Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist


Smart Contract ProgrammingYou learn programming from SCRATCH and then programming on Ethereum And EOS.First of all you will learn programming in Javascript and C++ from scratch, we will then continue by learning programming on Ethereum, NEM and EOS. This course is perfect for everyone who wants to really be part of the blockchain ecosystem by actually building it!You will learn how to develop smart contracts, dapps, tokens and airdrops on top of Ethereum, EOS and NEM.No programming knowledge or technical expertise needed, we teach you programming from scratch.CAN I PAY WITH CRYPTO?Yes! Please visit Ivan on Tech CryptoPay. Please note that there is no refund policy when paying with crypto.Course CurriculumWelcomeWelcome by Ivan on Tech (4:27)Meet Filip (1:55)2 Questions! Help neededDisclaimer – Don’t use any of the course material as production codeIMPORTANT: Use our forum (4:45)Introduce YourselfCourse Overview – What you will learn! (9:35)Course support – How to reach usFeedbackFound a typo or mistake? Let us know!Introduction quiz!Programming BootcampMindset (6:11)What to do if I am completely stuck?Programming vs Programming on the Blockchain (14:30)LiteratureBooks neededHow to study (9:06)HTML and WebDiscussion thread – HTML and WebWhy Javascript and Web? (2:40)Installing Atom (1:44)Reading assignment – HTMLHTML Basics (12:27)Programming Assignment – Lists (2:04)Assignment hint – lists (use only after you tried on your own)Assignment Answer – List, Link and Image (5:37)Image and Break Line (4:17)Understanding Web Technology – Hardvard LectureAdditional ReadingPlease rate us Please leave a Facebook reviewJavascript ProgrammingReading assignment – ProgrammingJavascript Introduction (2:22)Javascript Alert Demonstration (3:50)Console – Reading AssignmentGoogle Chrome Console (3:08)Reading Assignment – VariablesVariables in Javascript (6:32)Playing with variables in the console (3:45)Javascript is Easy – LectureBoolean expressions – Reading assignmentPlaying with Booleans in the Console (5:28)Binding, Functions and Control Flow – Reading AssignmentConditional Execution: If-Else (7:28)Understanding If-Else DeeperPlaying with IF-Else and Booleans in the Console (4:38)Loops – Reading AssignmentLoops in Javascript (9:20)While Loop in Javascript (5:58)While Loop + Boolean (3:20)Additional Material on Loops in JavascriptRecap (2:08)How to do exercises (4:58)Exercises – Chapter 2 in the bookFunctions – Reading AssignmentFunctions in Javascript (9:42)Additional Reading – FunctionsScope – Local and Global Variables (4:27)ABSTRACTION and Returnning Values from Functions (11:31)Exercises – Chapter 3 in the bookArrays – Reading AssignmentArrays in Javascript (5:43)Clean Code and Comments in Javascript (7:40)Optional: Javascript CS50 LectureGet Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist, Only Price $61Javascript Next LevelWelcome to the NEXT LEVEL (3:22)Console (6:47)Libraries – Reading AssignmentLibraries (2:14)jQuery – Reading AssignmentJQuery (7:49)ASSIGNMENT – Button Click and Alert (1:35)Getting User Input – Mouse Click (3:39)ASSIGNMENT – Text Input Alert (1:22)Getting User Input – Text (4:56)Selecting Elements (ID and Class) – Reading AssignmentFunctions as Arguments and Timeout (7:02)tAnonymous Functions (4:05)Iterating an Array (4:10)Data Structures (Arrays and Objects) – Reading AssignmentObjects in Javascript (11:01)jQuery vs Angular vs React (3:15)Dynamic List and ASSIGNMENT (8:15)Dynamic List – User Adds Elements (9:50)Dynamic List – Objects (10:36)Chapter 4 – ExercisesDividing into Several Files + Document.Ready (10:10)Asynchronous Programming – Reading AssignmentCallbacks and Callback HELL (10:41)Promises (15:10)Javascript in Terminal – NodeJSWindows Installation and Demonstration (8:35)MacOS Installation and Demonstration (2:12)Javascript and HTML Wrap UpKey take aways (3:58)C++DON’T BE SCARED (1:37)Optional: Introduction to Computer Science – MIT LectureInstalling the IDE + Hello World (4:33)Understanding Hello World (6:04)Variables in C++ – Reading AssignmentVariables in C++ (11:05)User Input C++ (8:17)Optional: C++ Strings Stanford LectureFunctions in C++ – Reading AssignmentFunctions and Parameters in C++ – Reading AssignmentFunctions in C++ (8:46)Scope – Local and Global Variables in C++ (7:59)If/Else Control Flow in C++ (5:02)Optional: C++ Functions Standford LectureArrays in C++ – Reading AssignmentArrays in C++ (5:24)Loops in C++ – Reading AssignmentLoops in C++ (11:41)Little Game Project – Assignment (2:06)Little Game Project – Solution (6:20)Object Oriented Programming (OOP)Structs C++ – Reading AssignmentsStructs C++ (9:05)Initializing Structs (3:10)Nested Structs (5:14)Classes in C++ – Reading AssignmentClasses and Objects (8:15)Constructors (4:41)Private and Public Variables (8:21)Inheritance in C++ – Reading AssignmentInheritance (10:44)OOP and Solidity Smart Contracts (2:14)Optional: Data Structures CS50 LectureC++ Next LevelNamespaces in C++ (4:22)typedef in C++ (4:00)Template Functions (3:27)Template Classes and Typedef (6:51)Value vs Reference C++ (5:45)Pointers C++ (7:00)Several Files in C++ (5:06)Optional: Lecture by Bjarne Stroustrup (Creator of C++)Introduction by FilipIntroduction by Filip (2:37)Moving into Internet 3.0Intro to Internet 3.0 and Decentralized Programming (7:31)Software requirement – Git (1:09)Ethereum Smart Contracts *UPDATED*Introduction (1:54)Build Tools (1:52)Contracts, State Variables and Functions (8:18)Arrays & Structs (10:01)Mappings (7:46)Mappings Assignment (1:02)Solution + Control Flow (3:30)Error Handling + Assignment (6:15)Error Handling Assignment Solution (3:46)Error Handling QuizData Location – Memory, Storage and Stack (6:40)Data Location Assignment (1:28)Data Location Assignment Solution (2:20)Modifiers (4:33)Modifiers QuizOwner Modifier (4:21)Ownable Contracts QuizVisibility (3:55)Inheritance Part 1 (10:53)Inheritance Part 2 (2:49)Inheritance Part 3 (4:21)Inheritance Programming Assignment (0:32)Inheritance Programming Assignment Solution (1:36)Inheritance & Visibility QuizReading assignment – EventsEvents (5:21)Events QuizReading assignment – Payable functionsPayable Functions (8:12)External Contracts & Interfaces (12:57)External Contracts & Interfaces QuizGas (4:55)Common Pitfalls, Tips & Tricks (11:42)Integer overflow/underflowTestnet Deployment (7:04)Ethereum dappsDapp Intro & Superblocks walkthrough (5:36)Web3.js Intro (7:32)Hello World Dapp – Our first Dapp (12:06)Coinflip Dapp Part 1 – Laying the foundation (8:19)Coinflip Dapp Part 2 – Creating the front-end (10:09)Coinflip Dapp Part 3 – Working with Tx Receipts (9:28)Coinflip Dapp Part 4 – Connecting Metamask (12:38)Coinflip Dapp Part 5 – Final touches (13:59)Coinflip Dapp Part 6 – Summary (8:43)Tokens, Crowdsales and AirdropsCrowdsale Part 1 – Creating the Token (10:59)Crowdsale Part 2 – Creating the contract (20:53)Crowdsale Part 3 – Putting it all together (15:36)Airdrop contract (13:13)NEM ProgrammingWarning: Deprecated ContentNEM Introduction (4:09)Reading assignment – What is NEMNEM Nanowallet Setup (4:40)NEM SDK (7:15)Programming Assignment – Testing out the SDK (2:18)Transactions (9:17)Reading assignment – MosaicsNamespaces & Mosaic Transactions (24:33)NEM DappsRandom Game on NEM Introduction (2:51)Random Game on NEM Part 1 – Getting started with Random Numbers (5:20)Random Game on NEM Part 2 – Building the high score table (9:47)Random Game on NEM Part 3 – Looking at persistent storage (4:45)Random Game on NEM Part 4 – Creating our Mosaic (3:49)Random Game on NEM Part 5 – Connecting our game to the blockchain (12:56)Random Game on NEM Part 6 – Room for improvement (4:21)NEM Bank Introduction (1:42)NEM Bank Part 1 – An overview (2:04)NEM Bank Part 2 – Building the login functionality (17:27)NEM Bank Part 3 – Testing a transfer (4:48)NEM Bank Part 4 – Last piece to the puzzle (14:51)Get Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist, Only Price $61Tag: Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist  Review. Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist  download. Smart Contract Programming – Ivan Liljeqvist  discount.