
Women and men who know they were born to make millions, impact millions, and even change the world. Women and men who know they can HAVE IT ALL.Leaders who are the crazy ones. Messengers who are the change-makers. The ones on the edges, and hell yeah wanting to stay there, so they can quickly, quickly, slip away –When needed –And back to their own world.If that’s you, you know it, because somewhere in the world inside your head –You found meAnd this communityOf crazy as all get out leadersWho would do anything to get away from everyoneAnd everything to band together, when we find each otherAnd if that IS you, and even though you’ve no idea yet what your soul is saying yes to you still feel and know that it IS,Then let me tell you:It’s time.It’s time to say yes to the fun and shenaniganery and unbelievable freaking FLOW yes power of accessing all of you.Of ACTIVATING the next level version of you who you KNOW you’re already meant to be.And of quit quit quit FINALLY damn well quitting the whole ‘I gotta learn something new’ thang,I gotta find the right strategy or plan thang,I gotta do a SINGLE fucking thing thang,of going against who and what I ACTUALLY am,And what I desire.It’s time, quite simply, to drop back into you,and to understand and also LIVE by the truth that everything you’ve for so long now been holding at arms length,the money, the business, the flow yes you life, yes ALL of it,comes from that place.It’s time – For SOUL SHIFTS & MONEY MAKIN’ ONLINE, with Katrina Ruth!What else?19 Days with 8-Figure CEO Katrina Ruth to Unlock the Deepest Core of You, and Explode it Forth Onto the World, in a Way That Makes All the Monies and ALL the Impact, Now.Included in your home-study course…Daily deep dive training module on a particular topic of Soul Shifting & Money Makin’ (details below)Daily workbooks to take you further on what you heard and saw and learned and were FLICK switched on Daily journal exercises to excavate your soul ALL the way down and out and remembered to where it should be​Daily implementation suggestions and asskickery for your biz and money and life!What You Can Expect When You Sign Up to Soul Shifts & Money Makin’ with Katrina Ruth!Here is just SOME of what we are covering in these 19 days together!Every day there is a new deep dive training module from me,an accompanying workbook,accompanying journal exercises and prompts to excavate TF outta your soul truth,and suggested implementation work for your biz and money and SOUL yes life results, now!Many of these audios are previously only EVER heard by clients who have invested thousands of dollars to work with me in person, at $2000-$6000 private event!And never before available for sale.Just some of what I am going to teach you about in these incredible soul shifting and money making 19 days together includes:Accessing truth from soul, what that means and looks like, how it feels, how to DO it, and now​Putting the human self / story aside, and connecting in to something deeper in order to access your certain blueprint and strategy on the ‘how’ of business, marketing, messaging, offer creation, selling, and more​Releasing barriers to access soul certainty so that you can tap in any and every time you choose​Absolute knowing on what you were given your life for, so you can give it in return (secret to unlocking everything!)​Accessing your every desire, and allowing it to come to fruition NOW (my fave)​Destroying ‘proof’ or evidence or reasons why you can’t not (so good! And fun!)​Shedding limiting beliefs, patterns that keep you stuck (EASY. Seriously).​Accessing BIG energy, the energy of flow, and creativity, and receiving, and ultimate YOU​Why certain things remain at arms reach, and what to do about it to shift that NOW, and shift to new patterns and identity​Common sabotages to doing your soul work, and being who you are meant to be​What it means to step into your highest self – how to know and be sure, how to do this with immediacy​Knowing always when to act, and when to pause, wait, lean back, how to apply this to different areas of business​Coding things out of the ‘working towards’ bucket and into the identity bucket​Turning up the dial to ever receiving more and also BEING all of who you know you must ​The how of aligning to a higher / next level outcome​Attracting what is already yours into your physical reality (clients, money, love, body, lifestyle, environment, all of it!)​Pulling on soul connections to things you’ve not yet created, but which are for you. Even if you do not feel ready, or sure.​Business systems, automation, structure from soul​Why message clarity is BS, all you need to do is to tune in and trust, the fact that you ALWAYS know what to sell and how to sell it, and how to activate this power and truth-owning money-makin’ side of you! ​Your money is always and CAN only always be a reflection of your identity, your expectations, your – for want of a better way of saying it! – vibe. Shift your money identity? Shift your damn outcomes. Let’s do it.​How to trust in and lean even DEEPER in to the soul certainty and flow which can so often at first feel like chaos, mess, being disorganised, being RECKLESS.​Drawing on the energetic connection which is already present between your soul clients and you.​Knowing the answers to everything, always, no matter what​Soul certain blueprint for accessing / downloading / nailing down your ideas and sales offers​Choosing more, on the repeat​Identifying / discerning an aligned versus not aligned goal​The art and practice of surrender and detachment  I actually can’t even believe myself how good this all is! And, I also know it is way BETTER even than what I am laying down here.The energy always makes that so 🙂Get SOUL SHIFTS & MONEY MAKIN’ ONLINE – Katrina Ruth, Only Price $59Tag: SOUL SHIFTS & MONEY MAKIN’ ONLINE – Katrina Ruth Review. SOUL SHIFTS & MONEY MAKIN’ ONLINE – Katrina Ruth download. 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