How to Start Your Own Successful Consulting Business – Terry Rice


How to Start Your Own Successful Consulting Business – Terry RiceIf you’re like many professionals, there’s one big question on the top of your mind when it comes to your business:How do I get more clients?This course is designed to help you stop chasing after cold leads and start attracting more meaningful opportunities by recognizing the value you have to offer. By following a clear and concise five-step process, you’ll spend less time doing sales and business development and more time doing what you love and serving a more engaged audience.Course CurriculumModule 1: IntroductionGetting Started(7:44)STARTModule 2: ClarityLesson 1: Understanding Zones of Function(4:02)STARTLesson 2: Determining Your Zone of Genius(4:24)STARTLesson 3: Defining Your Target Audience(1:32)STARTLesson 4: Determining Your Target Audience(2:50)STARTLesson 5: Audience Research(3:04)STARTLesson 6: Social Listening(1:28)STARTLesson 7: Social Listening | Blogs & Articles(3:05)STARTLesson 8: Social Listening | Reddit(2:13)STARTLesson 9: Social Listening | LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram(6:27)STARTLesson 10: Social Listening | Amazon(0:38)STARTLesson 11: Surveying Your Audience(1:40)STARTLesson 12: Creating Surveys(6:17)STARTLesson 13: Distributing Surveys(2:41)STARTLesson 14: Interviews(3:12)STARTLesson 15: In-Person Events(1:29)STARTLesson 16: Building and Leveraging the Empathy Map(2:47)STARTLesson 17: Determining the Problems You’ll Solve(5:26)STARTLesson 18: Creating and Packaging Your Services(5:26)STARTLesson 19: Business Models, Pricing and Revenue Goals(11:11)STARTModule 3: Branding & MarketingLesson 1: Introduction to Branding & Marketing(1:55)STARTLesson 2: Your Personal Brand(1:52)STARTLesson 3: Your Title, Positioning Statement and Bio(4:41)STARTLesson 4: Launching Your Website(2:32)STARTLesson 5: Website Sections(6:42)STARTLesson 6: Content Marketing(4:14)STARTLesson 7: Social Media Overview(4:08)STARTLesson 8: Social Media Strategy(9:18)STARTLesson 9: Content Calendar(5:16)STARTLesson 10: Signature Speaking Topics(3:50)STARTModule 4: ProspectingLesson 1: Intro to Prospecting(1:53)STARTLesson 2: Intro to Active Prospecting & Activating Your Network(4:58)STARTLesson 3: Social Media Outreach(4:45)STARTLesson 4: Email Outreach(7:38)STARTLesson 5: In-Person events(2:42)STARTLesson 6: Passive Prospecting & Compiling Insights(5:45)STARTLesson 7: Delivering Your Signature Speaking Topics(8:21)STARTModule 5: Pitching & ProposalsLesson 1: Pitching(11:39)STARTLesson 2: Proposals(10:07)STARTLesson 3: Following Up(2:40)STARTModule 6: Onboarding and Client ManagementLesson 1: Onboarding(8:46)STARTLesson 2: Client Management(3:59)STARTLesson 3: Feedback, Referrals and Testimonials(3:26)STARTModule 7: Additional Revenue StreamsLesson 1: Scaling success(0:37)STARTLesson 2: Group Coaching(1:32)STARTLesson 3: Online Consulting(8:10)STARTLesson 4: Online Courses(3:27)STARTLesson 5: Paid Speaking Opportunities(2:57)STARTLesson 6: Affiliate Marketing(2:23)STARTLesson 7: Referrals(1:30)STARTModule 8: FulfillmentLesson 1: Mindset & Maintenance(5:01)STARTOffice Hours – Get Your Questions Answered LiveOffice Hour Sign Up & ArchiveSTARTAre you interested in? How to Start Your Own Successful Consulting Business – Terry Rice Download, own successful consulting business, own successful consulting business analyst, own successful consulting business and consulting, own successful consulting business and marketing, own successful consulting business as an llc.Purchasing How to Start Your Own Successful Consulting Business – Terry Rice course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.