Too many entrepreneurs rely on one or two sources of traffic to drive qualified leads to their business.They rely too much on Joint venture or Affiliate traffic—which means they’ll have the occasional “spurt” of income—but nothing that’s consistent and predictable.Doing this will put you through frustrating times of “yo-yo” income where you have absolutely no idea how much traffic (or money) you’re going to make every month.These days, you need multiple sources of traffic to build a sustainable business so that it can survive any potential downturn and provide you and your family with ample income.You cannot just rely solely on pay-per-click traffic because the search engines could always change their rules literally overnight.And you cannot rely solely on free search engine traffic because Google changes their search engine algorithms all the time. Just ask anyone in the SEO industry: what worked 3-6 months ago no longer works today.Get Ready To Ride The Income Roller-Coaster If YouDon’t Have A Diversified Portfolio Of Traffic Sources…You’ll constantly be jumping from “Shiny Object” to “Shiny Object”—trying one traffic source from another until you stumble across something that seems to work for a couple weeks.You’ll also get frustrated because it will be impossible to determine how much money you’re going to make by the end of the month because your sources of traffic will be unpredictable.You’ll also be vulnerable to learning from certain “gurus” who teach yesterday’s strategies regarding traffic that may have worked in 2001, but not today.We know it’s not a pretty picture. And that’s why having a diversified portfolio of traffic sources will give you:Certainty and sustainability in your businessPredictable cash flowLess worries and strife in your businessAn “unfair advantage” over your competitionPassive income so you don’t have to be trying to “hustle” for customers, clients or patients all the time.Life will just get easier because you’ll no longer have to fret about where you’re going to get your next customers, clients or patients.You just have to make sure all of your marketing (offline and online) is in place and literally “turn on the spigot” and get more of your ideal customers, clients and patients come to your website or storefront at will.And we’re not just talking about just plain “traffic”…but targeted traffic who are ready to buy from you—not just “looky loos” and tire kickers you’ll have to “throw back” once you get ’em.That’s why:For The First Time Ever: GKIC’s Elite Are Coming Together To Reveal “What’s What” When It Comes To Driving Traffic In 2016:Best part: these aren’t people who just “talk the talk.” They really practice what they preach.And now you can sidestep years of trial and error trying to “figure it out” yourself when you take action today and invest in:Lead Generation 2.012 FULL Months Of “What’s Working Now” In Traffic Generation So You’ll Never Have To Worry About Where You’re Next Customer Will Come From.Think about being able to accurately predict how many customers, clients or patients are going to come to your website or storefront 3,6…even 12 months from now.This is about total immersion—where you’ll be submersed in the hottest topics in advanced lead generation: from LinkedIn to Google AdWords, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Affiliate/Joint-Ventures, and much more.This is about creating your portfolio of never-ending traffic—where you can easily “flick the switch” and have your ideal customers, clients or patients come to you.This is the principle of Magnetic Marketing that we teach here at GKIC: that you can easily have your ideal customers, clients or patients come to YOU……vs. having to go out and try to chase them like your competition. In fact:Once You Finish Traffic Academy LIVE, Your Competitors Won’t Know What Hit’ em…Traffic Academy LIVE consist of 2 critical money-making components that’ll make you sleep better at night knowing you’re siphoning leads and customers to your website and storefront while you sleep:Moneymaking Component #1: 12 FULL Months of Lead Generation 2.0 (Retail Value: $2,364.00). You’ll get 12 LIVE Training Sessions with Dave Dee and Lead Generation Experts delivered where they’ll expose late-breaking insights to mastering the hottest topics on Advanced Lead Generation: LinkedIn, Google AdWords, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Affiliate/Joint-Venture Partners, and much more.Each session includes a Step-by-Step Implementation Plan making it easy to turn what you discover into quick results. Finally, each training will include LIVE Q&A so you can get your most pressing questions answered.We have already gone through 2 sessions in the Academy and, of course, you’ll get immediate access to all the past sessions so you can review at your leisure. Here’s what we already covered and what’s coming up:January 2016 – Affiliate Marketing with Dush Ramachandran February 2016 – Facebook Marketing with Kim Walsh-PhillipsMarch 2016 – Youtube Traffic Tsunami with Mike StewartApril 2016 – LinkedIn Domination with Josh TurnerMay 2016 – Content Marketing Using Facebook with Brittany LynchJune 2016 – Remnant Radio Advertising with the late Fred CatonaJuly 2016 – Influencing the Influencers with Michael TaggartAugust 2016 – Crush It with Youtube Ads with Tom BreezeSeptember 2016 – TODAY Using Facebook with Brian HahnOctober 2016– Gmail Ads & Remarketing with Rob WarnerNovember 2016 – Telephone Tricks with Erica DelSignoreDecember 2016 – Amazon in Marketing & Selling Bond HalbertBest part: you don’t have to worry about missing anything as every training will be recorded, transcribed and provided to you immediately afterwards.Moneymaking Component #2: “Fast Track Traffic Foundation.” (Retail Value: $997): In this program, you’ll join forces with some of today’s finest million-dollar marketing masters to create your own Ultimate Shortcut to Success, a top-to-bottom solution for any business to automate lead generation and income – and to create the kind of passive wealth-building that put the so-called “one percent” into that one percent.This program includes:SIX Online Lead Generation Mastery Sessions. Each exclusive session features a different online marketing master, an absolute leader in his or her own specialized know-how, each a million-dollar marketer – each focusing on their number-one best and most powerful lead generation process.Session 1: Rich Schefren – The Real Insider’s Secret to Unlimited Lead Generation – Rich has been a “guru to the gurus” for many years, and he shares what he teaches his private clients when it comes to driving traffic.Session 2: Brittany Lynch – How To Turn Your Online Ads Into An Explosion of Qualified Leads – This probative session will show you how to drive online leads that’ll make your competitors jealous.Session 3: Don Crowther – They Don’t Have To LIKE You – Why Almost Everybody Is Dead Wrong About Facebook Advertising And How To Really Mine For Gold on Facebook.This contrarian viewpoint will reveal the truth regarding how to drive leads on Facebook.Session 4: Ryan Deiss – Maximum Traffic To Best Leads: Jet Fuel For ANY Business.Ryan has been running an eight-figure online business for many years, and he reveals what’s working for him.Session 5: Jeff Walker – The Real Insider’s Secrets For Working With Affiliates & Partners. Jeff is go-to person when it comes to product launches, and he reveals what’s working in 2016 regarding getting affiliates.Session 6: Mike Litman – Hidden Secrets For Converting Lists To Online Traffic And Leads. Mike will reveal how you can extract leads from any list—something most marketers will NEVER know.  Direct Response Secrets from Craig Simpson, THE go-to guy for Dan and his clients when it comes to mailing lists and direct mail. Craig actually mails millions of sales letters, booklets and other direct mail for clients every year. Craig will take me inside an underground most people never even know exists, exposes how it works, and reveals exactly how I can access the riches waiting there.You’ll get access to everything online so you can start taking action right away.Get Traffic Academy – Anonymous , Only Price $127Tag: Traffic Academy Review. Traffic Academy download. Traffic Academy discount.