Some Info about the product :Hidden away in my Fortress of Solitude he writes copy for info-marketers that proves stronger than a giant locomotive, brings response faster than a speeding bullet, and generates millions in a single bound.He’s been doing it for nearly 40 years. It is quite possible that NO ONE has written as much sales copy for this industry as Dan Kennedy has. He has spawned an entire super-tribe of copywriters operating at the highest levels of this business – including top copywriters doing work for Agora, Boardroom, Nightingale-Conant, and, of course, GKIC, not to mention the thousands of info-marketers writing their own copy, acting as their own copywriters, having learned the craft from Dan. But he does not stand just on legacy.Dan’s ability to produce results is also unrivaled. In his career, just within the info-marketing industry, he has written well over 300 print and direct-mail campaigns that have each produced $1-million or more, dozens of sales letters that have lived as ‘evergreen controls’ for 5 to 10 years, broadcast advertising that has generated over $50-million, over a dozen online campaigns generating $1-million to $6-million each, speech and preview seminar scripts that have produced more than $100-million. This year, 2012, to-date, Dan’s work in clients’ hands has produced over $20-million. But his own ability to produce is not the question of this moment – the question about YOU attending this Seminar is: what will it empower you to produce?WHAT SUPER-POWERS WILL YOU TAKE AWAY FROM THIS SEMINAR?NEW DEDUCTIVE and CLAIRVOYANT POWERS to divine the innermost fears, desires and buying motives of your target prospects – to then CHOOSE the most irresistible and magnetic promisesNEW CREATIVE INSIGHT to get to ‘THE Big Idea’ to which your prospects react “THIS changes EVERYTHING!” – with Actual Examples of Big Ideas that fueled info-marketing successes, troubled business turnarounds, amazing launchesSPELLBINDING STORYTELLING – drawn from Actual Examples of STORIES THAT SOLD MILLIONS…Origin Stories, Dramatic Event Stories, Magical Mystery Stories, “Blackie” Stories and other types of Stories spun by the greatest info-marketers, past and presentX-RAY VISION – to see the TEMPLATES concealed within the great info-marketing Ads, Sales Letters, Scripts, etc. (and you WILL get a set of TAKEAWAY TEMPLATES)Can’t make it to Nashville, but still want to see the legendary CAPED CRUSADER himself, ADAM WEST and the super-rad BATMOBILE?GKIC to the Rescue…Now you can participate in Info-SUMMITSM 2012 with the Complete-Access Livecast Pass. Chief Marketing Superhero Marketer DAN KENNEDY along with JOHN CARLTON (aka “The Assassin”) will present a Special Seminar-in-the-Seminar COPYWRITING BOOTCAMP that will give you an arsenal of wordsmithing weaponry guaranteed to obliterate any rogue who dares threaten your market.Experience revelations from an UltraPowered Lineup of Stars including Rich Schefren, Yanik Silver, Ali Brown, Ryan Deiss, and Alex Mandossian so you can fortify your business lair, all without leaving home!SPECIAL BONUS: If you register now for the Livecast you are eligible to receive the same incredible “butt-in-seat” deal on the UNEDITED RECORDINGS from the Entire Event!Wait, what’s that? It’s a bird…It’s a plane… no, it’s our SUPER-HEROIC GUARANTEE. If, at ANY time during the first day of the Info-SUMMITSM LIVECAST you honestly believe you’ve made a mistake or are otherwise disappointed, you need only say so to receive a full 100% REFUND.Get Info Summit 2012 Livestream – Dan Kennedy, Only Price 47$Tag: Info Summit 2012 Livestream – Dan Kennedy Review. Info Summit 2012 Livestream – Dan Kennedy download. Info Summit 2012 Livestream – Dan Kennedy discount.