The Letter System – Mike Shreeve


Back To School Sale Ends September 3rdClients Will Happily Pay $3000+ For You To Write A Letter Just Like The One You’re About To Read… How To Make 6-Figures A Year Writing Letters Just Like ThisDear friend, The letter you are about to read right now will very likely generate more than $100,000 in sales (I’ll prove why that prediction is accurate in a second). It only took me half an afternoon to write, and half a morning to edit.It isn’t perfect – I’m sure typos exist somewhere – but it will be profitable. It doesn’t utilize any “ninja hacks” or “literary prose” either. It is written like I speak because I’m not typing this at all. Instead, I use a transcription program called Dragon Naturally Speaking to speak this letter outloud (yes, just like Winston Churchill used to do every morning in bed minus the hired typist and obscene amounts of alcohol).  The design is ugly, it requires reading a lot of words in a world of 6-second attention spans, and at first glance you’d think “there’s no way this kind of stuff actually works to make sales”, but… … it does, and it works really, really well.$47,500 From A Simple Letter  Just Like This OneA few weeks ago, inside my Triple Point program for advanced copywriters, I sat down and wrote a sales letter following a 7-point “Block System” for writing which I’ll tell you more about later. It took me about 2 hours to complete the letter – I filmed it live in front of the students late on a Thursday night. They saw me not only type every word, but create the thing I was selling right in front of their eyes. To be honest, if I wasn’t typing the letter (normally I speak it), and if I hadn’t been doing it live while answering questions and speaking my thought process outloud, I think it would have only taken me about 45 minutes to an hour to complete the same letter in solitude. Anyways, less than 48 hours later, that short little sales letter generated more than $25,000 in sales for myself (I was selling my own product)… and one week later totalled more than $47,500 in sales and counting. It continues to generate new leads and sales without any additional input from me.That’s Exactly Why Clients Love Paying For Letters Like ThisThink about this: If you were able to generate $25,000 in revenue for a client in just a week or two by writing them a letter like this, seems fairly reasonable they’d pay you $3,000 for the thing that brought them all those sales, right? Especially since the letter you wrote one time… … they get to use again and again and again, generating sales consistently for as long as they desire to use it.  In other words, they aren’t just paying the $3,000 for you to write a letter, they are paying the $3,000 for you to create a business asset that keeps providing returns over and over, sometimes for years to come. I have clients who hired me to write a letter like this back in 2012 and they continue to use it to generate sales to this day.  (SIDENOTE: This is the little “secret” of Freelancing that nobody really talks about… if you learn skills that bring big results to clients, they pay you big. Therefore, the more you uplevel your skillset, the more likely you are to get paid more.) You see, most people go into business to follow a passion. They want to be a coach, or they want to sell organic dog food, or they want to be a lawyer that defends marginalized peoples… … for 99% of business owners, the idea of having to sell their services/wares/products to others is like a nightmare come to life. They simply don’t like doing it. That’s why, if you’re the one who shows up and says, “let me write you a simple letter that you can use to do all the selling for you”… you are a hero in their eyes. You are saving them from:  A. The fear of selling that ALL business owners have (nobody wants to be rejected)And…B. What can happen when a business owner STOPS selling because they are afraid (aka: business collapse)So, you can clearly see why having this skill and offering it to others is about way more than just typing words on a screen… it’s about helping humans to grow the businesses they love by addressing the elephant in the room and helping them to stay profitable. A Simple Business Model For Reaching $100,000Lemme give you another example of what kinds of results you can generate with simple little letters like this:  Here’s a screenshot of all the revenue I’ve earned off of a short letter that I wrote for myself about a year ago:That’s $102,989, all coming from a single program that I sold a few times – for less than a week each time – before finally shelving the product for good. For those of you that have been on my list for some time, do you remember how I sold that program? Just a sales letter. Exactly like this one. That’s it. No fancy webinar funnel, no phone-to-phone sales, no having to trick or convince people to buy. I didn’t have to show my face, create a presentation, or talk to anyone. I wrote the letter, sent some emails, and went outside to let the system do the work for me. Get The Letter System – Mike Shreeve only Price $97And yet, I still sold more than 271 copies of the program from that one short letter I wrote nearly a year ago. That’s all it takes if you know how to craft the perfect sales message that gets people to buy something valuable. Imagine, being able to do something like this for a client… … being able to be THAT person who comes into a business and creates an asset that could potentially generate $100,000+ in revenue with just a few words on a screen. Pretty cool, right? That’s been my life for the past 10 years… doing exactly that for amazing clients who are happy to pay well for the words I write on a screen. Eventually, when you are ready, you can follow my path as well and shift from ONLY writing these letters for clients, to eventually writing these letters for yourself. Launching programs or products and having them sell 24/7 just because of the static words you wrote in the form of a letter like this. But, before we get too ahead of ourselves…You Don’t Have To Be J.K. Rowling To Write A Letter Like ThisAnd Generate Sales For Yourself And/Or The Clients Who’ll Hire YouFrankly, if given the right training and tools, you could write a profitable letter like this and generate sales for yourself or clients within the next week or two. I know it can be done because back in 2012 – 2014 I ran something I called a “copy shop”. I would go out and get clients with high volume needs for letters like this, and I put together a crack team of writers who would help me fulfill all of the orders. At one point we were writing 2 – 3 letters like this PER. DAY. Every single one of the writers I hired for that business were brand new, totally fresh, and lacked ANY experience writing pieces like this. They had ZERO sales experience, and had never even had a real client before. Out of necessity, I developed an ultra-fast system for taking these fresh faced writers and turning them into competent copywriters in just a few weeks time. From scratch to turning sales for clients with just a few shortcuts and frameworks that work. Some of you know Peter Manktelow, one of the now-expert copywriting coaches in our high level training programs. When I first met Peter, he was writing blog posts for beer money as a side hustle, not making a ton of money, but loving the writer life. He was one of the very first people that I put through this system. He and I wrote literally hundreds of sales letters together – at wrist breaking speeds – earning multiple 6-figures helping clients sell their stuff online. Now, let’s get real here for a second… This system that I developed did NOT produce the best ever copywriters to walk the face of the earth. We were NOT writing $15,000 direct response copy packages. We never claimed to be the best of the best, but… … our clients didn’t want that anyways. They didn’t want to pay $15,000 for a diva copywriter. They just wanted “workman’s copy”. Stuff that worked. Stuff that generated sales. It may not have been the prettiest, but it got the job done and 100% of the time generated a positive ROI for our clients. So much so that we were doing $60,000/month in client work each and every month, like clockwork. The demand was so high that I eventually sold that business to one of the writers I had trained and he still continues to run that business to this day. Since I first trained Peter with my super-fast system for taking fledgling writers and turning them into skilled sales letter copywriters, he has invested in his own education and gone on to a very lucrative career with more advanced training. These days, Peter commands a minimum of $12,500 per month per client for his copywriting skills. What my system did was help him to get started, and to get started FAST (within the first 2 weeks we worked together he was writing sales letters for clients). I can’t promise you that you’ll eventually earn the kinds of fees that Peter charges for his writing, but if you are willing, I can put you through the exact same system that got Peter (and many others) started in their copywriting careers earning multiple thousands for a single letter like this. More info further down on how to get access.What Kind Of Clients Enjoy Paying Thousands Of Dollars For A Simple Letter?Here’s a snapshot list of companies that have hired me for multiple-thousands to draft letters like this to sell their stuff: Mel Robbins (first hired me to write a sales page for her new course) SUCCESS Magazine (first hired me to write a sales page for a Jim Rohn course – dream come true) Mara Glazer (first hired me to write sales pages for her clients who were all major world changers) I’ve written sales letters for Russell Brunson, Brendon Burchard, the John Wooden legacy IP, and I’ve even taken this skill set towards scripting for Tony Robbins, Darren Hardy, John Maxwell, and more… I’ve also worked with dozens of clients you’ve never heard of who are quietly earning many multiple-millions in sales per year with the sales letters I’ve written for them.Just today, as I was writing this letter, I received a text from the president of a venture backed software company currently doing $50,000,000 a year in sales. Wanna know what the text said? “Can you make me another one of those money pages again?” And here’s a list of companies that my personal friends who write sales letters have written for:  Supplement company selling all natural bodybuilding mixes A social media guru whose name you’d recognize and appears on TV regularly A local law firm that specializes in helping underage victims of crimes seek and get damages An online financial newsletter publisher An outdoor company that sells a camp stove set up (one of my favorite companies… ever since my friend told me she wrote for them I’ve not stopped buying their stuff) A local clothing/fashion company that does the Tom Shoe’s thing where they give away an article of clothing for each article purchased Countless coaches and mentors ranging in speciality from “How To Be More Brave” to “Personal Wealth Coaching” to “Overcoming Addiction” and etc. etc. etc. And a whole bunch of others I’m too lazy to list hereThe basic rule of thumb is: If the company sells things online… they need a good letter like this to get them to do it.Which means… … if you can imagine a niche, they need a letter like this to help them grow. Letters like this are the secret engines of the online economy. You may have seen them before and had no idea how powerful they could be, and that people actually get paid a lot of money to write them.A Skill You Can Improve Over A LifetimePerhaps the best part about learning how to write letters like this is that you never stop learning how to get better. Like I said, what I can teach you is the starting point. You’ll be good enough to command a few grand for a letter like this, but… … that’s just the very tip of the iceberg. One of my personal copywriting mentors earns more than $100,000 for writing a sales letter like this (he also charges me $25,000 every 6 months just to be his student… and it’s worth every penny). Clayton Makepeace, one of the grandmasters of copywriting, earns more than 7-figures per year in personal income all from writing promotional campaigns which start with (or at least include) a letter just like the one you are reading right now. Copywriters like this have a name: A-listers. And they are in high demand, command crazy fees, and absolutely debunk the myth that “writers are poor”. Can I teach you how to get paid $100,000 for a sales letter and become an A-list copywriter by next week? NO! It takes decades of honing and perfecting the craft of writing and deep diving into how the human brain works and what makes people take action… especially buying action. The good news is that you don’t need to be an A-lister to be a profitable, 6-figure per year earning copywriter. Not every business can afford to hire my mentor for $100,000. Not everyone can fit on Clayton’s calendar. What the market needs more than anything right now are journeyman writers, people who are committed to doing great work, want to write letters that generate sales, and who are able to do it quickly and efficiently. According to the Small Business Administration in the United States, more than 627,000 new businesses start each year! And every single one of those businesses need one thing to ensure their survival: Sales! That’s why, if you have the ability to generate sales by writing letters like this, you’ll never go hungry for work as a copywriter. There is simply too much demand for skilled sales writers who can turn words on a screen into sales in the bank. What I can teach you is how to get started in this very lucrative work, and to be “one of the good ones”. I can teach you how to be a writer who converts strangers into buyers by typing words on a screen. I can arm you with enough of a head start that you can generate real and measurable results for clients, the kind of results that make them happy to pay thousands of dollars for you to write.A Proven System For Writing Letters That SellI’ve been writing letters like this for a decade, and for 8 of those 10 years I’ve earned at least $250,000 per year as the person who helps my clients sell their stuff online with words. Not only have I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal training, mentorships, masterminds and more to increase my writing skills… … but I’ve put my money where my mouth is and I’ve invested more than $1,000,000 in Facebook ads running traffic to letters just like this one and turning a profit 100% of the time. But that’s not even what makes my methods unique.You see, I’ve also had some epic failures. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve learned the hard lessons, the ones they don’t teach you in most “how to be a copywriter” training programs.That’s why my methods work so well for writers and copywriters who aren’t yet earning $3,000 a sales letter. It’s the same reason why I was able to take this simple process and train more than a dozen newbie writers to produce $60,000 a month in client work during my “copy shop” days. I’ve distilled a decade of experience alongside the wins AND the losses, and I’ve created the world’s most simple, yet effective, copywriting training program for creating high converting sales letters. And I’ve conveniently packaged up my system into an easy to follow program which I’m (unironically) offering for sale today here in this letter.Get The Letter System – Mike Shreeve only Price $97Introducing: The Letter SystemFor the first time ever I’ve “productized” my one-on-one system and created a top-to-bottom, soup-to-nuts online video program sharing every detail of my proven letter writing process. You’ll get every ounce of what used to be private access only for those writers I trained to work in my “copy shop” or in private mastermind groups where I’d get invited to speak. Now, through step-by-step modules – with worksheet exercises, templates, and additional tools – you’ll have the ability to write letters that sell… for yourself or for pay as a hired letter writer to well paying clients. You can purchase access to that exact training program today, but first, here’s a peek into what you’ll learn once inside: How to tell the difference between “too hard” selling and my “welcomed guest” approach (get this right and you can write for clients who normally wouldn’t hire copywriters… which means ZERO competition for client work for you) Why you should NEVER start writing from a blank page (this is the ultimate fix to writer’s block and will allow you to crank out well paying client projects in record time) Long vs. Short: How to know when to write longer letters vs. when to write shorter ones (we’ll settle the long vs. short debate once and for all) How to “ask for the sale” in a way that makes readers LOVE you for it (Learned this little technique while studying screenwriting under a Hollywood script doctor) How to create an entire first draft in one afternoon… while walking in the woods/on the beach/literally laying in bed (I’ve made thousands of dollars without ever getting out of bed with this technique – No Pants living for real!) How to write sales letters for clients who provide ZERO information, are horrible unhelpful, and haven’t even created their product yet (in situations like this, I use a secret source of “proven” copy ideas to get the job done) How to craft a letter so perfectly clear and concise that even your clients will say “Wow! After reading your letter I want to buy my own product!” (Seems cheesy, right? I can’t even count how many times clients have said exactly that to me over the years) Why you can be terrible at every other aspect of writing, but if you master how to write short little bullet points like this you will 100% of the time generate sales for your clients (I’ll even give you more than 100 fill-in-the-blank templates to use) 4 secrets to writing headlines that do 80% of the selling for you… plus I’ll give you a massive swipe file of proven headlines you can use How to use the art and science of emotional intelligence and empathy to give the reader exactly what they need to know before they’ll buy (get this right and your client will love you for it) How to find “proof” elements (the part of copy that makes people trust you) for ANY client or ANY project or ANY service with just a few clicks of your mouse and the good ole’ Google Why 99% of writers getting starting in sales letter writing fail to get sales for their clients (HINT: they overthink the most crucial piece and kill what makes these letters actually work) How to spot (and gather) good sources of writing inspiration to base your letters off of making it easier to deliver results 6 ways to start a sales letter which can be the difference between success and failure for your client work (HINT: the way I opened this letter is 80% why it works) My “start backwards” method for creating compelling letters that create desire in prospects and get them to buy even if they’re hardheaded, stubborn, or a full blown skeptic Struggle to stay productive as a writer? I’ll show you how to 3x your hourly wordcount so you can get much, much more done in a much, much shorter amount of time (as a sales letter writer… the faster YOU write, the more effective your copy is… I’ll explain why in the program) The #1 reason sales letters fail and what you can do to ensure you NEVER make that mistake when working with clients How to get your client to “write” the most important parts of the letters without your client having to write a single word (HINT: make life easy for the both of you) Why the first paragraph of your letter can make or break your ability to get sales (and I’ll show you 15 of my favorite opens that always work) The 2 types of research that you MUST do before you sit down to write (critical skill to develop if you want to earn the higher fees) Why your fear of selling can help you TRIPLE the results of your sales letters (it’s all about empathy and your ability to predict the future… more on this in the course) How to ethically get other people to write 80% of your sales letters for you (this might seem like a “lazy” trick but it’s actually the secret behind some of the most profitable letters ever written… all 6-figure sales writers know how important this technique is) The 1 question you can ask your client (or market) to make your sales letter stand out and get extraordinary results (HINT: stop avoiding the weakness/shortcomings of your product) Should you stick to a single niche as a sales letter writer? The answer might suprise you… Outlining vs. “pantsing” your letters… which works best? (I’ll show you what my teacher taught me and why the “hybrid” approach works even better) The 7 ways to start a story in your letter that will get readers hooked and wanting moreActually, let me pause for a moment here because…Even If You Hate Selling You Can Still Write Incredibly Effective Letters With My SystemLook, I’ve been doing this for 10 years and I’ve helped more writers break into the field than I can even keep count of anymore. Every single one of those writers:A. Hated the idea of selling for a livingAnd/OrB. Thought they were too shy/not confident enough/didn’t believe that they could be an effective salesperson for companies and their products through the written wordAnd to every single one of them I said… “good”. Why? Because, even though the purpose of writing these letters is to sell products and services, with my method you don’t actually “sell” anything. In fact, why my letters (and the people who learn to write them) continue to succeed beyond expectations is this simple fact: It’s not about sales, it’s about understanding people. When you sign up for The Letter System today you’ll discover what I mean when I show you: The 7 questions every reader of your letter will ask themselves before buying and how to answer them in a way that compels them to buy (HINT: you can’t force anyone to do anything… that’s not real… but you can show people how to get exactly what they want… that’s what I’ll teach you how to do) What to focus on in your letter OTHER THAN pitching that will increase the sales that your letters provide for clients or yourself How to get the right information from your clients so that don’t have to rely on overly hyped sales copy and can instead take a more efficient and effective approach What “The World’s Greatest Prosecutor” taught me about creating a compelling case as to why someone should buy a product or service from your letter How to identify which elements of your client’s product or service you should highlight in your letter to best generate sales on their behalf (most writers get this wrong) Why Darren Hardy called me “the best writer I’ve ever worked with” when I wrote him a letter to sell his most expensive product (HINT: I’ve developed a sure-fire way to match client voice that I’ll share with you in the program) How to create compelling sales “arguments” using 3×5 cards and a simple checklist (get this right and you’ll never have to rely on hype to sell for your client)One thing I can promise you: This is unlike any other copywriting/sales letter writing training you may have ever experienced before. Why? Because 90% of the people who teach writing sales letters come from the “hard” niches of Make Money Online, Investing/Day Trading/Precious Metals, and Dating. Not me. I cut my teeth as a copywriter in the trenches of personal development writing copy for some of the biggest names whose brands would have been DESTROYED if I had used high pressure sales tactics to sell their products. And yet, over the past decade I’ve generated millions in sales in niches beyond just personal development all while using the same principles and philosophies I’ll teach you in this program. Everything You Need To Create Letters That SellIn order for you to be able to replicate my Letter System and get similar results to what I am able to produce, you need more than just training. You need tools. Templates. Swipes. Etc. That’s why, when you buy The Letter System today, I’ll give you: More than a dozen idea templates for every piece of the letter including the headline, bullet points, opens, and more… Access to my “top secret” (not really but sort of) Block System for structuring letters like this in such an easy way that you’ll find the work of writing is 70% completed before you even open up your computer to start typing… My own personal swipe file breakdown where I’ll tear apart some of my best performing sales letters and show you WHY they worked so you can reverse engineer their success… Daily habits and routines to follow – with checklists – that are guaranteed to make you a MUCH better copywriter than anyone else graduating from any other copywriting training program available today (these daily exercises were key to the rapid success of the new writers I hired for my “copy shop”)… My proven “story boarding” workflow process that I use to create winning sales letters… AND 100% of the fiction I write (this will make you a much faster writer)… A 20 point checklist for creating the perfect letter (I was given this checklist by a 7-figure earning copywriter only after I paid $50,000 to join his mastermind)… My own personal Client Info Extraction worksheet – send this document to a client and get 100% of the info you need to write well performing sales letters… And a bunch more…This isn’t just a series of online video lectures, this is a system that includes the tools you’ll need to get the job done well for your clients.Plus, Never Before Shared Client Getting Strategies That WorkIt’s one thing to learn how to write sales letters, but if you can’t get clients… what is the point? So, as part of this Letter System, I’m throwing in some never before shared client getting strategies that you can use to land clients. This is NOT cold emails… This is NOT building an email list (though that is STILL the #1 way to get clients)… This is NOT about building funnels… I’ll be revealing two brand new strategies that include:   The #1 place on social media to find more than 100,000 potential clients (I know of at least 2 sales letter writers who get 100% of their clients from this one spot and make more than $100,000/year) How to get paid IN ADVANCE for making short little “Critique” videos… and how to turn those critiques into paying clients 15 “pre-frames” you’ll want to use to attract the high ticket clients who will pay high dollar for your work A daily “client getting activities” schedule which you can follow to create new client work (if you can follow simple instructions and focus, this can work for you)… A complete pricing sheet to help you stay market current and NOT make the mistake of undercharging How to turn a one-off sales letter project into ongoing, monthly work (I’ve had some clients for more than 5 years… this is how I did it) And a whole bunch more…I will not be sharing these strategies outside of this course as they are ultra-high value for letter writers ONLY. The best part… … every single strategy that I share requires ZERO marketing or ads spend. These are 100% free methods for landing more clients than you can handle (if you actually do them and do them consistently). Get The Letter System – Mike Shreeve only Price $97Tag: The Letter System – Mike Shreeve Review. The Letter System – Mike Shreeve download. The Letter System – Mike Shreeve discount.