Handmade Titan University – Renae Christine


FINALLY, A PROVEN STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM THAT TURNS YOUR HANDMADE TALENTS INTO A PROSPEROUS BUSINESSTake advantage of your handmade skill to build an income you deserveIMPLEMENT RENAE’S PROVEN STRATEGIES AND START REAPING RESULTS LIKE A BOSSI’m Renae Christine.Since 2012 I’ve taught over 80,000 handmade product based businesses how to grow and survive online through free YouTube tutorials.I have over 2,000 successful students in my Handmade Titan University in every category including jewelry, crochet, sewing, stationery, upcycling, pottery, woodworking, wall decals, graphic design and even alpacas.BEFORE YOUTUBEI was very happy in my own little world:I ran a 6-figure stationery business from home.I had a warehouse filled with $75,000 worth of stock.I built an automated system so my assistants ran my entire business for me.I worked for an hour each week to count up payroll for my assistants.It was very much a dream world I’d created for myself in an industry that I absolutely loved.ONE OF MY BEST SELLERSMy family and friends asked me to teach them how to do it but I said, “No. Who would take me seriously? I trip over my shoelaces and eat Easy Cheese for fun.”THE DEMAND GOT STRONGERMy fear grew along with the crazy requests for help. Until I read Tim Ferris and read “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” So I tried to at least find a blog or book or link to send to these people who needed the help.ANGER SET INI quickly became very angry at what was out there. I was very offended by all the articles geared toward work at home moms about goal setting and balancing schedules or motivation. Blech.These women wanted to learn how to build a business like I built and teaching them goal setting won’t help anyone. –These women needed a step-by-step proven system as in (step 1, step 2, step 3) to turn their handmade talents into a profitable flourishing designer business.THUS, A YOUTUBERI put out 1 free training a day for exactly 365 days to helpI made silly little videos and then added serious webinars to help as best I could for free. I continued to make video tutorials even though I got massive commenters being cruel about the way I look. My hair color is wrong no matter what I do. Even my eye color, my nose, my voice and the size of different parts of my body were never right for the YouTube audience.My skin had to grow an inch thick. I had to learn how to take the punches. I did. Because it was that important to me to help work at home moms build their businesses properly through substance. THE BREAKING POINTThen, suddenly, I brokeOne morning, I was faced with a very real divorce that left me feeling like I was hit with a semi-truck. I sat in my closet that day and all I could think about was how to explain to my 3 little girls that their daddy wouldn’t be living with them anymore. I had to break their whole world as well.It was all I could do to turn on the camera that day and the days that followed to continue the tutorials. I became a little bit of a nut while my life was in ruins.That’s when the haters came in full force. According to them, there’s no way I could know what I’m talking about because I moved my video recording to the comfort of my own closet.Then one of my favorite YouTubers, one of my heroes that I looked up to and aspired to be like sent me a personal email that said I have to become more “coach-like” or I wouldn’t be successful. I became a hot mess and had a complete meltdown. I QUITI shut down my stationery business because it reminded me of my previous marriage.I shut it down, stopped filling orders and I even fired my assistants. I burned down everything in self sabotage and I was never going to get back up again.After I sold my stationery company I realized that the money was running out fast and I had 3 little girls to support.So what now? Do I get a job and turn my back on everything I knew about building a business? Do I dare take a chance with 3 tiny ones in the wings? Ending up on the street was a very real possibility because I didn’t have any family or friends to turn too if everything failed.I decided to rebuild and dedicate this business to my YouTube Besties who support me at a ravenous level. By starting this second business I would really know if my first business was a fluke or if I really knew the strategies and formula to build another 6-figure business.INTRODUCINGThe ultimate system that takes you by the hand (as in step 1, step 2, step 3) to build and design the ultimate handmade business that makes competitors cry.RENAE CHRISTINE SHOWS YOU HOW TO BUILD YOUR ENTIRE HANDMADE BUSINESS IN ONLY 8 MODULESModule 1  – SiftGet ahead of the business game before you even get started.Module 2 – BuildSetup your business structure in a weekend.Module 3  – ShapeCreate an automated sales machine so all you have to do is pour in traffic to make money.Module 4  – WelcomeTurn each customer into a repeat customer for life.Module 5 – KnowGet your customers to buy when YOU want them to buy.Module 6 – PlanBuild a product line that sells out like woah. –Even if they are one-of-a-kind products.Module 7 – PrepGet the press to showcase your product line … like within 24 hours.Module 8 – DriveThe 12 step marketing timeline that makes 6-figure Besties.Module 9 – The Lost ModuleSecret goodness in this oneGet Handmade Titan University – Renae Christine, Only Price 124$Tag: Handmade Titan University – Renae Christine Review. 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