DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology – Kenneth Douglas


Book DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology melds two tales of DNA. One is a look at the first 35 years of DNA nanotechnology to better appreciate what lies ahead in this emerging field. The other story looks back 4 billion years to the possible origins of DNA which are shrouded in mystery. The book is divided into three parts comprised of 15 chapters and two Brief Interludes.Part I includes subjects underpinning the book such as a primer on DNA, the broader discipline of nanoscience, and experimental tools used by the principals in the narrative. Part II examines the field of structural DNA nanotechnology, founded by biochemist/crystallographer Nadrian Seeman, that uses DNA as a construction material for nanoscale structures and devices, rather than as a genetic material. Part III looks at the work of physicists Noel Clark and Tommaso Bellini who found that short DNA (nanoDNA) forms liquid crystals that act as a structural gatekeeper, orchestrating a series of self-assembly processes using nanoDNA. This led to an explanation of the polymeric structure of DNA and of how life may have emerged from the prebiotic clutter.Table of ContentsA Note to the ReaderPrefaceAuthor BiographyAcknowledgmentsINTRODUCTION — Grandma Needs a WalkerPART I — The Story Line and Its UnderpinningsCHAPTER ONE — Down the Road and the GemischDramatis Personae, Part I: Nadrian SeemanMolecular Crystals — Inspiration from EscherPerspiration and ReinventionDramatis Personae, Part II: Noel Clark, Tommaso BelliniLiquid Crystals and Self-AssemblySeeman, Bellini and Clark, and Base ComplementarityConventional Wisdom and an Alternative ViewEndnotesCHAPTER TWO — DNA: The Molecule That Makes Life Work—and MoreErwin ChargaffRosalind FranklinJames Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice WilkinsDNA SequencingPolyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)DNA SynthesisExercises for Chapter TwoEndnotesGet DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology – Kenneth Douglas , Only Price $32CHAPTER THREE — Travels to the NanoworldThe Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)Moving Atoms With an STMStanding WavesQuantum CorralsNanomethodologySpherical Nucleic Acids (SNAs)Biodiagnostic Detection Using SNAsExercises for Chapter ThreeEndnotesCHAPTER FOUR — Liquid Crystals: Nature’s Delicate Phase of MatterPhase TransitionsClasses of Liquid CrystalsCell Membranes and the Langmuir TroughMicellesLiquid Crystal DisplaysExercises for Chapter FourEndnotesCHAPTER FIVE — Tools of the TradePolarized Light MicroscopyLiquid Crystal Texture Seen Through a Depolarized Light MicroscopeTransmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)X-Ray Diffraction and Bragg’s LawThe Phase ProblemSynchrotron X-Ray DiffractionExercises for Chapter FiveEndnotesPART II — The Emerging Technology: Nanomaterials Constructed From DNACHAPTER SIX — The Three Pillars of Structural DNA NanotechnologyBranched DNA and DNA JunctionsSticky EndsImmobile Four-Arm DNA JunctionTwo-Dimensional Ligation of DNA JunctionsDeconstruction of Concatenated Nucleic Acid JunctionsMacrocyclesThree-Dimensional Constructions and CatenanesThe DNA CubeExercises for Chapter SixEndnotesCHAPTER SEVEN — Motif Generation, Sequence Design, Nanomechanical DevicesFlexible Junctions ReduxThe Double-Crossover (DX) MoleculeDesign and Self-Assembly of Two-Dimensional DNA CrystalsTwo-Dimensional Nanoparticle ArraysSequence DesignNanomechanical DevicesExercises for Chapter SevenEndnotesCHAPTER EIGHT — DNA Origami, DNA BricksScaffolded DNA OrigamiDNA Origami PatternsStrand Invasion also called Strand DisplacementDNA Origami With Complex Curvatures in Three DimensionsDNA Tiles in Two DimensionsDNA Bricks in Three DimensionsDNA Brick Shapes in Three DimensionsDNA Brick CrystalsSeeman, Rothemund, and YinExercises for Chapter EightEndnotesCHAPTER NINE — DNA Assembly Line and the Triumph of Tensegrity TrianglesDNA Nanoscale Assembly Line (Overview)DNA WalkersDNA Machines and Paranemic Crossover MoleculesDNA Cassette With Robot Arm and DNA Origami TrackDNA Assembly LineThe Triumph of Tensegrity TrianglesExercises for Chapter NineEndnotesBRIEF INTERLUDE I — Back to MethuselahMolecular-Scale WeavingMoors and Crossover MoleculesTensegrity SculptingMayan Pottery, Chirality, and the Handedness of LifeEndnotesCHAPTER TEN — DNA Nanotechnology Meets the Real WorldCell Membrane ChannelsSynthetic Membrane Channels via DNA NanotechnologyCurrent GatingChannels as Single-Molecule SensorsMolecular Nanorobots Built by DNA Origami: Cell-Targeted Drug DeliveryTests of Nanorobot FunctionTest of Binding Discrimination: Healthy Cells vs. Leukemia Cells (NK Cells)Exercises for Chapter TenEndnotesPART III — The Possible Origins of Life’s Information CarrierCHAPTER ELEVEN — Chance FindingsOnsager’s Criterion for an Isotropic-Nematic Liquid Crystal Phase TransitionNanoDNA Seems to Violate Onsager’s Venerable CriterionThe DetailsShifting GearsPhase Separation into Liquid Crystal DropletsThe Depletion InteractionFlory’s ModelExercises for Chapter ElevenEndnotesCHAPTER TWELVE — Unexpected ConsequencesHierarchical Self-AssemblyNanoRNABlunt Ends and Sticky EndsBase Stacking ForcesThe Scope of the Self-Assembly Mechanisms of Nucleic AcidsRandom-Sequence NanoDNAThe Strange World of Random-Sequence NanoDNALiquid Crystal Ordering of Random-Sequence NanoDNANon-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Kinetic Arrest and Nonergodic BehaviorExercises for Chapter TwelveEndnotesCHAPTER THIRTEEN — Ligation: Blest be the Tie That BindsNanoDNA Stacking: Weak Physical Attractive Forces vs. Chemical LigationAbiotic Ligation Experiments with EDCThe Scheme: Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-Induced Phase SeparationGel Electrophoresis of D1p Oligomers With Polyacrylamide and Agarose GelsAnother Stellar Contribution by Chemist Paul J. FloryAnalysis of Gel Profiles: The Experimental Data is Well Described by the Flory ModelThe Lowdown on Ligation EfficiencyThe Liquid Crystal Phase as GatekeeperCascaded Phase SeparationExercises for Chapter ThirteenEndnotesBRIEF INTERLUDE II — The Handedness of LifeChiralityLife is HomochiralMacroscopic Chiral Helical Precession of Molecular OrientationBellini and Clark Examine NanoDNA ChiralityA Lighter Take on ChiralityExercises for Brief Interlude IIEndnotesCHAPTER FOURTEEN — All the World’s a Stage and Life’s a Play—Did it Arise From Clay?Emergence and ComplexityMiller-Urey ExperimentRNA World HypothesisOther Plausible VenuesReplicator-First vs. Metabolism-FirstFeats of ClayThe Lipid WorldLiquid Crystals in the Work of Deamer and the Work of Bellini/ClarkManfred Eigen and Stuart KauffmanExercises for Chapter FourteenEndnotesCHAPTER FIFTEEN — The Passover Question: Why is This Origins Proposal Different From All Other Proposals?Emergence and Broken SymmetryAbout-FaceOccam’s RazorThe RNA World RevisitedSticky Business, Part I: What Constitutes Plausible Prebiotic Conditions?Sticky Business, Part II: The Origins Question—Whose Home Turf Is It?Discovering the Physical Processes that Enabled the Chemistry of LifeMetabolism-First RevisitedComputer Simulations and Mathematical ModelingAn Ancient “Liquid Crystal World”EndnotesEpilogueAPPENDIX — Texture of Liquid Crystal Optical ImagesSmectic Phase Liquid Crystal TextureBent-Core MoleculesExtinction BrushesChiral Nematic Texture of NanoDNA Liquid CrystalsColumnar Texture of NanoDNA Liquid CrystalsEndnotesGlossaryIndexGet DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology – Kenneth Douglas , Only Price $32Tag: DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology – Kenneth Douglas  Review. 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