Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD)


Now straight off the bat, this is not a JULIEN product…This is not a “Julien Game” product…This is not a “Julien Content” product…This is a YOU product!I’ve created something that, for the first time, is 100% customized to YOU, to tap into your BEING, which is the only real value you have to offer women!MOST GUYS ARE FOCUSED ON THE HAVING…They identify with what they have.They want to have looks…They want to have money…They want to have status…And obviously, this doesn’t work!Now, as you get into the “pickup scene”, you then start identifying with the DOING…Where it’s now all about the words you say and the things you DO.And this doesn’t work EITHER!In order to achieve success with women, you have to get to the BEING.The BEING is the soul.The BEING is your uniqueness.The BEING is what attracts women.This is what you have to HARNESS.This is why I created TenGame.FOCUS ON THE UNIQUENESSYour soul, your uniqueness, your being isn’t something you can logically understand.It’s abstract, it comes before words…It’s something that you have to EMOTIONALLY RECOGNIZE.It’s something you have to EXPERIENCE.This is what TenGame is all about.It’s there to get you back in touch with yourself…It’s there to reconnect you with who you truly are…It’s there to get you back into your seat of power.As long as you stay stuck in the “doing”, the game will always feel empty.It’s always going to be stressful…It’s never really going to be you…It’s never going to be that powerful…You have to re-connect with YOU.Not who you THINK you are…Not what society WANTS you to be…Not with the FAKE front that you’ve been trained to put on…But with YOU – the REAL you.You can’t keep trying to fill the void by looking outside.You have to look INSIDE.IF YOU’RE A BEGINNER…If you’re new and you’re watching this, the truth is:You probably don’t know where to start…There is so much information out there, that it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds.This is a big misconception when it comes to learning game:You think you have to go from having… to doing. … to being…WRONG!You don’t have to go through the “having” and “doing” to get to the “being”…Just START WITH THE BEING!Everything comes from the being…As soon as you tap into your uniqueness… Into your soul… Into your being – Everything else will flow from there.You will not have to waste all of this time learning new techniques, tips, tricks that don’t work – Everything you do will be MASSIVELY IMPACTFUL from the start because it will come from the right place.IF YOU’RE INTERMEDIATE…If you’re intermediate, you probably already know what to “do” – And that’s EXACTLY THE PROBLEM.You’ve been “doing”, while focusing on the wrong “being”.And we’re going to take that “doing”, and move it to the right “being”.You will realize that all of these little habits, all of these techniques, all of these things you’ve been saying have been coming from the WRONG PLACE, and as soon as you change the place they’re coming from – your results will EXPLODETenGame is going to shift your focus back on the things that really matter, and get you back in touch with the things that make game such a beautiful experience in the first place.This is what will give you that consistencyIf you’re intermediate, you’ve had some good nights out, you’ve had those epic experiences that have you hooked on game.And you want to have more.With TenGame, you can – and you WILL.Once you get FOCUSED on the being, you will not have a bad night out againIF YOU’RE ADVANCED…If you’re advanced, it’s all about the nuances.The more advanced you are, the more subtle the nuances become:The nuances in your mindset, the nuances in your progress, and the nuances in your communication…To add on top of it – You’re the best out of all of your friends, the best out of all your wings – there’s no one to guide you forward, there’s no one to point these nuances out.It’s a lot harder to go from a 9.5 to a 10 out of 10 than to go from a 6 to a 8 out of ten.In TenGame, I will point these nuances out to you, I will hone in on them, and I will show you exactly where you can get the maximum leverage to skyrocket your game.The subtle tweaks, the adjustments, the precision – THAT’S what you will get out of TenGame.THE FOCUS OF TENGAME IS TO GET YOU RESULTS.That means – TenGame is not about the QUANTITY of content, it’s about the QUALITY.More and more content…More and more things to do…All it’s doing is distracting you from the being, it’s stifling you from bringing that out… from expressing it… from unleashing it…That’s why TenGame is built on TEN CORE CONCEPTS!Instead of focusing on all of the little details (the micro concepts), the focus of TenGame is on the MACRO concepts.This will give you enough flexibility to bring out that uniqueness instead of being paralyzed every time you go out!And with these concepts at your fingertips, you will no longer have to guess your way through life – you will simply KNOW.TENGAME IS MADE UP OF FIVE PARTS:THEORY = Know What to DoINFIELD = Emotionally Recognize ItEXERCISES = Internalize the Core ConceptsMISSIONS = Implement in the Real WorldACCOUNTABILITY = Have a Support System to Keep You on TrackTHE THEORY = KNOW WHAT TO DOAt its most foundational level, TenGame is made up of the 10 Laws Of GameThese laws are the foundational concepts that lie at the CORE of all game.It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced – these 10 Laws encompass everything that there is when it comes to game.Approach Anxiety, Confidence, Congruence, Conversation, Escalation – everything in-between is covered in-depth within TenGame.THE INFIELD – THE 10 LAWS IN ACTIONThe soul isn’t something you can put into words, but when you see it – you recognize it.That’s why for TenGame,I literally included ALL of my previously unreleased INFIELD FOOTAGE from YEARS of me going out gaming so you can SEE IT, and emotionally recognize it – “Oh… So THAT’S WHAT GAME LOOKS LIKE!”The infield gives you a reference experience that is unprecedented to anything else that has been released before.The infield lets you SEE THE DIFFERENCEThe infield forces you to EMOTIONALLY RECOGNIZE the important conceptsThe infield allows you to UNDERSTAND THE NUANCES, and EMBRACE THE DYNAMICS.The “being” isn’t something you can put into words – you simply have to see it.Get Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD), only price $69EXERCISES = INTERNALIZING THE CORE CONCEPTSIn addition to the 10 Laws, we have included exercises that will push you to internalize the core concepts.”Knowing” doesn’t help you when you are terrified to go out in the first place…”Knowing” won’t save you in the middle of a sticky situation…”Knowing” isn’t enough to get you to truly UNDERSTAND.You have to transition from the “knowing” to the “being”Stop finding comfort in content…Stop finding comfort in doing…Start finding comfort in being…Free yourself from the mindless decision making…MISSIONS = IMPLEMENTINGOnce you have internalized the core concepts, you need to go out and IMPLEMENT them in the REAL WORLDEven when you focus on the being, the doing has it’s place.The TenGame missions will help you get out there, stay engaged, and dialed in.ACCOUNTABILITY = SUPPORT SYSTEMOn top of the Ten Laws, the Infield, the Exercises, and the Missions…We want to make sure that you not only get results… But that you continuously improve and never lose what you learn.That’s why we went ABOVE and BEYOND to give you Accountability Teleconferences as part of the TenGame package.We want to avoid the “get it” and “forget it” mentality – and actually make sure that you are getting MAXIMUM RESULTS from everything you learn.As I said before, I went all-out for the infield portion.There is so much infield in TenGame, it will literally BLOW YOUR MINDEvery situation, and every scenario you could possibly think of:Offering ValueTaking ValueOpeners CompilationWalking SetsRejections CompilationMerging SetsWarming UpLong Set PullLate Night NumberLate Night Pull (Feat. Bradd)Late Night Pull (Feat. Owen)Advanced Infield Footage (Bonus)10 NEW CONTENT Videos $1,99712 INFIELD Videos $2,9977 INTERACTIVE EXERCISE Video $99710 INFIELD MISSIONS $697Tengame Facebook Group PRICELESSAdvanced Infield (Bonus)… $497″Diving Into Your Subconscious” Teleconference $497Julien World Tour Exclusive Footage (Bonus) $1973 Months of Accountability Teleconference (3x $299 each) $897Un-Announced Super-Bonus… PRICELESS2 Bootcamp Debrief $997Live Event + Recording  $297Tyler/Julien Advanced Game Teleconference $497Tyler vs Julien Infield Compilation $597Exclusive Videos with ALL Instructors: (Todd, Jeff, Max, Luke, Tyler) $1,997TOTAL VALUE $13,161INCEPTION LEVEL 1 ($297)TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsAll 5 BonusesDESTINY LEVEL 2 ($497)TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsAll 5 BonusesLive Event & RecordingMonth 2 Accountability CallTyler/Julien Advanced Game TeleconferenceBootcamp 1 DebriefLEGACY LEVEL 3 ($597)TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsAll 5 BonusesLive Event & RecordingMonth 2 & 3 Accountability CallTyler/Julien Advanced Game TeleconferenceBootcamp 1 & 2 DebriefTyler vs Julien Infield CompilationVideos with all instructors: Todd ,Jeff,  Max,  Luke,  TylerHave virtual dinner with Julien & TylerTENGAME IS A MONSTERTenGame isn’t just a “do this” or “do that” product – it lets you tap deep into your human essence.TenGame will empower you to experience a MASSIVE RELEASE:Pressure… Anxiety… Judgement… GONETenGame is EXPLOSIVETenGame doesn’t just show you what to do – it plugs you into a NEW REALITY:Frustration… Stress… Mental Torment… ELIMINATEDTenGame is MESMERIZINGTenGame doesn’t just have infield – it LITERALLY ERUPTS with a RELENTLESS INFIELD RAMPAGE, TURBOCHARGED to show you EVERY POSSIBLE DYNAMIC in EXISTENCEExtreme Progress… Massive Transformation… Complete Mastery… Yeah… IT DOES THAT.TenGame TAPS YOU INTO THE REALNESS:Once you tap into YOUR REALNESS = Man-to-WomanOnce you tap into HER REALNESS = ComfortOnce you experience TenGame, you can never go back.TENGAME IS…a hard-hitting, high-voltage, extreme octane experience powered by the earth-shattering brilliance of a pickup virtuoso.It will shatter, smash, and dramatically revolutionize game as we know it.TenGame will harness your self-expression, moves you past the labels, masks, and identities that you have created for yourself, and get you back in touch with your true essence.Everyone around you will be awe-struck in amazement, you will be getting massive results – and everyone around you will wonder how you’re doing it.Because TenGame encourages you to bring your REAL SELF out, you will achieve a new level of mastery.Once you go through it, you will finally be meeting yourself for the first time – YOU… WILL… BE… REBORN.TenGame gives you the encouragement and guidance to move through any barrier in front of you, and reach a new plateau when it comes to self-expression, self-empowerment, and self-mastery.TenGame places you upon your seat of power…And from that seat of power, you will see things differently.As soon as you get TenGame, you will find yourself in a new reality.It’s right before your eyes… it’s right there in front of you… and as soon as you see it, you will never see things the same way again.TENGAME IS…the KEY to unlocking your inner reality, it’s the only way to change your perception and re-shift your focus back on the being.TenGame opens the door to a new state of BEING… a state of KNOWING.TenGame creates the room you need for the “being” to come out.This is what you need to get you to the next level…This is what will push you into a new reality…This is the key… to unlock the door… to the new you.WITH TENGAME, YOU WILL…Stop feeling like you constant have to “fix yourself” in order to be enough…Finally break through those sticking points you’ve had… maybe you just discovered a new one, or maybe you have had them for a long time – TenGame will help!Re-connect with what makes YOU… YOU… and use that to your advantage in every situation.No longer need motivation to go out, because you will be coming from the right BEING…Make the game work for you… instead of you having to work for the game.Recapture the passion and excitement of the game, as if today was your first day… that childish sense of exploration, that new-game smell – re-live it again and again!Go out and have a free-flowing experience every single time – have a good night out, EVERY NIGHT.Create those great stories that you can tell your kids or grandkids about someday (or create some kids or grandkids in the process… who knows!)…and much, much more…So, are you ready to tap into the REAL YOU?Are you ready to experience a NEW LEVEL OF GAME?Are you ready to finally feel like you BELONG… like your existence has MEANING… and PURPOSE?If not… that’s ok… it means you’re not ready…But if you are…If you’re READY to MAKE A CHANGEIf you’re PREPARED to STEP YOUR GAME UPIf you’re EXCITED about YOUR LIFE…LIFE, LIKE GAME… HAS MANY LEVELS…AND TENGAME IS NO DIFFERENT:INCEPTION IS THE STARTING POINT OF ALL GAME.INCEPTION is the core package, it gives you the opportunity to get your foot on the right foundation, and set the compass to guide you forward into massive progress.INCEPTION INCLUDES:The TenGame Core Package:TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsTenGame Facebook GroupAll 5 Bonuses:Bonus #1 – Advanced Infield FootageBonus #2 – “Diving Into Your Subconscious” TeleconferenceBonus #3 – JULIEN WORLD TOUR Exclusive FootageBonus #4 – Month 1 of Accountability TeleconferencesBonus #5 – Un-Announced Super BonusDESTINY IS THE HIDDEN POWER THAT CONTROLS YOUR FUTURE.DESTINY is a step above… a higher level… a new plateau. With the Live Event & Recording, you will be able to get new eye-opening insights.An extra month of Accountability means that your results will be that much more long-lasting.The Tyler/Julien Advanced Game Teleconference will give you a new perspective on game when played at the highest level.The Bootcamp Debrief segment gives you an inside look into teachings that would usually cost you THOUSANDS of dollars.There is so much value, that you are guaranteed to feel the impact of DESTINY for a long time.DESTINY INCLUDES:The TenGame Core Package:TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsTenGame Facebook GroupAll 5 Bonuses:Bonus #1 – Advanced Infield FootageBonus #2 – “Diving Into Your Subconscious” TeleconferenceBonus #3 – JULIEN WORLD TOUR Exclusive FootageBonus #4 – Month 1 of Accountability TeleconferencesBonus #5 – Un-Announced Super BonusPLUS:Live Event & RecordingMonth 2 Accountability CallTyler/Julien Advanced Game TeleconferenceBootcamp 1 DebriefsLEGACY IS THE COMPLETE CULMINATION OF AN EPIC MASTERPIECE (A LIFE’S WORK)LEGACY is the full experience, the big kahuna, the real deal.Everything that SHOULD be in a true masterpiece can be found inside LEGACY.Not only do you get everything in DESTINY, but you also get:An extra month of Accountability Calls (total of 3 months), this means that the teachings you experience the massive impact of TenGame well beyond the time you watch the content – you will come back to it again and again, finding new nuances and angles every time.A whole entire Bootcamp Debrief (total of 2) means that the knowledge which is usually reserved for our private students will be available to you. There is so much eye-opening advice here that this alone is worth the upgrade.Tyler vs Julien Compilation – Want to see Tyler and Julien steal girls from each other? Need we say more? GET IT!Special Videos With FIVE other RSD Instructors (Todd, Jeff, Max, Luke, and Tyler) created SPECIFICALLY for the LEGACY package – hand-crafted by the hands of baby angels themselves – these videos will impart a new level of deep-seeded wisdom that is sure to transform your life… forever.Last but not least… inside LEGACY… you get something REALLY SPECIAL!You get to have a Virtual Dinner with Julien & Tyler… that means that you will get to virtual join us at the dinner table to experience all of the shenanigans, the insights, the epiphanies, and the delicious goodness of epic proportions that highlight such an event – This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so make sure you DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS!Get Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD), only price $69LEGACY INCLUDES:The TenGame Core Package:TenGame TheoryTenGame InfieldTenGame ExercisesTenGame MissionsTenGame Facebook GroupAll 5 Bonuses:Bonus #1 – Advanced Infield FootageBonus #2 – “Diving Into Your Subconscious” TeleconferenceBonus #3 – JULIEN WORLD TOUR Exclusive FootageBonus #4 – Month 1 of Accountability TeleconferencesBonus #5 – Un-Announced Super BonusPLUS:Live Event & RecordingMonths 2 & 3 Accountability CallsTyler / Julien Advanced Game TeleconferenceTyler vs Julien CompilationBootcamp 1 & 2 DebriefsSpecial Videos With:ToddJeffMaxLukeTylerHave Virtual Dinner with Julien & TylerWhat you experience as you go through TenGame will be different for different stages of your journey:Immediately, you will have a sense of direction, you’ll realize what the destination has been all along. You will have a sense of comfort and understanding, you will no longer have to aimlessly wander through life, and through game… You will know the path and you will have the self-trust and definity to know you can make it. You will no longer have to wonder… YOU WILL KNOW.After ONE DAY, you will catch yourself taking action without effort – what used to take effort to build yourself up to do – you will do automatically, it will surprise you. You will find yourself getting to where you wanted to be without having to force it. You’ll take the first step before even realizing that you have taken a step – the steps happen organically.After ONE MONTH, it will finally click that there is no going back… no more “what if I lose this”… you will realize that YOU CAN’T LOSE THIS! The only thing you will lose is your previous limited reality. You will start owning it more and more – the previous reality will start fading away in the background until it is nothing but a distant dream. You’ll be excited – you’ll be going out and having amazing experiences, gettinglost in the world of adventures and fun.After ONE YEAR, you will have ZERO WORRY about ever losing this. You will find yourself living a life in full abundance – either with a girl you love if you chose to or multiple women. Options will never be a concern again, not only with girls, but you will experience abundance in business, family, and friendships.TENGAME IS A RE-DEFINITION OF YOUR EXISTENCE AS YOU KNOW IT.…it means walking out of your front door with a certain sense of peace… a sense of belonging.…it means interacting freely, comfortably, and at-ease with your environment…it means taking the girl home with you for the right reasons, and feeling really good about itBecause at the end of the day, THE GAME is all about THE SOUL.This isn’t just a physical experience… or an emotional experience…This is a SPIRITUAL experience.So, are you ready?To take yourself BEYOND The GameTHE PROMISEMy promise to you is this:TenGame is pure, it’s concise, it’s to the point, and it’s filled with some of the absolute best content that I have ever created.This is the most personal product I’ve ever created… not just for myself… but for you.To be able to change your life with this product means the world to me – to add some color, some excitement, some passion to your life… THAT… is what makes TenGame so special.I’ll be there for you at the beginning…I’ll be there to guide you through every step of the transformation…And I’ll be there with you on the other side when you come out at the end…Like I said in the beginning:This isn’t a Julien ProductThis is a YOU PRODUCT.I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true… I made this TenGame FOR YOU.This is something I am extremely proud of… this is something I wish I had in my own life… and I am extremely excited to be able to share it with you.I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way, and I promise that at the end – you’ll come out a new person.I’ll make sure of it.Get Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD), only price $69Tag: Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD) Review. Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD) download. Ten Game (Legacy Edition) – Julien Blanc (RSD) discount.