Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook


Online Masterclass Meets Mastermind Experience For Women Entrepreneurs Ready For Sustainable Success.Make Your Entrepreneurial Dream Your Reality!You started your business not only to share your passion with the world, but to create true freedom for your life. If you’re like most of our students, you may be dreaming of –Growing your business to wait-list status with consistent clients and cashflow each and every month, so you can have more than enough to upgrade your lifestyle and support your family.Having time to finally create that leveraged income stream via a book or training or online course that would allow you to reach and serve hundreds {maybe even thousands} of people without working more hours.Knowing exactly what marketing strategies work for you and your business so you can grow your community and sell out your programs without spending all day attempting to be everywhere on social media.  Having streamlined systems and processes implemented behind the scenes… so your time is spent in your zone of genius teaching, coaching, and inspiring others instead of buried in busywork.A business that doesn’t revolve around your ability to hustle 24-7 but instead is designed so you can actually have a life again {complete with evenings and weekends off, regular family dinners, and even the occasional vacation}.It’s Time to Create Success On Your Terms!Nothing breaks my heart more than watching a talented entrepreneur give up her dream business because she’s overworked, overwhelmed, and on the fast track to burnout.But the secret to sustainable success – the kind where your business runs like clockwork and you can actually ENJOY your life right now, as you build your business – isn’t about more hustle.It’s about designing a signature offering that not only delivers amazing transformational results for your clients, but builds a dependable recurring monthly revenue.It’s about implementing a simple marketing system that not only grows your audience each month, but fills your calendar to wait list status.It’s about delivering a customer experience that completely WOWs your clients so they become not only raving fans who constantly send referrals, but return to work with you again and again.When you focus on these essential business design strategies, you can stop hustling so hard – because your business is working for you!Sweet Spot Strategy Is The AnswerTO DESIGNING A PREDICTABLY PROFITABLE BUSINESS AND SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS ON YOUR TERMS!Design a predictably profitable business. As the sole breadwinner for her family of five, Racheal teaches proven strategies to design a business that consistently generates $5K, $10K, and $15K months – allowing you the peace of mind that comes with consistent clients and cash-flow.Dramatically increase your impact {and yes – your income!} in the world by leveraging your experience and expertise and turning them into profitable products, programs, and services your clients actually want.Finally feel in control of your business with a proven marketing and sales framework that consistently attracts clients into your business without rushed last minute promotions that diminish the value of you or your brand.If you’re an action taker who is ready to roll up your sleeves, upgrade your business + marketing skills and implement like crazy to make a massive difference for your business for years to come… we can’t wait to help!Get Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook , Only Price $127What’s Inside Sweet Spot Strategy?We don’t just teach you business strategy, we teach you how to be a successful entrepreneur and CEO. You won’t graduate with a checklist a mile long of what to do – you’ll get the experience of doing the work right along your fellow strategists.That’s why 6 MONTHS OF IMPLEMENTATION is built right into Sweet Spot Strategy. We know that when you role up your sleeves and do the work, you’ll better understand HOW and WHY specific strategies work best for your business, empowering you to course correct when things don’t go as plannedSweet SpotBy understanding your strengths, stage of business growth, and business goals, you can optimize your business by focusing on the best strategies for you and your business.Dream ClientsOnce you deeply understand your dream clients, you’ll eliminate the guesswork about the right offerings and marketing strategies to grow your business.ExperienceFrom the first appointment to wrapping up your work, with a solid customer experience plan you’ll increase your client retention as well as boost referrals and testimonials.Business DesignLeverage your experience and expertise by crafting the exact products, programs, & services your clients have been waiting for you to offer.Mindful MarketingDesign and implement a simple 3-part marketing system that consistently attracts new clients into your business.Stress-Free SalesTake all the stress out of the sales process by making your business by invitation only so you never have to sell yourself again!Inside The Sweet Spot Strategy CurriculumWe have one goal inside Sweet Spot Strategy – to give you everything you need from your business model to marketing strategy to customer experience so you can design a predictably profitable business.When you join, you’ll get immediate access to the entire library of trainings so you can dig in immediately and begin implementing in your business. Some like a Netflix-style training binge while others pace themselves. No matter your learning style, you can work through Sweet Spot Strategy at your pace and on your schedule.Module 1:: Discover Your Business Sweet SpotWe’ll Start By Discovering Your Business Sweet SpotBefore we dive into designing your business mindful marketing plan, we’ll go through a process to discover your business sweet spot. You’ll learn…Why passion alone is not enough to create a thriving and sustainable business {and discover the missing pieces to the profit puzzle}How to determine the best business model for your unique talents and desired lifestyle {so you can stop wasting time on unprofitable unsustainable income streams}How to reverse engineer your lifestyle design plan to ensure your business is designed to fully support your life {instead of squeezing life around your business}Module 2:: Find Your Dream ClientsWe’ll Become BFFs with Your Perfect-For-You Dream ClientsReady to not only work exclusively with people you adore… but also have a wait list? Once you unlock these secrets, you’ll attract perfect-for-you clients like bees to honey. You’ll learn…Why attempting to appeal to everyone is actually repelling the exact clients you could help the most — and how to quickly course correctCopywriting secrets to discovering the exact needs of your peeps in the language that resonates most with their deepest desires My proven method to getting inside the heads and hearts of your peeps {essential info so your programs and services to get scooped up!}Module 3:: Design Your Predictably Profitable BusinessWe’ll Create Programs + Services Your Peeps LoveTime to turn your expertise, talents, and passion into programs + services your peeps can’t wait to enroll in. Here you’ll create offerings so irresistible, they sell themselves! You’ll learn…Exactly what types of programs + services your peeps are searching for RIGHT NOW and how to create an experience they can’t wait to sign up forWhy “stair-stepping” the release of your programs could actually put you out of business — and how to fast-track your successHow to get paid to test your ideas for programs + services {even before you’ve officially created them}Module 4:: Design Your Marketing SystemDesign Your Mindful Marketing PlanImagine marketing that FEELS GOOD. That authentically communicates the transformation you provide to your community {ick free}. That you can be proud of! That’s the core of Mindful Marketing. You’ll learn…The Universal Principles of Mindful Marketing that you must master to grow your business both now and in the future {the tools might change — but these foundations are timeless}Which marketing tools & strategies are in alignment with YOUR SWEET SPOT {so you can finally stop forcing yourself to do things that feel gross or inauthentic}How to sustainably layer different marketing strategies to create a snowball effect {that continues to work FOR you even if you take a business savasana once in awhile}Module 5:: Stress-Free Sales CampaignsTurn Your Business into By Invitation OnlyWhen Mindful Marketing is done right — you never have to sell yourself again. When your business is designed around your sweet spot, suddenly your business is by invitation only… ensuring that everyone you work with is a 100% perfect fit. You’ll learn…How to avoid wasting your time with free sessions that never turn into clientsThe big mistake most entrepreneurs make that could be leaving up to 70% of your profits on the table — and what to do insteadWhich invitation methods work the best for your unique communication style + personality {so you can enroll peeps into your products, programs, and services with ease}Module 6:: WOW with Customer ExperienceCreate A Client Base That Returns For MoreWith a clear customer experience plan, you’ll have everything you need to keep your clients coming back for more {and sending referrals your way}. You’ll learn…How to elegantly onboard new clients so they stay excited and engaged about your work togetherThe most important part of establishing and building a relationship with your clients while enforcing your boundariesHow to wrap up your time together with a bow while laying the foundation for additional opportunities to work together The easiest way to stay in touch with happy clients and encourage more referrals and testimonialsHow to effectively segment and maintain your client database so that you can easily identify more opportunities to work with former clients Get Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook , Only Price $127Bonus #1:: 6 Months Live Q&A with RachealBeing in business for yourself doesn’t mean being in business by yourself! Inside Sweet Spot Strategy, you can count on us to provide accountability, guidance, and encouragement when you need it. That’s why you’ll get a full 6 months of multiple levels of hands-on support::Your MentorRacheal hosts 2 live Q&A sessions per month to support you in applying results-oriented strategy to your business.Online MastermindElevating your business to the next level isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve support members in joining peer-led mastermind groups.Success TeamOur team of operations, tech, and customer experience experts ensure that all your business questions are answeredBonus #2:: Rinse & Repeat Marketing SystemsThe secret to getting off the revenue roller coaster for good? Consistently showing up and marketing your business. But we don’t want you to get stuck Googling HOW TO _________. That’s why I’m literally handing over these proven systems to help you show up more consistently and increase your visibility.Content Marketing Guide | Value $197*If you’ve struggled to consistently create and publish regular content to attract and nurture your community, this guide walks you through my system to simplify and streamline your content marketing.Networking Guide | Value $197*Ever heard the saying your network is your netWORTH? Surrounding yourself with other smart entrepreneurs is one of the fastest ways to get more opportunities to grow your business. This guide shares my top strategies for sleeze-free networking.Public Speaking Guide | Value $197*Nothing builds credibility and connections faster than speaking. From giving talks in your local community to keynote speaking at large events, this guide walks you through our proven process for pitching and booking speaking gigs. Guest Posting Guide | Value $197*Need to attract qualified people into your business? Pitching yourself as a contributor or guest blogger on larger websites such as Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and more is a great way to grow your audience!Interviews Guide | Value $197*Are podcasts, radio shows, or video shows big in your niche? Pitching yourself as a guest is a great opportunity to position yourself as an authority and grow your audience!Facebook Ads Guide | Value $197*Ready to ramp up your business with paid advertising? Facebook Ads are an incredible opportunity when you have the right strategy in place to help you bring in a 5-10X ROI for each $1 you spend.Bonus #3:: Sales Booster BundleWhen it comes down to it – there is really only ONE WAY to grow your business this year – SELL MORE of your products, programs, and services. If the idea of sales stresses you out, we’ve got your back with multiple ways to help more dream clients pay you for your work.Get More Clients | Value $497*As a graduation bonus, you’ll get access to our done-for-you sales campaign to quickly bring in new clients and cash-flow… even if you’re just getting started or don’t have a big list!Double Your Biz With Challenges | $697 Value*An exclusive advanced training ONLY for Sweet Spot Strategy, you’ll learn exactly how I created and run the Fired Up & Focused Challenge to generate over $1,000,000 since 2014… and how dozens of our students have launched with challenges.Double Your Biz With Webinars | $697 Value*An exclusive advanced training ONLY for Sweet Spot Strategy, you’ll learn the exact system we use behind the scenes to generate consistent 5-figure months and 6-figure launches for our programs with webinars from the behind the scenes prep, technical process, designing your content, and promoting with both organic and paid traffic.Get Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook , Only Price $127Tag: Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook  Review. Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook  download. Sweet Spot Strategy – Racheal Cook  discount.