FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous


Dear Soon-To-Be-Master-Marketer,It’s hard to describe how excited we are that you are holding this document in your hand (or reading on a phone more likely).We know contained in these pages, is critical information that could transform your ENTIRE life. It’s a bold promise we know, but one we’re ready to bet our business on.Somewhere somehow you’ve heard about our certification program called FG Society. Maybe you watched a live info session, maybe you got this link from a friend, but it really doesn’t matter, because we’re here now chatting, and we have some really important things to share.The reason FG Society even exists is because of a very big problem in the online marketing space. It’s filled with under qualified people trying to make a quick buck. And very very few of these people actually want to learn the skills they need to be an excellent marketer.Here’s the reality we’ve discovered. While niching down is a great idea to stand out in business from a visibility and messaging standpoint, skillwise if you want to learn how to build funnels that convert, you can’t just know one thing.You have to know THREE things, and that is the foundation of FG Society.It’s all about understanding what makes a great offer, great copy, and great design.Despite the fact that it seemed like a big ask to teach all three, we’ve done it. Over 400 marketers have gone through this program and transformed their understanding of these three areas, essentially making them “triple threats” in the industry.Our nickname now is that we’re creating a community of triple threat marketers who understand these three things – after all – it’s the same three things that make a FUNNEL convert too!This isn’t just theory either. We’ve seen over and over again that our funnels outperform industry standards… by a lot. People who build funnels that are supposed to break even, end up with $25,000 a month in net profit. Or they make $100,000 in 30 days off a $30 product.Our conversion rates on all our funnels beat benchmarks 100% of the time.FC Society is our solution to the need for providers, business owners, and freelancers to learn the three great foundations of funnel building…Offer, Copy, and Design.We’re excited to take this journey with you!ACADEMIC OVERVIEWFG Society is a certification program that teaches online marketing through the design and development of a sales funnel. The program is broken up into three phases, based on the foundational pieces of Internet Marketing.Offer Creation + StrategyCopyDesignWe do this in an applied way by teaching funnel building for infoproducts. Students move through each phase, with an exam at the end to test competency. We call this the “triple threat”. The ability to do all three pieces well is what makes a marketer stand out in the industryBy the end of the program, they have comprehensive knowledge of funnel strategy + design, plus how to build a great info product offer and write high converting copy.Certified marketers unlock a range of perks inside the Funnel Gorgeous ecosystem, with the ability to be featured as a partner provider and available for done-for-you work.Those who wish not to be certified but simply want to go through the program for individual skill development can opt out of the exam process.Get FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous, Only Price $297WHO FG SOCIETY IS FORFunnel DesignersFunnel StrategistsCopywritersDesignersDigital MarketersMarketing ConsultantsMarketing CoachesMarketing AgenciesVirtual Assistant’s Looking To Uplevel Their SkillsFacebook Ad Agencies That Want To Uplevel Their Funnel SkillsBusiness Owners That Want To Build Their Own Internal Funnel TeamFG SOCIETY CURRICULUMphase #1: OFFER CREATION + STRATEGYCustomer AvatarOnline Business ModelsNew Business GrowthProblem + SolutionUnique Selling PropositionValue Ladder StrategyFunnel StrategyContinuityConsiderations PricingUnpacking OffersLead FunnelsFunnel Analysis+ tools and resourcesAverage Cart ValueLifetime ValueAnticipating Launch ResultsStrategic PlanningFunnel Elements ChecklistConversion Benchmarks CalculateUSP ExamplesIntensive ExamplesGlossary of Termsphase #2: FUNNEL COPYDirect ResponseIntro Sales Copy InstructionAnnouncementsFeatures/BenefitsGuaranteesUrgency/ScarcityFAQClosesHeadlinesProblem/SolutionRapportTestimonialsPersuasionStorytellingWebinarsEmails Naming+ tools and resourcesEmail headline cheatsNaming + USP examplesCopy teardownsWebinar hotseatsGlossary of termsphase #3: FUNNEL DESIGNExperience First DesignSpaceCadenceBalanceEmphasisDetailsSales Page DesignAnnouncementsFeatu res/Benef itsGuaranteesUrgency/ScarcityFAQClosesHeadlinesProblem/SolutionRapportTestimonialsOffer AssetsLogosGraphicsProduct mockupsMobile OptimizationOrder Forms + OTO’sFunnel BuildingPricingTimelinesFunnel Build ProcessBrand StyleColor TheoryTypographyImage Optimization+ tools and resourcesCustom extra design ideas for funnelsOff Book Funnel design templatesBlack + White wireframeOver the shoulder webinar designFunnel pricing calculatorGantt charts for project timelinesColor theory + font style libraryGet FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous, Only Price $297PREREQUISITE COURSESOffer Cure + Funnel Rx prior to Phase 1Ad Gorgeous + Webinar Gorgeous during Phase 2No pre-requisites for Phase 3HOW THE PROGRAM WORKSThe full certification program is $3000, but it is unlocked as a pay as you go model. This way, students can begin Phase #1 and opt-out at any time.Once inside the program, the price is guaranteed for one year. If the student does not complete the certification by then, they are subject to whatever price the Society is selling at that time.phase #1: OFFER CREATION + STRATEGYCost $1000.Limited Time Pay-Plan (3 monthly payments) of $397.To complete, you must pass a written exam and score at least a 78%.If you want to opt out of the exam, students must show completion of the material to move ahead (called an exemption).phase #2: FUNNEL COPYCost $1000.To complete, you must pass a written exam and score at least a 78%.If you want to opt out of the exam, students must show completion of the material to move ahead (called an exemption).phase #3: FUNNEL DESIGNCost $1000.To complete, you must pass a written exam, produce a small project and score at least an 80%.Certified Marketers who pass are given 12 months on our website, 12 additional complimentary months in the Facebook group, plus all the perks of certification. Renewal fee is $500/year after the 12 months are complete.** ** Those who aren’t interested in certification have the option to pay for continued support in the group after their 12 months are over.HOW CERTIFICATION EXAMS WORKExam for each phase.Combination of multiple choice, short answer, true/false and one project (in phase 3) to show competency in the skill being tested.Open book test. You can use all your material!The exam will build upon itself in each phase. You’ll take PI and be graded, and then use the examples to complete the exam forP2 and P3. We teach you everything you need to know to complete the exam!You can take the test two times without any additional grading fee.You have 12 months to get certified. Once certified, you get access to all certified perks for an additional 12 months. (Renewal fee is currently $500/yr after that).If you’re within 10% of passing, we always have a second grader check to ensure the score is accurate.PERKS OF CERTIFICATION50% affiliate commission on our courses and templatesWholesale templates from our shopFeatured on our website and in our directoryAccess to job requestsExtra design snippets12 months of additional FB group and weekly Q&AExtra training on our FG Funnels AppGet FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous, Only Price $297Tag: FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous Review. FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous download. FG Society Certification by Julie + Cathy Funnel Gorgeous discount.