Link Network Video Training – Chad Kimball


Stop Buying Links!If you follow me at all, you know that I sell high authority links.So why would I say, “Stop buying links”?Here is why:You don’t have to buy links anymore. You don’t have to beg or trick people into giving them to you. You don’t have to attempt social media voodoo to get your website to “go viral.” Instead, you can control everything by owning your own backlinks inside your own link network..Check the Kind of Backlink You Want: High Trustflow  High Domain Authority (Moz DA) Contextual (inside a paragraph of text) Niche relevant Fully outsourced “Google proof” Easily scalable Inexpensive or free Anchor text totally under my control Boosts my ranking quicklyWhen you build your own link network the way I teach you, you can have all these things. It is like the holy Grail for link builders. Backlinks, built specifically for your situation, to your exact specifications to make sure you rank quickly, safely, and permanently.Short-cut to Quick Rankings I’ve Used Since 2008There aren’t a lot of shortcuts to ranking/free traffic on google these days.But this one (I’ve been using since 2008) works still, and will continue to work for a long, long time.You point links from these sites wherever you want. Rank your websites, affiliate links, youtube videos, etc…Got competitors with very powerful links that are beating you?Easily imitate and BEAT them with this Link network strategy. And own all the links yourself–because they’ll all be from your own network of sites! (for a fraction of the cost of what competitors spent to beg those links off other sites)Outsource the Entire ThingThe way I teach private link network building is almost 100% automated and outsourced.You will also get specific instructions for outsourcers to follow, so you don’t have to do anything yourself (we use these exact instructions for our own team of outsourcers!).Offshore workers will build your network for you very quickly.I will show you specifically where to find quality people to do this work for $2.91 per hour.I’ll also teach you how to monetize your network so it pays for itself 100%. In my own network, I outsource this part as well.Mr X Built a 10,000 Domain Network for His ClientsA few months ago I trained someone who has a MASSIVE PBN. He needed to learn the most current techniques so he took my training.He did not want his competitors to know how he was doing it, so I can’t mention his name. But let me just say that he had a link network with 10,000+ domains.It worked so well that now he is building a network for ONE single client, ranking all of their sites in all European LanguagesThis is big folks, PBNs. Don’t let anyone tell you they don’t work.You can build a much smaller network than my colleague and still make a HUGE difference in your rankings.I personally know dozens of people using them very effectively.But you need to know how to do this in 2015 to stay under google’s radar.I’ve been building my network for over 7 years, never had a site reindexed or banned.Why does this work so well for client work? Here’s why:You can rank client sites FAST and they will think you are a total miracle worker.Accurately predict what it will take for a clients sites to get ranked. If you need to get a few more sites in your network, simply include this in the client fee. After you take my training you will know exactly what you need to do to get results for a client and what it will cost. Keep clients longer: Explain to them that if a client cancels with you, you can remove the links and their rankings will drop.Don’t Be Scared of the Anti-PBN RampageIn the past few years you may have seen Matt Cutts on a rampage against private blog networks (PBNs).He was de-indexing and spanking everyone.But you know what, mine are untouched.I continue to recommend PBNs (the way I do it) as one of the most powerful link building techniques for 2016.WHY?It is so easy to set this up so you will never have problems from google.Avoid these things in your network:WordPressUnrelated topical articles on the same blogSame class C IP.Templated layoutsInterlinking between your sitesSame outgoing links on most of your sitesContent that stinksIn fact, DONT even make your sites blogs.My network avoids all the above because these are the ways Mr. Cutts was destroying everyone else.In fact, in my link network training I teach you even more ways to make your network 100% safe.It has never been affected by any google algorithm change, penguin, panda, pigeon etc..They way I do it, there is really no way for google to stop it.Sounds too good to be true?It is a specific method I use to setup my own network of sites.You control every aspect of the links, so you don’t have to worry about google penalties or slaps.Google will never be able to slap these sites (unlike other blog networks) because I teach you how to avoid any footprint for google to discover your network.These are high quality sites that google loves.Normal sites built by normal people, totally under google’s radar.Your network will look like a collection of totally normal sites. Veterinarian site. Small grocery store website. Political party website. A business conference website. A dance studio website. Telecom company site. The list goes on and on.It will be totally invisible as a network.You will learn how to set these up very quickly spending no money on content or design either.My Wife Yelled at Me about my PBNYou probably had this happen:You search google for information.You run across one of those articles that was auto generated or rewritten by offshore workers.When this happens to my wife, she blames me!”Is this one of those fake article sites you create??” she says.But seriously, no one likes these sites, including google.Thats why, if you build a private blog network filled with this type of thing, google will knock you right out of the rankings.Contrary to what my wife thinks, my link network has NO sites like this.Instead my network has hundreds and hundreds of pages of high quality, google loving content.And I didn’t have to even pay for any of it to be written!The way I set up these networks, google loves every page I put out there.When you sign up for my one on one training, you’ll find out why google will ALWAYS love the type of sites in my network.I’ll teach you how to do it, step-by-step, in a training program that even a relative beginner could understand.Major Players with Huge Networks  Have Taken My Training, and It Continues to Work Year after YearI have been teaching this for many years. Various fads for setting up link networks have come and gone, but ours has continued to work with few modifications.I have always done this as a live one on one training only. I have trained some of the guys with the largest networks out there. It is a personal, one on one training in order to keep the techniques within a small circle of experts (see below). Here are some of my students who have paid full price for this same informationI’ll teach you how to do it, step-by-step, in a downloadable training program that even a relative beginner could understand.Check Out a Sample Site From My NetworkMany people have trouble visualizing what the sites in my link network look like.They are TOTALLY different from typical PBN sites.I don’t usually do this, but here is a site from my network for you to see.I can show it because I actually gave away backlinks on it for a promo a while back.It has a Pagerank of 6.MOZ page authority of 26.Hundreds of natural backlinks.http:// met-team. com/You see it is totally under the radar. Google has no idea this is part of a network. Looks like any other normal site.I didn’t have to pay for the content or the layout.Get Link Network Video Training – Chad Kimball, Only Price 54$Tag: Link Network Video Training – Chad Kimball Review. Link Network Video Training – Chad Kimball download. Link Network Video Training – Chad Kimball discount.