Attention: We Just Modernized The MOST Consistent and Oldest Form Of Marketing To Make Up to $536.90 In A Single Day..100% on Autopilot!Discover How a Simple App Made Our Tiny Campaign Go Completely Viral To Generate 6,850 HIGHLY Qualified Leads in 14 Days Oh… And it took Just 3 Minutes to Create the CampaignTap into the future of Traffic in 3 simple stepsGet 14x Engagement From Your SubscribersGet Up to 95% Open Rate with Viral and destroy your competitionGet ViralMobilio, Only Price $47″Three Major Pillars On Which The Foundation of Viral Is Based”Your Prospects are 92% More Likely to buy your product, if it’s recommended by one of their FriendsMobile Traffic is Responsible to drive over 56% of traffic to major US websitesMobile messenger apps like Viber, Whatsapp, Line etc have a staggering 95% Open Rate when compared to 8% in email marketingTraffic is life blood of any business – Online or Offline. No matter how awesome your product or offer is, unless it gets enough, targeted eye balls, you won’t be making any sales.95% Of The Businesses Close Down In First Year Due To Traffic Draught!Don’t Let Yours Be One Of Them!Listen, I know it’s really hard to survive in this constant competition and traffic wars… But what If we let you in on a secret that resulted in14 Times More Engagement10 Time More Traffic326% Increase In Income StatsWe Are Introducing A System That Has Never Been In Existence Before this…The sad part though, is that despite of creating hype around “Driving Traffic”, these so called Gurus, simply mislead a lot of unsuspecting marketers and seldom provide a real solution to the problem. You know it’s one of those. If they solve your traffic problems once and for all, how could they sell you anything else related to Traffic right?What they don’t understand is, that you can NEVER get enough of traffic. So even if they solve a real traffic problem by being honest and straight forward, they can still provide value in future. But simply whining about it is NOT what we do. So…We Are Changing This Once and For ALLIt’s Anwesh Rath Here and I have been Marketing Online Since 2007Between me and my partners, we have well over 35 years of experience, and we realize that no matter what you are selling and how you are selling,IF YOU DON’T HAVE TRAFFIC, YOU DON’T HAVE A BUSINESS.You see, when I started out, Traffic basically meant Google Adwords, Solo Ads, Giveaway events, article submission etc, that used to work like charm. But as it happens, industry evolved, technology saw immense advancements and those methods of driving traffic either became too costly to even break even, or simply became obsolete to even give it a try.Why Did It Happen?”Well, that’s how any Business or Market works. Check out what Gary has to say about it”So we evolved along with the industry and started focusing on what works, instead of what used to work.During this period, I learnt things that even my 7 figure coach couldn’t teach me.I learnt that Traffic is never free really. Either you pay for it with money or with your time. Since I didn’t have a lot to invest (Time or Money), it was a HUGE struggle for me to make any money online.Then A Brilliant Idea PoppedYou see, if it takes 1 hour for a piece of cloth to dry under the sun, how much time would it take for 10 pieces to dry? Of course 1 hour.So I figured that if I can devise a way to multiply my traffic by 5 or 10 folds, all I will have to do is drive that initial traffic, and let the traffic multiply itself on 100% Autopilot.But there was a HUGE problem back in 2010. Viral Traffic that grew by itself was literally “Owned” by Top companies and it was almost next to impossible to get even a small piece of this HUGE traffic pie.But I wasn’t going to give up. I hired a development team that built a software for me, that allowed me to drive 2 to 4 times the traffic I initially drove. This software worked almost like one of those “Refer to a Friend” application, but with a twist.It worked absolutely fine till July 2015, after which I started to see a steady decline in the numbers. Traffic and Profits both.So I started researching again, and figured that most people who actually tried to refer their friends, failed, because these emails landed in either Spam or Gmail’s Promotion tab.The open rates were pathetic. I was getting less than 3% of open rates myself, which explained the situation.Luckily, now I knew Rohan, who happens to own an IT firm in India, and we became friends.When I discussed my problem with him and proposed a (what I thought is impossible) solution.To my surprise, Rohan said it’s POSSIBLE!I couldn’t sleep that night. I mean, if what I thought could actually be done, my traffic problems would disappear for good.I am talking about 10x traffic which would have been a result of up to 94.8% Open Rates.To be honest, I forgot about this and started focusing on other aspects of my business.After 25 days, Rohan sends me a mail with user ID and password, along with a link where I would signup.Once I logged in, was ABSOLUTELY Blown AwayHe Did It!After Using This Software That He Jokingly Called the “Impossible Traffic App” for just 7 days,I was able to generate $582.80 and 325 HOT leads by spending $6.70 to drive initial traffic via Facebook ads.We are talking about 8700% ROI HereWe Finally Did It! But there were still some more features that I have imagined. So I proposed Rohan to partner up with my company and sell it to local businesses!After few tweaks it started generating even better results.And although “Impossible Traffic App” sounded not so bad, we re-christened this BEAST and called it Viral!Presenting…Detailed analyticsUsers can choose to create either of these 2 campaignsAbility to edit, delete and clone campaignsIntegration with major autorespondersIntegration with Youzign or can use your own custom image for campaignAbility to add unlock capability by sharing it toAbility to give coupon code, link, ebook, software or basically anything as giveaway.One of its kind of app that truly utilizes the power of mobile messenger apps, that have 90-95% open rate and a very specific and proven mind hack to deliver amazing results in any niche and any product you can think of.Take a look at the proof below from a local business here in Bangalore, who bought this software from us and used it to generate 890 Targeted leads with an ad spent of Rs. 1550 (~$24).That’s an INSANE $0.02 per lead (NOT click.. LEADGet ViralMobilio, Only Price $47Although I Can’t Guarantee Legally That You Will Get The Same Results, But, Oh Boy, Do I Want To Not Just Guarantee But Promise You, That You Will! [But I Can’t and I Didn’t]So what is Viral, and How Does It Works?Viral is a web based software that allows you to create campaigns based on YOUR need. It basically collects leads, and prompts that prospect to share the link of YOUR choosing with their friends on any of the Mobile Messaging apps likeWe have been using it in our business since past 2 months. Just take a look at these case studies below:Case Study 1:I setup a re engagement campaign for my old list. I sent them directly to a campaign where they had to enter their emails again, so that I could segregate them from others who didn’t bother to even go to the campaign through my link in the email.There I had a Bundle of Graphics and Video Backgrounds worth $67, and my subscribers could get their hands on it if they shared that link with 10 friends.Results:The list that used to get 2% Open rate, started giving me 8% Opens. I was also able to generate 365 fresh leads interested in Graphics and Video stuff in 7 Days.I promoted VSource (a Video Product) to that list and made $405.03 Within 2 DaysCase Study 2:One of our clients Varun drove traffic using Bing Ads to his website that had Viral campaign on it.He runs multiple businesses, and one of his main business is Custom Merchandise.Results:He was able to generate 236 Brand New subscribers and Rs.48,075.49 (~$771.54) with an ad spend of $180.64.That’s $536.90 in pure profits along with 236 HIGHLY targeted leads that have value around $54 per subscriber per year.So How Does This Beast of a Software Works? has features that could give the most complicated marketing software run for their money, BUT, since I am a non-techy marketer, I wanted to make sure that it’s “100% Anwesh Proof”. And trust me, if I can use it to create a full blown campaign in under 3 minutes, then YOU can too.Get ViralMobilio, Only Price $47Here’s how it creates a Full Fledged Viral Campaign for you in 5 Simple StepsViral is a web based software that allows you to create campaigns based on YOUR need. It basically collects leads, and prompts that prospect to share the link of YOUR choosing with their friends on any of the Mobile Messaging apps likeStep 1Simply Choose Between “Max Engagement or Max Traffic” ModesStep 2Customize Your Viral CampaignCustomize Your Viral Campaign -Viral Is Extremely User Friendly And Completely Customizable In Few ClicksStep 3Create Campaigns Using Various Integrated AutorespondersStep 4Customize The Thank You Page – Customize The Page Where The Referral URL Will Be Shown and Choose The Mobile Apps You Want To Give Your Prospects, Options OfStep 5Enter The Download Link Of Your Free Gift, Video, Coupon Code or Literally Anything That You Can Put In a HTML/Wordpress EditorStep 6Copy and Paste The Code Into your Website and Viral Starts Doing It’s Magic on 100% Autopilot!Sounds Interesting? Wait Till You See This!Viral is super smart. The share popup automatically detects whether your prospect is on a mobile device or desktop device, and shows the options to share accordingly.As if this was not enough to ensure World Domination, we decided to add even more killer features for you!Referral Marketing TrainingRun Viral ContestsUse it in CPA MarketingRun two different type of campaigns – Max Engagement and Max TrafficAnd MUCH MORE…Now to the most important part.Get ViralMobilio, Only Price $47Tag: ViralMobilio Review. ViralMobilio download. ViralMobilio discount.