Your Enrollment and Benefits Summary Page for:“Zero Client” Copywriting! Order Ben Settle’s 10-Minute Workday Program Today!Yes! I’M READY to discover and master the “Ben Settle” method for generating a six-figure income writing one email per day!Please send me full access to Ben Settle’s 10-Minute Workday program immediately…I understand Ben will walk me through everything I need to know via a series of highly informative, pinpointed video webinar presentations and key reports, complete with dozens of actual samples of “10-Minute Emails” and sales pages like I’ll need to write.Very quickly, I’ll know:The best and fastest way to choose a “starving market” I can write to… one that’s connected to my interests and matches my skills and experience…How to create, source, or “joint venture” with others so I’ll have plenty of useful, high-margin products I can sell to my email readers…How to write a winning “opt-in” page in a single day…How to write a “quick and easy” sales page using Ben’s proprietary “Copy Slacker” formula that lets him write winning copy in a few days, not months!Dozens of simple “no-effort” ways to very quickly build up a list of names of “hungry” people who want to read my daily emails and are more likely to buy the solutions I’m offering…And, of course, the amazing “Ben Settle” method for writing (and uncovering endless ideas for) the daily emails I’ll write to my readers!Last but not least — Ben and AWAI will show me how to set up everything… so emails are sent with a push of a button… products get sent to buyers automatically… and payments get processed and sent to my account seamlessly.I’ll get everything I need. Nothing else to buy… no “add-ons” needed.Why Every Writer Should Consider Learning Ben’s “10-Minute” TechniqueBen’s “10-Minute Workday” is perfect for anyone who wants to write for a living.As any marketer will say — writing unique, interesting, and “action-provoking” emails is a skill every copywriter or online marketer must have today… And nobody’s better at it than Ben!I understand I can use Ben’s new program to become a highly paid copywriter working just a few minutes a day, with no clients…I can also use it if I already have a product to sell… or if I’d like to generate additional sales in my own business…And since it only takes 10 minutes a day once my business is set up… I can even use it as a “part-time” writing business — on top of other copywriting I do.Bottom line — Ben’s 10-Minute Workday program opens up a world of opportunity for people like me who love to write — but don’t want the hassle of having to find assignments or work with clients…It’s the ideal “writing business” because I can do it from anywhere in the world. Once my business is set up, all I have to do is “bang out” a simple email from my laptop, tablet… even my smartphone. And that’s it!The rest of the day, I can do what I want. I can spend a few hours growing my business… or I can use all my spare time to travel, visit with friends, go for a hike, play some golf — anything!Get Delegate and Done – Ramit Sethi , Only Price $69Here’s a Rundown of Everything I GetTHE CORE 10-MINUTE WORKDAY PROGRAM:12 “deep dive” instructional webinar courses from Ben on all the aspects of setting up and launching a “10-Minute Workday” “no-client” email business.Session 1 — “Like A Bum Who Gets Paid” — Ben’s introduction to the program and the “10-Minute” lifestyle… and why anyone who loves to write can have an email business like Ben’s…Session 2 — “Be A Master of Markets” — Ben’s step-by-step instructions for this crucial step: identifying the ideal “starving market” to write about…Session 3 — “The Perfect Product” — Every “10-Minute Email” I write will sell a product that’s valuable to my market. That’s my income stream. Ben will help me find or create it — a product I can sell once and have it pay me forever… that’s scalable… and that my market craves…Session 4 — “The Stupid Simple Funnel” — The great thing about the 10-Minute Workday program is its simplicity: People find me, they opt in, I send them an email every day that links to a sales page, they buy, and I make money. The Stupid Simple Funnel shows me how it all works…Session 5 — “The Optimum Opt-In Page” — Again, a model of simplicity: one page, a strong promise, some lines of credibility, and an ethical “bribe.” Ben shows me how to put it all together — in a day or less.Session 6 — “Slacker Proof Sales Letters” — Ben’s very own, highly tested, extremely effective method of writing “not-so-perfect” sales letters broken down into five easy steps.Session 7 — The Email Players Crash Course — The three-part, in-depth training session that teaches me how to write edgy, engaging, memorable, and highly effective daily emails just like Ben — plus an invaluable 30-day “Get Great at Email” Game Plan.Session 8 — List-Building Lovin’ — Growing a list of readers is crucial to the success and growth of a “10-Minute Workday” business. In this session, Ben shows me over 50 ways to drive thousands of eager, starving buyers to my opt-in page each and every day…Session 9 — The Painless Product Launch — The more products I have, the more things I can sell, and the more money I have flowing to me. Ben is a master at the “new product launch” and reveals his surefire four-step process for making sure every new product launch is a huge success…Session 10 — “Unbaffling The Backend” — The best buyers are people who have bought from me before. They love me and want to buy more. Ben will show me how to turn this “love affair” into a source of even bigger income…Session 11 — Obey Operation Money-Suck — Ben’s #1 business strategy of only focusing things that make money — and leaving all the other stuff (fulfillment, product delivery, payment processing, web design, web hosting, and other “administrative” tasks) to others…Session 12 — Wrapping It All Up — Ben’s tips for “getting it done”… how to stay on track… and ways to make sure I’m optimizing every aspect of the 10-Minute Workday program so I can start enjoying the “10-Minute Workday” life as quickly as possible.“BEN BONUS” #1Three powerful and useful videos where Ben breaks down and analyzes in incredible detail three of his most successful “10-Minute Emails”:Video One: “Going to the Dark Side” — an analysis one of the most “controversial” emails Ben has ever written…Video Two: “Assault Their Insecurities” — why the counterintuitive idea that readers want their insecurities exposed and addressed can make me a more successful email and copywriter than 99% of the writers working today…Video Three: “A Lonely Place of Buying” — how focusing on this little addressed but powerful emotion can not only win reader loyalty, but I can use this unique “bond” to double, even triple my sales whenever I use this approach.“BEN BONUS” #2The Ultimate Ben Settle Email “Inspiration” File — 20 of Ben’s most successful “10-Minute Emails” that I can read, study, dissect, and use as inspiration when I start writing my own emails…Plus… five copyright-free email templates I can use and adapt for my own email business… however I choose!“BEN BONUS” #3“The Lost Tapes” — Backroom Interviews with three of the legends of copywriting — including a full transcript so I don’t miss a single word:“Lost Tape” Interview #1 — Ben talks with copywriting legend Doug D’Anna about a secret not one in 1,000 writers knows: why a properly written “boring” headline will outperform “exciting” headlines a majority of the time — and more.“Lost Tape” Interview #2 — One of the most successful and respected copywriters on the planet David Deutsch reveals his “Hey Mitch” secret for knowing if the copy I just wrote is “great copy” or not — without guessing or testing — and more.“Lost Tape” Interview #3 — Ben and his longtime copywriting mentor Ken McCarthy discuss over a dozen “hot topic” writing and marketing ideas I can start using in my business immediately.“BEN BONUS” #4Ben’s Classic Ads Swipe File — 101 “Copy Slacker” style ads that influenced Ben’s ad writing career… Classic newspaper ads and letters by the likes of Gary Halbert and John Carlton.Plus, I get in-depth video analysis on seven (7) of the most successful ads Ben’s ever written!“BEN BONUS” #5A very limited release, AWAI-only collection of Ben’s latest and greatest, all-time “winningest” sales letters and ads — 43 in all and over 450 pages of pure marketing gold!“BEN BONUS” #6The Ultimate Ben Settle “Bullet Template” Guide — over 350 of them — actual copy I can modify and adapt to my own promotions.“BEN BONUS” #7 (NEW!)The Email Players Lifestyle: The Secret to “Scaling” Your Email Business — So in No Time at All, You Can Make a Surgeon’s Income Working Less than a Bum on the Street — the $375 training course he offered recently on how to ensure your 10-Minute Workday business is 100% scalable, through the money generating power of continuity offers, “Ben-style!”“BEN BONUS” #8Ben’s Guide to “Letting Other People Handle the Boring Stuff” — how to “offload” all the “technical stuff” — web page set up, order processing, and product fulfillment — to other people, at a remarkably low cost.ALSO: “BEN BONUSES” #9, 10 & 11!The “benevolently abusive” email approach that helped one on Ben’s clients go from $0 in sales one month to $100,000… then to $213,000 the following month…Plus, two recently added videos where…1) Ben drives home the importance of setting up your 10-Minute Workday business the right way… and then reveals at least a dozen products and services perfect for the “10-Minute” model…And 2) a second video presentation where Ben reveals his 5 archetypes for writing captivating subject lines… 9 rules for writing “10-Minute Emails” that sell… and strategies he uses for never running out of ideas for emails.MORE: “BEN BONUSES” #12, 13 & 14Plus, three more brand-NEW videos on:New proven techniques for creating subscription and continuity offers…Brand-new insights for growing an email list even faster…How to price your offer for maximum return…Just more examples of Ben’s willingness to “stay in touch” and share ALL his most powerful and effective strategies — long after I’ve purchased my 10-Minute Workday program!I get EVERYTHING — the full program plus all 14 added bonuses (plus some other surprises) today!In short…Everything I Need (and More) to Launch and Grow My Very Own “10-Minute Email” Business in 30 Days — and More!I’m ready!Please send me access to everything in the next few minutes so I can get started right away!(Reminder: Because Ben created this program for serious writers — and he’s revealing a lifetime of writing and business-building knowledge through this program — there are NO REFUNDS offered on 10-Minute Workday.)Get Delegate and Done – Ramit Sethi , Only Price $69Tag: Delegate and Done – Ramit Sethi  Review. Delegate and Done – Ramit Sethi  download. Delegate and Done – Ramit Sethi discount.