Beyond Sleight Of Mouth – Michael Breen


Beyond Sleight Of Mouth – Michael BreenDear Reader,It’s taken me 10 years, but I finally got him to spill the beans…For decades Master Trainer Michael Breen has been at the top of the field of NLP.He’s renowned for his incredible language skills, innovative change methods and his ability to quickly change people’s minds using ordinary everyday language.From CEO’s of billion dollar companies to elite sports athletes, political leaders, and A-list celebrities, Michael Breen has been invited in to the corridors of power and success in ways few other NLPers ever have.Because he can do something most NLPers can only dream of:Rapid conversational change with zero arm twisting, canned language patterns or any sight, sound or smell of NLP as you know it.To his clients the work is invisible, quick and lasting. All they can track is:  “When I speak with Michael, problems just disappear. Things become easy.”And like magic they do.So several years back I took out my iPhone and wrote down 3 questions:How is he able to do conversational change so quickly?What unique approach does he use that creates such brilliant results?Can anyone learn it?First thing I noticed is Michael’s conversational change method never looked or sounded like traditional Sleight of Mouth.How could that be possible possible?I started tracking our conversations more closely.I pulled out my old Sleight of Mouth chart (you know the one with the 16 boxes that Robert Dilts developed) and kept a copy with me, for whenever we spoke.I played back Michael’s workshop recordings… looking for clues.Nada.He wasn’t using fixed language patterns.His change conversations were much more dynamic, fluid and conversational. It was almost like he wasn’t working to change beliefs at all.Then I started thinking:Was he using some NEW model…?He’s always innovating and challenging NLP dogma so I figured maybe this he was.I watched closely as he talked with others over lunch, coffee, in the office etc.Time after time after time I’d see someone sit down with Michael, talk about a problem and then moments later “Boom”……this look would come over their face of…“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore”.As quick as a snap of their fingers, their long time problem had disappeared.The rigid assertion of reality they came in with, that had been causing them problems for years – was GONE.Substituted with a straight forward plan of action.It was mind bending to see how quickly this could happen.On the phone, in a business meeting or in front of hundreds of people in a training room – it didn’t seem to matter; this stuff just WORKS.I had to know what he was doing and how it was doing it.It was such a contrast to what I’d been exposed to as conversational change in NLP.You see, NLPers who don’t know the real secrets of conversational change are envious of those who can do elegant conversational change magic.Perhaps you’ve seen lighting quick examples that occurred so quickly and so naturally it looked like the speaker was using a completely different NLP toolset than what you were exposed to.Richard BandlerMichael BreenTony RobbinsSpring to mind.But advanced conversational change skills don’t have to be ONLY for NLP’s super-elites.Today is your chance to join an elite group of communicators… and finally become one of the envied ones.Because after a decade of pursuing and pleading with Michael Breen to spill the beans for the rest of us…… I’m pleased to say today you have the unprecedented opportunity to learn…“The Most Direct And Advanced SystemFor Conversational Belief Change”(That You Can Use Anywhere, With Everyone)It’s a system that Michael Breen has been refining and streamlining for over two decades.Developed from his applications of NLP in the business world and designed for use in everyday conversations, this method turns ordinary NLPers into conversational change wizards in days!Yes, days.(Sidenote: Beyond Wizard is Master, which takes a bit more time to achieve but is lots of fun.)It’s the exact system Michael uses when working with:Business leaders,Elite athletes,Royalty,High-performance coaching clients,Sales professionals,Advertising agenciesSenior politiciansand anyone who wants to communicate more effectively with others I could understand why he was so reluctant to teach this system because as Michael told me:“Once you get this, the questions of generating conversational change, asking “killer questions”, using Sleight of Mouth Patterns will just vanish.” And they really do.It’s why when a well-known celebrity said to Michael…“I can’t go on stage because of my stage fright”or a senior business leader said:“I can’t give a key presentation to the board”or a veteran sales manager said:“This is hopeless. I’m never going to persuade anyone to go along with my ideas.”He smiled.Because on each occasion, the client he was there to help, was just moments away from their problems disappearing in a puff of linguistic smoke.When you learn the real secrets to conversational change you don’t struggle to come up a strategy to change their beliefs……you don’t wonder what to say……you don’t worry about which Sleight of Mouth pattern to use……you don’t fret you’ll be caught using covert techniques……you don’t doubt that a client can change beliefs effortlessly…None of that.It’s dead simple.Once you know the real secrets.And that’s what Michael reveals for the first time ever inside our all new training…So what is it?It’s the golden ticket to elegant and advanced conversational belief change!Your opportunity to become a conversational change wizard who can change minds and points of view with ease and zero arm twisting, canned language patterns or smell of NLP…It’s your chance to become one of the envied ones who can persuade and influence your friends, family, colleagues or clients conversationally in a way few other people have ever developed the skills to.It’s everything you need to go beyond Sleight of Mouth and develop advanced persuasive powers that rocket your communication skills to the top 0.1%.No more wondering what to say… no more figuring out which language pattern to use, no more getting stuck or stumped even when you hear someone express a very rigid worldview.Those problems are over for you.Because with Beyond Sleight of Mouth you’ll have the tools, thinking skills and advanced communication toolkit to change lives.You’re going to learn how to…Go Beyond Sleight Of MouthMove beyond canned patterns: Learn how to generate Sleight of Mouth and many more reframes by combining two of NLP’s most powerful frameworks for conversational change.More Options for Your Toolkit: Discover how there are many more than 14 Sleight of Mouth patterns taught in master practitioner trainings and traditional SoM courses. (In fact there are potentially hundreds of SoM reframes you haven’t even heard of… discover how to create them here.)Do Conversational Change Magic: Discover the underlying structure that is expressed in every statement someone makes; and the rules that once you learn, allow you to do conversational change magic.Gain Mind Blowing Insights: Prepare for ‘mind blown’ moments several times throughout this training as Michael shows you the precise step-by-step way to do ‘conversational change’ that doesn’t require you to believe in beliefs! (Yes, you read that right.)Blow-Past Limitations: Blow past your limitations about how easy it is to change beliefs and the nature of creating change – as you update the way you’ve approached Sleight of Mouth with Michael Breen’s incredibly elegant and powerful way to reframe conversationally.Covert Conversational Change Skills: Most students of Sleight of Mouth can be spotted a country mile away; because they all use the same 14 structures. For the first time ever, Michael shows you how to go way beyond traditional SoM revealing how to use the Meta Model and Framing Tool to do rapid change work, that even to many NLPers will seem invisible.Real Secrets of SoM: Discover the real secrets to becoming highly skilled with Sleight of Mouth that most students will never know AND how you can use this advanced toolkit with anyone and anywhere, entirely conversationally.Major Time Saver: Discover why you don’t need to analyze someone’s belief systems to have them take on a new belief. This is a huge time and energy saver. You’re clients will think you work magic and your opposition wonder why they can’t tie you down.Mindset UPGRADE: Why the best conversational change experts don’t ask “what can I say to make the client change?”, but instead ask this one killer question that changes the frame in an instant from them to you… and is far more powerful.Freedom From Canned Language Patterns: When you learn to reframe in the way Michael shows you; you’ll no longer be stuck to canned SoM language patterns but free to create tailored and personalized patterns to the person you’re interacting with – far more potent.Discover Secrets Not Available Anywhere Else: Learn what experts of conversational change do that isn’t covered in ANY book, course or live workshop you’ve ever attended or read about in NLP (or elsewhere) — learn it first. Be first.Treasure Trove of Possibilities: Learn new ways and perspectives to discover and introduce new and more powerful reframes that traditional SoM trainings miss… when you can do this you’ll never be stuck for ways to challenge and transform beliefs.It’s begins by…Discover How To Change The Believing Brain The human brain wants to believe.With incredible speed it looks for and finds patterns from a world rich in data. But the brain isn’t passive nor is reality quite what it seems…Perception as you’ll discover is constructed. The brain has a formula by which it comes to believe. Discover how it works and elegant and direct conversational change opens up before you…You won’t just be learning Sleight of Mouth; you’ll be learning how ‘reality’ works so you can change it…You’ll Learn To:See The Invisible: Discover the fundamental forms of how people come to create their conclusions and how the brain is fooled to forming game-rules using a universal human process you can tap in to … to change or install new thoughts and behaviours … Powerful.Track The Code: Discover how our minds works to code our game-rules and how remarkably easy it can be to change beliefs (your own or others), once you know the secrets of how the brain works to create a person’s reality…Program The Mind: The astounding insight about language that you’ve never known but changes everything and will make you a much more intentional communicator and skillful programmer when you use this insight to your advantage…Leverage Linguistic MagiK: Discover the “first act of magic” that most students overlook about language that is at the heart of using language powerfully to change minds and beliefs. Learn how language constrains how and what we thinkTricks of the Believing Brain: The surprising discovery from neuroscience about how the brain is tricked in to believing things and how by you can use this golden nugget from science to prime the ‘believing brain’ to take on game-rules and change old ones, in minutes..Bend Reality: Why with elegant use of language, skilled communicators can create ‘realities’ that don’t exist that people are utterly convinced are real – and how the great persuaders, influencers and con-artists use this feature of language to bend reality and shape the future… (You want to know how this feat of magic works so you can defend yourself from it too.)Go Beyond Language Patterns: What Michael recommends you do to become much, much better Sleight of Mouth that doesn’t require a single language pattern!Take The Transformational Challenge: Take on Michael’s challenge to discover a more direct way to help people to change their minds and improve your life by getting rid of the ‘middle men’ most change agents introduce when it comes to reframing…Force Multiplier: The simple trick the brain uses to create certainty that you can use too, to amplify, support and reinforce new and better points of view aka form NEW game-rulesPower Moves: How you can leverage a person’s own map/model of the world  to cause them to take on a new game-rule or bust an old one. Works spectacularly.Apply Insights From NeuroscienceThat Fast Track Conversational Change…Modern neuroscience has a lot it can teach us about how to the brain forms and changes beliefs.To go beyond fixed Sleight of Mouth language patterns it will helps to know about and use the natural process your brain uses to create and change game-rules.You’ll Learn:Neurological Magic: Learn the mechanism of how the brain goes from having an experience to ‘this is how the world is’ (a strongly formed ‘belief’, aka game-rule)Key Insights From Neuroscience: Discover the two laws from neuroscience that play a key role in how our brain and nervous system puts our game-rules together, maintains them and triggers strong emotional responses on cue… so you put the same system to work for you.Hot new research about the brain and it’s neural structure that raises serious questions about the unconscious, sub-conscious and other ‘middle men’ that must be changed to change. Discover quicker and more direct ways do conversatinal change that free you from having to believe in imaginary modelsRecombine Frames: How the connection between neuroscience, anchoring and mathematics literally go hand-in-hand and create our game-rules and how you can use this insight to take apart or put back together how someone comes to hold a given game-rule or even wire up new onesReActuality: The vital difference between reality and actuality that every student must know and how by changing the syntax of language and how it functions so you can do elegant reframing  and create rich worlds for people to experience.Mind Controlled: The radical idea about our thoughts and the nature of mind that once recognized frees you up to explore life in new and exciting ways. It’s like the weight of the world just got lifted off your shoulders.Weird Science: Discover the must know insights from neuroscience about how the brain prunes and creates connections, maintains our ‘beliefs’, creates narratives and tricks us in to thinking our thinking is reality… (some things are stranger than fiction)The Believing Brain: Learn about the process by which people are lead to believe what they do; get this and you’ll have many ways for coming up with angles on which to change the frame they’re holding. Powerful.Bypass Beliefs: Why even strong feelings of certainty can be made to shift in the snap of a finger; because of this one simple yet profound distinction…With solid foundations in place you’ll be ready to…Master NEW Rules And See Your Influencing And Conversational Change Skills Soar Like Never Before!(Go Behind The Curtain & Discover Closely Guarded Secrets Of Elite Communicators…) Robert Dilts did a great job of coding the original 14 Sleight of Mouth language patterns that can be used for belief change in 1980. Fast-forward 38 years: What we’ve learned about the brain, beliefs and how people change has changed a lot.Beyond Sleight of Mouth takes your skills to NEW heights; teaching for the first time ever, the underlying thinking strategies, rules and tools that let you create many more than 14 language patterns…As Michael shares inside the course; there are hundreds of different Sleight of Mouth patterns possible – and many more which have yet to discovered.With Michael as your guide, you’ll discover the real secrets to how magicians of linguistic magic in 2018 do conversational change… that looks effortless.To become this good, you need to master new rules, tools and Beyond Sleight of Mouth fundamentals. That’s exactly what you’ll learn here.You’ll Learn:Uncover the essence of what game-rule are, how they function so you can change your own or other people’s thoughts with ease… entirely conversationally and with zero arm twisting or strong-arming someone to your point of view.Frame Control: Discover what a frame of references is, how it works, how to track them and what to pay attention to so you can find multiple ways to shift, change and transform the frame to discover new possibilities.Escape From LaLa Land: Discover how many NLPers and personal development ‘experts’ have unknowingly ventured in to LaLa land and never made it out; and how you can free yourself and greatly improve your life by making a new choiceProvocative Insights: Watch and learn as Michael shares provocative insights about how easy change can be, how to avoid common traps and pitfalls most NLPers have bought in to, and how to avoid themJump Past Other NLPers Limitations: The 1 thing that will keep you stuck in other people’s level of development and how to avoid itMyth Busting Secrets: Let Michael liberate your mind and seriously upgrade your thinking, patterning and Sleight of Mouth skills by debunking several common popular myths widely promoted as ‘true’ about beliefs, belief systems and Sleight of Mouth that are flat out wrong and stifle your progress with the toolkit. Get the newest insights you’ve been missing…Go Before Beliefs: What is a belief – discover powerful insights about beliefs that blows the hinges off what most people think about beliefs. This is pure gold!Stop Analyzing Beliefs; Do This Instead: Why you don’t need to analyse someone’s beliefs if you want to help them; and what experts of conversational change do instead to change people’s minds.How do they believe that?: Discover how human beings come primed to fool ourselves in to believing our beliefs and ignoring evidence to the contrary even if it’s to our detriment…. And how to change it so you can have a richer, happier and more successful life todaySimple, Effective & Enduring: The two types of thoughts you need to know and the three things to pay attention to, to create elegant change fast that’s simple, effective and enduringVital Insights On Beliefs: The surprising distinction shared by beliefs and gravity, that is fundamental to working with and transforming people’s beliefs or your own3 Vital Skills every SoM wizard has mastered that catapult your ability to change beliefs with ease…With unnecessary abstractions and NLP dogma squared away, you’ll be clear to…Do Elegant Conversational ChangeDiscover What To Do (And When To Do It)Quickly, Directly And With Minimum Fuss… So You Can Here’s where you get to observe the mechanics of conversational change magic up close.Learn the advanced skills of conversational change that you can apply to any personal or professional area of life.You will discover exactly what to do and how to do it, to take any assertion of reality someone says and generate dozens of different Sleight of Mouth reframes to change it.You’ll discover insights and the thinking skills for generating many more patterns that are not taught on any other training.You’ll Learn:The Conversational Change Formula: Discover Michael’s radical and better way to reframe that requires zero middle men or creation of unnecessary abstract thinking in order for a person to go ahead and simply change their mind and their life.The Big FIVE Data Points: The 5 data points that if you focus on will enable you to dramatically increase your ability to influence others and do conversational change with greaThe First Frame: Discover the first thing you must do anytime someone comes to you with a problem or challenge.Power Moves: Discover the two power moves to changing ‘limiting beliefs’ fastWhat and where to focus when you hear cause-effect or complex equivalence patterns – so you can generate possibilities to shift and change it with ease. Side Benefit: You’ll also become far more persuasive whenever the need requires, when you can do this.Precision Belief Change: The #1 thing Michael is concerned when he hears a client’s belief – and why he doesn’t concern himself with mapping their ‘belief systems’Impossible – Meet Possible: Learn the first step to do if someone thinks something is impossible for them to do. Do this for your friends, family or clients and they’ll come to you again and again for how you make problems and limitations literally vanish!What you must always keep in mind when you work with others.Killer Questions: Discover master change agent questions to ask anytime you hear someone express a belief that seems to stopping them from having what they want. Use these and you’ll slice through even ‘strong’ beliefs like butter…Elevated Inner Game: Discover why Sleight of Mouth is not fight club! And why when you approach SoM in the way Michael recommends you’re friends, family and clients will value your input much more.Master the Mindset of A Master Change Agent: Uncover fundamental axioms and frames Michael holds as true about people, possibilities and change, that once you adopt can transform your life and your clientsThe 2 power moves that underpin the many variations that make up the SoM patterns. Get good with these two and you’ll be able to help people change their mind and their lives with far greater ease.Story Control: How people use narratives to bind their limitations and where to go to transform them. Learn where to intervene to change the story… change the story; change the behaviors.The 1 key mindset that that lies at the heart of SoM you must do well; if you want your SoM patterns to be accepted with easeTransformational Insight: The remarkable insight about people helpers and conversational change that many people helpers, trainers and coaches miss that makes changing beliefs much harder (and slower)Meta People Patterns You Need To Know: Discover powerful meta patterns of how people ‘do screwy’ to keep themselves from changing their mind and how to use these 3 patterns, in combination with SoM, to create powerful reframes that cause even the most ‘resistant’ people to try a different way of looking at things3 easy phrases you can use to inject new ideas and introduce more useful ways of looking at things.Advanced Sleight of Mouth Knowledge: Discover what is more important than knowing any one SoM pattern … once you discover this and use it for yourself, you will move beyond traditional SoM to create patterns tailored perfectly to what you friends, family and clients need to hear to go ahead and change their minds with zero resistance.The Truth About The Best SoM Pattern: How to know which SoM pattern is the best… it’s not what most people think!Gold Dust: Why what people don’t say can be some of the most useful information they give away that you can use to transform limiting beliefs and change minds, often with just one question…Tips & Tricks: The 4 questions Michael recommends you ask yourself that unlocks the path to a far easier life when using the toolset.Master New Skills: Discover the one pattern Michael uses to work very quickly in finding penetrating insights, questions and killer SoM patterns (this one pattern has made him a highly valued consultant, executive coach and world class influencer hired by Madison Avenue.Quicker Belief Change Work: Tips and tricks top conversational change experts use to change client’s game-rules in a snap!But that’s not all, along the way you’ll also learn…Master Advanced Reframing Skills& Strategies Not Available Anywhere Else In Language Guru Beyond Sleight of Mouth Michael reveals the exact strategy, tools and advanced skills he uses to do conversation change in a fast, organized and easy to learn way.This information is not available or taught anywhere else. It’s revealed in full for the very first time inside this training ONLY.You’ll Learn:Secrets Revealed: Discover exactly how the Meta Model and Framing Tool allow you to generate many more Sleight of Mouth patterns than you’ve ever known… and discover ones not coded previously.Magic Trick: Discover the magic trick that once you take on as a practice will make you much more effective and convincing when influencing and persuading others. Hint: This trick is something masters of mass persuasion use to change the beliefs of millions.Meta Skills: Master the key skills that allows you to use the Framing Tool and Meta Model dynamically and in the moment to change beliefsUndo The Glue That Binds Beliefs: Uncover the ‘glue’ that keeps people’s maps and models of the worlds together and how to alter what sticks to what using conversational SoMStep-by-Step Guidance: Watch as Michael takes you step-bystep through the Meta Model to generate dozens of ways you can follow to create a tremendous variety of alternative frames of reference that make changing beliefs as breeze…Go Much Further: Go far beyond merely using the Meta Model as a tool to ‘fill in the blanks’; and discover the thinking patterns that empower you to create SoM patterns beyond the traditional 14 SoM patterns taught in other SoM trainingsDeeper Insights & Greater Results: Learn secrets about the Meta Model and how it functions that 99.9% of NLPers don’t know (including many master trainers) but which elite practitioners of conversational change use to find better ways to change minds and bust beliefs.Never Get Stuck: Discover the dynamic nature of the Framing Tool as it applies to Sleight of Mouth so you can use it to generate a vast range of new frames of reference with ease and always have another place to move so you never get stuckMore Options – More Possibilities For Change: Always have more options of places to go and things to move to, so you can dynamically and rapidly alter a client’s frame of reference and blow out their beliefs…Old School NLP: Discover old school NLP game Michael used do for fun on weekend that will change your life…Think On Your Feet: 4 questions that when you apply will seriously sharpen your ability to think on your feet and come up with better frames of reference on commandThe Training Trifecta: The three ways you must be able to move your brain on command if you want to be able to generate a wide variety of possibilitiesResource Catalyser: Discover where Michael looks to find new and better ways to help his clients discover better possibilities. Using Michael’s two go to tools, you can generate hundreds of more useful frames should you need to.With these skills at your command, you’re perfectly placed to transform even very rigid beliefs.That’s what we turn our attention to next.Discover Tips & Elite Tricks For WorkingWith People With (Very) Rigid BeliefsSoM patterns sometimes aren’t enough. We all know that sometimes people seem to cling on to their viewpoint and your best patterns and suggestions bounce off of them. The problem is not any one belief but a collection of patterns that function to keep things exactly they way they are.These meta patterns act like a boomerang that returns home no matter which Sleight of Mouth Pattern you try, snapping the old belief in to place.Wouldn’t it be nice change that?That’s why Michael’s shares the 3 most important patterns you need to know about how people maintain rigid beliefs … and how you can change them.It starts with getting to grips with…The Rightness Drive: Discover how people stay stuck, often for their entire life, in the Rightness Drive and how to pop people out of it, so you don’t end up competing with it; the surest way to put the brakes on changing their beliefs and behaviour.Unlock the enigma: Learn about the curious human tendency to choose to be unhappy (even for many years) over being successful and how to help people who will fight tooth and nail to be right than be successful and happy!Conflict antidote: How to be effective, even with people who hold strongly opposing ‘beliefs’ to your own… (note it’s not by telling them they are stupid, idiots or evil, as we see in the news so often today.)The ReAffirm Matrix: Discover how people verify and validate their reality even if their assertions are flat out wrong and what to do to help change them without triggering off the rightness drive…Limitation Buster: What to do when someone fixates on limitations as to why they can’t have what they want and how to shift it using this one simple principleChange agent secret: What you must let go of, which when you do will cause you to be a much more capable and skillful change agent who can respond in the moment and not be handicapped by fixed set of questions.Speed Up Change: The surprising connection to system theory that many NLPers completely miss but once you get will make your work far more elegant and blindingly fastInsight Generating Questions: The creative ways people (unwittingly) become their own jailers and how to help them ‘walk free’ to a better life using the power of insight generating questions and simple suggestions…Extreme Views: How to interact with people who hold extreme views; if you take them on straight on you’re unlikely to change them… but you can turn the tables when you do this…Tips and tricks on how to deal with people with very rigid world views like scientists – once you get this you’ll be able to ask penetrating questions that cause people to change their mind and question even strong convictions with a new frame of mindHow to do Sleight of Mouth at the speed of life!Of course that’s not all, you’ll also learn…How To Avoid Sleight Of Mouth PitfallsBeyond Sleight of Mouth holds great opportunities to transform your life and propel your communication skills to new heights. The trick is to avoid the most common pitfalls to conversational change and grab hold of the opportunities.That’s why we’ve covered that too…You’ll Learn:What NOT to DO: Why expert influencers never pluck SoM patterns “from the air” but instead learn what their strategy that is far more powerful and can make changing a person’s beliefs (even long held ones) occur literally in a snap!What to Avoid: The one thing you should avoid doing with SoM that is a sure fire ways to lose friends and gain enemies!How To Avoid Frame Bounce: Ever talk with someone and no matter what suggestions or recommendations you made they didn’t do a damn thing? Right. It happens. But not when you know how to avoid the dreaded ‘frame bounce’…Sidestep Common Pitfalls: Discover why you never want to ‘drag someone to the truth’Turn Opponents to Allies: The number 1 trap most students who learn Sleight of Mouth make — that practically guarantees you might ‘win’ an argument but are sure to lose big in business and in life; because you made one critical error over and over again…Throughout this training you’ll watch and see Michael reframe dozens of times old ideas with new; changing your beliefs about what’s ‘true’ and possible and delivering…Detailed Expert Examples OfConversational Change In Action Join Michael as he goes deep in to the world of reframing. Follow along step-by-step as he demonstrates SoM patterns with real world client examples so you can learn the magic for yourself and develop the skills to blow out limitations with ease.You’ll see and here:Case Examples: Listen as Michael shares advanced conversational belief change in action, using Sleight of Mouth in business with real people, in ways you’ve not heard SoM used before.It’s so good and so invisible to the uninitiated that I even decided to create a special expert analysis deep dive video… Expert Analysis: To make sure you don’t miss a thing I’ve created an expert analysis video that shows you the step-by-step strategy that allows Michael is able to do rapid conversational change. Learn it for yourself, see your results soar!SoM But Not As You’ve Known It: Most students of NLP think SoM is just 14-16 patterns, so they can’t notice when it’s happening right in front of them. Watch as Michael demonstrates elegant SoM response to a common presenting problem “how can I get in to a relationship, I’ve been out of it for years but can’t seem to meet anyone.”Of course along the way you can’t help but learn to…Arm Yourself With Knowledge To Stop Being TriggeredFact is today people are getting ‘triggered’ to react with st