Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch


ARE YOU “OVER” PLAYING SMALL WONDERING WHAT IT TAKES TO GO BIG?ARE YOU TIRED OF FEELING LIKE A SUPPORTING PLAYER IN YOUR LIFE?WANT TO IGNITE A FIRE IN YOUR LIFE TO AMP UP YOUR PASSION AND POWER?ARE YOU TRYING TO “LIVE YOUR PASSION” BUT DON’T QUITE FEEL…, MAGNETIC, CHARISMATIC, FREE, JOYFUL?DO YOU KNOW THAT THE “REAL YOU” IS HIDING BENEATH THE SURFACE, JUST BEGGING TO GET OUT?ARE YOU WONDERING WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO GET YOU CONNECTED TO YOUR TRUE POWER SOURCE? THE ONE THAT CREATES A MAGNET OF ELECTRICITY AND ATTRACTS EVERYONE TO YOU?Good. After all, that’s why you are here right now.As women, we are incredibly powerful. More powerful than we can possibly realize. And while some women seem able to effortlessly own and harness their power, many women feel disconnected from the energy that truly makes them who they are. Yes, many of us “succeed” in the world, holding down good jobs, raising families, but quite often it feels as though something is missing. As though, something is not truly there. Even though we experience success, it’s not on the level that we truly believe we are capable of.Is this you? Are you one of them?Have you ever had one of these conversations with yourself?“I’m giving my all in life, but things just feel medium, average, mediocre.“It seems like I’m always trying to get somewhere, so the “present moment” feels more like a chore than an experience.“I just can’t seem to connect with customers in a powerful way, even though I know I can make a huge difference in their lives.”“Fun? I like fun. I’ll get that to that later when I’m done working.”“I feel good about how I look yes. But I’d never call myself sexy.”“It always feels like I’m on the verge of breaking through to the place I want to get to, but it never really happens.”“It’s like everyone around me is in a fog. They’re unconscious, they don’t even realize it, and it just depresses me.”“I’ve done the self help thing. I’ve been on a journey for years, but it’s not like much has changed for me.”What if you could take all these statements and replace them with a new way of being?What if this was how you felt about your life and place in this world?“I feel like I am being EXACTLY who I am supposed to be.”“I feel the world flowing through me.”“I feel totally alive, totally passionate, and totally in love with my life.”A bit different, huh?What I’m referring to isn’t some abstract feeling, meant for other women. What I’m talking about is the raw, passionate, sexy, and powerful energy that is locked away inside of you. Locked away in your lower chakras, just waiting to be released.Wait, did you say Chakras? Yes I did. And don’t worry, I’ll explain all about that in a moment.But first, it’s important to understand that you’re not alone. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you There’s nothing abnormal about feeling as though your life is not all it can be.We’re in the middle of an epidemic of people living at half throttle!Now more than ever, women are disconnected from who they truly are. In an attempt to try and be everything we’ve confused, fragmented and scattered ourselves to the point that if it feels as though we’re never truly present. We desperately want to feel alive, charismatic, “in the moment,” but it seems as though we’ve forgotten how.Get Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch, Only Price $77How do I Know this? Because I was once where you are.You see, many of you may know me as a successful entrepreneur. Many of you have seen me on stage, or in a video and can sense what I call a “powerful energetic presence.” I share this with you not because of ego, but because how I am now wasn’t an accident.The truth is, I wasn’t always this way.I once had a corporate job that made me a lot of money. On the outside, it should have been enough. According to societies standards of happiness it should have provided me with everything I needed to feel alive.Of course, on the inside I felt empty. Disconnected. Mediocre. So in an attempt to change my life I took bold action and quit my job. I started to practice EFT, trained to become an expert, and created a business to allow me to “live my passion.” Within a short amount of time I had built my business to a “respectable level.”I had thought that just the act of “living my passion” I would suddenly feel alive. I thought I would feel different. But even though I was “passionate” about my business, it still felt like a job. I would tell others “I was passionate about my work” but in my heart of hearts, it didn’t feel all that different from my corporate life.Why was that?After all I was giving it my all (Or so I thought). I tapped on a lot of my “stuff” and cleared away some truly wonderful muck. I was content in my personal life, on my own as a single mom. But it all still felt just…underwhelming. As though something truly important was missing.The teachings of the chakras, particularly the approach of Rhys Thomas, made me realize that the reason I didn’t truly feel alive was because I literally had locked energy inside of me that was preventing me from feeling alive. I had energy stored in lower chakras that literally prevented me from tapping into the true power source of myself.Once I recognized this and began to tap into that power, everything changed.And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.Suddenly, I started to feel alive. I started to notice how alive the world was, and how power and energy actually moved in my body through the chakras.I started to feel what it was like to be more present, powerful and feel in a whole new way!.That totally changed how I spoke and even appeared on a daily basis. People could “feel” me and my passion when I spoke and I started to hear all the time, “you have so much charisma”. This was something I had never heard before!I started having moments of intense “presence”.And once that happened, my life changed forever, my speaking changed forever…my whole business changed forever!.It is this change that I want for all of you. And it’s why I’ve created this specific program to help teach you all the principles I have used myself to tap into my own power and unleash the energy within myself.WHAT IF ALL OF THIS WASN’T PART OF YOUR IMAGINATION AND INSTEAD INTEGRATED INTO YOUR TRUE, EVERY DAY LIFE?Want to know the truth about how to access your true power? Want to know the secret behind feeling more alive, more magnetic and more charismatic? The secretsauce behind more freedom and joy?It all takes place when we open up the lower chakras.Opening up those chakras begins with letting go of the belief that you are “not there yet.”It requires letting go of the belief that you need to fix, change, evolve, forgive, love be present,etc etc., in order to make a change.All higher spirituality begins with owning the fact that you are human.When we skip over the lower-self humanity of the lower chakras, we skip over all our real power, passion and purpose.We skip over the secret of feeling truly alive, powerful, and fabulous.I say life is too short not to feel fabulous. I say you’re too amazing to not rock out in this world. You’re a superstar. Seriously. You are.That’s why I’m going to show you how to harness the power and passion of the lower chakras. The raw, passionate, lustful, juicy stuff. The life force energy you need to amp up your spiritual purpose.IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE NOTHING YOU’VE EVER HEARD BEFORE, THAT’S GOOD NEWS. IT’S SPECIFICALLY WHY I CREATED THEPOWERFUL, PASSIONATE & FABULOUS PROGRAM.INTRODUCINGA program specifically created to help you unlock the power and passion contained in your lower chakras.A program to help you stop feeling as though your a bystander in your life and start feeling like the powerful, passionate, fabulous rock star that you truly are!I created this program to help you go from feeling “luke warm” about your life to one that is red hot. (Because let’s face it, luke warm is okay for a cup of tea, but your life deserves to be blazingly red hot.)WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO BE RED HOT?It allows you to truly feel present in your life.It allows you to experience the feeling of being attractive (both to yourself and to others)It helps you to create a powerful magnetic forcefield to attract the things you want in your life.It’s important because a life lived any other way isn’t worth living.So what is the POWERFUL, PASSIONATE AND FABULOUS program?It’s a 6 module audio program, all MP3 digital download for instant access, with a complete transcript AND 5 live Q & A calls with me where I answer the top questions people have while working through this material.It also includes fabulous supportive bonuses like 6 Chakra Toned Crystal bowl meditations and a new tribe for life! Once in the program, you are invited into my private FaceBook tribe called “Ignite Your Power” where you will:Connect with a tribe of hundreds of like-minded, very cool people who are doing the same work and speak a common language.Receive coaching support (and challenges from my fabulous coaches Kimberly Francano and Cathy Hamilton.Receive wisdom and healing guidance from Amy Martin, extraordinary gifted energy healer.Receive support, share and give support within a safe, loving, kick-ass tribe.In this special program I will walk you step by step through an extremely unique experience of all of the chakras that will challenge, transform, and blow you away!This is transformational “technology” you won’t find anywhere else!HERE IS WHAT YOU GET!6 Transformational Modules – each an 80-minute recorded teaching, instant mp3 download ($1400 value)Separate audio mp3 files for just the tapping rounds from each module.Full PDF transcript of entire program of teaching, tapping scripts and participant Q&A.PLUS AMAZING BONUSES:Preparatory Module – 70 min foundational training on the Profiles. ($100 value)7 Chakra toned Healing Meditations from Rhys Thomas – Powerful energy medicine to support your progress. ($120 value)Ticket to my live Event Ignite Your Power, ($1997 value)1 year free access to my Private Facebook Group Ignite Your Power for support from your new tribe and my coaches, (priceless!)Get Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch, Only Price $77HERE IS THE BREAKDOWN OF THE PROGRAM’S MODULES:Module 1: PRESENCE AND POWER IN YOI 1ST CHAKRAWHY? Your body is your foundation of power AND the base of your magnetic ability! With a strong first chakra you have a powerful presence and easily manifest and magnetize physical resources, wealth and organization.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: Healing trauma and any level of self-rejection or disappointment at your physical body level. Learning how to bring the magnetic red energy of the 1st chakra up.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Take a quantum leap in feeling grounded and safe.Experience the centered oneness and energy of deep love and acceptance at the physical level.Feel the actual energy In your body of physical manifestation and magnetic attraction.*Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation#2: Grounding and Physical ManifestationModule 2: RAW LIFE FORCE ENER 2ND CHAKRA (WE’RE BRINGING SEXY BACK)WHY? Your Second chakra is where personal power, money and sexuality all connect energetically. With a strong 2nd chakra you channel more raw life force energy into your life that will be felt as personal power, passion, charisma, creative ability and sexuality.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: Healing the vow to never be vulnerable or carry a high level of power due to safety, vulnerability, and self-judgment issues around “sexy”.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Experience the massive charge of more raw life force energy flowing through your n 2nd chakra.Carry more personal power, charisma and personal magnetism through owning your goddess/god energy.Ask for and let in more love and intimacy and in your relationships and set better boundariesAllow your heart, caring and heartfelt intention to be felt by others*Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation #3: Extended 2nd Chakra ToneModule 3: HEALING THE SHADOWOF YOUR GODDESS POWER – 2ND & 3RD CHAKRAWHY? The massive energy of the 2nd chakra flows up to the 3rd chakra where you embody the true powerful YOU and take action from your real power, desire and needs. With a strong 2nd and 3rd chakra, you stand in your truth, ask more boldly and take action with passion and charisma to create your desires.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: The “Shadow Effect” inspired shadow-work on your Goddess/Hedonist archetype to clear the 3rd chakra judgment and vows against carrying more power and having real needs.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Experience the startling freedom and gifts of your Goddess/God archetype.Indisputable clarity about your true desire and need for love, pleasure, life balance and carrying your own power.Access to bolder, Rock Star quality of charisma and presence whenever needed.* Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation #4: Self Esteem and Inner PowerModule 4: HEALING THE CONCRETE HEART WALL OF YOUR 4TH CHAKRAWHY? Your 4th chakra is your seat of wisdom, universal love and ability to see the divine in yourself, everyone else. With an open 4th chakra, you experience yourself and everything and everyone as they truly are, beautiful, perfection and infinitely lovable. People around you will shift from their dark to their light just by being in your presence.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: Healing the heart-pain of the ‘‘thing that broke your heart” and vows to never forgive yourself, never be vulnerable again and guard your heart.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Experience magnificent warmth and “field presence” of the undefended heart that loves!Live in the expanded, amazing freedom of true self-acceptance (and freedom from the ruthless Inner critic).See the pure divinity of yourself and others while being a healing force through just your presence.*Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation #5: Universal LoveUNLEASHING 2ND CHAKRA SEXUALITY ENERGY FOR CREATIVE 5TH CHAKRA POWERWHY? Sexual energy is the raw life force energy of creation, passion, energy and vitality. When we channel our sexual energy we are vibrant, energized and glow with life, creativity and passion.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: Healing guilt, repression and trauma around sexuality and reinterpreting the “taboo edge”.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Experience the tidal wave of raw life force energy that is sexual energy.Learn how to channel sexual energy to be creative energy, artistic expression or pure action and attraction.Invigorate the fires of your committed relationship with greater intimacy, attraction and pleasure.*Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation #6: Touching Your Life PurposeModule 6: OPENING 6TH & 7TH CHAKRA GUIDANCE AND GENIUS THROUGH THE MAGICAL CHILD ARCHETYPEWHY? Our 6th & 7th chakras together are our connection to the divine, unlimited genius, psychic vision and inner guidance. When the 6th & 7th chakras are open, we have access to our most powerful inner knowing of what direction to go, genius ideas, creativity and deepest, personal connection to the divine and all expanded consciousness of pure infinite possibility.TRANSFORMATIONAL PROCESS: Healing the wounded inner child and denied magical chlld/playful soul to allow our most powerful creative, connected archetype to emerge.TRANSFORMATIONAL BENEFITS:Discover your pathway and calling to directly access to your intuitive/creative spirit.Clarify exactly what you need to be in your most creative, connected state and how to shift into it.Experience the power of meeting a huge inner Archetype and learn how to channel that energy when you need to.*Bonus Chakra-Toned Crystal Bowl Meditation #7: Awakening Spiritual Guidance and Intuition.Get Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch, Only Price $77Tag: Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch Review. Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch download. Powerful, Passionate and Fabulous – Margaret Lynch discount.