Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading


Option Income Strategies provide the most consistent positive equity curve for trading or investing and the two core income strategies that are a must for any trading account are the Income Calendar Spread and Diagonal Spread. The Income Calendar Spread is also referred to as a Horizontal Spread or a Timing Spread and can provide your trading portfolio a consistent monthly stream of income and will diversify your trading portfolio for risk.It’s a non-directional trade that doesn’t care which way the market goes and is able to profit from range-bound markets. Profits primarily from the difference in the rate of premium decay between the near-term short option and the long-term option.The Calendar Diagonal Spread is another BIG favorite….Why?Because it benefits from the Calendar Spread’s income-generating design but has a vertical spread component that allows for the potential of even greater returns based on price direction.This option strategy pays you while you wait on price direction to kick in and its design allows you to buy long-term options at a discount.It’s an amazing option strategy that captures premium decay [income]. Plus provides the trade the potential to “morph” into a long call or long put with the short side expiring worthless and the long exploding in value.Option trading Nirvana!Here is just some of what’s covered in the course:Part I:  Option Basics You’ll Need to KnowThe Option Greeks that are Vital to the Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Spreads & How to use themOption pricing & how it impacts Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal SpreadTime Decay & Standard Deviation edge & How to get itUsing Standard Deviation for the forecasting price rangeGet Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading, Only Price $57Excellent course!  Thank you, Larry.   ~ BillPart II:  Income Calendar Spread Option Strategy    How the Income Calendar Spread works to create a market-neutral, low, defined risk trade for consistent income month in and month outHow to utilize and profit from the two main option pricing components for the Income Calendar Spread [Time-Decay & Volatility]What’s the best low-risk trading vehicle to use for the Income Calendar Spread [SPX, RUT, SPY, DIA] and whyBest Calendar Spread Set-up for Stocks & How, Why & When to useHow to choose the exact time frame for the entry & exit of the Income Calendar Spread, making it mechanical with no guessingWhy and how to use the option delta & volatility skew for the best trade set-upA 5 Step trading set-up process for each trade [Profit take & Stop loss rules]Great course by the way!!   ~ RajPart III:  **Calendar Diagonal Spread Option Strategy**     How the Calendar Diagonal Spread works to create a market-neutral & directional defined risk trade for income and potential big profits from market direction [captures time decay without sacrificing directional speculation]The big trading advantage of the Calendar Diagonal Spread versus the Income Calendar and how to benefit from it based on [its vertical spread component]Its Vertical Spread component & how to use it for price direction & big gainsHow to manage and adjust this strategy [for buying longer-term options at a discount]How to tweak this income option strategy to morph into an explosive directional break out option tradeWhen to use & rules to follow for choosing the best set-ups that take advantage of Time-decay & directionWhat are the best low-risk trading vehicles to use [Stocks, ETFs, SPX, RUT, SPY,] and why?The trading set-up process for each tradeProfit goals, profit take & stop-loss rulesHow to defend & adjust the Calendar Diagonal to even make money when wrongResources:               ~ Exchange Traded Funds to Use               ~ Assignment of Risk               ~ Expiration Risk                  ~ Auto Exercise & Assignment   You’ll receive…5+ Hour recorded course broken down into modulesOption Trading Tutorial (Videos + Manual)Course Bonus Handouts: Larry’s Complete Option Strategy Manifesto156-page PowerPoint Trading Manual of courseReceive One Month Trial Memberships to The Power Cycle Trading ClubOptions Trading Tutorial BonusYou’ll receive my 60-page options guide with videos that cover the foundation of option trading, the Greeks, & how to use them in your option trading:The Greeks: Delta, Gama, Theta, Vega, Implied VolatilityPricing the OptionThe Market Makers SecretStandard DeviationOption Delta & Trade Probability Get Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading, Only Price $57Tag: Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading Review. Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading download. Income Calendar & Calendar Diagonal Options Course – Larry Gaines & Power Cycle Trading discount.