Beginner’s ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript. – Mammoth Interactive


If you want to learn to code for the web, Beginner’s ES6 Programming is the place to start. Begin your career or hobby in web development today by enrolling in this course.In Beginner’s ES6 Programming, you will learn the fundamentals of coding in JavaScript, including ES6. You will learn how to change what is displayed on a webpage using JavaScript.No prior experience in JavaScript is required. Web developer Chris Veillette will cover ES6 and many of its new features in depth. You will learn the newest possibilities and fundamental building blocks of JavaScript.What is ES6?With ES6 (ECMAScript 6th Edition), you can code for the web. ECMAScript is another name for JavaScript. ES6 has standardized features that JavaScript engines implement. ES6 is well-supported across different web browsers.What Will I Learn?Get started with JavaScript basicsLearn about ES6 and its new featuresApply ES6 concepts in your projectsUse build tools like Gulp and WebpackCompile ES6 into ES5 using BabelWho is the target audience?JavaScript beginnersJavaScript developers who want to learn ES6RequirementsModern web browserBasic HTML/CSS knowledge is helpful but not requiredYou too can become a web developer by learning the popular programming language JavaScript. This course is full of practical examples. We teach you theory while also building real projects that you can put in your portfolio.Enroll today to join the Mammoth community!Level: Beginner, Length: 22 hours Course CurriculumIntroductionImportant Things to Know About the Course (2:20)Top 7 Things You Will Learn (5:01)Tips to Getting Started with Javascript (4:36)Common Pitfalls in Es6 and JS (4:14)Introduction Part 1 (9:14)Introduction Part 2 (5:34)Introduction Part 3 (3:53)Basic TypesBasic Types Part 1 – Numbers and Strings (11:18)Basic Types Part 2 – Booleans (8:32)Basic Types Part 3 – Booleans (Cont’d) (4:11)Basic Types Part 4 – Objects (11:54)Basic Types Part 5 – Objects (Cont’d) (15:00)Basic Types Part 6 – Arrays (10:43)Basic Types Part 7 – Arrays (Cont’d) (12:45)Chapter 1: Variables1.1 – Intro to Variables Part 1 (5:52)1.2 = Intro to Variables Part 2 (9:51)1.3 – Intro to Variables Part 3 (8:15)1.4 – Intro to Variables Part 4 (4:06)1.5 – Scoping and Intro to Let (9:40)1.6 – Let Statements (2:34)1.7 – Intro to Const (10:15)1.8 – Summary (1:19)Chapter 2: Operators2.1 – Intro to If Statements (7:53)2.2 – Equal Sign Operators (11:11)2.3 – Other Comparison Operators (13:45)2.4 – Nested If Statements (6:48)2.5 – Logical Operators (10:50)2.6 – Not Operators (9:07)2.7 – Else and Else If (7:14)Chapter 3: Functions3.1 – Intro to Functions Part 1 (6:37)3.2 – Intro to Functions part 2 (9:15)3.3 – Intro to Functions Part 3 (9:24)3.4 – Hoisting (3:41)3.5 – Function Expressions (6:52)3.6 – Functions Changing Non-Primitive Properties (6:13)3.7 – Nested Functions Part 1 (5:20)3.8 – Nested Functions Part 2 (10:17)3.9 – Nested Functions Part 3 (4:54)Chapter 4: More Functions4.1 – Function Expressions (8:36)4.2 – Returns and Brackets (6:48)4.3 – More Examples (6:59)4.4 – More Examples (Cont’d) (3:55)4.5 – Default Values (14:15)4.6 – Rest Parameters (10:44)4.7 – Arrow Functions (10:51)4.8 – Arrow Functions (Cont’d) (0:51)Chapter 5: Switch Statements5.1 – Switch Statements Part 1 (7:43)5.2 – Switch Statements Part 2 (5:41)5.3 – Switch Statements Part 3 (6:12)5.4 – Switch Statements Part 4 (2:35)5.5 – Switch Statements Part 5 (5:16)Chapter 6: Loops6.1 – Intro to Loops (3:54)6.2 – While Loops (5:28)6.3 – While Loops (Cont’d) (10:17)6.4 – Do While Loop (5:07)6.5 – Do While Loop (Cont’d) (2:20)6.6 – For Loop (10:17)6.7 – For Loop (Cont’d) (6:05)6.8 – Controlling Loops (11:01)6.9 – Closing Over For Loop (10:11)6.10 – For…In and For Each (10:11)6.11 – For…of (9:36)6.12 – For…of (Cont’d) (3:25)Chapter 7: DOM7.1 – Intro to DOM (11:03)7.2 – Intro to DOM (cont’d) (14:53)7.3 – getElementbyId Part 1 (11:44)7.4 – getElementbyId Part 2 (3:25)7.5 – getElementbyId Part 3 (4:22)7.6 – DOM Query Selector (5:02)7.7 – DOM Query Selector all (8:24)7.8 – Traversing the DOM (4:42)7.9 – Getting and Setting ID and Class Part 1 (3:21)7.10 – Getting and Setting ID and CLass Part 2 (9:52)7.11 – Getting and Setting ID and CLass Part 3 (4:43)7.12 – Getting and Setting ID and Class Part 4 (4:00)7.13 – Creating and Appending Elements (6:39)7.14 – Creating and Appending Elements (Cont’d) (7:29)7.15 – Removing Elements (7:03)Chapter 8: Events8.1 – Intro To Events (9:09)8.2 – Intro to Events (Cont’d) (6:32)8.3 – Firing and Function Removing Events (8:04)8.4 – Events Propagation (17:36)8.5 – Common Design Pattern (6:54)8.6 – Prevent Default (4:40)8.7 – Prevent Default (Cont’d) (7:51)8.8 – Key Events (3:57)8.9 – Key Events (Cont’d) (9:47)8.10 – DOMContentLoaded (9:30)8.11 – Load Event (4:05)8.12 – Load Event (Cont’d) (2:07)8.13 – Recommendations (1:24)Chapter 9: Template Literals9.1 – Template Literals Part 1 (2:37)9.2 – Template Literals Part 2 (14:49)9.3 – Template Literals Part 3 (5:01)9.4 – Template Literals Part 4 (10:09)9.5 – Template Literals part 5 (4:12)Chapter 10: Destructuring10.1 – Destructuring arrays part 1 (10:45)10.2 – Destructuring arrays part 2 (7:50)10.3 – Destructuring arrays part 3 (9:45)10.4 – Destructuring objects part 1 (5:50)10.5 – Destructuring objects part 2 (9:54)10.6 – Destructuring objects part 3 (7:16)10.7 – Destructuring objects Part 4 (7:16)10.8 – Destructuring nested objects (4:09)10.9- Destructuring nested objects (cont’d) (9:01)Chapter 11: Throw Exceptions and Try…Catch11.1 – Throw Exceptions (9:20)11.2 – Throw Exceptions (Cont’d) (3:02)11.3 – Try…Catch Part 1 (6:48)11.4 – Try…Catch Part 2 (9:50)11.5 – Try…Catch Part 3 (2:47)11.6 – Finally Statement (8:04)11.7 – Final thoughts (2:33)Chapter 12: Object-Oriented Programming Language12.1 – OOP in JS intro Part 1 (14:33)12.2 – OOP in JS intro Part 2 (7:33)12.3 – OOP in JS Intro Part 3 (4:14)12.4 – OOP in JS Intro Part 4 (2:37)12.5 – OOP in JS Intro Part 5 (5:15)12.6 – Object Constructors Part 1 (8:39)12.7 – Object Constructprs Part 2 (2:09)12.8 – Object Constructor Part 3 (2:33)12.9 – Inheriting from Objects Part 1 (9:34)12.10 – Inheriting from Object Part 2 (5:01)12.11 – Inheriting from Objects Part 3 (2:18)Chapter 13: Classes, Inheritance and Grouping13.1 – Intro to Classes (8:12)13.2 – Intro to Classes (Cont’d) (8:29)13.3 – Inheritance Part 1 (5:20)13.4 – Inheritance Part 2 (2:02)13.5 – Inheritance Part 3 (7:11)13.6 – Static Methods (10:42)13.7 – Pros and Cons of Inheritance (3:01)13.8 – Grouping Without Inheritance (11:14)13.9 – Functions and Looping Practice (9:43)13.10 – Functions And Looping Practice (Cont’d) (4:21)13.11 – Final Thoughts (3:35)Chapter 14: Callbacks and Promises14.1 – Callbacks Part 1 (9:42)14.2 – Callbacks Part 2 (5:49)14.3 – Callbacks Part 3 (2:56)14.4 – Callbacks Part 4 (5:20)14.5 – Callbacks Part 5 (9:09)14.6 – Callbacks Part 6 (3:39)14.7 – Callbacks Part 7 (4:57)14.8 – Promises Part 1 (5:56)14.9 – Promises Part 2 (5:13)14.10 – Promises Part 3 (6:15)14.11 – Promises Part 4 (2:38)14.12 – Promises Part 5 (8:29)14.13 – Promises Part 6 (2:22)14.14 – Promises Part 7 (6:36)14.15 – Promises Part 8 (8:09)14.16 – Promises Part 9 (3:17)14.17 – Promises Part 10 (6:14)Chapter 15: Data and Attributes15.1 – Introduction (10:41)15.2 – Fetching and Processing Data (9:20)15.3 – Alternative Way to Append to HTML (11:28)15.4 – Multiple Objects in Response (5:48)15.5 – Multiple Objects in Response (Cont’d) (7:48)15.6 – Loops and Data Attributes Part 1 (6:28)15.7 – Looping and Data Attribute Part 2 (5:51)15.8 – Loops and Data Attributes Part 3 (10:12)15.9 – Final Thoughts (3:08)Chapter 16: Syntax and Property16.1 – Spread Syntax Part 1 (9:08)16.2 – Spread Syntax Part 2 (2:22)16.3 – Spread Syntax Part 3 (2:50)16.4 – Spread Syntax Part 4 (4:52)16.5 – Spread Syntax Part 5 (3:52)16.6 – Rest Syntax and Method Definitions (8:40)16.7 – Property Shorthand (3:52)16.8 – Property Shorthand (Cont’d) (4:42)16.9 – Property Names (6:00)16.10 – Property Names (Cont’d) (7:21)16.11 – Maps (15:13)16.12 – Sets (10:14)16.13 – Sets (Cont’d) (6:10)16.14 – Final Thoughts (2:10)Chapter 17: Using Babel CLI and Gulp17.1 – Transpiling in Browser (10:32)17.2 – Using Babel CLI part 1 (13:08)17.3 – Using Babel CLI Part 2 (3:03)17.4 – Using Babel CLI Part 3 (4:58)17.5 – Setting up Simple Server (2:38)17.6 – Setting up Simple Server (Cont’d) (2:24)17.7 – Compile Using Gulp Part 1 (8:21)17.8 – Compile Using Gulp Part 2 (4:52)17.9 – Compile Using Gulp Part 3 (4:46)17.10 – Compile Using Gulp Part 4 (4:47)17.11 – Compile Using Gulp Part 5 (2:17)17.12 – Compiling Using Gulp Part 6 (1:58)Chapter 18: Linting, Bundling and Dev Server18.1 – Introduction (12:38)18.2 – Watch for Changes (2:06)18.3 – Linting with eslint (7:23)18.4 – Linting with eslint (2:58)18.5 – Bundling Part 1 (5:10)18.6 – Bundling Part 2 (6:47)18.7 – Bundling Part 3 (1:11)18.8 – Bundling Part 4 (5:19)18.9 – Dev Server (5:28)18.10 – Dev Server (Cont’d) (3:01)Source CodeSource CodeMore content!Get Beginner’s ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript. – Mammoth Interactive, Only Price $87Tag: Beginner’s ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript. – Mammoth Interactive Review. Beginner’s ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript. – Mammoth Interactive download. Beginner’s ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript. – Mammoth Interactive discount.