Ignite Your Digital Agency – Dee Deng


Ignite Your Digital Agency – Dee DengNo matter what happens in the world and no matter how uncertain the future or economy is, there’s one thing you can count on…Businesses always need help getting results.They need help with email marketing, branding, graphic or web design, Facebook ads, SEO, social media management, content creation, public relations, and the list goes on.Help them produce results and your life will never be the same.WITH NO NETWORK THIS NEW AGENCY OWNER QUICKLY LANDED 8 NEW CLIENTS IN 6 WEEKSWhich is why few businesses can change someone’s life as fast as a digital agency can.Because not only can it be launched essentially overnight with little to no capital…When built the right way from the very start, a digital agency can quickly take you from being a wildly talented and creative “one person shop” who sometimes feels overworked and underpaid…To being a business owner with no ceiling on what’s possible for you!You’re in control of what kind of clients you take on…You’re in control of the work you do and when you do it…You’re in control of the team you build and the culture you create…Plus you’re in control of how much income you want to reach for each month and how big (or small) you want your agency to be.All while feeling fulfilled, energized, and filled with purpose as you’re helping change the futures of the businesses you work with!It’s a business model which offers the kind of location independence, profitability, and security that other more capital intensive or location locked opportunities simply can’t.JUST ONE SIMPLE FUNNELAND 2-3 “LIGHTHOUSE CLIENTS”But the best part? You don’t need a lot of clients!You can create a profitable 5-figure a month digital agency with just one simple funnel and 2-3 “lighthouse retainer clients” without sacrificing your work life balance.And you can even start it on the side of your existing 9-5.But to be clear, to build this kind of agency, you need to have a model to follow!BECAUSE EVEN THE BEST AGENCYOWNERS CAN’T “OUTWORK” A BAD MODELWhen starting and building a digital agency, your model matters.How you market yourself, find new clients, negotiate retainers, fulfill your service, get paid, etc…it all matters and impacts how profitable and sustainable your agency can be.Because no matter how hard an agency owner works, they can’t outwork a bad model!YOUR MODEL MATTERSUse the right model and follow a proven framework…You’ll build a dream agency business, work with amazing clients, and bring in a consistently high monthly profit with very little client churn. People envy those who have a business like this.Plus you’ll position your agency and your offer so differently that you stand out from even the “more established” agencies in your niche.But those who use the wrong model or have nothing at all to guide themAre constantly chasing potential prospects.Work with the “wrong” kind of clients.Make promises they can’t deliver on.Charge less than they’re worth.Lose opportunities to others.They end up trapped in the rat race but they’re the ones building the trap.But if you’re willing to put in the work and follow some simple advice, it doesn’t have to be this way!YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALONE!FOLLOW A PROVEN AGENCY MODELInstead wouldn’t it make sense to listen to someone who’s been where you are and grew his agency from zero to 8 clients in 6 weeks and hit $250,000 months in his first year?!Instead of guessing on how to find clients, how much to charge, how to structure retainers, how to hire a great team and effectively delegate work…Wouldn’t it be easier to…Follow his step-by-step advice to build your agency from scratchBuild his “sales machine” that attracts your perfect clients dailyUse all of his templates, client contracts, retainer agreementsApply his “client delight system” for making your clients love youScale your client load and revenue without “breaking” your businessLearn how he manages the finances for his multi-million dollar agencyAnd so much more?!Plus his award winning agency has thousands of clients and 115+ employees…So it’s easy for him to show you how to serve a small group of high-paying and happy clients (normally 2-3 a month) while being highly profitable at the same time!Well, here’s the good news…IT’S CALLED THE AGENCYGROWTH TRIANGLE…BECAUSE ACQUISITION ALONE ISN’TENOUGH TO BUILD A SUSTAINABLE AGENCY!Most “gurus” urge you to focus ruthlessly on just “more sales”. But when “more sales” is your sole focus, you tend to come across as transactional and needy.Getting new clients is just one pillar. To build a profitable, sustainable, and fast growing agency, you need to have all three in place.1 PILLAR ONE: ACQUISITIONIt all starts with having an acquisition system in place which attracts your perfect client. A client who respects your work, your schedule, and is happy to pay well for the promised results.But if you have great acquisition but poor fulfillment…Your revenue might spike in the beginning, but your clients won’t stick around long term.2 PILLAR TWO: FULFILLMENTNext you need to have a front-to-back process in place to fulfill your service, manage clients, and consistently create a “can’t get this anywhere else” kind of client experience.But if you have great fulfillment but horrible acquisition…Sales moves slowly, it’s difficult to scale, and your finances take a hit.3 PILLAR THREE: FINANCEFinally you need a clear financial structure in place so your agency is healthy, profitable, growing and is sustainable for the long term.If you have great acquisition and fulfillment but poor finance:You’ll work hard and make less while your hard-earned profits are leaking in places you don’t even know.ABOUT FOUNDR’S NEW COURSE:IGNITE YOUR DIGITAL AGENCYA COMPLETE BLUEPRINT FOR BUILDING APROFITABLE, IMPACTFUL, & SUSTAINABLE DIGITAL AGENCYStart-To-Finish Agency Blueprint:Find your purpose, your niche, your ideal client and go from a “one man shop” to an agency that grows as big as you want. It’s all here.Proven Client Acquisition System:Learn exactly how to find the “right” client, how to provide value up front, negotiate, and ultimately onboard them and get paid.Designed For All Digital Niches:This course is for all kinds of digital services from email marketing, paid ads, web design, and any other kind of digital service.Contracts & Templates:Streamline your processes and organize your business by using proven templates and contracts so everyone’s on the same page.WHAT’S WAITING FOR YOU INSIDEMODULE 1KICKSTART YOUR AGENCY JOURNEYThe 1st module is all about getting your foundation right before we dive deeper into the course material.New agency owner? Let’s land your first client. Get clear on who your ideal client is, approach them with confidence and pitch them like a pro.Already running an agency? We’ll assess the state of your business and identify what needs to be prioritized for “headache-free” growth.Solo lifestyle business, 100+ person agency or somewhere in between? Get ultra-clear on what success looks… so you love what you’re building!Don’t waste weeks (or months) mulling over your ideal client avatar. Dee will show you how to quickly validate or refine your assumptions.Why Should I Join You? Get clear on your “Ikigai” so that key stakeholders such as clients and employees enthusiastically buy into your vision.MODULE 2THE EVERGREEN SALES MACHINEIn this module, we’ll dial in on the 1st growth pillar – Acquisition.Dee will reveal 3 agency positioning levers to pull which “subconsciously” repel nightmare clients while attracting your dream ones.Powerful Client Acquisition With “Authentic Content”: Discover why most sales funnels fail and how to make yours different so it pulls in “authentic clients”Discover “under-the-radar” yet powerful pricing & proposal strategies to decisively close prospects who can’t seem to commit.Prospects bail when you present your offer? Discover the 5 exact offer switches to hit to make becoming a client a no-brainer.Close sales can be bad for business! You must “test” prospects with these 5 questions before agreeing to do business with them.MODULE 3STRESS-FREE FULFILLMENTThis module will set yourself apart from the majority agency owners who only focus on client acquisition. The result is happy clients, repeat business and referrals.The Mechanics Behind Stress-Free Fulfillment: Structure your team setup, workflow processes, who’s accountable for what… and much much more!Delivering great work isn’t enough! Discover the “compulsory conversation” you must initiate for happy clients, repeat business & referrals.Expand clientele without straining your talent pool. Learn how to prioritize hires, attract top talent and troubleshoot “bad” hires.Partnering up with an agency co-founder could result in a messy divorce. Dee will show you his decision framework so you can decide on the if, who, when & how.Remove Yourself As The Bottleneck! Create these 5 systems to save hours per week, enjoy hands-off scaling… without sacrificing quality.MODULE 4FLAWLESS AGENCY FINANCEWhile many agency owners might consider it a “boring” subject, your agency’s finances are the bedrock of your agency’s success.Is your agency making a loss… despite serving clients? Discover how to calculate your profit margins and exactly what to do if it’s in the “unhealthy” range.What’s your agency’s financial health? Quickly get an accurate snapshot by tracking these 5-6 KPIs. Ignore this at your own peril…My agency is making money. What’s next? Dee will recommend how much funds to invest into the business, as well as allocate for salaries & bonusesThe “headache-free” way to bill and get paid. Plus, how to deal with less-than-ideal scenarios, e.g. client can’t pay or dispute scopeDiversify your “client portfolio” to strategic growth and engaging projects… while minimizing financial risksMODULE 5SCALING BEYOND YOURSELFNow that we have covered the fundamentals, let’s tackle more advanced topics.Remote Team or Physical Office? Dee weighs up the pros and cons of each. Plus, the exact tools he uses to manage a 115+ person global teamHow Will My Agency Evolve Over Time? Dee will share how your role as agency CEO and team structure could change so you can prepare in advance.Avoid Burnout As An Agency Owner: Dee will reveal simple yet effective actions to protect his health and happiness over the long termAgency Partnerships: How do you lead with value when approaching potential partners… especially when you feel you have little to offer?Leverage Paid Traffic: Discover when to introduce this into your acquisition mix so you can accelerate growth without exhausting your budget.MODULE 6TROUBLESHOOT COMMON AGENCY MISTAKESFinally, we’ll cover the most burning questions that keep agency owners up at night.Chasing revenue growth is actually bad for business. Discover the #1 metric to prioritize instead for consistently profitable months.Make your agency competition irrelevant! Once you master this “blue-ocean” strategy, your agency will be in a league of its own.Avoid These 7 Deadly Sins For Agency Owners! By being aware of these pitfalls, you’ll fast-track your way to agency success.Critical Agency Trends for 2022 & Beyond! Dee will reveal what he and his team are watching very closely plus how you can capitalize on emerging opportunities.The Struggles Of An Agency Owner: Dee will share his honest perspective on how to keep up your motivation during tough times so you can play the long game.Are you interested in? 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