Treat Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction and Depression Through the Wisdom & Creativity of Story and Symbol – Sherry Reiter


Do your clients struggle to express their feelings? Are you tired of asking the same questions and getting the same constricted answers? Ordinary words are not always enough. Imagine having the power to create a new story with your client to activate their healing imagination and apply metaphor, story and symbol to move your client ahead.In this recording, you’ll get innovative tools and interventions based in stories, writing, journaling and other expressive therapies – also known as Bibliotherapy. These evidence-based techniques will empower you to creatively and effectively treat your clients facing anxiety, trauma, addiction and depression, as well as allow you to bypass resistance to therapy, overcome your toughest client’s inability to express themselves, and make therapeutic progress where traditional techniques can fail.Return to your practice with published writings, skill building activities, interactive exercises, key components of storytelling, detailed handouts and instruction on how to apply Bibliotherapy in treatment and inspire your clients to greater change and healing!Transform your difficult client into someone with whom you can make great therapeutic stridesGuide your client through the application of simple writing exercises they can easily and naturally useReinforce the concepts taught, the ability to practice what you’ve learned, and allow its immediate incorporation into your clinical workHelp clients structure and frame their personal experiencesLeave the recording feeling confident and capable to integrate the power of symbol and story (Bibliotherapy) into your treatment and provide a safe place to hold your client’s sadness, fear and anger. No previous knowledge or background in writing is required to take full advantage of this recording.Demonstrate both prescriptive and expressive techniques to treat depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction and bereavementApply the poetry prescription and journaling techniques to track and regulate your client’s emotionsEmploy the principles of transformative writing in treatment for greater neural integration, more flexibility of thought and greater range of emotionImplement simple writing exercises for treatment of emotional regulation and anchoringIntegrate Bibliotherapy techniques in therapy to strengthen the observing ego which leads to new perspectives, behaviors and insightsArticulate techniques from narrative therapy that will help your client to explore their life story and recognize healthier narrativesBibliotherapy Incorporates Three Techniques:JOURNALINGCreate positive neural circuitryShift your client’s mood within seven minutes with transformative writingUtilize the Journal Ladder for successful interventionDistinguish between cathartic writing and writing for reflection, insight and problemsolvingSTORIESUnderstand the importance of polyphony in expanding narrativesIdentify archetypes that are driving the life storyCollaborate with your client to create a new narrativeUse teaching tales for insight and new learningPOEMSCollect powerful poetry prescriptions for immediate clinical useApply the “isoprinciple” and principle of opposites for emotional changeUnderstand how metaphor is a catalyst for whole brain learningShare published literature and initiate dynamic, meaningful dialogueApply Bibliotherapy Techniques to Treat:ANXIETYTransform anxiety into calmness:Mental imageryRhythm and breathClusters, lists, sentence stems and pantoumsHaikuHypnotic words and mantrasTRAUMAAnchor clients with emotional stability and flexibility:Gentle, concrete journaling techniques for calming and centeringCreative visualizations to relax and focusStrategic problem solving that builds on client strengthsADDICTIONCreate new neural circuitry:Replace addictive cravings with new rituals and the habit of journalingDecrease isolation with “communitas”Transform avoidance and numbing to connection and healthy attachmentDEPRESSIONImprove mood and instill hope:“Sunbursts” and “sparkling moments”Edit the negatives into positivesStrengthen the injured ego with “ink transfusions” from famous writers and leadersTag: Treat Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction and Depression Through the Wisdom & Creativity of Story and Symbol – Sherry Reiter Review. Treat Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction and Depression Through the Wisdom & Creativity of Story and Symbol – Sherry Reiter download. Treat Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction and Depression Through the Wisdom & Creativity of Story and Symbol – Sherry Reiter discount.