VIP Experience Week 1-12 with Julie Renee


Are YOU Ready to work powerfully in a one-to-one setting with Master health activator and #1 Brain Rejuvenation Expert Julie Renee, and have your brain and body fine-tuned, your emotions and wealth cleared and refined, and become magnetic to love?If this is you, please read on!Hi! It’s Julie Renee and I’m delighted you’ve found your way to this program. Working one-to-one with me means you’re going to be clearer and have your brain working a whole lot better! And that’s just the beginning.From my years of experience I’ve discovered there are three types of people the Miraculous Transformation Program (formerly called the VIP Experience) is good for. I want you to know that we tailor your experience to your needs as we progress through our time together.Miraculous Transformation Client One – The High Performance Individual who wants to stay at the top of their game and has noticed they may be slowing down.Miraculous Transformation Client Two – Getting Through Life But Wants More! Someone who’s working and is experiencing a health or brain challenge, and these challenges may relate to your enjoyment of life, for example your earnings are not where they could be or love is elusive.Miraculous Transformation Client Three Traumatic Brain Injury and Illness Dominant such as stroke or head injury, or a decline of cognitive function due to DNA programing, poor nutrition or toxic exposure. And in this category, the seriously ill folks who want a positive change to return to better health and vitality.The Miraculous Transformation Program is the path to your regeneration.In the very first session your brain will be regenerated to 100%!Get VIP Experience Week 1-12 with Julie Renee , Only Price $138Your full Miraculous Transformation includes:A 2-hour exclusive session with Julie Renee featuring a powerful clearing with full brain regeneration.You might wonder how this will all come about, and be excited at the prospect of having a fully rebooted brain. We will chat on the phone at the start of your session. And this is when you tell me why you are doing this program, for example: ‘I want more energy, I want a better memory or I really want to work on success’. And we get to the clearings to prepare for that intention.  We clear the areas of amplification, perception, emotions and DNA, including spiritual interferences and anchors that would interfere with the full brain regeneration to follow.This first step takes about an hour. We hang up the phone about 10 minutes into your session and I work deeply on you as you pump along with me and stay relaxed. 60 minutes into the session you dial me back and I give you a progress report on how far we are in your activation and if we’ve begun the brain regeneration. I answer your questions, and when your questions are answered we hang up and work deeply on your 5 brains. I give you the amount of time to dial back (it’s typically 40 minutes into the second hour), at which time we stay on the call and complete the session together.Please read about brain regeneration by clicking here.Once we’ve completed the first two hours, we set a plan for your specific Miraculous Transformation Program. You’ll be encouraged to map out 3-9 additional areas to work on during your time in session. These can be things like: vision, attracting the right kind of love, success and fame, improving your thyroid function and so forth.3 ~ 1-hour sessions to incorporate your list of improvements.Although this is a done-for-you program it is encouraged that you take an active role in your shifts. I will clear and restore, in the 5 hours we have together, what would take you around 3000 hours, if you had the skill and knowledge to do these shifts, so please make the best use of your time with me by knowing what it is you’d like to accomplish and speak as clearly as possible.Some folks like to write a bullet pointed list sent a day prior to each session of the things the want to accomplish in the session. Clear and concise is best. Avoid storytelling and get to the point rapidly so I can use all the time we have together to affect a radical shift! You can ask for direction and guidance in how to go about your own clearings between sessions. You’re encouraged to ask questions, and please know that I am NOT a psychic reader so this type of questioning is not going to yield your best use of my time and yours.These are mentoring sessions one-on-one ~ following your Miraculous Transformation session over three months. The sessions are meant to really jump start your brain, body and YOUR LIFE!Email access for questions and guidance and support staff to help you fully integrate and take advantage of all parts of your program.Some folks find it helpful to shoot off a question or two every few weeks and to get validation and encouragement as they progress. I respond to every email and ask that you follow the specific guidance on addressing Miraculous Transformation questions. Subject line “Miraculous Transformation Communications” and all issues in short bullet points – not more than 3 to 5 in one email. I give you great guidance and support and this helps me see the questions and answer them rapidly, so there is seldom a time delay and responses are often on the same day the question is presented.Miraculous Transformation Program Home Study 12-week nurture sequence.This is a vital part of your Miraculous Transformation program as you are given 8 meditations to use, and over the 3 months you’ll be doing at least one meditation a day. I have even included a walking meditation so that you can get your exercise and meditation in at the same time if you have time constraints. By meditating daily you are receiving an activation with my voice, putting you in the regenerative quantum pleasure field, and even if you have been exposed to lower frequencies and argument during your day, we are resetting you for regeneration each and every day with these powerful meditations. Any meditation over 30 minutes that I have created will work for this process so if you have other programs please feel free to mix and match! You receive these 12 trainings one per week in your email.Please watch for them as the help you move forward. You’ll find a rich and varied training that is filled with short helpful videos & guided meditations to assist in your transformation.Two of My BOOKS “100% You Formula” and “Balance Your Life Now,”…which I know you will find helpful. Both are easy reads, sent in the Ebook version and with the 100% You Formula, you will also get the audio with my voice reading the book.The 100% You Formula helps you understand what the human blueprint is, with its working parts and gives you a lovely easy-to-use home study program with actions sheets and videos to help you integrate and grow towards more full self expression. Balance Your Life Now is also geared towards mapping full self expression and you are encouraged to use the balance wheel chart each week to chart your outer progress on living in balance and moving towards more joy and full self expression from outer action and thoughtful reflection.Get VIP Experience Week 1-12 with Julie Renee , Only Price $138Tag: VIP Experience Week 1-12 with Julie Renee Review. VIP Experience Week 1-12 with Julie Renee download. 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