Convention – Cliff’s List


“Now, For The First Time… A Secret Underground Community Of The World’s Greatest Seducers, Pickup Artists, and Dating Experts Break Their Years Of Silence To Teach You The Battle-Tested Techniques And Strategies They Use To Meet, Date, And Seduce The Most Beautiful… Most Desirable Women On The Planet…”How Would Your Dating Life Be Different If…You Had The Rock-Solid Confidence To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere… And Knew Just The Right Thing To Say To Smoothly Start Up A Conversation…You Could Size Up A Woman Instantly And Know EXACTLY What To Say To Turn Her On And Make Her Want You…You Knew The Simple Secrets Guys Who Are “Naturally” Good With Women Use To Give Themselves An UNFAIR Advantage Over All Other Men…You Had Complete Control Over Your Emotions And Anxiety… And Could Completely BANISH The Nervousness And Anxiety That Has Spoiled Your Success With Women In The Past…You Knew How To Use Secret Eye Contact Techniques And Sexual Body Language To Spark Feelings Of Primal Attraction In A Woman From Across A Room… Often Getting Her So Excited That SHE Makes The First Move……Well, It’s About Time You Found Out.Now you can discover the top-secret strategies of a very small group of men who have FAR more success with women than they rightfully deserve… and STEAL their proven, word-for-word tactics for:…approaching women smoothly…getting phone numbers and dates from women most men consider “out of their league”…making women feel positively addicted to being around you…getting women back to your place easily…how to get your woman to bring other women into the bedroom with you…and much, much more…If you’re serious about taking your success with women to a level most men will never even DREAM is possible, this just might be the most important letter you’ll ever read…Hey there,What if I were to tell you that while you and your friends are out there struggling to meet women and get dates… there is a very small group of men who have figured it all out… and quietly enjoy more women in a month than most men will have in a lifetime?You’ll never hear about these men or their amazing conquests. And you wouldn’t be able to pick one out of a line-up if your life depended on it.Why? Well, they typically aren’t rich or handsome… and very few fit the picture of what most would consider a “pick up artist” to look like.In fact… most of them look rather… well… plain.Up until very recently they have preferred to keep their secrets to themselves… discussing their tactics only in secret forums and private mailing lists tucked away in the far corners of the internet… where only the extremely curious and stupidly lucky could ever hope to stumble upon them.I’d like to share with you the amazing story of how I “accidentally” become one of the founding fathers of this community. and tell you the secrets we’ve discovered that YOU can use to meet and date the women of your dreams.But I have to warn you: What you are about to read may shock you. and will DEFINITELY change the way you think about women and dating forever.The Discovery That Changed My Life…I don’t know about you… but when I was in my teens, I was pretty shy.I guess the best way to describe me would have been “nerdy”.It seemed in the beginning that getting a woman into bed was an almost insurmountable task. I was able to make “friends” with women, but being intimate was another story. This may sound funny to you, but I’m totally serious.I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was about 18, and my time with her lasted for two periods of about six months each. I attribute that to pure luck… because I really had no idea how I was able to get her interested in the first place… and I didn’t know what I was doing that kept her interested in me.But it certainly wasn’t because I wasn’t trying. I looked everywhere for information on how to be successful with women. You know those old “How To Pick Up Girls” books you would see in the back of magazines? I ordered them all… and I scoured used book stores for more of them.Well… as you can imagine, nothing REALLY gave me the results I was looking for. I learned a few things but I was far from where I wanted to be.I also forced myself to approach women. I remember one of the first times I went up to a woman in a disco. I was really shocked when she was totally uninterested… as I couldn’t understand how she couldn’t see that I was a good guy.I learned rather quickly that there was a lot more to meeting a woman and getting her interested than just having the nerve to go up and talk to her.The next few years were filled with “hit and miss” successes and lean times. But finding out how to attract the kinds of women that I was interested remained a mystery… and a burning desire.But between you and I… I was secretly worried it might NEVER happen for me.Maybe there has been a time when you’ve felt the same way…Fast forward a few years. one day I heard couple of local radio announcers were talking about how a “Seduction Guru” was a guest on a television talk show.I missed that show… but I was determined to find out what the fuss was about. I called up the station in New York and they gave me the “guru’s” phone number. I called it and the person on the other end of the line told me that he had published a book, which I ordered immediately.A couple of weeks later I received a glued together collection of hardcore “how to pick up women” tips which I absolutely devoured. Through this “guru” I managed to meet up with some other like-minded guys who were interested in this stuff… and some of them were VERY good.This was about the same time the Internet was starting to play a role in society… so I decided to try the whole “email” thing out, and make my own email list for guys who were interested in improving their success with women. I started by sending out some of my own tips and questions I had about meeting women to some of my new friends…And well… what happened next was INCREDIBLE.How Hundreds Of Guys Were Able To Go From Failure To Success With Women. And How YOU Can Do The Same…Over the next few weeks my inbox was FLOODED with new mail.Several of the “top guns” I had sent the email to responded to my questions… and their insights were amazing.I had asked for advice on how to get a woman’s phone number… and one of these guys had written back with a detailed, word-for-word plan that showed me EXACTLY how to walk up to a woman and strike up a conversation easily… get her phone number with ZERO resistance… and exactly what to say to her on the phone to set up a date…I had also asked about tips for meeting women in bars and nightclubs… and another guy wrote back with a detailed strategy he had been using for the last 4 years to meet women and bring them back to his place the very same night … week after week.I also shared a tip I had discovered for striking up a conversations with waitresses and cashiers… and a friend wrote me back and said it was so good that he just HAD to share it with his friends…I took all of the great suggestions and tips I had gotten back, put them all together in one big email… and send it back out to everyone on my list.Little did I know that that moment would be the start of something BIG.From that point on, every time I sent out an email, I was received DOZENS of replies. It was a regular thing for guys to forward the emails to their friends… and for their friends to ask to join “the list”. Guys would look up their friends who were “naturals” with women and invite them to come on board. I started to hunt out for men with skills – when I found out about someone who was successful with women, I wanted them to be on the mailing list and I wanted them to send in their thoughts.Friendly competition came into play… people began sharing their very best tips and strategies- stuff they had worked years to develop -to claim newfound fame among their peers. Newbies were free to ask questions which the “gurus” fought to answer… adding more and more priceless knowledge to the bank.My tiny list had quickly turned into an TREASURE TROVE of seduction material. Once or twice a week I would take the very best stuff and put it together and send it out again… prompting a whole new torrent of replies. Guys began referring to it as “Cliff’s List”, and the name stuck.Several guys turned me on to other secret places on the internet where this stuff was being discussed. These places were often password protected, and guys would share tips and even pictures of the women they had seduced (and let me tell you. many of these women were AMAZING. Some men were even skilled enough to seduce famous actresses and models. and posted the “proof”.)Of course I would scour those forums and chat rooms for the very best stuff, which I would then share with my readers.The Amazing Secrets We Discovered…My little list has been around for over 16 years now. Of course the really great thing about it is what it has done for men personally… including myself.Over the last 8 years, thanks to all of the great information guys around the world have been so generous to share, I have helped turned the lives of many guys around. They no longer have the same problems they used to have with women. It sure feels good to have made such a difference, let me tell you.And now… I want to continue helping other guys do the same.But here’s the thing…Even with all of the great information flowing through the list, it is still not easy to put together all the bits and pieces someone needs to be successful in their dating life.Maybe I would pick up a great tip for building one’s confidence one week, and a new great first date idea a couple weeks later… but due to the format of the List, there has never been an A-Z plan for success that would cover all of the bases in one fell swoop.If a guy were to subscribe today, it might take him a while to absorb all of the information that he personally needs to be successful with women. And what if the one piece he needed was in a back issue? It would take a year to read them all…. and that’s no good.I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do…A Detailed Plan For Success With WomenI decided that I needed to get very best contributors together in one room… bring in a camera crew… and get them to share their detailed strategies and secrets live on tape for the benefit of all men who had shared in our struggle.But would they do it?I sent out an email to the list… and got back a resounding “YES”.Dozens of men volunteered to speak. Many of them were among the “best of the best”. Of course I hand picked only the cream of the crop.I had to twist a few arms, but eventually I had the All-Star line-up that I was looking for.In total, I had 21 of the world’s greatest seducers and pickup artists, and dating experts. Each one agreed to share their exact formula for success with women, and reveal the secrets they had spent YEARS to perfect. The event was to be 3 whole days long, so each one would have plenty of time to lay it all out.I couldn’t wait!After months of preparation, it all came together. And let me tell you. it was incredible.Here Are The Secrets That Were Shared At This Amazing EventHow To Approach Women, Meeting Women Online, Getting Women To Call YOU, And More…BrentIt might be safe to say that the first presenter you’ll hear from has had more experience with hot, exotic women than most men will ever have with their own right hand… and I’m deadly serious.Brent has lived a life most men only dream about. Although he is not a “natural” and did have to go out and learn this stuff like everyone else, he has definitely taken it to a whole new level. having had relations with an untold number of women. Many in the community consider him to be the best of the best.In his early days, Brent’s motto was “run it like a business”. and that is exactly what he did. He developed a “clockwork” system for going out and meeting women. getting phone numbers. and turning them into dates and more. To say he was successful would be an understatement.None the less. Brent wasn’t satisfied.He felt that all of this was too much like “work”. so he made it his goal to meet a sexy, bisexual girlfriend to help him out.It didn’t take him long to make that dream a reality. and Brent lived the fantasy for several years before again finding himself single.And as it turned out. his most remarkable discovery was yet to come.Several years ago Brent accidentally stumbled upon a way to get women to pursue HIM. and these days his phone rings OFF THE HOOK with women calling him up to ask HIM out.The best part about Brent’s discovery is that any guy can use it to get women to literally chase him down. and this strategy was the foundation of Brent’s presentation at this year’s Convention.And as you can imagine. it was also a MAJOR highlight. This is the first time Brent has shared his complete system. including the exact sentences of what to say to the woman you want to have her call you up and ask you out.And that’s not all. here are a few more of the groundbreaking techniques and strategies he sharedA great “save” for when you run out of things to say to a woman that comfortably gets HER doing the talkingHow to get your power back on the first phone call to a woman – say just this one simple line to get HER pursuing YOU!Newsflash: Approaching a woman right after she gets hit on by someone else is actually EASIER than approaching her out of the blue. when you know this one simple but ultra-effective lineA new way to approach the one woman in the bar that EVERY guy is hitting on and get her to choose YOU (You haven’t seen jealousy until you do THIS.)How to get a woman to reveal the very best “line” to use on her (It sounds crazy. but it works. Here’s how it’s done. )How to get a woman WITHOUT hitting on her. and actually get HER to hit on YOU (A crowd favorite from the man himself)Tyler RSDAlthough Tyler is now famous in the community for his awesome contributions to the game, many don’t realize that his success did NOT come easy.Like many of us, Tyler struggled to meet women in his early days. and even after he discovered the community and all it had to offer, success did not come easy for him.But after two solid years of back-breaking work—going out 6 to 7 nights every single week—Tyler began to figure it all out. and was soon attracting SMOKING hot women on a nightly basis.Many who meet Tyler are STUNNED at the level of success he has achieved. as he looks just like your regular, normal guy. But get him in a nightclub and you will soon see why Tyler is one of the best in the world.I have personally witnessed this man achieve things that I would have never believed had I not seen them with my own eyes. from walking up to a woman surrounded by men—only to be kissing her minutes later. to making one lap around a club and having every woman in the place FIGHTING to get in his pants. This man is something else.Tyler was one of the first people to teach “in-field” workshops. and in the last 2 years he and his team of instructors have helped literally hundreds of men become more successful with women and dating. including Fortune 500 executives, celebrities, college students, and professionals from over 30 countries.In his awesome presentation, you’ll learn the techniques he uses to give himself an advantage over men that are better looking than he is. and exactly what you need to do to bring yourself from failure to success with women in the shortest amount of time humanly possible.Here is a quick preview of what he shared:The DEADLY TRAPS that prevent guys from EVER getting this stuff down. and how to be absolutely sure you avoid them4 “quick tricks” to convey high status and power when you meet a womanWhy meeting a woman “cold” is actually MORE POWERFUL than meeting her through your circle of friends (This will change the way you think about approaching women forever)The REAL REASON why bartenders and nightclub bouncers get a lot of women. and how YOU can duplicate their success without actually working at the clubThe 2 traits of guys who have THE MOST success with women. and how to cultivate them in yourselfAn easy way to barrel through a “cold shoulder” and get a woman to warm up to you FASTA simple way an older guy can give himself a MASSIVE ADVANTAGE over younger “competition” in a bar or nightclubThe difference between “direct” and “indirect” openers. and how to use each to spark attraction in a woman with your very first sentenceA major mistake guys make when using a “canned” opener that ruins their chances no matter how good the actual line is (If you’ve ever learned a so-called “great” line somewhere but it DIDN’T work for you, this is probably why. )The Amazing Secret Of An Ordinary 32 Year-old Guy From South Florida Who Gets Over 18 Dates With Attractive Women Each And Every Month. Using Nothing But His Home Computer!What’s the fastest, easiest, lowest-risk, most convenient way to meet literally DOZENS of interesting, sexy, attractive, available women?The answer is, of course. ONLINE DATING.You’ve probably heard a million stories from friends about how they or someone they know has met a great girl online… and maybe you’ve even tried it.It’s a fact that online dating is becoming more and more socially ACCEPTED… and with its growing popularity, more and more REALLY interesting and attractive women are joining these sites looking for good men.But unfortunately for most men. actually MEETING WOMEN on these sites can be HARDER than meeting them in real life.Women are bombarded with DOZENS and DOZENS of emails a day from every type of guy you can imagine. and it gets old fast.And even if you do get through and get a woman to actually read your email and respond. getting her to meet up with you in person is a COMPLETELY different story.It can be an impossible task. but now, it doesn’t have to be that way for YOU.The next guest you’ll hear from is a man who has literally “cracked the code” of the online personals. and gets over a DOZEN dates every single month. without ever leaving the house.His name is Dave M., and in this remarkable presentation he reveals the unique “autopilot” system you can use to turn any dating site into your own personal GOLDMINE of attractive women.It took Dave over 5 years to develop these powerful strategies. but you’ll get them all in less than one hour. from how to turn your profile into a MAGNET that practically forces women to write you. to the word-for-word emails and responses Dave uses to get phone numbers and set up dates. It’s all laid out for you right here. step-by-step.Here are just a few of the tips he shared in this remarkable presentation:The 3 biggest mistakes guys make when trying to meet women online (Any one of these will completely ELIMINATE your chance of getting a reply. so listen up)A simple 2-step email system that all but GUARANTEES she will reply to your second email with HER PHONE NUMBER4 great word-for-word lines you can use to tease a woman online that create instant attraction and separate you from the rest of the LOSERS that are trying to get her attentionA secret way to “spy” on guys who are good at online dating and steal their techniques!What you MUST do at the end of your emails if you want a woman to reply. and a way to challenge a woman that gets her to write you back EVERY TIME (This tip alone was worth the price of admission. )A sneaky way to get women to reply to you who ARE NOT subscribed to the site (85% of the women you see are not paying members. so you can see why the online dating sites HATE when you do this… )How to get a woman to send you her phone number WITHOUT you even askingThe kind of pictures you must use to have the best chances of getting a response from a really attractive womanHow to make yourself look desirable by being PICKY in your descriptionsA simple trick to get your profile at the VERY TOP of the search listings (this way a woman will ALWAYS see YOU first when she is looking around)The subject lines that DOUBLE the chances of a woman opening your email (With women getting DOZENS of emails every day, this is KEY. AnotherSteveSteve is a spiritual guru and renegade hypnotist who is known throughout the community for his powerful metaphysical routines and unique knowledge of the female mind and body.There are few who haven’t used his teachings to have more success with women, and after you hear what he had to say in this groundbreaking presentation, I’m sure YOU will do the same.Here are just a couple of the ultra-powerful routines you’ll learn from Steve:A simple 3-minute exercise you can use with a woman you’ve just met to create a deep spiritual bond (She’ll feel like the two of you are “meant to be” when you do this right. and it’s surprisingly easy to do.)A powerful exercise that will show you how to completely SILENCE the negative “inner voices” that are killing your selfconfidence and sabotaging your success with women. FOREVER (Steve learned this technique when he was doing suicide interventions. and there is no better or faster way to eliminate the crap inside your head that is slowing you down.)How to extend your connection with a woman beyond sex. the secret to creating a deep heart-and-soul connection that lasts as long as you want it toWhat you must do differently when looking for a relationship rather than a one-night-stand (If you miss this, women will notice and immediately mark you as a “player”. so listen up.)”Celtic Soul Gazing” – A live, word-for-word demonstration of one of the most famous and powerful routines in the community. by the originator himself. This is one of the VERY BEST ways to create an amazing bond with a woman that she will NEVER forget. and you can use it within minutes of meeting her. In this special one-time demonstration Steve also shares an ancient Huna breathing exercise you can use to double the strength of the connection and give a woman an experience she will NEVER forget. (Just wait till you see the smile on the face of Steve’s lucky assistant. PRICELESS.)WillWill is a man you will rarely see posting to the List. he’s too busy meeting women. His unique sense of humor and powerful, easy-to-use techniques were one of the highlights of the convention. and you’ll be able to use them the very same night you learn them to meet attractive women and make them want you.Here are just a few of the hilarious and effective techniques he shared:How to befriend the doorman at the hottest nightclubs and get in for FREE. without waiting in line! (Think about how many women will want to roll with YOU when you know this. )How to walk into a bar or nightclub with a powerful presence that makes you stand out from every other guy in the placeHow to let a woman know you can “take her or leave her” (Will shows you exactly how he uses this to get women to OFFER their phone numbers to him!)How to use a “wingwoman” to DOUBLE your opportunities to meet women. without doing any extra workThe world’s WORST pickup line (this one is hilarious. and makes a great opener just talking about it – “Hey girls. want to hear the WORST pickup line ever?” )The world’s WORST pickup line (this one is hilarious. and makes a great opener just talking about it – “Hey girls. want to hear the WORST pickup line ever?” )A simple electronic device you can use to get women to approach YOU in a bar or clubA great way to start a conversation with a woman the SECOND time you make eye contact with herHow to smoothly stop a woman that is walking through a bar or a nightclub (or down the street) and strike up a conversation (this is one of the hardest situations to meet a woman. unless you know this)One of the best ways to introduce yourself to a woman that I have EVER heard! (In all of my years of publishing my newsletter, this is one of my favorites)The 4 questions you must NEVER ask a woman (Any one of these will tell her you are a CHUMP instantly. and most men never even realize it)Awesome conversation topics that get women talking and almost automatically take things in the right directionA great “default” question you can use to start a conversation with a woman anytime anywhere. and the follow-up question that smoothly launches you into a conversation (Will has used this HUNDREDS of times, and you will too when you learn it)A way to give a woman YOUR phone number that almost GUARANTEES she will call (This is hilarious and fun. and will build her curiosity to the breaking point. Will has actually had women call him MINUTES after he does this!)The Barometer Test – A simple way to find out EXACTLY what type of woman you are dealing with so you know the absolute best way to seduce herA ballsy way to approach a woman when you are with a wingman that makes almost any girl DIE laughingA cocky and funny way to bust on a woman you just met that tells her you are an opportunity she SHOULDN’T pass upA cocky and funny way to bust on a woman you just met that tells her you are an opportunity she SHOULDN’T pass upA funny line to say to a short girl to keep her interested in you7 simple words you can say to a group of women to win over each and every one of them at once”Killing Them Softly” – Will’s secret “stair-stepping” method of building attraction that makes a woman want you more and more each time she sees youAnd That’s Not AllThose are JUST A FEW of the awesome presenters you’ll hear from on Day One.You’ll also hear from Stephane, Dr Alex, and Cameron T. 3 more of the world’s top experts who stunned the crowd with their insights and techniques.These 3 guys have been some of the top contributors to my List over the years. and I was fortunate to get each one of these guys to take the stage for one full hour.The secrets they revealed were mind-blowing. Here are just a few:How to manifest your full potential as a person and become the type of guy who naturally attracts women3 Powerful drills that will expand your mind and make you INSTANTLY more effective with womenA secret to cultivating your sexual energyA step-by-step plan to becoming a multi-orgasmic man (It’s surprisingly easy. but sadly, most men never figure it out.The 4 types of women you MUST avoid if you want to have a healthy relationshipA great line to say to a woman who is “too cool” that lets her know you are on her level and opens her up to a conversationAn awesome technique to earn a woman’s trust in the bedroom that makes her feel totally comfortable taking things to a sexual level (You’ll use this every time you are intimate with a woman from now on. )How to REALLY stop caring about what other people think of you and start living for YOU (This mental shift is MAGNETICALLY attractive to women. but it’s easier said than done. Here’s what you need to do to make it happen.)What to do when a woman tries to control you – a simple way to take the reigns back that shows her who the man is in a gentlemanly wayHow to position yourself while seated that lets women know you are confident, relaxed, and someone she needs to meeSexual Body Language, Seducing Actresses And Models, Getting Your “Inner Game” Together, And More…MysteryInternationally recognized at “The World’s Greatest Pickup Artist”. Mystery has dated some of the most beautiful women in the world. including elite supermodels and “A-List” actresses. and is currently dating a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.He’s been featured in The New York Times, Elle magazine, The Montreal Gazette, and many more. In fact, media outlets are knocking on his door daily fighting to get an interview.Mystery was the first man ever to put his skills “on the line” by taking students out to nightclubs and teaching his tactics LIVE and in the field. Many have since copied his “In-field Workshop” style of teaching, but all freely admit that Mystery is the original. and the best. Many of the most respected pickup artists in the community attribute their own success to his teachings.Mystery has an open challenge to any man who thinks he can “out pull” him in a nightclub environment. and not surprisingly. no one has EVER taken him up on it. And my bet is that if someone did, they would lose.Mystery is the creator of the Mystery Method – a proven scientific system that is geared towards attracting the most desirable and exclusive women in the world. and in his awesome presentation he’ll show you exactly how to use his system to attract women that most consider “out of their league”.Here’s what you’ll learn:How to handle “last minute resistance” – The things women think about before “getting down to business”. and how to make her feel totally comfortable with “going all the way”A simple secret to ELIMINATE “approach anxiety” and create feelings of confidence in any situation you are in (You can even use this “in the field” to eliminate the hesitation you feel when you see a hot woman you want to meet.)How to approach a woman who is with a group of men. get the guys to accept you as a friend. and even encourage the woman you want to PURSUE YOU (This is the most powerful part of the Mystery Method. and this lesson from the master himself will open up DOZENS of opportunities for you because you will no longer be afraid to approach a woman who is with or around other men.)A way to make every woman in a nightclub see you as an attractive man (This simple tip will get even the hottest women in the club to wonder “who IS that guy?”. and do whatever they can to meet you.)How to turn your fear of approaching women into a GOOD THING that actually improves your game (Believe it or not. even Mystery gets PETRIFIED when approaching a woman. Here’s how you can actually use this fear to your advantage and supercharge your game. )David ShadeDavid Shade is one of the world’s foremost experts in the art of pleasing a woman. and has had his work published in several large magazines.To make a long story short. he may know more about how to please a woman than practically anyone else alive.He’s a sexual “guru” who teaches men and women how to have mind-blowing sex.Several years ago he decided to make it his life mission to find out how to REALLY turn a woman on.He was especially driven to find out what separated the “men” from the “boys”…why women remembered the bedroom skills of some men FOREVER… when most others they tried to forget.He’s talked with HUNDREDS of women… and conducted some VERY wild experiments that I’ll leave to your imagination…In his words… his specialty is “teaching guys how to take a woman’s pleasure beyond anything she’s ever imagined possible… and open up her up to things she is too inhibited to do… but KNOWS she would LOVE to do”…So, as you can imagine… his presentation was fascinating.Most men don’t realize that women are EXTREMELY sexual creatures… FAR more sexual than a man could ever imagine…Unfortunately most men will never get to see this side of a woman… because they just don’t know how to bring it out.But on the other hand… if you know how to bring out this “wild side” in a woman… you are in for a REAL treat.In this stunning presentation, David will show you exactly how to do this with ANY woman… step-by-step (it’s not hard when you know how… but unfortunately most guys never even think to learn)Here is a small sample of what he’ll share with you:The things that “bad boys” do to get women SEXUALLY ADDICTED to them (This is the REAL reason “bad boys” can get away with almost ANYTHING)An amazing way to get a woman to have phone sex with you the very first time you get her on the phone! (All women secretly LOVE this. the key is knowing how to bring it out. Here’s how it’s done. )Newsflash: Why 77% of all woman have NEVER had a vaginal orgasm. and what to do about itHow to bring out the wild, sex-crazed animal that is hidden inside of every woman. yet most guys NEVER get to see (The secret is knowing how to make her feel comfortable enough to “let it all out”. and the good news is it’s easy to learn. )DocOur next guest, Doc, is a practicing psychologist and a MASTER of the dating game. who frequently dates over 8 women at the same time— often for several years!Doc is a personal friend of mine and I had a feeling his presentation would be dynamite. but it turns out I had no idea.From the moment he took the stage, the crowd sat spellbound as he shared one amazing strategy after another. everything from how to make a powerful first impression. to how to become the “social director” of your entire town and position yourself so that the women come to YOU.The best part about Doc’s material is that he covers parts of the