Strengthening the Geriatric Patient for Function – Michelle Green


Geriatric patients are training for one reason: function. Seated bicep curls will not improve ADL function and LAQ from a wheelchair will not improve walking. This course will provide therapists with the ability to progress our geriatric patients from muscular endurance in single plane motions to integrated strength and power training in multi-planar activities. Strategies to create exercises based on specific functional deficits will be developed through lecture, discussion, pictures, and video examples. Lastly, clinicians will take away practical tips on how to educate and incorporate the patient’s family in therapy for continued cognitive success long after discharge from formal cognitive rehabilitation.Perform functional task analysis of basic activities such as sit-standIdentify research supporting safety in high intensity exercise for geriatric patientsCreate progressive therapy exercise programs for geriatric patients with attention to specific impairments limiting functionFUNCTIONAL TASK ANALYSISInitiation of taskProximal control requirementsMuscle recruitmentSIT-STANDPoint of initiationROM/Strength requirementsCAN GERIATRIC PATIENTS USE HIGH INTENSITY PROGRAMSStudies showing support for high intensityOutcomes of high intensity programsIDENTIFYING IMPAIRMENTS LIMITING FUNCTIONDo they have needed alignment, activationWhich muscles, movement patterns need attentionCREATING PROGRAM TO IMPROVE SPECIFICFUNCTIONAL TASKSSit- standClimbing stepsDressing/bathingTag: Strengthening the Geriatric Patient for Function – Michelle Green Review. Strengthening the Geriatric Patient for Function – Michelle Green download. Strengthening the Geriatric Patient for Function – Michelle Green discount.