Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016


Course “Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016 – Jeanine Blackwell ” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Why create a profitable online course NOW?You can move beyond the time for money hustle.You are ready to move from trading $ for hours to an unlimited stream of “mailbox money” (sales that arrive in your inbox while you’re creating value elsewhere in your business).  Your online course will provide an “evergreen” source of revenue AND a steady stream of ideal clients into your higher-end programs and services.You can generate six figures with less traffic than you might think.143 people a year purchasing a $697 course will deliver 6-figures in revenue. That’s less than three people a week, folks. Think about it…just this week (according to Google), 8,890 people searched for “online writing course”.  It can be easier than you think to find just three people a week.You can leverage your results exponentially.You can leverage what you are already good at and scale your one-on-one results to group results – transforming the lives of more people in less time.  You might be surprised at some of the course topics out there that are wildly successful: knitting, writing, scrapbooking, photography, blogging, cooking.  Cool, right?Have you been getting amazing results with your one-on-one clients doing your THING?The feel-good, “this is me in my zone” results that tell you you’re on your path.Can we celebrate that for just a nano-second? There IS success in what you are doing right now!And, the funny thing about success is that with each new level of it, new opportunities (also known as “problems”) show up. You hit a ceiling, you just can’t do more one-on-one work or travel, or maybe you just know it is time to create what’s next.You are so good at what you do you can’t figure out how to leverage it to someone else.  Even your lead generation depends on YOU showing up and giving your time, one-on-one with your potential client. You love it…but it’s not exactly scale-able!These are all great “problems” to have, right?The easiest way to figure out how to move through to the next level is to observe what successful entrepreneurs do:Highly successful thought leaders, coaches and consultants (those with the big following, big impact and big revenue) all do onething in common.They scale from being in their zone of competence (creating results one-on-one), to stepping into their leveraged zone of genius with one elegant move:They create a step-by-step online course teaching others what they already know.Hi, I’m Jeanine Blackwell.My “feel good,” “this is me in my zone” type of work is noticing what makes people great at something. My zone of genius is helping others leverage their genius to create the results they imagine – in business and in life.In the first year of launching my business, I started with ONE course and generated multiple six figures of income with that course.I have worked with some of the most recognized brands and thought leaders in the world showing them how to create courses that get results. And, I’ve worked with thousands of experts like you to create and launch their courses in our Create 6-Figure Courses community.I have a tendency to approach everything from a reverse engineer mindset – a “work backwards from what you want to create” mentality.  I watch, I ask a lot of questions and I look for patterns (funny how the curse of being a shy and awkward kid can turn into a strength later in life).I have experienced courses, (some good and a lot of them not-so-good), interviewed the creators of courses generating 6 –figure+ revenue, created 6- and 7-figure courses myself, helped thousands of experts like you, and in the process identified the universal pattern of success.I came to some interesting conclusions.Lots of courses out there are not delivering the results they promise. I like to think most course creators have good intentions to deliver results—but, because they are experts in their “thing” and not experts in how people learn they miss the mark.Most courses miss the mark because they are missing one or more of the 4 critical elements that have to be included to generate results.There is a big difference between creating a course, and creating a course that SELLS.The Difference Between Creating a Course … and Creating a Course That SELLSWhat The Experts Who Generate 6- and 7-Figures in Online Course Revenue Do Differently:They solve a very specific problem.Instead of “helping people grow their businesses online,” it’s “how to get 10,000 fans of Facebook.” Instead of “how to become a better knitter,” it’s “learn the best cast-on and bind-off for your lace projects.”Brain research: Our attention decreases after 10 minutes of “learning”. You need to grab your learner’s attention every 10 minutes by connecting how what you are sharing solves their problem.They equip people for creating results.Changing behavior isn’t easy. Telling is not training. You have to engage people, get them to stick with it and apply the behaviors consistently to get results.Brain research: Courses that produce results focus students on making  1-3 behavior changes to create those results.  Increase that to 4-10 changes and success drops to less than 20%. Go beyond 10 things you want them to do and it is unlikely that they will implement anything.They provide a system.Blueprint, step-by-step, game plan, framework, model. Call it what you want – it’s about helping people go faster with a system for creating success over and over.People invest for speed, structure, solid results and synthesis. Help them go faster, show them how to do it, show them what you know how to do and bring all the things together that they need.Brain Research:  Content organized using a course structure that creates associations between the big ideas will increase retention by 40%.They focus on engagement.Most online courses have way too much content crammed into long videos. By strategically structuring your content, you can increase your student success rate by 800%.Brain research: There are 4 primary learning styles. The majority of courses miss including appealing content for one or more of these styles.A course can be the launching pad for your entire business if you provide an answer to THE question your ideal audience is asking in a way that gets them tangible results.Creating a course that creates results is the right thing for you right now if you are: ExhaustedYou’re exhausted working your day job while also trying to create your dream job.You’re ready to create the life of freedom you imagined and you need a predictable stream of income that you can count on as you grow your business.Burned OutYour 1-on-1 practice is growing, & people love you. But, you don’t have the time to serve clients and find new clients at the same time – there is only so much of you to go around.It’s overwhelming to think about how to find more clients and continue at your current pace.Stuck or ConfusedYou tried to put your expertise into a product but got stuck figuring out what to include and what not to include.Or maybe you’ve tried to launch a product or program and the results weren’t there. Or, you created a course and you know it could be better positioned to grow your business.Ready!You’re ready to (finally) create a real business that works for you.You’ve taken classes, tried different strategies and consumed lots of webinars, e-books and other theory. 2018 is the year you are ready to get a real product launched.You just need a simple step-by-step plan and a support group to hold you accountable to your dream.Introducing: Create 6-Figure Courses, a 7-week virtual bootcamp to create your transformational online courseYour Virtual Bootcamp, Includes:The Virtual Bootcamp is offered in 7 learning modules. Each module, released on Monday over 7 weeks, includes video, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to the course you are designing.You’ll be experiencing engaging online learning as you learn to design your own course. Module 1: KNOW You’re Building the Right Course, at the Right Time, for Your Right People…Before You LaunchAt the end of this module, you will be clear about your point of difference and the transformation you provide for clients that you’ll leverage in your online course.You will discover:What you need to do before you start creating your course – a simple and powerful step that 90% of course creators miss12 ways that your course can drive your revenue/marketing strategy (getting clear on how it fits into your model will help you get clear on your course focus)How to be SURE your idea is a blockbuster now, BEFORE you launch – avoid the painful and frustrating “crickets” phenomenon (when you launch to total silence and no sales)What will sell and what won’t + an inventory of things to include in your course to attract your ideal audienceYou will receive:PDF Worksheet: Test Your Courses Sell-ability, a step-by-step technique to find what sells and what’s missing in the market.Power Tool: Discover Your Unique Client Transformation Email Exercise – asking just a couple questions can change the way you create, market, and deliver your course.Blueprint: Get Clear on Your Course Transformation Promise, so you can deliver the solution your clients want and need.Module 2: Begin with the End in Mind – Designing Backwards from the Results Your Course Will DeliverYou will learn a simple process for getting your course outlined and finished fast. Plus, all your content will be focused to get RESULTS.Whether you have never created a course or have been running your own courses for years, there are 4 absolutely critical elements to include in your course. Nail them, and your students will come back for what’s next. Leave them out, and your course results can fall flat.You will discover:The 4-step “backwards-forwards” course planning system that will guarantee that your course content creates results4 things you need to do in every part of your course to motivate your students to take actionWhat to include in your course to engage every student and get them to the finish line — including an inventory of potential course delivery options to make your experience stand out from all the other courses out there.Your “Training Style” – how to adjust for your own bias and make sure you aren’t missing critical elements in your course that will alienate some of your students (most people miss one or more of the 4 critical elements)You will receive:Online Strengths Quiz: Discover How Your Training Style Affects Your Teaching ApproachPower Tool: Course Outcomes Planning Tool (this will focus your course AND provide amazing sales copy when you launch – Love that!)Module 3: Structure Your Course Content to Create Learning that Sticks (and Learners that Stick With It)It’s easy to get stuck figuring out how to get the content out of your head and into a course structure that makes sense to your students. Here, you will use your Visual Course Planning ToolTM to outline how all your great content comes together into a course that moves beyond “good” to “great.”You will discover:How to use the brain “Rule of 7” to structure your course flow so that your students quickly understand the content and the bigger picture (without getting overwhelmed).How to use the Content Storyboard Planner to organize all your content quickly and in a way that your ideal audience will easily “get it” (without your one-on-one attention)The 5 Power Questions I use to “download” content from brilliant experts (like you) and how you can ask yourself these questions to make your course content powerfulYou will receive:PDF Template: Course Planning BlueprintPower Tool: Content Storyboard Planner, 20 Questions ToolModule 4: Tools, Tips, & Strategies to Recreate the Power of One-on-One Experiences in Your Online CourseYour well-designed course will transform your students and connect them to you and your community — bringing them back for more.In this module, you will expand beyond the typical “blah, blah, blah” telling approach to truly teaching others how to replicate success.You will discover:What to include to proactively avoid the symptoms of poor course design: in your course content and materials to proactively avoid the symptoms of poor course design pseudo-experts taking over you course, students asking for your one-on-one time, and the “I’m lost”, “I’m frustrated” emailsHow to help your students assess their own application of your content — without your one-on-one attention (This is critical to your ability to expand your reach)How to anticipate the questions your students will ask and how to design to address themThe tools you can include to enable your students to coach themselves and each other — and “see” what you would see if you were with them one-on-oneYou will receive:Downloadable Workbook: List of Activity Ideas to Engage Your Students – a comprehensive list of activities to include in online and/or in-person courses to increase engagement and decrease course abandonment.Module 5: Easy Content Creation Templates to Warp Speed Your Course CreationTo make content creation easy, we will share the underlying formula that will make your video and audio content powerful (and ensure your students stay engaged throughout your course).Fill-in-the-blank planning templates will help you design your slides, videos, and other content fast.You will discover:How to take your audience on their “Hero’s Journey” (and why this is so critical to their success)Planning templates for scripting and recording screencasts and audio (so that your audience stays engaged)How to avoid “Death by PowerPoint” — the biggest mistakes in Powerpoint design and how you can make yours stand outSourcing and outsourcing what you need without breaking the bank — free tools, images and other cool things you can use to amp up your course designYou will receive:Downloadable Video, Audio, and Powerpoint Content TemplatesModule 6: Get Your Course Up and Selling: The Techie Stuff Made EasyTechnology is amazing – it gives us the capabilities to reach more people than we ever have before. We’ll share the exact resources, platforms, and technology we use to deliver our courses. No technology rabbit holes allowed here!You will discover:How to avoid the most common (and costly) technology mistakesAffordable, simple, “low-tech” strategies to deliver your course if you aren’t a techieSelf-hosted membership sites vs. course platforms vs. all-in-one marketing and product delivery services – and the purposes for each (and how to know which one you should use for your course)Our personal ‘launch rolodex’ – recommended service providers, developers, designers, launch managers, and assistants to help you build your launch dream teamUse the Tech Guide to Getting Your Course Up and Selling to get your course ready to launchYou will receive:PDF: Course Hosting Platform Comparison Chart – compare features of 15 course hosting platforms, and evaluate them based on our “How Techie Are You” scale. In this comprehensive chart, we’ve done 40+ hours of research to compare the best course hosting platforms so you can choose the right one for you.PDF: Tech Guide to Getting Your Course Up and Selling: resources, tips and “how to” for hosting your course and accepting paymentsModule 7: Launching Made Easy – How to Plan and Implement Your LaunchNow that you have a compelling course that gets results for your students, let’s get it out into the world!You will discover:The 3 web pages you need to design to launch your course (most course creators make this WAY too complicated – it doesn’t need to be overwhelming)How to launch again and again without tons of stress (leveraging the work you’ve already done) – improving your results each timeWhich results you want to measure (and how to measure them) – you’ll use these later to enroll affiliates to help you promoteA visual way to plan and manage your launchHow to know when you should launch and how much time you need to prepareEasy, do-it-yourself web page creation resourcesYou will receive:PDF Launch PlannerWhat is possible in YOUR business after you create and launch your course?Your new course effortlessly funnels clients up to your high-end programs – without your one-on-one attention.Focusing on results as you design your course provides you with really compelling sales copy (attuned to solve your ideal client’s problems) that can ALSO be used to attract new customers through social media, webinars, blog posts, interviews, etc.You’ll be free to enjoy the life and business you have consciously created – and create space for whatever is next for you.Get Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016 – Jeanine Blackwell, Only Price 97$Tag: Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016 – Jeanine Blackwell  Review. Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016 – Jeanine Blackwell  download. Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016 – Jeanine Blackwell  discount.