Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier


7 Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & LongevityMove beyond disease-prediction models of DNA testing — and discover how you can influence your gene expression to enjoy vibrant health…Improve memory, increase bone regeneration, enhance your immune system, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level.Retrain your brain with customized practices (for you!) validated by science — so you can live longer, healthier, and happier!Your newsfeed is likely filled with information about DNA testing… from tracing your ancestral lineage to disease prediction…With the emerging field of epigenetics (the study of biological mechanisms that switch genes on and off), millions have been empowered to gain a deeper understanding of their health profile and take their health into their own hands — whether to lose weight or address chronic conditions, depression, and more.However, these tests only provide a partial picture of what’s possible for you…Your genes are not your destiny… 95% of your gene expression is influenced by YOU!Over the course of six modules, integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier will help you interpret your own DNA test results. Together, you’ll sort through media misinformation and the barrage of genetic testing services (which often promise more hype than hope)… and he’ll show you exactly how to optimize your unique genetic profile.When you understand how to make epigenetics work for YOU, you can improve your memory, increase bone regeneration, enhance your immune system, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level.Science now validates that the right states of consciousness and your daily habits can orient you for success on a cellular level.For example, 20 minutes of meditation has been shown to immediately turn off stress genes!Peer-reviewed scientific studies also confirm that you can create your own reality through your biology — by systematically and deliberately triggering specific processes in your genes.Each thought you have signals your brain to create new neural connections. You can learn to use this power consciously and direct the formation of the neural tissue, which leads to substantial brain changes.Over time, your brain becomes habituated to process the signals of optimal health — reshaping your experience of reality… and your life.Empower Yourself Through the Science of EpigeneticsEpigenetics is the science of the ways your daily activities — from what you eat to how you exercise to your meditation practice — directly influence your genes…For example, your biomarkers (measurable indicators in your DNA health test) can present some surprising information about which foods are ideal for your genetics. You can then skip over the trial-and-error cycles of testing various diets that are ultimately unsuccessful — because they weren’t compatible with your personal biochemistry.Armed with this powerful new information about your genes, you can then customize ALL your lifestyle choices to become the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself.As Ken will show you, the key is focusing on the 40 or 50 biomarkers that hold the highest levels of prediction…You’ll learn about the seven basic pathways in the body that translate your genetic expression into the biochemistry of either health or illness. Most importantly, you’ll discover how to regulate and influence each pathway with every choice you make.To really understand your own Epigenetic Profile, you need to know how these pathways work… and most of all, how you can regulate them.Myths & Facts About EpigeneticsMyth: Low-fat diets are best for your health.Fact: Diets vary by region, culture, and individual biochemistry.Myth: A cookie creates a worse spike in blood sugar than a banana.Fact: This varies from individual to individual. For each person the response is different, with the cookie being better in some instances.Myth: Genes are a set of hard-wired instructions for our bodies and health like the hard drive on a computer.Fact: Genes are actually like interactive, changeable, flexible software.Myth: Stress is inevitable, unavoidable, and harmful.Fact: Managing negative stress is an important skill to develop; however, some forms of stress can have a positive effect on gene expression.Myth: We can influence our genes but not how long we will live.Fact: We actually have a great deal of influence over our telomeres (epigenetic marker for aging) and can influence our life expectancy to a significant degree.Myth: Influencing our genes will take many years.Fact: Our epigenetic expression changes by minutes and hours. At maximum, our Epigenetic Profile takes 10-12 weeks to change.Myth: Testing for our genetic profile is in its early stages and is not accurate.Fact: There’s a great deal of hype and misleading information on the internet about genetic testing but several companies are doing this accurately, based on solid science.Be Guided & Coached by a Pioneer in EpigeneticsGenetic tests are becoming more widely available by the day.It’s incredibly rare to have the opportunity for a celebrated leader in the field of epigenetics to mentor you through the process of interpreting your Epigenetic Profile and creating a lifestyle plan to optimize it…Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD, is a clinical professor of medicine at the UCSF School of Medicine and former clinical professor of medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine.He’s Chairman of the American Health Association and is a vice president with American Specialty Health. At the UCSF School of Medicine, he is the Director of the Corporate Health Improvement Program (CHIP), a research program between CHIP and 15 Fortune 500 corporations, including Cisco, IBM, Dow, Prudential, Cummins, Ford, and Pepsico.A bestselling author, Dr. Pelletier is also a peer reviewer for several medical journals, including the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and serves on a number of corporate boards. He has published over 300 professional articles and has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and the BBC to discuss his research.During this 6-part video training, leading epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth Pelletier will show you:The real science behind home DNA tests and your epigeneticsExactly how the revolution in genetics is meaningful for your health — and the health of your family and friendsLeading-edge, yet practical, wisdom to empower you to become your healthiest based on your geneticsWhich parts of your genes you have the most influence overWhy popular food plans and “healthy” diets may NOT be for youThe 7 pathways in the body that translate your genetic expression into the biochemistry of either health or illnessTwo types of stress which have a direct impact — either negative or positive — on your gene expressionHow to create a balanced immune system so your body can do what it’s meant to: protect against bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other influencesSimple spiritual practices that can positively influence your gene expressionYour “Epigenetic Profile” — with personalized recommendations on stress, diet, meditation, physical activity, and environmental influencesHow to compare your Epigenetic Profile to the 12 well-researched habits of “Centenarian Communities,” where people live into their 100s in optimal health — and make changes so you can join this select groupWhy the “fact” that all inflammation causes disease is actually a myth. You’ll discover which types of inflammation causes disease and which types don’t — and how to use this knowledge to prevent disease and feel your bestThe truth about detoxification — your body needs to detoxify from environmental and food toxins, yet “flushing out the body” can be as problematic as eating bad foods. Ken will share what you should be doing insteadCookie or Banana?Your biomarkers (measurable indicators in your DNA health test) can present some surprising information about which foods are ideal for your genetics — and confirm that popular diets are NOT good for every body…While paleo, keto, and gluten-free food plans are wildly popular, they often produce only limited results for many people.Your metabolism is unique to you and governed by your genes. So a cookie may be healthier for you than a banana… or white rice might be a better choice than brown rice — for you.It’s not only the right foods for your genetics that positively influence gene expression — your thoughts and actions also turn off disease-producing genes and turn on the health-producing ones.The fact is your genetics are not locked in… less than 5% of your DNA is “monogenic” or fixed — which means you have the power to influence the other 95% through visualization and meditation, and by your lifestyle, nutrition, spiritual practices, and physical exercise.(The best “fit” of exercise for YOU is the one based on your Epigenetic Profile, which can actually extend your life expectancy!)Ken will share the science behind healthy inflammation, why a certain amount of stress is good for you, and the importance of a diet with the right amount of gene-influencing minerals and micronutrients.Join Dr. Kenneth Pelletier to better understand, and act on, your health biomarkers — through the body’s natural pathways that directly influence gene expression.Get Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier, Only Price $57What You’ll Discover in These 6 SessionsIn this 6-part transformational training, Ken will make epigenetics accessible and easy for you to apply. Ken used class time to answer students’ questions, address concerns, and equip you with skills and insights grounded in science so you can transform your mind, body, and spirit, starting at the cellular level — enabling you to attain a higher level of health and wellbeing.This course features teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices. Each session with Ken will build harmoniously on the previous ones, giving you the exact practices, tools, and principles you need to understand gene expression and biomarkers — and to create optimal health.Module 1: Epigenetics — Your Genes Are Not Your DestinyIn this module, Ken will provide an overview of the astounding revolution in genetics. This powerful information can change your understanding of your health and longevity.You’ll discover:Exactly what the revolution in genetics means for your health — and the health of your family and friendsIn-depth details about epigenetics, the new science of how our daily activities directly influence our genesWhy your genes are NOT your destiny — and how you can change and influence the expression of your genesKen’s reliable, accurate, scientifically based Epigenetic Profile that can provide you with specific recommendations on stress, diet, meditation, physical activity, environmental influences, and social supportWhat biomarkers are, and whether yours are in the optimal rangeThe differences between disease prediction (which is NOT what you’ll be focusing on during this course) versus healthy biomarkers (which you WILL be working with), and how you can regulate optimal health and longevityThis module will also be the perfect time in the training to order your Epigenetic Profile, a comprehensive test to help you understand which diet works for YOU — all in a turnaround time of just four to six weeks. Though ordering this profile is optional, your test results can empower you to take the fascinating concepts you’ll be learning in this course and put them into action right away, customizing them for your daily life.Once you’ve received your test results, Ken will walk you through the most meaningful biomarkers in Module 4, a two-part module.Module 2: Translate Your Genetics Into Health & Longevity — Understanding 7 Pathways to Your Optimal Health & Longevity In this module, you’ll learn about the seven basic pathways in the body that translate your genetic expression into the biochemistry of either health or illness. You’ll then learn how to regulate and influence each pathway to optimize your Epigenetic Profile.You’ll discover how to transform your biochemistry for optimal health through:Methylation: The pathway that provides an operating manual for good cells to replicate. Optimal methylation positively influences neurotransmitter production, detoxification, fat metabolism, cellular energy, and more.Inflammation: “All inflammation causes disease” is a myth. What is healthy inflammation and what isn’t — and how can you reduce the latter to prevent disease and feel your best?Oxidative Stress: Every cell needs oxygen to burn nutrients for fuel. Unhealthy stress, poor diet, and other factors can lead to excessive, damaging oxidative stress. Antioxidants in plants in the form of vitamins A, C and E, selenium, and more help you fight back against “free radicals” caused by oxidative stress — and keep you healthy.Detoxification: Your body needs to detoxify from environmental and food toxins. Yet, “flushing out the body” can be as problematic as eating bad foods. Intermittent fasting can help you reset your body’s natural reboot, lose weight, decrease cholesterol and insulin in your blood, and lessen the amount of unhealthy inflammation in your body.Immunity: The key isn’t to boost your immunity; rather, it’s to create a balanced immune system so your body can do what it’s meant to: protect against bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other influences. Your overall wellbeing, from your energy levels to the complexion of your skin, is influenced by a balanced immune system.Lipid Metabolism: Metabolizing healthy fats influences gene expression and the production of healthy cells. Which fats are good for you and how do you raise or lower your metabolic levels, based on your health biomarkers?Mineral/Micro-Nutrient Metabolism: Zinc, copper, and other trace minerals, also known as micronutrients, govern a great deal of your health. Discover which are essential for optimal cell functioning, how much of them your body needs, and the exact foods containing these vital micronutrients.Module 3: The Benefits & Consequence of Stress on Your GeneticsThe single most direct impact on our genes — both negative and positive — is stress. Fortunately, we’re not passive victims of the causes of stress, whether it comes from our external environment or internal world.During this fascinating class session, Ken will walk you through breakthrough research from UCSF and Harvard that reveals how you can change your gene expression through meditation in less than 20 minutes.You’ll also discover:Why stress in our genes can create mutations leading to many different diseases — and how to prevent this from happeningHow to identify which types of stress are short-term and necessary for our daily functioning (also known as Type 1 stress), and which kinds of stress are long-term and damaging (Type 2 stress)Your own individual, distant early warning signs of excessive stress that can lead to illnessWhich parts of your genes you have the most influence overHow to create an “Optimal Performance Zone” to generate the best level of health and performance in your daily lifeHow to influence your genes using mantras and visualization practicesModule 4: Understanding Your Epigenetic Profile & Healthy BiomarkersAt this point in your journey, you’ll have a solid understanding of epigenetics and how it works. You’ll have even taken in some fascinating, high-level scientific research.In this 2-part module, you’ll have received the results of your DNA test, and you’ll likely be wondering what it all means. Ken will be your guide as you put all your new knowledge into action over these next two sessions…Ken will walk you through your results, help you interpret your biomarkers, and create a plan to move towards YOUR optimal levels of each one.During this 2-part module, Ken will be your mentor as you:Interpret your test results, putting all the pieces of the puzzle together to reveal the details of YOUR optimal health and longevityCreate a personalized life plan — with specific steps in each health category (meditation, dietary consumption, physical activity, details of your physical environment, and more), based on your individual Epigenetic ProfileInterpret each of the 7 pathways highlighted in your Epigenetic Profile so you have specific next steps to take along in your journey toward optimal health and a long lifeCompare your life plan to the 12 documented and well-researched habits of “Centenarian Communities,” where people live well into their 90s and 100s in optimal health. Together, you and Ken will decide what changes to make to your life plan so you can join this select group…Module 5: New Biotechnologies to Fully Optimize Your Health & LongevityAs amazing as epigenetics research is today, we are only at the beginning of a revolution in optimal health and longevity.In this final module, you’ll look over the horizon at leading-edge biotechnologies and research that will provide us with even greater opportunities to attain optimal health and longevity in the near future.During this class, Ken shares:Research by NASA on Astronaut twins that provides clear and compelling evidence of the power of epigeneticsThe new blood draw technology that will eliminate the dreaded needle of blood draws and replace it with a vacutainer that painlessly draws a blood sample through the skin in under 45 secondsThe emerging realm of Nanotechnology — the biotechnology of the ultra-small — we’ll see ingestible computers the size of the head of a pin. They can travel through your intestinal tract to transmit 30-40 biomarkers of your hormones, stress cycles, sleep patterns, and other biomarkers so you can KNOW the immediate impact of your diet, exercise, and stress levelsTogether, as you, Ken, and your fellow students arrive at this truly empowering point in your journey, you’ll know so much more about who you are as a vibrant, evolving, unique, complex human. You’ll be fluent in an array of biochemistry to guide you in your daily choices toward a life of optimal health and longevity.Get Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier, Only Price $57Tag: Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier Review. Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier download. Unlock Your Epigenetics – Kenneth Pelletier discount.