How To Buy A Business For $1 – Carl Taylor


Dear Entrepreneurs & Future EntrepreneursImagine picking up the newspaper and checking the business for sale section. You see a restaurant for sale that peaks your interest. You call up the owner and tell him you’d like to buy the business but you’re only going to pay $1.As you expected he accepts your offer and you walk in to your new business with cashflow from day 1, but even better than that you love the fact that you don’t have to be the chef, the waiter or work in the business at all – You’re able to focus on using the simple strategies you’ve used many times before to increase the business profits so you can list it for sale again in just 90 days.Sound Unbelievable? It’s True…I understand, especially if you’ve ever been in business and experienced the anguish and frustration of an almost empty bank account, struggled to gain new customers, and had to work 80+ hour weeks – it just doesn’t sound like reality right?In this exclusive “How To Buy A Business For $1″ training I’m going to show you how I and other high level entrepreneurs have been able to do just that.You’ll walk away from this course knowing exactly how to buy a business for little or no money and use simple strategies to build your business rapidly.If you’re frustrated with your current situation and always thought there must be a better way… you were right.What if you could avoid the anxiety and pain of an empty bank account when you are starting out in business?There is a little known strategy that the top 2% of entrepreneurs have been using for years, they’re able to build businesses smarter, with less risk and higher returns… and you’re about to discover their secret.Module 1: Buy A Business For $1You’ll discover how I have negotiated to buy businesses for just $1 and why a business owner would agree to such a price.You see most business owners are struggling to pay their rent, wages and suppliers each month (I know I was one of them). They sadly are struggling so much with their business that if you can take that pain away and take over their lease and pay their staff, they’ll gladly accept your offer.In fact you’ll even learn about how big businesses have also sold for just $1 including Luna Park, ABC Learning Centres, TV Guide, The Washington Times and more.You’ll hear about how I bought a business asking $34,000 using none of my own money.There is a unique and massive opportunity right now globally that makes this strategy so powerful and I can’t wait to share it with you.Module 2: Build The Business RapidlySo you go out and buy a business… now what do you do? You need to build it rapidly, build the right team, systemise and automate as much as possible and increase profits dramatically.You’ll be learning my 3 P’s system to growing a business quickly, what you focus on first and why including How I built one of my businesses up and sold it again 18 months later.Did you know that one of the quickest ways you can build a business is to increase prices!Most business owners are too afraid to put their prices up and they’ve had the same price for the last 5 years which is quietly killing the business, a simple price rise can often take a business from in the red to profitable almost overnight.Module 3: Sell For Maximum ValueYou bought the business for $1, You increased profits up 248%… its time to cash in.You see the real money is made in business, not from running the business but from SELLING THE BUSINESS!Typically businesses are valued on a multiple of profits, so if your business has a profit of $100,000 and you manage to sell it at a 1.5x multiple you could sell it for $150,000.Sadly, most business owners are lucky if they get a 1x multiple valuation on their business, in fact most don’t even sell they just shut the doors.When you know what to do, and who to sell to you could get a 2x-3x multiple and sell that same business for $300,000 without having to increase the profits any further.I didn’t know any of this when I just 18, nieve and fed up with my business. So I sold my first business for just $600, 10x LESS than it was actually worth based on only a 1x multiple.Get How To Buy A Business For $1 – Carl Taylor, Only Price $27Tag: How To Buy A Business For $1 – Carl Taylor Review. How To Buy A Business For $1 – Carl Taylor download. How To Buy A Business For $1 – Carl Taylor discount.