Red Hot Traffic Firestorm – Michael Jones


Course “Red Hot Traffic Firestorm – Michael Jones” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.What is it?Red Hot Traffic Firestorm is supposed to teach website and online business owners how to attract massive amounts of traffic. It comes as a 60-page PDF guide, or a 7 video series.Short ReviewRed Hot Traffic Firestorm falls short in almost every aspect. In fact, the only good thing about it is, that it’s offered in video as well as PDF. So you have the choice to sit through more than an hour of rehashed internet marketing garbage on video, or read 60 pages of it. Seriously, this product is a complete dud.Before You BuyRed Hot Traffic Firestorm was brought to my attention in an email that came after buying Commission Crusher. Purchasing anything from the Warrior Forum is a sure-fire way to get a stead y stream of junk rolling into your inbox.UpsellOf course with any product like this, you’re going to get an upsell. I was happy to see that there wasn’t an endless stream of them though. Instead Michael was respectful of his buyers and kept his upselling to a minimum.So, for an additional $9 you can get access to his next product. Apparently it reveals six more traffic generating techniques that aren’t included in the original course.6 Red Hot Under Ground Traffic Sources takes up where Red Hot Traffic Firestorm left off. Certainly, Red Hot Traffic Firestorm is a complete methodology, but…If you want to take your Ninja traffic generating skills to the next level, then this is for you.What I think is particularly funny is how he says, “Red Hot Traffic Firestorm is a Complete Method, but…”. Then he offers you six more methods. Usually when someone says “complete”, that means there is no more. Apparently Michael doesn’t feel that way.Traditional “internet marketers” will say that this is just part of the game. Upsells work, and if you don’t have one, you’re leaving money on the table. But I don’t think that the seller here has the process down correctly. It basically makes his product look incomplete, and is obvious he divided it this way just to create an upsell, rather than add value.What I LikedUnfortunately, there’s not a lot to like about this product. After reading through some of the testimonials I got excited to see what was inside.Typical response from anyone who is given a “review” copy.I was completely let down, and then I realized most of those testimonials were most likely from people who got a free copy of the product to review. That’s a common practice on Warrior Forum, where this product is sold.Easy to NavigateRed Hot Traffic Firestorm is not difficult to find your way around.It comes two different ways…As a download, which gives you all the videos and the PDF.A link to DropBox, where you can watch all the videos.It’s definitely not the best way to offer a course, but at least you won’t get lost.Bonus OffersOnce you buy the product you’re taken to a download page. This page is where you links to download the product, or watch the videos. But it also contains some other information, most of it is products from other marketers.These products, in my opinion, are better than Red Hot Traffic Firestorm.For example, the image below shows a “Bonus Offer” to an ebook that talks about helping you build an email list. The product isn’t fantastic, but it’s definitely better than Red Hot Traffic Firestorm.Unannounced Special Bonus!Get List Building Breakthrough from Bryan Harkins for FREE. This fantastic and practical guide has sold over 1000 copies and has been awarded WSO Of the Day and Top 10 WSOs. It’s currently selling for $9.95 and he walks through the exact steps he used to build a list of over 23.385 subscribers!It’s a powerhouse and my Pick for the Unannounced bonus to you.Now, marketers do this to help other marketers. By offering these “bonuses” they can get you on their mailing list. Then they can try to sell you things too. It usually results in lots of spam, but in this specific case, I haven’t seen any. At least not yet anyway. If you have 10+ emails in your inbox daily from people trying to sell you stuff like this, now you know why.What I didn’t LikeThe Way it’s OfferedThis course is offered, like I wrote above, in two ways: download to your hard drive, or watch through DropBox. While this does keep the course very easy to navigate, it comes at a major cost.This is how you see the course on DropBox.Most products with video are uploaded to a platform like Udemy, or their own membership site area with Vimeo or Amazon video services for video hosting.I’ve seen courses that cost half of what Red Hot Traffic Firestorm costs, uploaded to platforms that are better for the user. If the information was stellar, I wouldn’t care how it was delivered. But when the product delivered is not quality, you start to notice shortcuts like this.No SupportThe biggest problem with this course is there’s absolutely no support. Because of the way the course is offered, you get no help if you get lost or confused. There’s no other members, because there’s no member area. There’s no support page, or “contact us” link. Nothing.The InformationThere’s just no meat to this course. It’s full of very (very) basic information. Inside Michael talks about using Twitter hashtags to find “targeted traffic”. Then he goes on to discuss how to drive traffic from forums using a link in your signature. LOL. Seriously bro? Have you tried that recently?I’m sure there’s some people that don’t know about those things yet, but it’s not worth $17. You can find everything discussed in this course by going to Google and searching, “How to Get Traffic to a Website”. In fact, if you use those exact words you’ll probably find better information, and more of it.Final ReviewWhat Now?Some people need a bit of extra help getting their first online business started, and most product creators just aren’t willing to give that extra support. Once a sale is done, it’s done, and you’re on your own. But I offer my continued support and assistance to all members of this online business community. Starter memberships are free, and you can even send me a message to see inside to see if I’m the real deal, or just another internet guru!The sooner you stop believing in untapped traffic sources, secret methods to generating income, and other sensational headlines, the better. Earning income online is about building your business virtual brick by virtual brick.Tag: Red Hot Traffic Firestorm – Michael Jones Review. Red Hot Traffic Firestorm – Michael Jones download. Red Hot Traffic Firestorm – Michael Jones discount.