ZipTraderU – Charlie


Hello Folks!I was drawn into trading because I fell in love with the game of growing your account and the lifestyle of making a few trades a day and calling that “work.” However, just like any endeavor worth taking – there are many obstacles in the pathway.My Story When I first started trading, I quickly became overwhelmed & intimidated by the massive amount of information and apparent opportunities at my disposal. I knew that the answers were out there and felt the intense urge to act immediately and start making progress.But to my dismay, working through traditional trading advice made me feel that trading was just too complicated and that it simply wasn’t for me. To be honest, I really wasn’t sure which end was up. However, I found that through consistent effort and most importantly – my own trial & error – that account growth and skill development was possible. Yet, this process took time. A long time..(I’m a slow learner).Get ZipTraderU – Charlie, Only Price $35Getting resultsI’ve created ZipTraderU to help you speed up that learning curve. I will take you step-by-step through the entire process and continuously test you along the way. I will also personally work with you in our extremely helpful & private tutoring chat. I am a huge believer in education and a huge believer in growing with the live help of your coach & peers.Take action An Education can take you far, but you are going to need to put in the work to practice and reinforce the material. Thus we focus on taking action. This course has been designed to provide clear and actionable steps that you can take, but also consistently reinforces the material with quizzes and prompts to carry forward in the marketOur Focusince the beginning, ZipTrader has been focused on getting results and simplifying the methods that lead to those results. We are focused on giving you the tools to GROW your account and eventually NO LONGER NEED US. We believe that self sufficiency is the ultimate goal of any good trading education.ZipTraderU is founded on the idea and understanding that a great trading education should focus on realizable goals laid out in a digestible and actionable process.The Truth The truth is, everything you need to know to develop your skillset can be attained by your own extensive effort, time, and through trial and error. The goal of ZipTraderU (and our free YouTube content) has always been to make that process easier and more efficient. We’ve always had a less is more mentality that presents and simplifies concepts without watering them down. We focus on skillsets with the highest return instead of bombarding you with abstractions. We also believe in giving you the ability to ask questions and have them answered while also giving you the opportunity to see how strategies apply to the most recent trades. Our goal with this course is for you to have a clear roadmap for account growth and a healthy environment to work hard, test yourself, and ask for help if needed.We DO NOT believe in telling our members what to trade & when to buy and sell. We aim for creating self sufficient traders. However, we do present “discovery” trade targets for finding some of our favorite opportunities. But it is up to you to apply your knowledge.Get ZipTraderU – Charlie, Only Price $35 Tag:  ZipTraderU – Charlie Review. ZipTraderU – Charlie download. ZipTraderU – Charlie discount. ziptrader. Ziptrader charlie. Ziptrader discord. Ziptrader review. Ziptrader reddit