Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred Dance


Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred DanceLEVEL 1-GAIN ENERGYLEVEL 2 REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGESLEVEL 3 CLEAN KARMA AND REMOVE SUB-PERSONALITIESLEVEL 4 MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS, MASTER RELATIONSHIPSLEVELS ONE TO FOUR MUST BE TAKEN CONSECUTIVELY, AFTER THAT CHOOSE WHICH AND HOW MANY LEVELS TO TAKE IN CONSULTATION WITH US OR BY YOURSELF.LEVEL 5 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT PLUS RECEIVE MASSAGE AND REIKI SESSIONS ALSO REIKI MASTERY WITH DEVI DHYANI TO GAIN PERFECTIONLEVEL 6 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT PLUS RECEIVE CRYSTAL LIGHTPUNCTURE SESSIONS AND CERTIFIED TRAINING WITH DEVI DHYANILEVEL 7 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT PLUS RECEIVE ALL THE 300 HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIESLEVEL 8 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT PLUS RECEIVE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SACRED DANCE TRAINING – SACRED DANCE TRAINING-CLICK HERE!!LEVEL 9 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND CREATING the VAJRA DIAMOND BODY, CRYSTALLISATION AND ILLUMINATION not over until the Fat Lady Sings!As I said before, one of the illusions peddled by the blockages is that of, “you are perfect, there is no need to do anything more. We are not here. You are perfect”On the further Levels beyond LEVELS one to FOUR we aim to get rid of ALL of the Blockages!!!In LEVELS one to FOUR we have learned the TECHNIQUES of Energy Enhancement to Gain Energy and Remove Energy Blockages and we have had the Experience of Removing Many Blockages!!In the Levels above Level Four we start to USE those TECHNIQUES to further remove all Energy Blockages.Visit the Buddhafield of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani with their time and Experiences with the work of Theos Bernard and in the presence of Sri Yogendra, Father Bede Griffiths, Osho, Zen Master Hogen, and Swami Satchidanand, together with Further Initiations from Ascended Masters where Energy Enhancement was given as the Next New Revelation for the Benefit of Humanity on the Path of Illumination!!We use a base of Energy Enhancement Meditation and Blockage Removal twice per day plus Dokusan, to Daily talk with Satchidanand together with the Healing Modality and Training of the Level you have chosen given by Devi Dhyani in order to bring out more the Blockages to be removed by Energy Enhancement.Further, you can gain the Initiations for Reiki Mastery and a Certificate in Crystal Colour Lightpuncture for Free!!The easy blockages go first. Fifty percent of the blockages are gone with the first Four Levels. Those which are left are bigger, have a greater ability to hide. It is every persons destiny to become Enlightened. Everyone has the ability to do it. It is Good to have the Energy Enhancement Power to Remove them with the Help and Energy of your Teachers!! Practice makes Perfect!!In the Buddhafield of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani the Energy Blockages show themselves. With the Healing Modalities we have chosen have the ability and focused time to further bring out your Energy Blockages and Heal Your Body on the Path of Illumination.Each Further Level takes one Month where you can use that time to focus and concentrate upon your own development. Where the tools of life distraction are blunt, and where discipline and a steady program unfolding day by day will allow your energies to rise again in the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield. Perfection and Illumination will be your aim, Enlightenment!!At a certain point, where the major blockages have been removed from the system, and your heart has become open with compassion for all humanity, extra energy from Ascended Masters is focused upon you and all your angel talent colonies are fused and crystallised into a psychic body which can no-longer be perverted and de-willed by Implants and Energy Blockages sent to do just that. Unpervertible. Invincible. Unstoppable. Illuminated!!NLP online courseSo what is NLP?NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!NLP is the study of excellent communication – both with yourself, and with others.It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get resultsGet Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred Dance – Anonymous, Only Price $25 Tag: Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred Dance   Review. Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred Dance  download. Energy Enhancement Course : Sacred Dance  discount