Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020)


Originally Recorded: Saturday, March 21, 2020Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of “Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured”Working with Archangel Michael and 500 other angels for health protection and blessings, and receiving 2 million Saturn clearing for you and 72 generations of your ancestorsPart 1 of 4 “Health and Protection” Clearings and Activations I am offering over the next month to help shift the consciousness around our current global health challengeContained within every challenge, no matter how deep and pervasive, is the seed of a healing that is trying to emerge.  Our current global situation is no different.  If we can consciously participate in the evolution of consciousness that is trying to happen, we can protect and heal our own lives while holding a high space for the healing of the collective.With this coming Saturday’s clearing, I begin a series of 4 clearings and activations happening over the course of the next month to help you clear, protect, and establish a greater consciousness of health and well-being.  You will be participating consciously in your own evolution, and thus helping to hold a high space as we help the planet birth whatever our current challenges are trying to bring forth.Get Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020) – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27We kick things off in this clearing with working with Saturn karma as one of the most intense opportunities of clearing this stuff of the whole year.   Saturn governs the karma of “chronic diseases that take a very long time to get cured”, and so by working with clearing this karma, we are helping to create flow, eliminate resistance, and thus establish a greater harmony within our energy field, a natural protection.The unique astrology of this timing is allowing us to go very deeply into our personal, ancestral, and collective unconscious to specifically focus on resolving grief and trauma, while clearing karma, and activating your energy field with the Consciousness of Divine Protection.During this group event, we will be working with a very important peak timing for Saturn.  But we will also begin working with the energies of Rahu (the north node of the moon) and Ketu (the south node of the moon), whose energies are also awakened at this time, and are contributing to our current collective health challenges, and also contributing to increased energetic sensitivity, as well as unresolved trauma and grief both individual and collective.During this group clearing:we will work with 283 activations of Divine Health Protection with Archangel Michaelreceive activations of healing and protection from 500+ other angelswe will perform over 2 million karma clearings, blessings of protection, and activations with 25 significant Shiva power vortexes.  Shiva is the overlord of Saturn, and can helpwe will help to resolve the karma of grief, trauma, low vitality, and “chronic diseases that take a very long time to get cured” through at least 72 generations of your ancestral lineagesThis is the very definition of how Saturn’s energy affects health consciousness, and this is perhaps the most important peak time for accessing this energy in all the rest of 2020Get Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020) – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $27Tag: Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020) – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020) – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured (Originally Recorded March 2020) – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.