Info Summit 2017 Presentations – Dan Kennedy


BEFORE YOU READ THIS PROFIT- BOOSTING, MONEY-MAKING MISSION STATEMENT… You are hereby entrusted to keep this classified information from the clutches of all enemies of ingenuity and those too lethargic to answer this urgent worldwide calling… Moments from now, you’re going to discover the secret headquarters of the most successful information marketers in the world… And how you can step forward and join their ranks, acquire their superpowers, and emerge victorious in the battle to achieve limitless business growth and unimagined success in your own information business……AND how you can legally STEAL their closely guarded, profit-punching, money-exploding secrets that can bust the chains off all your business obstacles faster than an electronic bank deposit… You’re about to discover:How to take all your knowledge and turn it into real wealthWhere to exchange ideas, network and trade tacticsWhy you NEED the priceless expertise and secretsthat working right now, today, from actual superheroes of information marketing, like Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Robin Robins, Rich Shefren,Ryan Levesque, and many many more.The calamitous threats to your successful business and lifestyle are too far-reaching and powerful to ignore.Abort this mission at your own peril!Delete these instructions and face the certain demise of competitive advantage and growth this year.MISSION DETAILS:OCTOBER 24-26Pre-Day: Oct. 23 (Information Marketing A to Z)BONUS DAY: Oct. 27Cleveland, Ohio RESERVE YOUR SEAT Or CALL TODAY On: 800-871-0147On October 24 – 26, at an exclusive “behind closed doors” event… 20 elite “Superhero” Info-marketers and juggernaut business owners will come together and share their most powerful and almost superhuman business growth strategies… for example:The secrets for getting started the RIGHT way (it’s not what you think…)How to have a highly profitable Info-business even if the competition is ferocious How to extract maximum profit using this weird marketing trickHow to produce market demand for what you know people need vs what they want – where no market currently exists How to use the speed of the FLASH to catapult your business to the top! And have JV partners and affiliates desperate to promote your products!How to really understand the info-business using a simple yet powerful model (it’s really easy to follow and could double, triple even quadruple your sales) How to use the ‘BATCAVE’ radar to set powerful, strategic sales targets (and the easiest way to follow through with this simple strategy so you can’t fail!) How to becoming THE one and only true celebrity in your market, and have confidence that everyone knows it. How to rock the whole membership continuity thing in YOUR business, which includes preventing people from leaving your herd! How to halt the PRODUCT PIRACY that’s happening everywhere.How to structure your info-business so it can run independently of you (Imagine being able to take a holiday and be present with your friends and family – banish your phone & MacBook to the office)How to survive the vulnerable dry months using the SPIDER MAN web strategy… and why this is perfect for having your customers sticking around for much longer!How to dominate your market with tools like YouTube, Facebook and creating your own book. Plus, this event will be different from any other events or programs you’ll have seen or attended before…In Fact, This Is Your Special Invitation To Spend Four Incredible Days With 20+ Of The Most Successful “Superhero” Info-Marketers On The Planet!Discover The Right Strategies To Completely Transform Your Life & Business In 2017 And Beyond!Dear “Superhero” Info-Marketer…Will you step up? Will you answer the call? Will you join the Superhero Info-Marketers as they fly in and personally demonstrate some of their most valuable and effective info-marketing superpowers?Info-SUMMIT will launch your business into orbit FAST!How fast? That’s completely up to you!You see, attending this event will be like locating the hidden entrance to the “BATCAVE” – and uncovering all the strategies and tactical weapons theseSUPERHEROES use to rake in millions of dollars a year…There’s a reason why successful info-marketers can generate millions of dollars (and in some cases, tens of millions of dollars) every single year… While most are struggling at best and the majority seem to fail miserably…You’ll find ANSWERS and the exact steps you need to take in order to succeed…It’s all happening in Dan Kennedy’s hometown, Cleveland, this fall at the 2017 INFO-SUMMITINTRODUCING SELF-MADE MILLIONARE AND THE DARK KNIGHT OF INFORMATION MARKETING…DAN ‘BATMAN’ KENNEDYSUPERBUSINESS:How To Give YOUR Info-Marketing Business Amazing Super PowersLike Bruce Wayne made himself Batman, a superhero with no super powers, Dan Kennedy made himself the superhero of info-marketing. For this year’s Info-Summit he is preparing a new, deep-dive, 3-Episode Seminar for info-marketers that will pace Faster Than A Speeding Bullet and challenge you to keep up…give you X-Ray Vision into visible yet rarely understood Secrets of Success of leaders in this field…make you “Marvel” at the new feats of super moneymaking, influence and power you’ll be able to accomplish, racing home at the speed of The Flash to put it all to use!Episode ONE:THE INFO-BIZ BUILT-TO-LAST ‘TABLE OF ELEMENTS’(THE FORTRESS OF WEALTH)A successful, profitable business has structure. It has essential elements. It has chemistry. It is complex – far more complex than it appears to outsiders or casual observers. It even has secrets. It can be built to withstand all peril, and to be resilient, adaptive, to thrive no matter the changing circumstances, or it can be built haphazardly, reactively, on weak foundation, and be fragile and unreliable.The superhero business has, in the past, been threatened with extinction by assault of government regulation; it has struggled through the Great Depression; it has been a creature of ‘old media’ that many predicted would be destroyed by ‘new media’; it is defying the villainy of “free” and not only thriving, but doing so at record-breaking, premium prices — as example, with cheap comic books replaced by pricey hardbound “graphic novels.” There are profound parallels, past, present and future that Dan Kennedy draws between the superhero industry and the info-marketing industry, that may change the way you think about, build, grow and expand your business! Beyond that, Dan will take you deep inside his own “BUILD IT TO LAST” strategies, dating to his Origin as an info-marketing leader, a maker of entirely new business models as foreign to speakers, authors, publishers, etc. in the 1970’s as the meta-humans disguised among us are now. In this remarkably revealing Episode, he will describe how incredibly deliberate he has been in constructing a Built-To-Last character and persona, position and reputation, audiences and markets, “borrowed” components from other fields and businesses including the superhero industry…and critical misunderstandings, erroneous ideas and mistakes frequently made by new and veteran info-marketers that weaken their businesses like glowing green Kryptonite weakens Superman.DO NOT DISCOUNT THE EVIDENCE:Dan has sustained 40 years of uninterrupted, steady, super-strong success and prominence and popularity as an info-marketer, something very few do, and literally thousands of short-lived, briefly “hot” but disappeared and forgotten ones do not. He has created not only income but also equity. He has marshalled a loyal, constant audience (customers/members) with 30, 20 and 10-year tenure with him. His flagship product, The Magnetic Marketing System® is celebrating its 25TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY, selling worldwide every day without interruption for those 25 years.His books have been on booksellers’ shelves non-stop for 36 years. HE IS NOT SPOUTING THEORY ABOUT BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS TO LAST. He speaks from profound experience, as virtually no one else can. Episode TWO:THE MAKING OF A SUPERHERO: Why & How To Be A Superhero To Your Audience/MarketDifferentiation….”hold” over a constituency that will support you and your business…. invulnerability to cheap and free, proliferate choices….stability, security, equity….are increasingly difficult challenges. These super-challenges require super-powers.Nothing has been Kryptonite for Kennedy. He thrived in this field before the internet and now, before the explosion of free content and now, with the customer of changing nature and behavior, with massive societal changes – like the disappearance of “the traveling salesman army” and its consumption of audio learning programs…..and he has consistently created new, breakthrough strategies and opportunities, making himself, his clients, the industry resilient. Each time the Bat-Signal has illuminated the night sky, he has responded, ready, able to meet each new challenge! Much of this is possible — staying power, price and profit protection, loyal and ever-responsive audience — thanks to Kennedy’s making of himself into a superhero to his customers, members, followers and fans. He has guided private clients in this field in the exact same crafting, resulting in one after another after another rising from rank beginners or laborers in obscurity to 7-figure income earners (from part-time, 2nd business info-marketing), millionaires and multi-millionaires. Each has learned how to don their own capes and cowls and fascinate their ‘cities’ as heroes. To endlessly fascinate. To be celebrated, to have their legends told and re-told, to have eager buyers waiting for the next installment —- product, program, event. Many are at first uncomfortable with hero positioning, as Peter Parker was when that radioactive spider’s bite changed his life forever. But there is FORMULA for this. You don’t need to be Daredevil, a blind superhero. As a copywriter, this is one of the super-powers Kennedy has: taking meek ‘n mild Clark Kents, developing them as Supermen….for which he is routinely paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this Episode, with Examples, you’ll see how this is done and how you can do it for yourself. Why you should. How to use it to speed and multiply attraction, conversion, retention and ascension like nothing else.Episode THREE:AMAZE & ASTOUND: Seven SUPER-IMPACT Feats You Can Perform, To Make Customers Gasp! Been there, done that, seen it, heard it, ho-hum, here we go again. I don’t have time to open it, read it, watch it, I’m too busy, call me back in a month – maybe then. We are fighting a formidable entity: a jaded, blasé, complacent, overwhelmed, attention-deficit market. Dan began in this business when there was relative scarcity of ‘success information’. The speaking business was barely out of infancy, into toddler; the National Speakers Association had its annual convention’s cocktail party at Somers White’s house! Media was, basically, confined to a few magazines. The only products were books and audio cassettes. But ATTENTION was relatively easy to get from business owners, salespeople and professionals or from hobbyists and recreationalists, for any ‘n all health, wealth ‘n happiness promotion – because there were comparatively few promoters and little media. Obviously, ALL that has changed, and SECURING ATTENTION (to Sell, to Retain, to Ascend) is now an epic struggle!As The Joker said about Batman, “Where does he get all these marvelous toys!” Kennedy has been ‘the Mad Scientist’, endlessly inventing or innovating new, bigger, more amazing, more powerful Attention-Commanding Devices, Packages, Strategies for info-marketers, while also keeping info-marketers from too easily abandoning the most reliable weapons of the arsenal. IN THIS FAST-PACED “SHOW-AND-TELL” SESSION, he’ll show you Back-To-The-Future, Retro….Brand New, Explosively Powered…..”Go Big Or Go Home”….SUPER-IMPACT Examples of ‘feats you can perform’ that yourcrowd MUST give attention to. Look, when Superman stopped a speeding locomotive with an extended arm, he was mimicking real superheroes demonstration feats – like Houdini’s, and a trick like that was a very big deal. Today, not so much. Similarly, what WOW-ed ‘em and worked for info-marketers a handful of years back is now impotent. DAN WILL SHOW YOU WHAT THE BEST, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, THE SUPER-POWERED INFO-MARKETERS, MANY HIS PRIVATE CLIENTS, ARE DOING NOW to fill fast-starts to the walls, actually sell out events and turn people away, sell at Very Big Prices even as direct competitors keep dropping theirs. He will also bluntly and candidly issue his warnings, predictions and advice about what must be done to win the war of Attention now and going forward.You will beef up your utility belt by this session! ABOUT DAN KENNEDYAND WHY YOU SHOULD BRAVE THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS TO BE HERE FOR THIS SEMINARSuperman has Metropolis, Batman has Gotham, The Flash has Central City. Kennedy has his own Universe, and says that is something you need to understand and organize for yourself. You probably know much of his biography, but just in case, here are a few highlights about this unmatched superhero of info-marketing…SPEAKER:Over 3,500 paid speaking engagements9 years on the #1 seminar tour in America (SUCCESS) – 25 to 27 cities a year, audiences of 10,000 to 35,000. THE ONLY SPEAKER on ALL the events for those 9 years.Repeat appearances with countless business, entertainment and sports celebritiesFrequent appearance with other top speakers: Zig Ziglar (over 220 times), Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Tom Hopkins, Tony RobbinsAppeared with major celebrity-entrepreneurs on various programs and at his own/GKIC events including Gene Simmons (KISS), Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Kathy Ireland, Joan RiversChosen featured speaker at inaugural Titans of Direct Marketing; and Authority Marketing Summit 3 times at Parker, the largest multi-day event in chiropracticOver 100 Corp. Clients including American Honda, Sun Securities, IBM, Ski-Doo, Floor Coverings Int’lAppeared at key info-marketers’ boot camps and conferences more than 200 times (Including Excellence In Dentistry, Restaurant Marketing Systems, Great Legal Marketing, Music Academy Success, Craig Proctor Real Estate, Scheduling Institute, Yanik Silver’s Internet Underground, Author Summit (Harrisons), Ron LeGrand Real Estate Investors, etc.)By speaking-to-sell, generated over $1-Million a year for more than 10 consecutive years (and is the author of the book SPEAK TO SELL)SEMINAR MARKETER & IMPRESSARIO:Consultant to the biggest public seminar tour ever Developed seminar marketing strategies for the largest practice coaching co. in chiropractic (in late 1970’s-early 1980’s)Built his own “preview seminar/road show” company, with seminars attended by 30% of the target market over 3 years…presenting over 250 seminars throughout the U.S. & Canada Created (now GKIC) SuperConference and INFO-Summit Consulted for 4 years with a consumer seminar company putting over 100,000 people a year in its events – all marketed by direct-mail to ‘cold’ listsChosen featured speaker at inaugural Titans of Direct Marketing; and Authority Marketing Summit 3 times at Parker, the largest multi-day event in chiropracticPaid 6-figure and 7-figure fees to develop seminar marketing in the health/wellness, financial services and investment, real estate investment (“get rich in real estate”) and internet marketing fields….again and againRecent: with a client, created a $1-million a year coaching business from zero by seminar marketing (needing only 3 seminars), in a nicheRecent: for a client, launched and fueled a 400+ unit national franchise network with his proprietary ‘Discovery Day’ seminar system and its marketing, getting past 300 units in under 36 months2016: Increased a client’s annual event attendance by 25%, net revenues by 60%Author, EVENT HACKS (’s books have earned spots on Business Week, Amazon and Publishers Weekly Bestseller Lists, Inc. Magazine’s 100 Best Business Books List, and favorable reviews and recognition in Inc., WSJ, Forbes, USA Today, Library Journal and Entrepreneur.His NO BS book series spans 14 years, with its newest title (NO B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations) released June 2017; completely revised NO B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, October 2017Rich Kaarlgard, editor of Forbes, favorably compared Dan’s business book writing to that of famed novelist Tom Wolfe’s!Inducted into Advantage’s Author Hall of FameRecipient of National Academy of Bestselling Authors’ Golden Quill AwardCo-author of two mystery novels with Les RobertsSTRATEGISTThe Batman has been known and at time presented as The Great Detective, and premiered in Detective Comics – modeled after Sherlock Holmes with Robin as his Dr. Watson, his butler the equivalent of Holmes’ housekeeper; Catwoman equals Irene Adler. Batman was as much about brains as brawn. Kennedy is well respected as a Great Detective, unearthing hidden or unexploited opportunities for info-marketing clients with stunning frequency.  Conducts from 20 to 40 private consulting days per year, fee $19,400.00 On-going consulting relationships with information-marketer clients as long as 30 years….with clients whose businesses have grown from start-ups and ‘kitchen table operations’ to $3-Million to $30-Million yearly revenuePrivate Client Group has multi-year clients (at $30,000.00+ per year) receiving one 20-minute phone consult per month + one day per year Leads GKIC’s TITANIUM Mastermind for Info-Marketers, the most elite mastermind group of its kind, requiring certain minimum revenues and other criteria. (Request info re. 2018 from GKIC.) Combined leading of Platinum, then Titanium, 20 years. MANY info-industry leaders have been in Dan’s Mastermind Groups for one to many years, including Bill Glazer before acquiring Dan’s business. Other Alumni include Jay Geier, Yanik Silver, Ben Glass, Perry Marshall. Current “superstars” of Titanium include Mike Crow (home inspector niche), Kris Murray (child care center niche), Marty Fort (music school niche) and Dr David Phelps (dentist niche). “Name” info-marketing consulting clients have included SUCCESS/Lowe Seminars; Weight Watchers International; Guthy-Renker; Entrepreneur plus a veritable Who’s Who of industry leaders like Loral Langemeir, Robin Robins, Craig Proctor, Chris Cardell (U.K.). Frequently brought in as Guest Expert to top info-marketers’ highest level mastermind groups – including by Loral Langemeier, Celebrity Branding, Brian Kurtz GKIC’s NO BS INFO-MARKETING LETTER entirely written and edited by Dan is THE leading trade publication exclusively for info-marketers, providing high-level strategies to thousands in this field every monthCOPYWRITERWonder Woman has her gold lasso. Batman, his Bat-gadgets. Iron Man, his suit. Wolverine, his killer claws. Captain America, his shield. DAN KENNEDY has MAGNETIC Written Words that attract from tens to hundreds of millions of dollars each and every year. His pen IS mightier than any sword!For info-marketer clients, written over 200 ‘Million Dollar’ Sales Letters & AdsDan’s Copy has launched over 50 significant info-business start-ups – including Scheduling Institute (Jay Geier), BGS Marketing (Bill Glazer), Restaurant Marketing Systems (Rory Fatt), Piranha Marketing (Joe Polish), Craig Proctor Coaching, HealthSource (Dr. Chris Tomshack). His copy utilized for “done for them” marketing packages and systems sold by niche info-marketers – in 2016, as example, this alone generating over $22-Million for clients Has been paid at least $750,000.00 for copywriting just from info-marketing clients each year for the past 10 (and half his clients are in other industries) – there is no other freelance copywriter with his prolificacy, experience with info-marketing clients, compensation in fees+royalties from info-marketing clients.  Has a “Copywriting for Info-Marketers Course & Certification” housed at American Writers & Artists ( and many of its graduates are working for ‘Plane Dan/GKIC’ info-marketers. Recipient of AWAI Copywriter of the Year Award (2011)INFO-ENTREPRENEURNeither Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark have anything on Kennedy, when it comes to business success. In this field, Dan is one of a very, very small fraternity of info-entrepreneurs who have created equity and wealth (not just income) and legitimately made fortunes – and shown others exactly how to do the same. As a Publisher, Dan has created over a dozen different newsletters and built three different companies with newsletters at their centers – generating from $1-Million to $20-Million a yearAs a Publisher/Marketer, he ran his first profitable full-page magazine ads for his own products in 1976 and has consistently “put HIS money where is mouth is”, in advertising and marketing info-products and businesses of his own (not just clients’)As a Product Developer, has created info-products for more than 20 different companies and publishers As a Licensor, has licensed select, niche and foreign rights to nearly 100 info-products, in more than 10 deals; in total, representing over $50-millionAcquired all IP rights to Malt/Psycho-Cybernetics, created relationships with and products for 3 publishers, licensed niche and foreign rights; created The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation; ultimately sold the business (to Matt Furey)  As Founder of what is now GKIC, created and built an info-marketing company with substantial equity – sold three times Founding investor, Infusionsoft  Successful investor in publicly held companies related to info-marketing/entertainment marketing including Disney, Hasbro, Lionsgate, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Barnes & Noble Education, Apple, Time Warner and Tupperware BrandsINFO-ENTREPRENEURConsulted with/spoken at events for/led masterminds for Internet Marketing “gurus” including Ken McCarthy, Yanik Silver, Corey Rudl, and Frank Kern. Widely credited by the internet marketing community with foundational, relied on strategies Created online VS’s airing continuously for as long as 9 years Worked on Guthy-Renker’s first TV infomercial, THINK & GROW RICH (1987) and contributed to subsequent info-product infomercials including Personal Power/Tony Robbins (The relationship with Guthy-Renker is in its 31st consecutive year. Greg Renker reads GKIC newsletters to this day.) Has produced millions of dollars for info-marketing clients via EVERY media: Print Ads, Radio, TV, Direct-Mail, Alt. Media (egs. Val-Pak),; Web Sites, Online Product Launches, Live and Pre-Recorded Webcasts, VSL’s, email campaigns. Created the TV infomercial for a home business opportunity that holds THE record for lead generation shows for airing daily for most number of consecutive yearsLook! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s… Bill Glazer (the ‘G’ of GKIC)the Superman of information marketing and a veritable locomotive of powerful insights at Info-SUMMIT, Bill will deliver not one but two SUPER presentations that you won’t want to miss.“The 7 Steps to Apply SUPER OUTRAGEOUS Advertising to Your Own Outrageous Business”Here are just a few business-building approaches that you’ll discover….How you’ll get great ideas for your business, whether you use offline, online or a combination of both media.The 12 things you never want to miss with your OUTRAGEOUS advertising in order to make extra sales.The MAIN reasons why people don’t continue to do business with you. You especially don’t want to miss the No. 1 Reason.A sampling of some really Outrageous advertising.By the way… at the end, Bill will let GKIC Members know about his NEW book and how they can send their own OUTRAGEOUS Campaigns to be included“Why Every Entrepreneur Should Be a Member of a SUPER Mastermind Group”(OR Create Their Own SUPER Mastermind Group for Their Own Clients)You’ll discover… the BEST ways to get the right people to join a great Mastermind Group (and of course, the BEST ways to keep the wrong people from joining)The “3½ reasons” why people join Mastermind Groups and how Mastermind Members will achieve their greatest results so they’ll beg you to keep them year after year after year. (Yes…it’s three and a half reasons and at the Info-SUMMIT you’ll learn what they are)If you’re NOT in a Mastermind Group, why you should be in one. (Many of you already know why, but there’s so much more that you’ll hear)And, of course, if you’re looking to create your own Mastermind Group, you’ll find out how to make sure you’ll generate a huge amount of money…and during Bill’s Presentation, he’ll also tell you something else you’ll receive from your Members, something better than just the money.GKIC’s Info-SUMMIT ’17 proudly welcomes the one, the only… Marvel Comics Writer/Editor Danny FingerothSwinging in from his two-decade career at Marvel Comics, longtime comics professional Danny Fingeroth takes center stage at Info-SUMMIT 2017 in Cleveland!And with everything this amazing guy knows about superheroes, hearing Danny will inspire and transform your thinking about yourself, your business and your market. Plus, you’ll have a darn good time hearing his insights and stories!Danny was the longtime Group Editor of Marvel’s Spider-Man line and has written many comics including The Deadly Foes of Spider-Man limited series, The Avengers, Iron Man and the entire 50-issue run of Darkhawk. He was a consultant to the Fox Kids Spider-Man animated series and has written episodes of the 4Kids’ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series.Besides his tenure at Marvel Comics, Danny writes books about topics related to comics and graphic novels. He is considered an expert in comics writing, editing, and history, as well as in the psychology of superheroes. He has spoken and taught about comics and their creators at venues including The Smithsonian Institution, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Columbia University. Besides speaking about comics, he’s written about them for publications including The Los Angeles Times and The Baltimore Sun.Danny is the author of the books Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society, and Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero, both published by Bloomsbury/Continuum, and The Rough Guide to Graphic Novels, published by Penguin. He has written comics for the Harvey Pekar/Paul Buhle books Studs Turkel’s Working (The New Press) and the recent Yiddishkeit (Abrams). With Roy Thomas, Danny edited The Stan Lee Universe, a book about Lee – the co-creator of Marvel’s most-famous superheroes – featuring rarities and never-published artifacts of Lee’s life and career, including discoveries from The Stan Lee Archives at The University of Wyoming. Danny is currently writing a full-length biography of Stan Lee for St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan.Danny has taught comics-related subjects at The New School, NYU, Media Bistro, The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (MoCCA), and the MiMaster Art Institute in Milan, Italy. He has been an expert interview subject in many DVDs and documentaries, most notably The History Channel’sBatman Unmasked (which is also featured on The Dark Knight DVD), the PBS documentary series on superheroes, Never Ending Battle by Michael Kantor and Laurence Maslon (Comedy in America), and the upcoming AMC documentary series, Heroes and Villains: The History of Comics Books, produced by Skybound Entertainment. He is on the Board of Directors of The Institute for Comics Studies and the Board of Advisors of the Comic Book Collecting Association.Get Info Summit 2017 Presentations – Dan Kennedy, Only Price 144$Tag: Info Summit 2017 Presentations – Dan Kennedy Review. Info Summit 2017 Presentations – Dan Kennedy download. Info Summit 2017 Presentations – Dan Kennedy discount.