Resolve & Clear Stubborn Karmic Obstacles with Ganesha, and Unveil Your “Ganesha Consciousness” at This Month’s Most Auspicious Ganesha Time


Resolve & Clear Stubborn Karmic Obstacles with Ganesha, and Unveil Your “Ganesha Consciousness” at This Month’s Most Auspicious Ganesha Time If you are struggling with any internal or external life condition, and you want effective relief, to get rid of stubborn difficulties, eliminate bottlenecks, and do all of this quickly, this clearing is for you.It is said that the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be spiritually is by working with Ganesha. In terms of written history, Ganesha is one of the oldest archetypes of consciousness.Ganesha’s energy is know to remove obstacles of all kinds — the kinds of inner obstacles that ordinary human effort cannot clear easily.The power to remove obstacles is a Divine Power. We do not always know how to make progress in challenging life situations through ordinary human awareness. We need Divine support. This is the power of working with Ganesha.In my view, I don’t look at Ganesha as primarily a separate “god” that we should invoke to do things for us. I understand Ganesha as an aspect of our own collective and individual consciousness, the aspect that smashes inner obstacles that prevent us from making rapid progress in life.The obstacle-removing power of Ganesha is available to us all if we can only tap into it.In this way of understanding, we need to find a way to reveal “Ganesha Consciousness” within our own being, and as we do this, we are able to reveal divine blessings more quickly in both the spiritual and material realms.So how do we gain access to the consciousness of Ganesha?There is a special astrological time each month that the yogis consider to be the peak time to invoke Ganesha’s energy.This special timing is the 4th waxing moon time, about 4 days after each month’s full moon. In India, this date is referred to as “Sankatahara Chaturthi”, which literally means “the day for removing or mitigating problems”.If you want to remove obstacles, get rid of stubborn difficulties, get effective relief, eliminate bottlenecks, and do all of this quickly, this clearing is for you!I will be offering specific group clearings for obstacle removing with Ganesha 3 times during 2019. This is the first time this type of clearing is being offered. I encourage you to participate in all 3. This work builds on itself over time!In this group clearing:We are going to connect with and reveal within you the fullest expression possible of “Ganesha Consciousness” at the very peak time of its auspicious availability, establishing within you obstacle-removing powerWe are going to clear enough of your karma so you can spiritually reveal within you the 108 sacred names and mantras of Ganesha by clearing your present and past-life karma to fully realizing these qualities (this is the first time I am offering this clearing)We are going to clear karma so we can reveal the ancient “32 Ganesha Forms” and associated 42 Forms of Blessings within youWe are going to clear your karma so we can reveal the blessings (and clear and transcend the karmic lessons) of the “8 Incarnations of Ganesha” as described in the Mudgala Purana (an ancient sacred text)We are going to perform obstacle-removing karma clearing with the “Ekadasa Vinayagar” or 11 Ancient Ganeshas of a powerful Ganesha Sacred Vortex in South India.We are going to smash karmic obstacles preventing you from connecting to your soul’s purpose.We are going to smash karmic obstacles preventing you from embracing your soul’s purpose.We will smash obstacles preventing you from enacting your unique soul’s purpose and mission on this planet.We are going to revoke all vows you made in past lives to “never do spiritual work again” or to “not walk your spiritual path”.We are going to revoke all vows you made in past lives to stay in situations that don’t serve you.We are going to revoke all vows to “not become well” emotionally, financially, physically, or in life in general.We are going to revoke all vows of limitation and self-limitation.We are not going to limit the impact of this clearing to only specific areas of life, but are going to work more broadly. Let’s face it — we need all obstacles removed, wherever they may be in our consciousness and in our life. Everything in life is related to everything else, so in this clearing, we are going to open ourselves to resolving and clearing all possible obstacles to health, wealth, clarity, love, purpose, success, and higher expressions of right relationship with Spirit.Tag: Resolve & Clear Stubborn Karmic Obstacles with Ganesha, and Unveil Your “Ganesha Consciousness” at This Month’s Most Auspicious Ganesha Time – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Resolve & Clear Stubborn Karmic Obstacles with Ganesha, and Unveil Your “Ganesha Consciousness” at This Month’s Most Auspicious Ganesha Time – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Resolve & Clear Stubborn Karmic Obstacles with Ganesha, and Unveil Your “Ganesha Consciousness” at This Month’s Most Auspicious Ganesha Time – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.