Falling in Love with Writing A Conversation in 50 Chapters – Michael Neill

Welcome to “Falling in Love with Writing: A Conversation in 50 Chapters”!From your very first conversation together, Michael and Steve will guide, challenge, and entertain you in order to get you past the noise of your insecure thinking and into the space of inspiration and originality that makes great writing great.You’ll learn to fall in love with the blank page and write fearlessly, knowing that the worst critic you’ll ever meet lives inside your own head and is made up of nothing more than passing thoughts that seem real in the moment but turn out to be as insubstantial as tissue paper and as transient as a teenage crush.While they recommend you go through the whole program once in the order they’ve laid it out, it’s designed so that you can “drop in” on any conversation when you need it most. Feeling uninspired? Check out Chapter 8. Want to develop your craft? Visit chapter 38. Not sure how to get past your own self-doubt? The conversation in chapter 33 may be exactly what you need to hear.In addition, there are four exercises spaced throughout the first half of the program. While it would be easy to just watch the live audience go through the exercise and share what they’ve seen, you’ll get the most out of them if you take the time to do them for yourself and notice what you notice. (Each exercise should take you no more than 30 minutes, but will bring rewards far beyond the time invested.)While many people prefer to use their own journal, computer, or phone to jot down their insights and inspirations,you can also use the “Take Notes” button underneath each video session to keep track of your reflections as you watch.  The platform will automatically save your notes or you can download them to Word and/or print them off!Program ContentSESSIONSSTATUSChapter 1: A Real Conversation 7 minutesChapter 2: What’s on Offer? 7 minutesChapter 3: Steve’s Story: Writing Your Way Out of Fear 7 minutesChapter 4: Michael’s Story: Playing with Words 5 minutesChapter 5: Taste the Love 7 minutesChapter 6: Becoming an Amateur Professional 4 minutesChapter 7: The Five Stages of the Creative Process 8 minutesChapter 8: The Blank Page 10 minutesChapter 9: Getting Intimate with the Creative Potential 7 minutesChapter 10: Creating All Day Long 11 minutesGet Falling in Love with Writing A Conversation in 50 Chapters – Michael Neill, Only Price $37Tag: Falling in Love with Writing A Conversation in 50 Chapters – Michael Neill Review. Falling in Love with Writing A Conversation in 50 Chapters – Michael Neill download. Falling in Love with Writing A Conversation in 50 Chapters – Michael Neill discount.