4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief)


How to Write Story-based Ads That Sell Without Getting Thrown In Facebook Jail Or Attracting Low Quality Leads!After testing hundreds of ads with his StoryMapping method, Mike Rinard is BACK to build on our most popular training from last year. You’ll learn to write powerful, story-based ads that sell on Facebook (and other platforms).Plus:    The advanced (yet surprisingly simple) copy techniques to beat top-performing ads…    How to avoid the most common story-telling mistakes that cost the sale…    The “3 Story Types” that make it fast and easy to turn one idea into multiple sales-winning ads…Plus, you’ll join the “Beat Kevin’s Control” challenge inside Copy Chief. We’ll be picking the best ad in this workshop, and (with permission) testing it on Facebook in hopes of beating our already profitable control ad.The winner will get real-world conversion numbers for their portfolio, a $500 cash prize, bragging rights for “beating Kev’s control” and a personal testimonial from Mike to use anywhere you like.Winning would be nice, of course, but simply being a part of this live coaching workshop will put you miles ahead of anyone else calling themselves a Facebook ad writer.Join Copy Chief NowGet 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief), Only Price $197Here’s how you can use Copy Chief to get immediate boosts, and long-lasting results from your copy…1. Proven Frameworks and Trainings: use our market-tested copy frameworks and trainings to start writing fast, and deliver the goods with confidence knowing you’re following proven-to-convert formulas.2. Copywriting Money Skills: Exclusive trainings and workshops where the top expert copywriters in the most in-demand copy skills, like email copywriting, native ad writing, and Facebook and YouTube ad writing give you the step-by-step process for writing the most effective copy for the biggest “needle moving” ad techniques.3. Marketing Masterclass Trainings:where the industry’s best in-the-trenches copy pros pull back the curtain on what’s working best in their high-volume campaigns4. Copywriting Workshops and Challenges: Let resident pros take you through workshops and challenges to improve your copy with feedback and suggestions for optimizing your ads.5. Essential Core Copy Skills library of proven-to-convert copy frameworks and trainings to help you nail down the fundamental copy techniques with confidence.Hi, I’m Kevin Rogers.I started Copy Chief in 2014 so high-level copywriters and marketers could have a private place online (away from the clutter of social media) to share our well-guarded secrets on what works best (and what failed worst), so we could all do better work.Since then we’ve opened our doors to members of all levels, from true legends of the industry to eager new converts to the craft looking to score their first client win.Our mottos is: Nobody Writes Alone because we watch each other’s back with honest and instructive copy critiques, Masterclass level trainings, and searchable framework templates to help you stay on track and pump out copy fast. I’m proud to say that the name Copy Chief has become synonymous with quality and integrity in copywriting across the industry.This is where the top direct response marketers and business owners come to meet and hire their copywriters. Whether you’ve been writing and marketing for 3 months or 30 years, you’ll be blown away by what you experience inside. Our members consider Copy Chief their secret weapon in business.This community works so well because we keep things simple…Everything we share is based on results, everyone treats each other with respect, and everyone invests in their membership so they can get the most return from it.If you’d like to learn from the very best in our industry, access the #1 Jobs Board, and get unlimited coaching and critiques from the pros (based on what’s working today)…Then, welcome! You’ve found your new home.Get 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief), Only Price $197Kevin Rogers – Join Copy Chief NowYour Copy Chief Membership Includes…20+ Core Copy and Money Skill Trainings + Every New Live Masterclass in 2020What’s unique about our trainings is that they are based on RESULTS. Meaning, you’re only seeing the stuff that works, based on the proven tests from our members.Listing in the Brand New Directory of Copywriters, The #1 Jobs Board & Freelancer MarketplaceFreelancers – get access to opportunities you won’t find anywhere else. Both freelance and in-house. From high-level marketers like Jeff Walker, Ryan Levesque and Ramit Sethi… to publishers like AgoraFinancial… to marketing agencies like Dig.In… to small businesses and marketers that need some copy help.Business owners – find your next copywriter. Post about the kind of writer you need and watch as qualified writers reach out for you to vet… or you can find the copywriters in the forum that you resonate with most and strike up a conversation to see whether it’s a fit. Unlimited Copy Critiques & Marketing Feedback You’ll get 365 days of access to the Copy Chief forum and all the back content, Chief Chats, webinars, case studies, trainings, and more…Our community of “Chiefs” (top pro direct response copywriters, experienced marketers and industry legends) will dive in to offer you specific tips for improving your ad.You improve your copy, post it, and get more feedback until it’s polished.Click the photo to read more…”26.9% conversion on a $7 product with 55% conversion on a 30 Day $1 trial that re-bills in 30 days at $19.95.”Craig BecktaWardee Harmon testimonial videoClick the photo to watch this video…”You put up copy you think you’re trying to say, and what happens is you get more targeted, more polished, and more confident copy.”Wardee HarmonClick the photo to read more…”Copy Chief has been a GREAT resource of revenue for me – well into 6-figures annually from Copy Chief connections alone.”Russ ReynoldsLevel Up Your Copy withCopywriting Money SkillsMoney Skills are the critical components of your funnel that spark a revenue injection for marketers, and the most in-demand skills business owners want from freelancers.You’ll learn how to develop your money skills with our guided trainings inside Copy Chief…Copywriting Money SkillsThere are certain copywriting skills to focus on right now…… and others you should develop later as you gain momentum and experience.Money Skills are essential for business owners and freelancers because they are what move the needle on sales and conversions.Email CopywritingEmail Copywriting is a critical ‘marketing-money-skill’ for any business owner or copywriter.In this exclusive Masterclass, Chris Orzechowski and I talked about the ONE email that ‘always gets the sale.’Watch us break down:    What it takes to stand out in the inbox (without being spammy)    How to turn your ‘everyday’ into powerful stories that sell    Why Email Copywriting is a powerful ‘money-skill’ that EVERY copywriter and business owner should focus onFacebook Ads CopywritingHere’s a masterclass on how to 5x results with Facebook Ads.In this training, you’ll also learn:    A full breakdown on the anatomy of a Facebook Ad (getting this wrong could spike costs and hurt conversions within hours)    How to “re-write” your best performing ad into 5 ads (and quickly find new controls to beat back ad fatigue)    Critical things to know about the Facebook algorithm and ad metrics (even if all you want to do is write copy)Get 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief), Only Price $197Advertorial Presell PagesAdvertorials are pre-sale pages using story-based copy, specifically designed to warm up cold traffic and capture skeptical audiences.In this Masterclass, you’ll learn how a single page can be responsible for turning strangers into hot prospects that know, like and trust you.You’ll also discover…    The psychological power behind the pre-sale page and why it’s critical to understand when buying cold traffic    How to write a story-based pre-sale page for your particular market, so it builds trust and authority you need to win the sale    The step by step process for troubleshooting your funnel and identifying the right pre-sell page to build60-Second Sales HookKnowing how to write a compelling story that makes a new prospect Know, Like, and Trust you is essential for everybody in the digital marketing space.Today, you have less than 6 seconds to capture someone’s attention after they stop scrolling. The 60-Second Sales Hook is the quickest way to write a short line that establishing Know, Like, and Trust….… so you can win the sale using the power of your unique story.Click the photo to read more…”The amount you save on copy courses by doing these trainings is absurd.”Brian McCarthyWardee Harmon testimonial videoClick the photo to watch this video…Watch this video now to learn more about the Copy Chief experience…Click the photo to read more…”Deciding to join Copy Chief makes me feel like a genius every day and I am grateful to be here.”Kyle McNattGet Personal Copy HelpReal-Time Copy CritiquesGet personal marketing feedback from Kevin during his monthly “Jam Sessions” so your campaigns and funnels are perfectly set-up to sell.You can also jump into the Hot Seat during our regular Chief Chat virtual hangouts. Kevin and a panel of pros will review any piece of your marketing funnels and give you our best market-tested insights on what to tweak, so you see maximum conversions.Freelancer & Business Owner “Safe Zones”Copywriting is just one of the few challenges we have.As entrepreneurs, there are also fundamental business and marketing challenges we face. That’s why we created separate “safe zones” for freelancers and business owners alike.That means you’re talking with a group of people who have the same objective as you, and can help you get past any obstacles.Click the photo to read more…”The trust factor is there from the first conversation.”Patty DominguezClick the photo to read more…”When it comes to choosing mentors, I can’t think of a better place than Copy Chief.”Taylor WelchClick the photo to read more…”Small investment for an important place to hang if you’re ‘one of us’…”Zac RomeroHere’s Why You Should Join Today…As new members join, the quality of our community grows. This means the value of Copy Chief continues to grow, and so will the price.Join today for the lowest price of $2,000/year.Risk Nothing With Our Easy30-Day Money Back GuaranteeCome and enjoy full access to everything Copy Chief has for you over the next 30 days, if you aren’t blown away by the value, then we will return your fee, no questions and no hassles.Here’s how my conditional guarantee works:    Fill out your 3-step profile (which I’ll send you)    Watch one full training out of the 20+ trainings   Reply to the private message you’ll receive from your Copy Chief Ambassador (this is a working pro copywriter, not a sales person in disguise) about how we can help you solve your #1 marketing problem right now…That’s all I need to give you a custom path to getting immense value from Copy Chief. If you aren’t convinced of the value after doing those three steps and implementing the advice I offer then I will refund you 100% with no hassle and no hard feelings.Get 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief), Only Price $197Tag: 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) Review. 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) download. 4×6 Copywriting Formula – Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) discount. copywriting formulas. copywriting formula aida. copywriting formula pas. copywriting formulas pdf. copywriting formulas for social media. copywriting formulas for a great value proposition.