The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann


All highs and lows, on any time frame and market, are governed by a single pattern that runs through all freely traded marketsThe Unified Theory of Markets describes what this pattern is, and how to use itThis course reveals a collection of tools (collectively known as “Big Bertha”) that work together to explain why turning points, trends, and support and resistance all form where they do on the charts we see. Unlike other methodologies, this material focuses on the underlying structure behind market movements, which means that rather than acting like random signal-generators that issue buy and sell signals every now and then when certain conditions are present, these tools describe the forces that actually cause markets to do what they do. As such, once you understand the laws that Bertha is based on, you will also be able to explain every single important turning point in any market, on any time frame, going back to be beginning of recorded history. More importantly, you will be able to forecast what the market will do in the future, and will be able to locate the most opportune places to enter trades.There are four important principles in the Bertha material, each of which is critical to having a complete knowledge of market dynamics. Those four principles are:Principle 1: The Market’s FingerprintUnderstand the underlying pattern behind all market movementsUltimately, all markets are governed by a single pattern that determines where turning points form, and whether those turns are highs or lows. This one master pattern, created by the collective subconscious minds of all traders everywhere, is behind every twist and turn on any financial chart, and creates the structure within which market prices fluctuate. Luckily for us as traders, it is a cyclical pattern, which means that it repeats again and again, and once you know where you are in the current part of the pattern, you then also know what to expect in the future. Unlike other cyclical techniques, this pattern has never inverted, has never missed a turn, and can be projected infinitely far into the future.Principle 2: Market StructureKnow whether the trend is up or downWhat is the reason that most Gann, Astro, and Geometry traders tend to be great analysts but terrible traders? The reason is that they almost always trade against the trend. Trying to buy bottoms in a downward trend, and trying to sell tops in an upward trend is a recipe for a blown account. However, if you understand the underlying structure behind price action, you will also understand why markets form extended trends and where those trends will occur. More importantly, you will know, at any given moment, whether the market wants to go up, or whether it wants to go down. Simply going with the trend will allow you to be late, make mistakes, and suffer slippage on your orders and still make a profit. Understanding market structure is the key to being able to trade turning points successfully, and this information alone represents the difference between ending up with a profit or loss at the end of the day. This is the critical missing piece that most traders have to understand before becoming successful.Principle 3: Projection ToolsKnow where the next high or low will formCountless techniques have been devised to try and forecast where tops and bottoms will occur in the future. Most work some of the time, but few work most of the time. Once the true structure of the market has been identified, the market itself will present and entirely new set of tools that can be used to forecast, with very high accuracy, when to expect the next turn, in both price and time. Unlike tools that work every now and then, these same tools can be used in the same way on every single turn, both highs and lows, from second-based charts all the way up to yearly charts. Learn to see where turning points will form in the immediate future, based on the same natural laws that create those turning points in the first place.Principle 4: Proper ScalingUnlock the truth by plotting charts properlyMarkets are geometrical in nature, but it is difficult to see this geometry without properly scaling a chart. Once the underlying structure of the market is known, it is very easy to know the correct scale factor that determines the relationship between price and time. That scale factor is also used to plot a chart correctly on a graph. If and only if the proper scale is used, the internal geometry inherent to all markets will reveal itself. At that point, calculating support and resistance levels in the future becomes a trivial task. Legendary trader WD Gann understood these principles, and gave us the 50% rule and his Gann Angles. Unfortunately, both tools are useless without proper understanding on how to find the true scale of a market, which requires knowledge of the master pattern. You will learn to see what Gann did, and will be able to exploit the mathematical connection between all highs and lows on a chart in your own trading.Get The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann, Only Price $297How does all this work in practice? Let’s take a look at the week of Dec 5th in the E-mini, the last full week of data as of this writing. The analysis for this particular week can be found in the manual, and was also performed in real time. Coming into the week, we examined our pattern and knew to expect turning points in specific places on the chart.A general view of what we were expecting is sketched out on the chart shown above. We expect the market to move from lows in the “Low Zone” areas to highs in the “High Zone” areas. This all comes from the first principle, the Market’s Fingerprint, and gives us an idea, ahead of time, where to expect turning points. This is the first stage in analyzing a chart with Big Bertha. The second stage involves Market Structure, and understanding the nature of the trend. In this example, we know the trend is up through Monday, which means that we expect the action to be on the upside rather than the downside. Accordingly, we would then focus in on the low zone near 1pm on the 5th, and would look to go long there and hold into either the close, or the morning of the 6th at the time of the next high zone.The third and fourth principles come into play when we solve for the exact location of the low and high zones. This lets us move from the general structure down to specific time and price forecasts that we will use to actually place orders.Once our high has come in, we then expect a drop into our low point. Using Bertha’s third and fourth principles, a price/time rectangle can be created where we expect the market to bottom and reverse. This would be our target for a low risk buying opportunity.The market dropped into our target area, and began to rally. Our structure-based tools, as well as the third and fourth principles then called for an adjustment to our original forecast. The next low zone is expected early, and provides an additional buying opportunity.Our revised low point has come in. At this point, we know that the trend also will likely switch from the upside to the downside at the next high point. Our four principles tell us to expect a high in the revised area, and we expect most of the movement in the next portion of this pattern to be towards the downside, so we will be focusing on short setups in this next phase. This would mean selling the next high zone and exiting in the next low zone. The original time for our expected low zone was in the middle of the 7th, and we will know as soon as our high comes in if this will need to be adjusted.We have reached our high zone, and are now looking for the change in trend. Our tools have provided us with both a minimum price target that the market much reach, as well as a target area for the next low in our pattern. We would expect a drop into this area, and then a reversal.Our minimum target was quickly attained, and our expected low held. The market is now rallying as expected. How long will the rally last, and should we try to get in on it? Answering that is simply a matter of applying our four principles to get both the general roadmap moving into the next few days, as well as the exact forecasts for the highs and lows that we are looking at. Each high and low is mathematically connected, and they are all part of one universal pattern that governs all markets. Once you understand the pattern, forecasting the market is a relatively simple task. You’ll notice that our longer term forecasts do get adjusted as we get closer to them, so purists may claim that we are “cheating” by allowing them to be updated. That’s OK. Although this manual contains forecasting material, it is not about forecasting. Forecasting doesn’t put money in your account. This manual is about trading. Specifically, it’s about how to find those points on the price chart that allow a trader to risk only a small amount to make a much larger profit. This is the key to successful trading, and what separates the professionals from the rest of the pack.This material is the culmination of 20 years of research into natural law in markets. If you’ve ever used Wave59’s proprietary indicators, or have explored any of the methods written about in our books or conference presentations, you will know that they represent an extremely innovative and powerful library of techniques. Big Bertha is the crown jewel of this collection. It is the ultimate technique, and as close as we’ve gotten or ever expect to get to a universal solution to market movements. It was not an easy decision to release this material, and this book has been in the making for over three years. But ultimately, these tools were inspired by the Wave59 Community, and without the support, encouragement, and positive energy from its members over the years, this material would likely never have been developed. On the 20th anniversary of Earik’s trading career, and at the time of an important turning point within Wave59 as a company, it is finally time to release this work.The price of this manual is $2,995. We feel this is a price that will allow all sincere students of the markets to acquire these tools, while not devaluing the material. Books like this come across once in a blue moon, and we don’t expect to be able to offer anything similar in the future. We believe it is worth more than 100 times what we are asking, so it represents a tremendous value. Please take this opportunity to purchase your copy while this offer is still available.Get The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann, Only Price $297Tag: The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann Review. The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann download. The Unified Theory of Markets – Earik Beann discount.