Live & Luxurious Course


To the woman transformational coach who feels frustrated and stuck in her business…Discover how you can earn a 6-figure income while creating a greater impact in people’s lives, simply by creating and selling high-end programs that your dream clients LOVEWhen it comes to earning money, too many women transformational coaches think small.Join Gina DeVee, an internationally known life & success coach and founder of the Academy, as she teaches you everything you need to know to create and sell high-end programs, charge what you’re worth for your services, create a greater impact for your clients, and enjoy the freedom you deserve.To the woman transformational coach with big dreams,Are you truly happy with where your coaching business is right now?If you’re like most struggling transformation coaches, you’re probably experiencing some of these common frustrations:You struggle to find clients to grow your businessYou’re stressed having enough bookings each month to make ends meetYou’ve reached the income ceiling on your pay-per-hour business modelYou’re tired of your finances (and lifestyle) being a balancing act between feast and famineYou’re frustrated, and feel like you’re still living from “paycheck to paycheck”You easily experience stress, burnout and feel unfulfilled because you scramble to take on whatever clients you can get – regardless of whether or not this forces you to work during the weekend or work with someone you’re not aligned withYou don’t have the freedom – financially or time wise – to live the life you dream of livingWhat if I told you that you can resolve all these frustrations, and in 6 months or less you can completely turn your life and business around and:Become recognised as a Premium Coach who can charge top dollar for what you’re really worthStop “trading dollars for hours” and free yourself from burn out, stress and overwhelmCreate a sustainable avenue that will set you on the path to earn a 6-figure income from a business you loveWork with the kind of dream clients that you love working with and are actually happy to pay your premium feeHave the freedom and income to live the luxurious lifestyle of your dreamsWell, you can have all of this.And I’m going to show you a simple solution that will accelerate you on the path to becoming a Premium Coach and open the door for you to enjoy all of this and more.I’ll tell you more about this simple solution, but before that, let me talk about the common fears most women coaches have when it comes to becoming a Premium Coach and raising their rates.Like most women coaches I come across, you’re probably thinking:Who am I to become a Premium coach?I’m not qualified enough to charge top dollar.Don’t I need more experience first?This kind of stuff is more something those “celebrity” coaches can pull off.Well, let me tell you why you are not just deserving and qualified to become a Premium Coach… but why your clients actually WANT this from you, right now.It’s amazing the kind of coach you can be andimpact you can create when you are chargingyour worth to become financially freeBeing a transformational coach is an opportunity to use your talents, gifts and experience to really make a difference in people’s lives.But if you’re not charging what you’re worth, then you’ve immediately limited the kind of impact you can create in people’s lives. Because every day you’ll wake up wondering, “How am I going to earn enough to pay my bills today?”However, the moment you start believing in yourself and charging what you’re truly worth, something amazing happens.Your focus suddenly becomes, “How can I serve my clients better today?”And you immediately become a better contributor to the world and a more powerful coach to your clients.This is why you owe it to yourself — and your clients — to overcome your own limiting fears and create abundance in your life so you can give back more powerfully than ever, create more impact, and raise the vibrations of those whose lives you touch.Who am I to know this?My name is Gina DeVee and I am an internationally known life & success coach, motivational speaker, and radio talk show host who helps ordinary women live legendary lives through coaching, business, and lifestyle mastery.After a career working at the White house, Supreme Court, and the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, I decided to pursue my dream of being a life coach. I began as a psychotherapist who struggled to charge my worth and attract clients. Tired of struggling with the crazy neurotic cycle of a bank account that would yo-yo up and down, I trained myself to learn how to break through the income ceiling. I am now a multiple 7-figure business owner who travels the world and enjoys a most meaningful career plus a luxurious lifestyle.I have since inspired and helped thousands of women coaches learn how to live the ‘heroine’s journey’ and become the Queen of her life — benevolent, soft, and feminine while still wealthy and powerful — to create a 6-figure coaching business that gives them the freedom, fulfillment and lifestyle they always dreamed of.Positioning yourself as a Premium Coach is your ticket to a greater life of happiness and service:1 Becoming a Premium Coach is your ticket to charging what you’re worth – without having to feel guiltyAs a Premium Coach, you’ll actually deliver more value and transformation because the dedicated focus your clients get from your high-end services. This intense transformation can yield deeper and faster results for your clients than the trickling effect of standard one-on-one coaching throughout the course of many months or even year – so your clients will actually be getting more value and faster results from you — and they’ll love you for it too.2 Becoming a Premium Coach is your ticket to having a 6-figure income – without burning out or feeling overwhelmedGetting paid by the hour – even if you’re fully booked – will have an income ceiling. And there are only so many extra hours you can pull off before burning out.As a Premium Coach with high-end services, you don’t need to work around the clock to earn the income you dream of. You’ll also never have to worry about having enough to pay the bills at the end of each month. This means you can truly make your business about serving the people whose lives you want to make a difference in — without stress, burning out or feeling overwhelmed — while enjoying the luxurious lifestyle you dream of.3 Becoming a Premium Coach is your ticket to the luxurious lifestyle you dream of – while fulfilling your purposeMany women believe that serving our purpose requires us to sacrifice our desires. Nothing could be further than the truth. Let me share a bit of my own experience to show you why.Many years ago, I wasn’t living the dream life that I have now. I was struggling financially and wasted many days being so terrified that I wouldn’t be able to pay for rent or the groceries. But what was even more frustrating for me than the terror of the financial struggle was the fact that I was not living my purpose. It was very frustrating to know that I had all these talents, gifts, education, training and willingness to serve… but I wasn’t being used.When I learned how to transform my money story and activate my wealth consciousness, that was when the doors of possibilities and contribution opened up for me and I was better enabled — financially, emotionally, mentally — to truly make myself of service to the world and fulfill my purpose. And because I successfully made this happen for me, I know it can happen to you too.Yes Gina, I really do want to become a Premium Coach. But how do I know if I’m qualified?First of all, let’s dive in deeper and look at what it means to be a Premium Coach.Many women I know are scared to charge what they’re really worth because they think that being a Premium Coach is simply about raising their prices. And they immediately feel unqualified to do that.A Premium Coach, however, has a different mindset.It’s a mindset of creating a bigger container — a bigger space for transformation — where your clients can truly thrive and grow, and where you can fully utilise your gifts and talents and finally charge top dollar for what you are really worth.It’s about giving your clients more opportunities to transform through a diversified platform of premium services — instead of keeping yourself and your clients stuck in a smaller container of one-on-one coaching.Let’s face it.When you do the same thing over and over again, things start getting a little stale right? That’s why you need diversity.It’s not just about taking yourself to the next level, it’s also about taking your clients to the next level of transformation. To give them deeper and more meaningful opportunities for growth as they too develop beyond the space of one-on-one coaching.As you take you and your business higher, you also take your clients higher and higher.On top of the fulfilling satisfaction to create a bigger impact, you’ll also be earning what you’re really worth and finally enjoy the dream lifestyle and freedom you’ve always envisioned for yourself — freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, freedom to travel, freedom to engage in hobbies that really light you up, freedom to indulge in luxuries, freedom to be truly YOU.So let’s summarise this and look at what you need to be qualified as a Premium Coach:A determined mindset to achieve the next level of transformation for yourself, your business and your clientsA burning desire to live your dream lifestyle and be living proof that this too is possible for your clients to achieveAn unwavering dedication to deliver more value to your clients through bigger containers that offer deeper and more meaningful opportunities for growthIf you’ve said “YES! YES! YES!” to all of these, then congratulations! You have everything you need to be a Premium Coach. So what’s your next step?Well, this is exactly what I’m here to show you, just as I’ve already guided hundreds of other women transformational coaches like become a successful Premium Coach and start living the luxurious lifestyle of their dreams in 6 months or less!Why should you trust me to help youbecome a Premium Coach?Remember how earlier I mentioned about the one simple solution that will accelerate you on the path to become a Premium Coach in 6 months or less?Well, here’s that that simple solution is:It’s creating a diversified platform of premium services that specifically include:High-end programs1-Day intensivesGroup RetreatsThis strategy has been my ticket to becoming a Premium Coach who can charge what I’m truly worth, attract the kind of dream clients I love working, given me a lot of fulfilling and meaningful client relationships, and opened the door to my dream lifestyle of traveling around the world and transforming people’s lives.I have done this so well for many years now that in fact, successfully creating and selling high-end programs, 1-day intensives and group retreats has become one of my top specialties!And now I want to pay it forward and show how you can do the same too. Here’s a glimpse of just some of the things I’ve created that is possible for you to create as well.I’ve sold individual and group programs from $1k-$100k successfully for years, I’ve hosted 1-day intensives in Los Angeles, New York City, London, Paris, Provence, Marrakesh, Santa Barbara and Malibu and I sold out my Transformation in Tuscany Retreat to participants from the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.As promised, I am now going to show you — as I’ve guided hundreds of other brilliant women transformational coaches — how you can experience the love, joy and profound transformation that occurs when facilitating high-end programs, 1-day intensives and group retreats!So please allow me to introduce to you, Live & Luxurious, a 6-week program where I teach you, step-by-step, everything you need to know to create and sell high-end programs, 1-Day intensives and group retreats!Introducing Live & LuxuriousCreate & Sell Your High-End Programs,1-Day Intensives and Group RetreatsAfter this 6-week program, you’ll:Know how to create your service packages (3 levels-small, medium, and large) that will position you as a credible and valuable premium coachKnow how to structure your 1 -Day intensives so you can deliver maximum value to your clients and be able to charge premium prices for itHave the ability to put together a year-long platinum program (if you desire) so you can earn passive income and enable your financial freedomIncrease your confidence in knowing what your offer is so that you can have the clarity in how to deliver your unique strengths and talents to transform people’s livesStrengthen your wealth consciousness so you can charge what you’re worthHave the exact marketing techniques for how to sell your high-end services so you don’t have to worry about where you are going to find your high-end clientsHave checklists, documents and resources of everything you need to successfully sell your packages without wasting your time and money on strategies that do not workExperience the how-tos of designing and selling your high-end packages in real time. In addition to the nuts-and-bolts, you’ll also handle any inner mindset issues that may have been holding you back so you’ll never be stuck in your business.Unlock the ability to do what you do best and be financially free to finally live the luxurious lifestyle you dream ofEnjoy the Q&A support to ensure your success is consistent and sustainable so you’ll never have to suffer the “feast or famine” cycle ever againLet’s take a closer look into exactly how I will guide step-by-step to do this:In this exclusive 6-part training you will:Develop the unshakeable confidence that comes from having your perfect packages designed and your structures in place.Deal with issues of self-worth that have been keeping you from charging higher fees, and slay those demons once and for all.Discover what it’s like to do business on a whole new level, and raise your vibration in every area of your business and your life.What you’ll get in the 6-module Live & Luxurious: Create & Fill your High-End Coaching Packages & 1-Day IntensivesModule 1: Why Clients Desire High-End Coaching PackagesWhy High-End Clients Desire High-End Coaching PackagesKnowing What the Benefits are of Working with YouThe Psychology and Benefits of Offering High-End Coaching PackagesHow to Be the Expert & Set Healthy BoundariesBusiness Basics of Coaching You Must KnowModule 2: Hosting One-day Private IntensivesThe Purpose and Benefits of One-day IntensivesHow to Price your IntensivesGina DeVee’s Learning Process with Pricing IntensivesHow Gina DeVee Go Started Hosting One-day IntensivesHow to Find Intensive ClientsWhen & How to Handle PaymentsSpecific Welcome Packets and Contracts for IntensivesWhere to Hold Intensives & How to Structure the DayModule 3: Creating High-End Programs that SellHow to Structure 90-Day & 6-Month Coaching PackagesCreating Lucrative Group Programs & RetreatsThe Application Process Necessary to Attract High-End ClientsHow to Get Clients and Sell Your PackagesThe Class Agreement DocumentModule 4: Marketing to Attract High-End ClientsThe Sales Page that Makes Your Offer Clear & CompellingThe Newsletter that Builds Rapport with Prospective ClientsSolo Mailers that have Clients Running for Their Credit CardsWord of Mouth NetworkingThe 30-second PitchPrivate Phone Conversations & Discovery Sessions that Enroll ClientsJoint Ventures and Affiliate Programs that Get the Word Out About YouHow to Not Be DesperateIdeal Client Vs . Nightmare ClientModule: 5: How to Sell Without Sounding “Salesy or Pushy”Discovery Sessions that Are in Service to The ClientList of Potential Questions to Ask ProspectsRole Playing that Increases your ClarityAnalyzing What the Prospect is Really SayingFacilitating the Sale with ConfidenceOvercoming the Top 35 Objections20 Ways to Help Clients Find the Money to Work With YouCommunicate the Value of Your OfferAsking for the SaleFacilitating the SaleModule 6: Bringing All Your Coaching Packages TogetherQ & A Recording of Coaches Asking Their Top Questions with Gina DeVeeFinalizing your Packages and Price PointsCelebrating Being a Top Premier CoachBecoming a Premium Coach is nowfaster and easier than everIt used to be that becoming a Premium Coach was something that happened to the “lucky”.You know… the “lucky” ones that have a bestselling book, numerous television appearances, or famous clients that give them golden celebrity endorsements.This is now no longer the case because I’ve proven how my step-by-step process can take any woman coach — regardless of if she is a new coach or have been doing this for years — and turn her into a Premium Coach who is highly valued for her worth and in high demand for her premium services.Today, it is faster and easier than ever for you to access this process and become a successful Premium Coach.Get everything that took me years to learn in just 6 weeksIn the Live & Luxurious teleclass, I will guide you through every step of the way to become a Premium Coach in just six weeks. I give you all of my templates, I give you all of my materials, I give you exactly the way I think, I show you how to structure all of the business components that you need.It’s hard to put a value on this, especially if you were to consider all the financial and time investment I put into training myself. Not to mention all the expensive mistakes I made, which I’ll show you how to avoid. Having my step-by-step process that will accelerate you to become a Premium Coach is then easily worth at least $10,000.If you were to learn this from me privately, I would charge $3000 per hour. And you would need a lot of hours from me to cover everything you need to know from this 6-week programLastly, you’ll also get Pdf Downloadable Packets of course materials, templates, worksheets that is $1000 in value. Plus, audio recordings of all my teaching and coaching from each live class and Q&A sessions, making it at least $2,000 worth of program material and support at your fingertips.Remember – this is just the value of what you get in the program. If you were to also consider the value of the income and freedom opportunities you will gain from Live & Luxurious, then this program is truly priceless.So what we have added up here is over $15,000 worth of program materials and knowledge (excluding your special bonus gifts, which I’ll reveal soon, plus the PRICELESS opportunity of multiplying your income and opening the doors to freedom and the luxurious lifestyle of your dreams.But because this is a home training program, and because my intention is to pay it forward and help you the way my coach helped me create a 6-figure income through high-end programs, 1-Day intensives and group retreats, I’ve dramatically cut down the cost.I’m making this as affordable as possibleAnd that’s why I’m not charging anywhere near $15,000 or even half of that. I could still easily charge $3,000 or $2,000 and give you lots of value, but I want to make it even more affordable than that.Which is why I have made Live & Luxurious available at a standard price of just $495.However, I want to give you an even more special offer right now. While my past students have invested $495 and reaped immense value from Live & Luxurious, I’m going to give you a further additional limited offer discount.For a limited time only, you can enroll in the next intake of Live & Luxurious for just $299.Just getting one sale from your high-end product, 1-day intensive or group retreat will pay for this three, four, five times over or even more.You’ll also get the amazing bonus toaccelerate your journey to financialfreedom and service fulfillment:Private “Members Only” Facebook GroupYour income is the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most. One of the most common frustrations high-vibrational women have is, “Where are the other women committed to upleveling their lives and businesses in a big way?” I know it’s hard enough to break through your own limiting beliefs…let alone to have to overcome the beliefs of friends and family who don’t “get what you do”.One of the most valuable parts of being in this program will be networking, masterminding and having a brand new worldwide community of women committed to shining fully and brightly, not holding back in any way. I’ve developed this members only group just for the women in this program so you can create an abundant, high vibrational community around you to support the work you’re accomplishing in this program. You’ll also be inspired hearing about the financial miracles and quantum leaps other women in this course will be making and posting in our Facebook group!How is Live & Luxurious differentto other coaching programs?1 You’ll get the complete blueprint to everything you need to know for business excellence as a Premium CoachHow do I create a intensive? What do I charge? What about paperwork? How do I work with an assistant? What logistics do I need to be aware of when creating and selling these packages? How do I market it? Where do I find these high-end clients who will be willing to pay for this?All these real life questions and more will be covered LIVE in the teleclass, step-by-step as your progress. You’ll also have all your business foundations secured, so that you have all of your structures and systems in place, from marketing through to legal and everything in between!2 You’ll learn real-life lessons that has worked for me and other women like youThis teleclass isn’t textbook stuff or fake case studies. This telecourse takes you through everything that I know about creating high-end programs in the real world.I’ll openly and tell you all the mistakes I’ve made and all the course corrections I took to help you create flawless and seamless experience for yourself and your clients, so that you really can charge your worth, and really can raise your rates and you can do it in a way that feels congruent and authentic to you.3 Your progress is guaranteed and you’ll never be stalled or stuckIn between each lesson, you will create the pieces I’ve outlined (this course comes with homework checklists) and all you need to do is put into place your vision and desires into the business support and structures I’ve created for you. You’ll know exactly what to do at every stage.You will never be stalled or stuck, because during this course you can ask me personally–your questions, in each Q&A segment and for free on my Divine Living Radio Show in the Q&A part. I hold them every Monday and call is devoted to Q&A and laser coaching with me. I will make sure you get all your questions answered and your blocks cleared, so you keep moving forward. (And if you happen to have any wealth consciousness challenges, they don’t stand a chance with you and I working through this together!)4 You’ll be in a sisterhood of feminine women entrepreneursNothing is more energetic than feeding off people who are in high vibration. In this environment, you’ll be connected to others who are lit up and unapologetic to better themselves and serve others. You’ll get supported in excelling with your own lifestyle, develop yourself at such a deep level, and you’ll do it with sisterhood.Live & Luxurious Triple Guarantee3 irresistable promises for your peace of mind:Guarantee #1:Artisan-level qualityYou will be blown away by the sheer quality and clear guidance of every lesson that holds your hand step by step to become a successful Premium coach. Even the packaging and online membership area have been designed with the greatest of care.Guarantee #2:Powerful and fast resultsUpon implementing the step-by-step process of Live & Luxurious, you’ll notice instant results in your mindshift, confidence and ability as a coach. You will also know exactly how to create and sell high-end services and reap the rewards – emotionally and financially.Remember you can also write to us any time for personal guidance and tips.Guarantee #3:Impact on your lifeLive & Luxurious will empower you to become a Premium Coach who can attract dream clients and that are willing to pay what you’re really worth. This will change your life forever and give you the freedom and luxurious lifestyle of your dreams.Get Live & Luxurious Course – Anonymous [Gina DeVee], only price $59Tag: Live & Luxurious Course Review. Live & Luxurious Course download. Live & Luxurious Course discount.