Taking Sexy Back – Alexandra Solomon


In today’s fraught romantic and sexual landscape, women are taught to view sexiness as a status to be earned, an indicator that society has deemed them conventionally attractive enough and that they’ve successfully walked the razor’s edge between being labeled a “prude” and a “slut.”But therapists can help clients develop a more evolved kind of sexual self-awareness.This recording explores how women can move from an “outside-in” to an “inside-out” construction of sexuality, not dependent on how they measure up in the gaze of others, and how men can be enlisted as allies in this process.Identify several ways in which therapists can help female clients create a more expansive view of their sexual selves.Examine the ways in which societal sexual standards punish women for their failure to conform for the purposes of psychoeducation.Point out several conditions that typically accompany a negative self-image to inform the clinician’s choice of treatment interventions.Illustrate how female clients might enlist the help of male allies in becoming more sex-positive.IntroductionRelational Self-AwarenessMe TooToxic MasculinitySexual DesireDeclaration vs. ReclamationThe Impact of TraumaReforming Sex-EducationPurity CultureBodily AutonomyReconceptualizing ConsentFeedback LoopReframing Male Sexuality as Non-PredatorySex as an Open-Ended, Ongoing Personal ProjectThe Evolution of Sexual IdentityPersonal vs. Relational EmpowermentSexual Self-Awareness Through Different LensesCultureSpiritDevelopmentMindBodyEmotionRelationshipGet Taking Sexy Back – Alexandra Solomon, Only Price $27Tag: Taking Sexy Back – Alexandra Solomon Review. Taking Sexy Back – Alexandra Solomon download. Taking Sexy Back – Alexandra Solomon discount.