the link, then I would’ve never been able to get rid of my social anxiety. It actually cured my social anxiety. I already got rid of 50% of it in one day. And I’m 100% sure that if I continue to destroy the maintaining factors, I’ll be free of anxiety in two more days. Samarth, EnglandTag: Social Anxiety Program – Till Boadella Review. Social Anxiety Program – Till Boadella download. Social Anxiety Program – Till Boadella discount