Todd Brown – Master Of Media Buying Mastermind 2019


Todd Brown – Master Of Media Buying Mastermind 2019Look closely and you’ll recognize dozens of the most popular traffic experts on the planet!Have you ever been curious what tricks traffic generation experts swap with one another when talking privately?Well, I was.I wanted to know the traffic generation methods the best of the best use to build their own businesses.NOT the stuff they share with the public.And NOT the stuff they teach in their courses.I wanted to know their personal traffic generation methods; the stuff they spend their own money on.So, I shelled-out close to twenty grandto host a private event… and find out.I invited marketers from the Agora Companies, and over 45 of the most popular, most respected media buying and traffic generation experts on the planet.All but one agreed to join us. (He’s now dead to me.)Then, for two days (February 15-16, 2019)… in a private room at the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland… I pushed these experts to the max. Putting them on the spot, spurring them to give-up their best traffic insights.And, to blaze a fire under their butts, I had a badass championship belt designed to award to whichever expert gave the most amount of value over the two days.Which “guru” walks out with this baby? Read on to find out…And, oh baby… this thing, of course, drove the experts WILD.Out of ego, they wanted that belt. They were going nuts over it. Putting it up to their waists. Taking pics of it. Posting it on their social media.Yeah… they wanted it. Bad.Which is exactly why I had it created in the first place. All part of my plan. I wanted them charged-up to give, give, give their best stuff.And boy did they!(I’ll tell you who won the belt in a bit.)When all was said and done…This gathering — what I appropriately call The Masters of Media Buying Mastermind— was “the MOSTEPICTRAINING event ever held on traffic generation and media buying, anywhere”. Hands-down, bar none!That’s not my words. That’s what almost all of the experts in the room said to me when we wrapped-up.What made these two days so friggin’ valuable?Well, the volume of popular experts all gathered together for the first time, aside…It’s an easy question to answer; the stuff these guys revealed was INSANE! I’m talking traffic generation strategies and tactics I not only never heard before, also presented with such clarity and depth even a non-media-buyer like me was able to get it all right away. And, we covered A TON! I made sure of that. Because I had a ton of questions.Check out the official agenda (below) sent to the experts in advance. We followed this baby to the tee:Sick, right?!In hindsight, I probably could have sold tickets to this bad boy for $15K or more a pop. And gotten it all day long.I did have a pro A/V team record the entire thing for me and the experts in attendance.I paid the video crew $7,160.00 to film EVERYTHING, edit it, and rush ship me the footage.I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss a single word. And I wanted documentation of this historic gathering for posterity (and some bragging rights).*** But, I have NO plans right now to ever sell these recordings.If I do decide to sell them sometime in the future, you can be sure they’ll command a pretty penny.So, with all that being said…This… right here… is your lil sneak peek (from my iPhone)…behind the curtain of this historic gathering…“What process do you use to test and rollout new marketing funnels before you invest heavily in paid traffic?” Posing this question is how I opened day one.I wanted to understand what these top traffic experts do to test and prove new campaigns quickly… without wasting a bunch of money in the process. Like… do they have a system for this?The answer, I saw, is ABSOLUTELY.For the next hour, the discussion was focused on the different workflows used to roll-out new campaigns, the couple of metrics looked at to make decisions, and the benchmarks to hit before going out to paid traffic.Really insightful stuff.Probably, most valuable to me, was hearing Katie Vogel, the Chief Marketing Officer at Agora Financial, share how they prove-out their campaigns with email, first, to avoid any unnecessary costs. I also explained the system we use at MFA for rolling-out new campaigns as Minimum Viable Funnels (MVF).An MVF is the smallest number of funnel steps possible which can still confirm you have a winner.It’s the system we use all the time to see if we have a campaign which converts… BEFORE we waste any time creating any email sequences, upsells, down-sells, backend offers, or paid traffic.SIMPLEINSIGHT #1: You need a system for quickly and safely proving the profitability of new marketing funnels before you roll them out to paid traffic. This is how you save yourself time and money.“Once you see you have a campaign which is converting, what’s your process for optimizing, then scaling it?” This was a meaty session…Cause we talked about optimizing a variety of different campaign models as well as different types of ads on different platforms (e.g. Facebook, Youtube, Google).The one step all of these approaches have in common is the necessity of identifying your campaign constraint before you attempt to optimize or improve anything. Your campaign constraint is nothing more than the step or page in your marketing funnel which is underperforming the most for its benchmark.SIMPLEINSIGHT #2: It’s easy to optimize a marketing funnel when you, first, identify the campaign constraint. This is why it’s so important you have your tracking set-up properly. Done correctly, your tracking shows you the campaign constraint.When we got the topic of scaling, a lot was shared about how to adjust your targeting, when to expand to new traffic sources, how to adjust your ad creative (i.e. images and copy), and even how to properly adjust your budget.Personally, I had no idea there’s a right and wrong way to increase and decrease your traffic budget on something like Facebook.Tom, one of the top marketers from Agora Financial, explained why adjusting your budget properly is so important, along with what he called your Daily Account Threshold.Really insightful how something so small like changing your traffic budget can have a huge impact on your ability to scale on a platform like Facebook.SIMPLEINSIGHT #3: Use a “timing system” for scaling your ad campaigns to best leverage the Facebook algorithm, and to prevent your account from getting flagged. It’s important to make adjustments to your budgets properly. And in small increments.“So let’s talk about the mack daddy of all traffic sources, right now, Facebook. What’s the most effective way you’re using it today?” This question set-off a firehose of discussion, with some really, really interesting insights.Why?Cause not only are these guys doing some unique stuff with the typical advertising methods on Facebook, they’re also doing some cool, cutting-edge stuff.Like, there was a discussion about how to crank-up the profitability of your Facebook ads by adding some simple text messaging…And there was another discussion about some really effective scripting, timing, and delivery of Facebook Lives to really ratchet-up sales conversions…As well, a chunk of time was invested in talking about the different types of videos which are most effective on Facebook… how to use those videos to identify the hottest prospects in a market… and ways to do it for pennies per prospect.Of course, the experts in the room also spent a bunch of time swapping methods for fixing broken Facebook campaigns, optimizing the ones generating sales, and tips and shortcuts for identifying the best images and copy to use for great response rates.This brought us to the end of day one. And… boy… was this a jam-packed day! Day two…“Alright, what’s the best way to use YouTube, today, to drive crazy traffic? What do you guys got?” Again, the floodgates opened…A bunch of time was devoted to sharing the most effective video models to use in different places on YouTube.Even specific storytelling hacks and scripting tricks were shared.Then, the focus shifted to… how do you get your videos out in front of your perfect prospects. And, how do you do it on the cheap. (I always love the cost-saving hacks.)They also talked about how to set-up your videos inside of YouTube to take advantage of the algorithm… and get your videos listed at the top of the recommended section for your prospects.“Okay, what about Native advertising? What’s the best stuff you guys are doing?” Immediately, Katie and Tom from Agora Financial jumped in to share what they’re doing. Of course, since AF’s driving a disgusting amount of native traffic — like, a bonkers amount! — everybody in the room was excited to hear what the heck they’re doing.And Katie and Tom generously laid it all out for us:* How they choose the native platforms to use…* How they design their native ads…* How they choose the copy…* Where they drive traffic from their native ads…* What metics they use to manage their native ad campaigns…* How they scale their native ads…* … and more.It was awesome, to say the least.Then…After lunch Rich Schefren took about 45 minutes to share a special presentation — the new, groundbreaking stuff he’s doing with data, analytics, and targeting.It opens a whole new world of targeting and follow-up for us.He calls this new stuff we can now do Identity-Based Marketing.Sale Page: Method– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. 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