Dispo Team Training 2022 Program By David Olds


LEARN HOW TO TAKE ANYONE AND MAKE THEM A MASTER OF INVESTMENT PROPERTY DISPOSITIONS!HOW TO SELL YOUR WHOLESALE DEALS THAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW!DAVID HAS BROKEN DOWN THE CODE TO SELLING MORE DEALS AND HAS BEEN TEACHING THE TOP WHOLESALE COMPANIES IN THE COUNTRY HOW TO DO IT. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THE SAME TRAINING THEY PAID OVER $10,000 FOR!This is the DEFINITIVE Sales Mastery course for anyone who is wholesaling who wants to learn how to implement the systems and methods that will allow them to not only sell their deals faster, sell them for higher assignment fees and to scale up the business today!HOW AMAZING WOULD IT BE TO HIRE SOMEONE WITH NO REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE, BRING THEM IN AND LET THEM WATCH THIS SALES MASTERY VIDEO COURSE AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE TRAINED AND READY TO SELL YOUR DEALS?WHAT YOU’LL GET:QUIT STRUGGLINGQuit struggling to get past just a couple deals a month and learn to explode your business now by moving your deals faster and increase your assignment fees!SIMPLE IS SCALABLEYou can’t train a new team member with complicated and confusing systems. Let David teach your team step by step the same way he trains his team of Dispo Assassins who are crushing itTRAIN YOUR VA’SThis system is so powerful yet simple that you can hire a VA or even a team of them to work your deals after using this system to train them!18 PART COURSEThis 18 module Sales Mastery Course is everything you need to understand how to wholesale and dispo your deals faster than the competition. Learn to take your wholesaling business to the next level.THIS COURSE IS BUILTThis course is built for the wholesaler who wants to go from Hustling to hiring a team and scaling up quickly. You will be able to use this Sales Master Course over and over to train in-house team members & VA’s!