Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL – Sandi Krakowski


Never Before Taught: Highly Effective Copywriting, Ad Writing, Content Creation & Social Media Influencer Apprenticeship.For Small Business Owners OR Anyone Wanting A New Career!Seeking highly motivated & ready-to-work people who want MASSIVE exposure online with the new “social media engagement marketing” world!Seeking highly motivated & ready-to-work people who want MASSIVE exposure online with the new “social media engagement marketing” world!Dear small business owner, home business builder, startup entrepreneur, musician, author, coach, ministry or non-profit leader & anyone looking to change the world & be hugely successful doing so:During my 18 years of building businesses online, there are a few things that I have MASTERED that have caused me to be noticed by international influencers globally, and have paid me MILLIONS of dollars.It is these few things that I am going to be spending 12 weeks pouring into an elite group of students who desire to MASTER social media culture, engagement marketing, content creation and copywriting through my Social Media Masters “Learn At Your Own Pace” on demand school.THERE IS NO ONE teaching this level of social media content creation anywhere online today.One of the BIGGEST keys most so-called ‘social media experts’ are failing on is regular content creation that builds culture and closes a sale, every single day.If you can build a big following that’s great. Hats off to you!But if NO ONE is converting or conversing with you daily, you’re really just spinning your wheels and treading water.Let me teach you how to build a COMMUNITY that changes the worldand content they want to read every single day!Content is king! When you write ads, the copy on your sales page, your social platforms and all of your connections need to mirror your message, what your customers want and it needs to happen so effortlessly that you will ask yourself every single day, “Am I really working?”It’s been more than 2 years since I’ve sat down with an elite group of students and edited their copy. The last time I worked together with a group of apprentices, we let them look over my shoulder as I created million dollar sales pages, ad campaigns and content that converts into sales.I edited their copy and gave them secrets that most people never get access to. The results were HISTORIC!The sum total of your results on social media will be 100% tied to your copy, your content and ultimately, your conversions.This is where my 18 year speciality can help YOU! If you hired me personally to write your copy, just like several multi-million dollar brands have done, you’d pay $2997 per hour.But with this class you can work in a group setting with me for less than $6 per day!Not only that but I’m bringing my son, Jeremy Krakowski, who has been working with me every single day for the last two years. We’ve been reviewing what is going on in the field, how we can improve our content and we’ve made it our personal undertaking to study like mad marketing scientists what works and what doesn’t work so that we can bring this expertise back to you, the student.Take for example this little tip for your campaigns:If your copy and your content don’t mirror each other, conversions won’t happen.Sometimes it can be two words that take people from 0% closing ratios online to 50% but how will you ever know if you don’t have an expert helping you and critiquing your work?!I am ready to work with you to get results that will change the history of your business.YOU WILL LEARN HOW TOWrite sales copy that causes people to buy quickly through social media. How to create a BIG IDEA with picture graphics, quotes, text posts and more on a social media page and then ‘marry’ that to a well crafted email. Create advertising campaigns that people are compelled to click through. Know what a good ROI is and what needs to change to get higher conversions. Learn 3 powerful words you can insert immediately into your content on Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram or Pinterest that will automatically have people sharing, commenting and liking your content every single time. How to create content in less than 1 hour per week. Connect with the top influencers in your niche without ever feeling pushy. Stay fresh and connected while you run your business because you know what you’re doing is working. Know what a good ROI is and what needs to change to get higher conversions.… and MORE! The last time I taught copywriting, my students were seeing results they never dreamed were possible.Many of them made more money, were able to pour into more charities and they began to live the life of their dreams writing and marketing through the internet while on vacation in under just a few hours per week!He went from $38k per year to $120,000 In Sales In 60 Days!Sandi I have been following you for quite sometime, I started with the Free classes and then I started purchasing classes. I did the social media masters class this past fall when it was introduced. I wanted to share with you that my page likes went over 100K today!!. I had 4K last April. I have an online business that did a total of 38K last year. As a part time business I was thrilled with that. After taking your classed I got a bit more aggressive on my Facebook advertising and made a few changes on my product and I am pleased to share in the first two months of 2015 my part time website has produced $120,000 in sales!! I just wanted to share that I applied your techniques and a lot of trial and error and wow!!. It’s all still a work in progress but we’re going in the right direction. It’s funny I am a beachbody coach and I started following your classes to help with that biz, and as I kept learning I said hey I can apply this to my day job! It’s great. Thank You So Much!! “God Bless, Ben Alford I am looking for the cream of the crop. The Champions who are willing to work, willing to follow directions and those who will give it their all.Is that you?Simply learning the technical aspects of Facebook, Twitter, InstaGramand the like will NOT create cash. CONTENT and COPYWRITING are your key!During the last year we’ve worked hard to build a HUGE social media following of clients who are engaged with us on a daily basis.With over 900,000 people in our social media community, it’s plain to see that mastering the technical aspects of social media is not what creates a community that visits, engages and purchases, repeatedly.This is where your 12 week mentorship takes off… The limited enrollment in this program is critical, so listen to me now:IF YOU CANNOT make a 12 week commitment, you’re not serious about writing better copy, creating ads that get conversion over 7% and you’re just looking around for the next sparkly wonder – go somewhere else…Listen to this LIVE TRAINING CALL Sandi & Jeremy did for a sneak preview of this class! On this call listen to a story of a Mom who wrote $10,000 into her business last month because of a SIMPLE copywriting secret she learned.You’ll also hear about a business owner who is active in politics and I’ll coach her through on HOW to manage her content on her page without being offensive on very controversial topics!I am also sharing a secret on how to increase sales even if you only have 1000 people on your Facebook page!We will talk with a business owner who has great engagement on her page but NO ONE is buying her products when they get to her page! I tell her EXACTLY why this is happening!Where would your business be after spending 12 weeks withSandi Krakowski and Jeremy Krakowski mentoring you every step of the way?Sandi Krakowski has been a copywriter for more than 18 years. Her current rate to write copy and create award winning marketing is $2997 per HOUR. Now you can get access to this SAME consulting, in a group setting, with weekly strategy calls for under $1000 dollars. WHY wouldn’t you do it? Imagine how many thousands of dollars you could be making in under 12 weeks!Are you tracking your sales, content and copy every single day?Jeremy Krakowski has been in marketing & media for more than 10 years. He is the Director of Marketing & Media for A Real Change, having worked in tandem directly alongside Sandi Krakowski for the last 2 years, with a fresh look towards what’s working now, creative approaches to marketing, and how to track every action you do for a tangible profit – while making it easy to understand & still keeping that “personal touch” for loving your customers that is so important.Learn how to use the tracking tools and content creation ROI measurements that big brands and agencies are using. Face it- NO ONE is teaching small business owners how to do this correctly! Now you will confidently be able to measure your ad results, your graphic campaigns, your copy, content and your engagement, every single day! This is one of those classes you may want to have one of your staff members take!WARNING: If you can’t give me a 12 week commitment, please don’t enroll in this program.Please note: If you are just ‘testing things out’, are not convinced that you are called to business, never follow through on commitments, ask a ton of questions and never do a thing about the things you asked, are skeptical of the internet and hate social media, this is DEFINITELY NOT FOR YOU!Apprenticeship Includes:12- On Demand Video Lessons: Weekly “Learn At Your Own Pace” Video Lessons that are 30 minutes each you can do one lesson per week to work through the program.BONUS: 12- Strategy Session Call MP3 Recordings that were done with an Elite Group where you can ‘listen in’ and glean from Sandi’s expert training and apply to your business instantly!Sandi’s “WHAT’S WORKING” Copywriting Report where you will find out what is working and how to monetize it for your businessWorksheets, Special Bonus Materials And MORE!APPENTICESHIP WEEKS 1- 4 Basics of copywriting on social media List Building and create a client base Bio Writing and the TOP EXPERTS secrets no one is teaching Page vs Personal Profiles and how to use them correctly Sales pages and Ads Lifetime value of a customer and why CONTENT keeps people engage How to properly use live & scheduled content Building a content creation mapAPPENTICESHIP WEEKS 5-8 The 3- Keys To 5000 Fans In 90 Days on Facebook Content creation: Articles, posts, quotes, photos, videos and more Why some pictures get high engagement and close sales and some will NOT The Big Idea In Copywriting on social media- Facebook and InstaGram The Four Legged Stool of copywriting and how to use it on your sales page Selling your product with benefits on social media posts- InstaGram and Pinterest Benefits in an ad that links to your sales pageAPPENTICESHIP WEEKS 9-12  Twitter And Highly Engaged Buyers How to write copy on Twitter differently InstaGram contests Pinterest articles, quotes, recipes, photos and more WHY so many social media ‘experts’ are not experts and how you can tell! A 3- step plan to become a TOP Forbes Social Media Influencer in less than 6 months How to get a column in a major magazine column sing Twitter in a different way for social media The next 120 days- homework to keep you on the fast profit pathGet started in our “On Demand” Learn At Your Own Pace Video Module Classroom NOW!This apprenticeship includes everything Sandi covered in a 12 week private live course. You can now learn at your own pace with all of the recordings and glean from everything she taught!Tag: Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL – Sandi Krakowski Review. Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL – Sandi Krakowski download. Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL – Sandi Krakowski discount. masters in digital marketing online. social media marketing degree. mba in social media marketing. colleges that offer social media degrees. university of florida social media masters. social media masters uk.