Advanced Interferences 9 – 40 – HS – Julie Renee


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $87 $297, Advanced Interferences 9 – 40 – HS – Julie Renee Course.Advanced Interferences 9-40For the very first time in the history of our academy I’m rolling out the details on advanced interferences. We are looking at a continuation of clearings from the 1-8 category and have an additional 40 plus that fall into the ‘Beings’ grouping we originally thought were just in the 1-8’s. in addition this upper level has waves, transmissions, frequencies and group mind all strong influencers. I’ll be mapping it all and we’ll clear beings fully.In this 6-hour training you’ll discover all the details of what each advanced interference is, how it came to be in your field body/ blueprint, directions for clearing, and a good road map to the important details of origin, anchoring and clearing permanently. This is also an opportunity to begin to clear stuff we really have never fully addressed prior to now. This list was created in 2017 and 2018 as we have pulled back the veil asking for the deepest and purist knowledge for freedom and permanence of all out quantum activations.I am also excited about this training as I have yet to map all these details and we will now have a good knowledge base and guide to understanding and clearing things like waves transmissions and frequencies. I believe close to 40% of these issues are originated by humanity, such and interesting dilemma, for example government approved science experiments from big labs broadcasting a wave to influence a group of neighborhood. Well, we are going to look at this stuff and gain a deeper understanding of it all.I am doing this class slightly differently than the first groupings 1-8 training. We’ll pull all beings off the advanced chart and clear the in our first 4 hours of training. Then go through a wealth of information in our final two hours with the different categories, for example waves, what creates it? What is the nature of it and how does it affect us ie mind, light of cell things like that and of course how to clear.There are more than 100 items on the advanced interference list, it’s a lot to cover, I’ll be working overtime to get all the details for you (which I am happy to do!)Here’s what we are up to in your3 weekly training sessions: Training One – Removal of Interferences we consider beings. We will continue on from the work we did in the training Freedom From Spiritual Interferences 1-8 training Identifying who they are, what they are doing to us and how to clear them. We cover a great deal of detail in this mapping, and most importantly we are taking the time to fully clear one by one all of these invaders from our field and body in a full sweep. Training Two – Continuing on for another action packed four hours we will be learning about these upper numbered interferences that we are just discovering. Again learning about what they are doing to us, why they are here affecting us negatively and ushering them out permanently once and for all. Some of these are in the category of walk ins and we will address the nature of the collaboration and how to unhook and finally completely end these interferences relationships that prevent full ownership of body and the successful highest level of regeneration of cells. Training Three – In our final session we are going to deep dive into the understanding of waves transmissions, frequencies and memes or group mind. How these originated and importantly identifying and of course having a good method of clearing. Origins is very important to our understanding the why behind these spiritual interferences and may give us a knowledge of how not to be influenced even during exposure, for example to a transmission going out to your area. We are covering a lot of territory in this final 2-hour session, we’ll be moving at a fast pace, getting in as much as possible!Support Materials Article from our blog library on staying clear: Detoxify and Clear Pump Your Way to FreedomThe field of amplification is our law of attraction accelerator. But if you are a person who loves to watch television shows that show murders, war movies, or bang – bang shoot ’em up movies, your field is rapidly acquiring information you likely don’t want in your field. Group mind is also notorious for adding problems that limit your joy and full self-expression, and this can move into family program in DNA and bloodline/clan challenges. End DepressionAre you tired of not being in control? Feeling sad? Are you tired of feeling flat and unaffected? Discover happiness and appreciation with this Q5 End Depression meditation. This title doubles as a loving guide to help you refuel your emotional tanks and get your chemistry working right. Offering a tremendous suite of spiritual tools, the Q5 End Depression meditation will get you back on solid ground so you can feel more connected to your inner self and to the world around you.Highlights:Restore your energy with positive Pink & GoldRefuel your emotions and balance your brain chemistryReleases depression, aches and painsNatural amplification of happinessGentle meditation helps clear the energy of depression, muddle and confounded feelings bringing back to being in love with your life. This sweet meditation will ease you into a brighter outlook and towards a feeling of gratitude and love. End Negative ThinkingIf you often struggle with Negative thinking, you will require a very disciplined attitude to find your way to your ‘happy place’. You will benefit from some of the emotional and spiritual tools you will receive in this Meditation. Take a step forward and learn to appreciate life and happiness through this powerful meditation. Be disciplined and decide to make a change. Live life from a place of kindness and give yourself and everyone around you the break you have so longed for.Highlights:Trust The Process and RelaxTornado grounding Technique ~ Removing Vast Storehouses of NegativityGolden Vacuum ~ Clean Up and Boot OutGolden Temple of Silence Reclaimed and RestoredEnergizing Goodness and Reinstating Your Spirit to BodyThe Gratitude FortifierIf you’re essentially a positive person bar the odd one or two moments of negativity, feel confident that the shift will happen rapidly. This meditation will transport you to the deepest of subconscious level of your being, to once and for all rid you of any old patterns of negative thinking so you can start to enjoy life again! End IrritabilityLet’s face it, being in an irritable mood is no fun. Not for anyone. However, feeling calm and relaxed is not always easy to do when you face concerns that are out of your control. This meditation will end irritability and transition you on to an easy path, back to a feeling of calm. Your lost sense of Connection will be repaired as you traverse into your ‘happy place’.Highlights:Grounding Out Cellular IrritabilityMale and Female ReleaseCenter of Head Refresh ~ End Looping Thoughts ~ Dissipate PressureMental Energy Overload to EaseGratitude and Generosity ~ Restoring Ease and PeaceFinding your way into a state of serenity, mind and body, is essential if you are to reinvent your circumstances and effectively navigate through the hardships of everyday life. Use this meditation to reestablish your comfort zone and return to the world of interactive problem solving. End AnxiousnessAnxiety can take over your body, stirring feelings that are both disturbing and debilitating. This guided self-loving and self-nurturing meditation supports your desire for relaxation. Use both breath and quantum field meditation techniques to restore your system to a calm and serene state.Highlights:Blue ~ Green Breath 10 Count Restoring RelaxationAdrenal ~ Nervous System ClearingAura Pull In and Move Out Foreign Disturbance EnergiesBlue Corona of Aura ~ Burn Off Chaotic Energy of OthersQuantum Pleasure Field Directing and Informing Your MoleculesFeelings of anxiety can cripple you and affect the way you live your life. It’s time to settle down and “let go”. Breathe deeply and relax as you are guided back to your inner peace, lovingly and easily. You will love the rapid effectiveness of this meditation as you are quickly returned to safety in your calm and serene body.