“IF YOU’RE NOT MAKING AT LEAST 6-FIGURES A YEAR RIGHT NOW, LET’S PUT MY BREAKTHROUGH“MONEY VIBE”IN YOUR HANDS, FREE!PLUS: #1 SECRET TO GETTING YOUR FIRST $100K WINDFALLIf you’ve never helicoptered onto the deck of a yacht, be sure to put that one on your bucket list. There I was, doing exactly that.On the deck of a $25 million dollar 2017 Vango Westport yacht off the coast of Monaco, nursing a dirty martini with one of my new Brent Smith Lifestyle clients.The view was perfect.The skyline. The sunset. The women.Not to mention the sheer opulence of it all.It was an improbable encounter, but we even waved to Leonardo DiCaprio, who had his own after party going on aboard what had to be a 200-ft yacht as we entered the harbor.My client had just paid me a shit ton of money to mentor him on how to climb the social ladder for love and connections. He encouraged me to copter in, just for the experience.His story is an interesting one…Silicon valley venture capitalists swooped in and the rest makes for intriguing conversation as you’re gazing out over the Ligurian Sea on your way to the Cannes Film Festival.Get Money Vibe – Brent Smith, Only Price $37 Forgive me if you think I’m boasting…You wouldn’t be wrong, but that’s not why I’m sharing this story.I literally have hundreds of these stories. Stories where ultra-successful entrepreneurs, investors and business owners share their most coveted money-getting, wealth-building secrets as I get to know them.With my client, he’d done his homework, busted his ass programming, yet it was one secret that made all the difference.Being a hard core tech guy made him all the more credible.He knew his sh*t, so investors knew he wasn’t blowing smoke up their collective asses.That night as we looked out over the midnight blue glimmering sea, he shared with me his fascinating entrepreneurial mindset, his strategies and his tactics to putting together a deal that pegged his net worth at almost $300 million.He was so good, he had these investors tripping over each other, wanting to throw money at him.Not a bad day at the office for an introverted grunt coder with a Deadpool fetish and a lust for successAs we shared stories with each other, it was kind of like a trade.The more he shared his million dollar secrets, the more I shared mine.With my society ins, we were going to crush it at Cannes with all the celebrities, actors and uber-rich, scooping them up and hauling them back to his yacht for an afterparty of our own.Over the years, I’ve made a ton of money from my clients examples, ideas and confidential advice. Probably the most important being…HOW TO GET MONEY TO CHASE YOU RATHER THAN YOU HAVING TO CHASE ITMost guys are brought up in life to pursue success.To chase the money. To chase the dream.And yes, to also chase girls.It may be societal conditioning, it may be genetic programming, but from a young age, men are taught to chase.To pursue. To hunt.However, if you’ve followed my work for any amount of time, you know one thing:I do not advocate chasing girls.Instead, I show guys how to get girls to chase us.I’ve beat this drum for probably the past twenty years.And those who understand my methods, know that in this day and age, it’s the far superior approach.It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a one nighter… a date… a long term relationship… or a wife.Getting a girl to invest the time, energy and yes, money into you first–without the certainty of reciprocation–makes the woman far more grateful, more sexually responsive and more appreciative when you DO give her attention she wants.There are deep psychological reasons why this all works, but suffice to say creating intense, near frenetic lust for you is one of the most powerful attraction methods on earth.And the same principle can be applied to business and money-making–just not the way you think…NOW HERE’S THE SECRET TO HAVING ALL THE MONEY YOU WANT…YES, WITHIN THE NEXT TEN DAYS (USUALLY LESS), YOU CAN ATTRACT $1,000, $10,000 AND EVEN AS MUCH AS $100,000.HOW?My work with students as well as my mentoring work with multi-millionaire clients has proved the same attraction principles apply when it comes to attracting money.In the banking industry, they have this rule:Only lend money to people who don’t need the money.I’m sure you’ve heard of it.Said differently, if you’re desperate for money?Money is NOT going to be flowing into your hands.No matter how much you want it. No matter what you’re going to use it for.For instance, I was mentoring this really ambitious student.At just 22 years old, Mike had his own little YouTube empire.His videos would go crazy viral on Facebook and often showed up on YouTube’s trending list.They had bite. They had sarcasm. They had wit. And nerve. Best of all?The YouTube deposits every month were pretty mind boggling.Then due to a series of missteps, Facebook shut down his account.Ouch.It gets worse..YOUTUBE ONE DAY DOESN’T LIKE WHAT HE’S DOING EITHER, SO INSTEAD OF SHUTTING DOWN HIS CHANNELS…THEY JUST DEMONETIZED THEM.That meant his income got shut off.Sh*t, now that REALLY hurt.At this point, when Mike called me, he was practically in tears.He was there begging YouTube. Begging Facebook.And you know what happens when you beg, right? It really does. Happens all the time. Probably has happened to you.Desperation, pleading, groveling, even a demanding attitude stinks and people can smell it a mile away.In my client Mike’s case, YouTube doesn’t give a sh*t. And in fact, it becomes increasingly tone deaf, the louder your cries.And this is exactly where my unique brand of coaching applies.You see, THERE’S ONE THING you can do in situations like these. And that’s to…YOUR WAY TO SUCCESSI have a method I’ve perfected I affectionately call “Money Vibe”.IT’S A TRUE SYSTEM WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO APPROACH ATTRACTING MONEY FROM A RADICALLY NEW AND DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE…Money Vibe can be a shock to your nervous system. It’s almost like one of those visual trick-of-the-eye pictures. The ones where you see the image one way, and then you stare at it for a bit, and then all of a sudden you see it in a whole new way.To me, it’s like when you put on those tactical polarized sunglasses they sell. Or the ones with night vision.You put them on and the entire landscape changes, it almost looks surreal. Allowing you to see things you couldn’t before.When you’re able to Money Vibe, instead of chasing money, instead of chasing wealth, it is effortlessly attracted to you–like a magnet.WHEN YOU MONEY VIBE, YOU QUICKLY REALIZE THAT WHATEVER IT IS YOU’RE DOING NOW? IT’S NOT WORKING FOR YOU AND IT SUCKS DONKEY BALLS.Or it may just not be working like it used to.Or it could be working you a lot harder, a lot better.Or maybe best of all, it could be working 10X, 50X or 100X better…MONEY VIBE ALLOWS YOU TO DRAMATICALLY SHIFT WHATEVER THE SITUATION IS IN YOUR FAVOR.AND WITH MUCH LESS WORK.And in less time.There’s a bit more to it than that, but as my YouTube client, Mike discovered once his perspective shifted, he saw “his problem as an opportunity.”Now that sounds kinda hokey but here’s what happened:First, he stopped being a crybaby wussy and started working from position of strength.What is his strength? Video.He sent one last salvo to YouTube and one to Facebook.YOU SEE, ONCE HE STARTED USING THE MONEY VIBE WAY OF LOOKING AT THE PROBLEM, HIS ENTIRE DEMEANOR CHANGED.Mike produced privately for them a professional yet personal video. Gone was the desperation.It was an engagingly funny video that laid out EXACTLY what he was going to do.It was hilarious!BUT WHEN THEY WATCHED IT, I’LL BET THEY PEED THEIR PANTSHe described putting a viral video together that would be a game changer.It was going to be pretty embarrassing for them.He offered his plans up matter of factly. Not as threat or a promise though. Just something he had in mind.I call this the “I’m just throwing an idea out there” tactic to see if they bite.Incredibly, Mike received an IMMEDIATE reply from Facebook and an account manager was assigned to him from YouTube.That almost never happens.I created a pitch technique that I later used in infomercials to generate hundreds of millions in sales.Mike started to get excited. However, one of the fundamentals of Money Vibe is to let people chase you.So what did I tell Mike to do?Ignore them. That’s right, IGNORE THEM.Pretend it was a chick texting you. Are you going to reply right away? Or are you going to let her marinate a bit?WHAT’S FUNNY IS EVEN WITHOUT MIKE TALKING TO THEM, HIS ACCOUNTS WERE REINSTATED WITHIN HOURS.Mike was so relieved.Get Money Vibe – Brent Smith, Only Price $37 BUT MIKE’S STORY DOES NOT END THEREThat’s when I had him write another letter.He thanked them for reinstating, but said he was still planning to produce “the video.”Yeah, that took balls. But you could say he had them over a barrel.He knew their Achilles heel now. And that’s when the YouTube account manager called again.This time, Mike took the call.The YouTube account manager begged Mike not to produce “that video.” I mean seriously begging.“MIKE, WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE IT RIGHT?”Ha! And that’s when his YouTube account manager offered to pay him the income lost when his videos were first demonetized.We’re talking tens of thousands of dollars.Well, well, well. Now we’re getting somewhere, aren’t we?Mike could hardly contain himself.Yet, I told him to ever so politely decline the offer.“What?! Are you fvcking kidding me?!” Mike screamed.“Just trust me and do it.” I said firmly. “It’ll be fine. You’ll see.”THAT’S WHEN THE ACCOUNT MANAGER WENT BACK TO HIS MANAGEMENT. AND THEY CAME BACK WITH THE UNHEARD OF OFFER TO DOUBLE MIKE’S LOST EARNINGS.MIKE JUST ABOUT DID A BACKFLIP HE WAS SO HAPPY.Sweet success (as well as respect) was his…What’s really great is my Money Vibe approach can be applied to sales, marketing, networking, investing, money attraction, fast cash…WHEREVER IN THE PAST YOU HAVE HAD TO CHASE AFTER MONEY, YOU NOW GET TO TURN THE TABLES…ANTHE BRENT SMITH LIFESTYLE “MONEY VIBE” METHODHOW TO GET MONEY, FAME AND FORTUNE TO CHASE YOUAre you ready for this?Right now, in this moment, you are capable of generating geometrically more money, more wealth and more freedom.You can MULTIPLY your personal income, bank accounts and sales.You don’t have to settle for things as they are now. That can change. Dramatically.If you’re ready, Money Vibe is prepared to offer you a breakthrough experience you’ve been searching for…YOU CAN ROCKET TO A HIGHER ORBIT OF INCOME…LIVE THE DREAM (LIKE REALLY LIVE THE DREAM)…ENJOY A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REALM OF SUCCESS AND ACHIEVEMENT…You also don’t have to be content with improving things slowing. Optimizing. Micro managing. Squeezing every last nickel of profit out of a sale, or deal, or transaction.JUST AS YOUR LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE CAN IMPROVE    DRASTICALLY,SO CAN THE RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.Regardless of whether it’s sales, money attraction, investing, entrepreneurship or networking.HOW DOES MONEY VIBE WORK?IN A NUTSHELL: PEOPLE BEG YOU TO LET THEM BUY WHAT YOU’RE SELLING.IT’S KINDA CRAZY BUT THAT’S HOW IT WORKS.APPROACHING WOMEN AND TRYING TO SELL SOMEONE SOMETHING IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING.AS MEN, IT’S USUALLY US THAT BEGGING FOR SEX OR MONEY.MONEY VIBE IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THAT.YOU’LL DISCOVER PROSPECTS ARE LITERALLY TRYING TO CLOSE YOUTO MONEY VIBE, ALL IT REQUIRES A GUY TO DO IS:Rewire your brain to be able to wrap your mind 1 around this unconventional dynamic…    Apply specific “hacks”, allowing you to effortlessly enroll people in whatever you’re doing…Most of the time people are practically begging you to let them in… kinda like how the velvet rope works at an exclusive nightclub…WHAT’S AMAZING IS YOU STAND OUT FROM ALL OF YOUR COMPETITORS. THEY’RE BEGGING FOR BUSINESS WHILE YOU’RE MAKING BANK.BUSINESS HAS EVOLVED. SALES IS DEADRIGHT NOW I’M GOING TO SHARE A SECRET. IT’S A KEY PIECE TO THE MONEY VIBE PUZZLE.Thanks to the internet, sales as a profession is functionally dead.Everybody wants to buy these days but nobody wants to be sold.When was the last time you took a telemarketing call? When was the last time someone personally sold you something?Think about this:Get Money Vibe – Brent Smith, Only Price $37 BIG BUSINESS IS SLOW TO CATCH ON AND YET EVERYONE’S SUCKED INTO AN ANTIQUATED SYSTEM NOBODY WANTS TO BE A PART OF.As one of my students, you don’t need to play by their rules.No matter what industry or profession or trade you’re a part of, here’s your chance to play by your own rules.With a little creativity, magic can really happen…INSIDE MONEY VIBE YOU’LL DISCOVER:Unlock the quantum power of your mentalRewire your brain to construct an attractive, IrresistibleThe actual script to “flip the script” on your prospects forcing your product, opportunity or service to make them drool…“THE KEY” to managing all your newfound success…The 4-pillar plan to get the cash to chase YOU (did I say effortlessly?)…How to get on the same vibrational frequency as money…Examine and upgrade your limiting beliefs about money (Beliefs are just filters which need to be changed to allow you to unleash the money vibe in your life)…Experience maybe for the first time, people messaging you, asking if they can give you money-it’s a mindblowL.The “one little tweak” to your mindset that will have you lOXing the amount you attract (at least)…The approach you need to “court money” in a totally differentOne crazy way to “flip the script” on money you’ll never forget…The “shock treatment” which addresses deeply ingrained beliefs about money holding you back…The “robber baron way” so that everything you touch becomes successful and profitable…What’ll you be thinking the first time someone walks up to you and hands you money…The one reason everything you’ve been taught about money is wrong (and THE ONE THING you can do about it    immediately)…In drastic cases, bow to “unfvck yourself”, unleashing your power to get to the next level…7 Ways to master the money vibe and make space for the cash to roll in…How to create the vibe where money and success just seem to happen…How to easily get everything you want-without even working for it (it doesn’t get easier than this)…Discover the joy that hoods your soul when you stop burning out by working so hard…The fastest way to a upgrade your lifestyle (no you don’t have to marry up)…Can Money Vibe also tee up your next promotion at work? Hint: they’ll be trying to talk you into why you should accept it…Enroll people in whatever you’re doing without effort…A series of vibe hacks that’ll allow to shorten the path to EXTRAORDINARY results…How to control other people’s money with just your thoughts alone (yes, it’s possible and I’ll show you exactly how it’sHow to “hack your subconscious inner voice and get it to support your dreams and self-image 1000% (if you suffer from a poor self-image, you HAVE to know this)…The 5 money mindsets (use separately and they’re powerful. Interlocked together and you unleash and infinite flood of money)…AND SO MUCH MORETHESE ARE THE SECRETS I’VE LEARNED FROM MY MULTI-MILLIONAIRE CLIENTS OVER THE YEARS, AND NOW I WANT TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU…SO HERE’S THE DEAL:This is not just some course I thought up one day.I’ve been applying and perfecting each of the 17 core principles, sharing with select people in various venues for the past 15 years.The majority of the principles have been gleaned from my mentoring work with multi-millionaires.And in fact, I recently conducted a $50k/seat retreat that brought together 30 extremely affluent guys.I had rented out Little Palm Island, in Little Torch Key, Florida.YES, I RENTED AN ENTIRE ISLAND.Bold, I know.For a cool million, guests had exclusive use of the private island in the Florida Keys, including 30 one-bedroom suites.Each suite had a bottle of Cristal waiting (30 bottles in total). High-end Tumi luggage was shipped to all guests before their arrival.And in addition, two seaplanes (with pilots), a limo and a driver were on standby.On the last night on the island, the management arranged a beautiful grand finale fireworks display.But to be honest, to me the accommodations weren’t the most important thing.I AS WELL AS EACH OF MY GUESTS WERE BLOWN AWAY BY THE SIMILARITY IN THE USE OF THE MONEY VIBE PRINCIPLES. EACH ONE ADDING TO THE COLLECTIVE WISDOM WITH THEIR OWN UNIQUE SPIN HOW THEY’VE IMPLEMENTED MONEY VIBE PRINCIPLES IN THEIR LIVESI was so humbled by the experience. (And some of it was funny as sh*t! I’ll save those stories for another day.)I’ve also done other venues as well. But at this event, because of the caliber of people attending, at the end I asked them a specific question: “HOW DO I GET THE MONEY VIBE MESSAGE OUT TO THE WORLD?”Their overwhelming response?Their first answer was to give it a cool name.They’re the ones that actually came up with the title “Money Vibe.”Because that’s exactly what it is, what it does and how it works.The second thing they suggested I GIVE the course away.Crazy, I know.But they added a small caveat.In order to respect the value of the information and to appreciate its value in their lives and careers, they recommended I make a VERY affordable offer–something anyone could take advantage of.AND THEN IF STUDENTS DON’T AT LEAST 10X THEIR MONEY WITHIN A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME, OFFER TO GIVE THEM THEIR MONEY BACK.I loved that idea!Because I knew everyone I taught this unconventional methodology to benefited tremendously from it.WHO IS MONEY VIBE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR?Motivated, hungry guys who have bank balances of less than Ambitious business owners, entrepreneurs & freelancers…Promoters that hustle their asses off…Supposedly “pushy” but fed up sales pros, no matter what industry, trade profession…Frustrated guys who are fed up having to settle for mediocrity and small-minded thinking…Guys who want to be IG influencers and social media stars…NO MATTER WHAT WALK OF LIFE YOU’RE FROM OR PROFESSION YOU’RE IN, MONEY VIBE WILL WORK FOR YOU.I GUARANTEE IT…JUST IMAGINE…RIGHT NOW TAKE A MOMENT AND IMAGINE THE THINGS YOU’RE AFRAID TO EVEN DREAM, THEY’RE SO BIG…Maybe someday you want to be partners with Elon Musk and Richard Branson on SpaceX…Maybe you want to produce or direct Hollywood movies…Maybe you want to develop an app and sell it to the Silicon Valley vulture capitalists…Maybe you want a million dollar net worth by the time you’re 25…Maybe you’re banking on being a BitCoin billionaire…Maybe you want to own a cannabis enterprise…Maybe you want to just be carefree and never have to worry about paying the bills again…Maybe you have dreams of DJ headlining in Vegas…Maybe you’ve got a Fortnite-level video game inside you…Maybe you want to be an IG influencer and have a million followers…Maybe you want a million dollar home on the beach or on a lake or up in the mountains…FINALLY, MAKE MONEY YOUR BITCHAS I WRITE THIS, TRUTH BE KNOWN, I’M SITTING IN A QUIET BED-AND-BREAKFAST, OVERLOOKING THE BEACH IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE.It’s a charming picturesque village called…St. Tropez.Brigitte Bardot had fun here in the ’50s, overnight transforming the small fishing village into a sizzling jet-set favorite.Today, it’s the playground of rap stars and international socialites.It’s just past noon, in early August, and as I’m writing, I’m listening to the desperate sounds of a life-and-death struggle going on just a few feet away.There’s a housefly burning out the last of its short life’s energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane.The whining wings reveal the fly’s strategy–TRY HARDER.But as you may have guessed, it’s not working.The fly’s frenetic effort offers NO HOPE for survival. Ironically, the struggle is part of the trap.It’s IMPOSSIBLE for the insect to fly hard enough to break through the glass.Nevertheless, this little guy has staked it’s life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination.But you and I both know this fly is doomed. If I don’t help, it will die there on the windowsill.ACROSS THE ROOM THOUGH, JUST TEN SHORT STEPS AWAY, THE DOOR IS OPENTen seconds of flying time and this fly could reach the outside world it seeks. With only a fraction of the effort, it could be free of this self-imposed trap.The breakthrough possibility is there. It would be so easy.Why doesn’t the fly try another approach, something dramatically different?How did it get so locked in on the idea that this particular plan offers the most promise for success?What logic is there in continuing, until death, to seek a breakthrough with “more of the same”?No doubt this approach makes sense to the fly. Regrettably, it’s an idea that will kill.“Trying harder” isn’t the solution to achieving more.It offers no real promise for giving what you want out of life.Sometimes, in fact, it’s a big part of the problem.STATED DIFFERENTLY: IF YOU STAKE YOUR HOPES FOR A MONEY BREAKTHROUGH ON WORKING HARDER THAN EVER, YOU MAY KILL YOUR CHANCES FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS AND WEALTH.And candidly, I can’t have that on my conscience. Not when I can do something about it.And that’s why I’m making you this incredible deal to put Money Vibe into your hands today.Give it a shot. You have literally nothing to lose and everything to gain.Go ahead, walk through the door and follow in the footsteps of other multi-millionaires… Get Money Vibe – Brent Smith, Only Price $37 Tag: Money Vibe – Brent Smith Review. Money Vibe – Brent Smith download. Money Vibe – Brent Smith discount.